I need to get certain data from FBX file with python (scene structure and custom attributes on the geometry nodes).
I found the python library that should let me do this, but I can’t install it. I did install a python bindings but there is no <yourFBXPythonSDKpath>* \<version>\lib\<Python*xxxxxx* > folder.
What I am doing wrong?
Is there any other python libs that can read data from FBX file? I found pyfbx but it seems only for Python3
Which version of the Python FBX SDK are looking for? (they stopped shipping Python 2.x version from FBX 2020.0 onwards)
If you have installed the Python FBX (on the website it is under the section “FBX Python SDK” and NOT “FBX Python Bindings”), then the location of the python files will as they said