MotionBuilder 2014 for download is missing from MotionBuilders 2014 instalation. It provides contextual help in MotionBuilders Python editor and allows for pyfbsdk code introspection/completion with external IDE’s - like Wing or my personal favorite PyCharm. Autodesk were kind enough to provide it and to let me re-distrubute it

I had some trouble uploading a .py/.txt file - so I just pasted the whole thing below :slight_smile: At least this way no one will have trouble with access through their company networks and what not.

Please copy the code into a file and place it in about this location:
“C:\Program Files\Autodesk\MotionBuilder 2014\bin\config\Python\”


def FBAdd(pResult,pV1,pV2):
    Add two vectors together (<b>pResult</b> = <b>pV1</b> <b>+</b> <b>pV2</b>)

    pResult : Resulting vector. 
    pV1 : 1st vector. 
    pV2 : 2nd vector. 

def FBAudioFmt_AppendFormat(pFormat,pChannels,pBits,pRate):
    pFormat : FBAudioFmt
    pChannels : int
    pBits : int
    pRate : int

def FBAudioFmt_AppendFormat(pFormat,pSrcFormat):
    pFormat : FBAudioFmt
    pSrcFormat : FBAudioFmt

def FBAudioFmt_GetBitsValue(pFormat):
    pFormat : FBAudioFmt

def FBAudioFmt_GetBytesValue(pFormat):
    pFormat : FBAudioFmt

def FBAudioFmt_GetChannelValue(pFormat):
    pFormat : FBAudioFmt

def FBAudioFmt_GetDefaultFormat():

def FBAudioFmt_GetRateValue(pFormat):
    pFormat : FBAudioFmt

def FBAudioFmt_RemoveFormat(pFormat,pChannels,pBits,pRate):
    pFormat : FBAudioFmt
    pChannels : int
    pBits : int
    pRate : int

def FBAudioFmt_RemoveFormat(pFormat,pSrcFormat):
    pFormat : FBAudioFmt
    pSrcFormat : FBAudioFmt

def FBAudioFmt_TestFormat(pSrcFormat,pChannels,pBits,pRate):
    pSrcFormat : FBAudioFmt
    pChannels : int
    pBits : int
    pRate : int

def FBBeginChangeAllModels():
    Call begin change to all models (need to be closed).
    Useful for selection of many models that can trigger many related callbacks)


def FBClamp(pV,pL,pH):
    Clamp value.

    pV : Value to clamp. 
    pL : Low limit. 
    pH : High limit. 
    return : Clamped value. 

def FBCreateObject(pGroupName,pEntryName,pName,p3,nth):

    pGroupName : Set the name of the Group. 
    pEntryName : Set the name of the Entry. 
    pName : Set the name of the Object to create. 
    p3 : Data to pass to object creator function. 
    nth : Set the occurence of the object to remove.

def FBDeleteObjectsByName(pNamePattern,pNameSpace,pGroupName):
    This function will query the system for objects fulfilling a particular name pattern and delete them. specify a namespace preferred, delete all objects with the group name without specified a namespace specified may lead to inconsistent in scene. Wrap multiple calls to FBDeleteObjectsByName() inside pair of FBMergeTransactionBegin() / FBMergeTransactionEnd() could improve application's performance.

    pNamePattern : if not NULL, indicate the name pattern to search. This pattern can contain any amount of *. (ex: *tr*mod*scene ). if is NULL or Empty string, * will be used for match all. 
    pNameSpace : if not NULL, the objects must be inside the given namespace. 
    pGroupName : if not NULL, indicate the object group name (type). 
    return : the count of objects found and deleted. 

def FBDot(pV1,pV2):
    Calculate the dot product of two vectors.

    pV1 : 1st vector. 
    pV2 : 2nd vector. 
    return : Dot product. 

def FBEndChangeAllModels():
    Call end change to all models (should be first open).


def FBFindModelByLabelName(pModelLabelName):
    Find a model in the scene by its label name.
    Searches the scene for a model, based on the model's label name. Label name is 'NameSpaceName:ObjectName'. also known as 'PrefixName::ObjectName' Full name is 'GroupName::NameSpaceName:ObjectName'.

    pModelLabelName : LabelName of model to search for. Specify it with schema like "NameSpaceName:ObjectName",or "ObjectName" if no NameSpaceName. 
    return : A handle onto the model with Label name matching, returns NULL if no model was found by the search.

def FBFindModelByUniqueColorId(pColor,pSubItemIndex):
    Find a model in the scene by its unique color id.
    A model could have a single unique ColorID, but SDK plugin user could request additional ColorID per model to support multi sub items picking. see FBModel::SetAdditionalUniqueColorIDCount().

    pColor : Color channel values are in range of [0,1] with precision 1.0/255 
    pSubItemIndex : Pass out SubImtem index value if not null. In pyfbsdk no such parameter. 
    return : A handle onto the model with unique color id matching, returns NULL if no model was found by the search. In pyfbsdk return tuple [model, subItemIndex] 

def FBFindObjectByFullName(pObjectFullName):
    This function will query the system for an object with its FullName matching. Full name is 'GroupName::NameSpaceName:ObjectName'. Label name is 'NameSpaceName:ObjectName'. also known as 'PrefixName::ObjectName'

    pObjectFullName : Full Name of object to search for. Specify it with schema like "GroupName::NameSpaceName:ObjectName",or "GroupName::ObjectName" if no NameSpaceName. 
    return : A handle onto the object with Full name matching pObjectFullName, returns NULL if no object was found by the search. 

def FBFindObjectsByName(pNamePattern,pList,pIncludeNamespace,pModelsOnly):
    This function will query the system for objects fulfilling a particular name pattern

    pNamePattern : Indicate the name pattern to search. This pattern can contain any amount of *. (ex: *tr*mod*scene ) 
    pList : List that contains the objects 
    pIncludeNamespace : Does the search use the complete name (with namespace) 
    pModelsOnly : Is the search on models or all types of objects

def FBGetCharacterExternalSolverCount():
    Get character external solver count.

    return : Number of external character solver available. 

def FBGetCharacterExternalSolverIndex(pName):
    Get character external solver index.

    pName : Name of external solver. 
    return : Index of external solver specified at the provided name. 

def FBGetCharacterExternalSolverName(pIndex):
    Get character external solver name.

    pIndex : Index of external solver. 
    return : Name of the external solver specified at the provided index. 

def FBGetCharacterFingerTipsVisibility():
    Queries visibility of the finger-tips of the current character.

    return : True if finger-tips of the current character are visible, or false if they are hidden. 

def FBGetCharacterFloorContactsVisibility():
    Queries visibility of the floor contacts of the current character.

    return : True if floor contacts of the current character are visible, or false if they are hidden. 

def FBGetCharactersKeyingMode():
    return Character Manipulation/Keying Mode

    return : Keying Mode 

def FBGetContinuousRotation(pROut,pR0,pR1):
    Get a continuous rotation in Euler space.
    This routine will help to avoid gimble locks due to interpolation.

    pROut : Successful continuous rotation (gimble-lock free). 
    pR0 : Suggested next rotation. 
    pR1 : Previous rotation. 

def FBGetDisplayInfo():
    Get the displays evaluation information structure.
    This function can be used in order to call real-time functions based on the current display evalution state.

    return : The display evalution structure. 

def FBGetEffectorBodyPart(pEffectorId):
    return BodyPart ID from Effector.

    pEffectorId : Effector ID. 
    return : ID of the BodyPart the effector is in. 

def FBGetEvaluationTaskCycle():
    Get evaluation task cycle.


def FBGetGlobalMatrix(pMatrix,pMatrixParent,pLocalMatrix):
    Get global matrix from parent and child matrices.
    From an input referential, this function will calculate the global matrix corresponding to the input local matrix (which is with respect to the parent matrix).

    pMatrix : Calculated local matrix. 
    pMatrixParent : Parent matrix. 
    pLocalMatrix : Local matrix. 

def FBGetLocalMatrix(pMatrix,pMatrixParent,pMatrixChild):
    Get local matrix from parent and child matrices.
    Will calculate the local matrix from two global matrices. The resulting matrix will be a local matrix containing the local transformations to go from the parent referentialto the child referential.

    pMatrix : Calculated local matrix. 
    pMatrixParent : Parent matrix (new base referential). 
    pMatrixChild : Child matrix. 

def FBGetMainThreadTaskCycle():
    Get root task cycle.


def FBGetMultiLangText(pContext,pKey,pFlagReturnKey):
    Name lookup in the context of an object.
    Most application objects have an internal name which differs from the name shown by the GUI. This will often be the case for the names of an object's properties.The way that support for multiple languages has been implemented is using conversion tables that will map the internal name to a localized name. Since the same internal name might mean different things for different objects, we can provide a context to help the lookup process.In this case, the context is a class object instance. When the lookup fails within a context, we sucessively try a lookup using the parent classes in the object hierarchy.It is important to note that for given property, it only knows about its internal name. The localized name is not attached to the property object itself as it resides elsewhere, in a lookup table. This is also the case for any other application object.The lookup table used to find the localized, or GUI name, of an object is dependent on the current language used. This information is available via the class FBMultiLangManager, which can indicate which language are availables and provides methode to query and change the current language.Python sample code: 
from pyfbsdk import *

# Let's pick the first camera present in the system.
lCamera = FBSystem().Cameras[0]

# We know that cameras have a property named 'LockMode'.
lPropInternalName = lCamera.PropertyList.Find( 'LockMode' )
if lPropInternalName:
    print 'Actual property name, as defined internally: '%s'' % lPropInternalName.GetName()
    print 'Property name as shown by the GUI: '%s'' % FBGetMultiLangText( lCamera, lPropInternalName.GetName())

    lPropLocalizedName = lCamera.PropertyList.Find( FBGetMultiLangText( lCamera, lPropInternalName.GetName()))
    if lPropLocalizedName and lPropInternalName.GetName() == lPropLocalizedName.GetName():
        print 'Found the same property using both the internal (%s) and localized name (%s).' % (
            FBGetMultiLangText( lCamera, lPropInternalName.GetName()))

C++ sample code: 
// Let's pick the first camera present in the system.
FBCamera* lCamera = FBSystem().Cameras[0];

// We know that cameras have a property named 'LockMode'.
FBProperty* lPropInternalName = lCamera->PropertyList.Find( 'LockMode' );
if( lPropInternalName )
    FBTrace( 'Actual property name, as defined internally: '%s'
', lPropInternalName->GetName());
    FBTrace( 'Property name as shown by the GUI: '%s'
', FBGetMultiLangText( lCamera, lPropInternalName->GetName()));

    FBProperty* lPropLocalizedName = lCamera->PropertyList.Find( FBGetMultiLangText( lCamera, lPropInternalName->GetName()));
    if( lPropLocalizedName && stricmp( lPropInternalName->GetName(), lPropLocalizedName->GetName()) == 0 )
        FBTrace( 'Found the same property using both the internal (%s) and localized name (%s).
            FBGetMultiLangText( lCamera, lPropInternalName->GetName()));

    pContext : Object which dictates the context of the lookup. 
    pKey : String to look up. 
    pFlagReturnKey : Should the lookup fail, will return the key instead of an empty string. 
    return : The corresponding string if the lookup was succesfull. If not will return an empty string if pFlagReturnKey was false. Otherwise will return the key string. 

def FBGetMultiLangText(pContext,pKey,pFlagReturnKey):
    Name lookup in a user defined context context.
    This version of the function is a little less useful as the context string, if not empty, will usually refer to internal class names of objects which is not easily available to the outside world.As a general rule, an SDK object whose class is 'FBObject' will be wrapping an internal object of class 'KObject'. For example an 'FBCamera' is a wrapper around a 'KCamera' object. Similarily an 'FBConstraint' wll wrap a 'KConstraint'. This pattern is not universal and may differ at times, so it will not always be applicable. There are also cases where an 'FB' objects has no corresponding 'K' object, such as in the case of an 'FBSystem' object.On lookup there are potentially two searches made: a first one, using the context if one was provided. Should the first search fail, a second search will be done without using the context.Again the lookup result is dependant on the current language selected, as indicated by the class FBMultiLangManager.The following sample code shows 2 cases that do not use context, and 2 cases that are using a context which are internal class names.Python sample code: 
from pyfbsdk import *

print FBGetMultiLangText( '', 'CharacterExtension' )            # Will return 'Character Extension'.
print FBGetMultiLangText( '', 'TranslationMax' )                # Will return 'Max Freedom'.
print FBGetMultiLangText( 'KConstraintUIName', 'Parent-Child' ) # Will return 'Parent/Child'.
print FBGetMultiLangText( 'KCamera', 'FieldOfView' )            # Will return 'Field Of View'.

C++ sample code: 
// Will return 'Character Extension'.
FBTrace( '%s
', FBGetMultiLangText( '', 'CharacterExtension' ));

// Will return 'Max Freedom'.
FBTrace( '%s
', FBGetMultiLangText( '', 'TranslationMax' ));

// Will return 'Parent/Child'.
FBTrace( '%s
', FBGetMultiLangText( 'KConstraintUIName', 'Parent-Child' ));

// Will return 'Field Of View'.
FBTrace( '%s
', FBGetMultiLangText( 'KCamera', 'FieldOfView' ));

    pContext : String which dictates the context of the lookup. 
    pKey : String to look up. 
    pFlagReturnKey : Should the lookup fail, will return the key instead of an empty string. 
    return : The corresponding string if the lookup was succesfull. If not will return an empty string if pFlagReturnKey was false. Otherwise will return the key string. 

def FBGetRenderingTaskCycle():
    Get rendering task cycle.


def FBGetSelectedModels(pList,pParent,pSelected,pSortBySelectOrder):
    Find all models that are selected (if pSelected is true) Searches recursively from a root model for models that are selected, and adds them to a list of models.

    pList : List to add found models to. 
    pParent : Root model to look from (default=NULL(root)). 
    pSelected : true to find selected models, false to find unselected models(default=true). 
    pSortBySelectOrder : true to sort the result by selection order, first selected model in the first part of the list; false to sort the result by scene graph order

def FBInterpolateRotation(pROut,pR0,pR1,pU):
    Interpolate a rotation in Euler space.

    pROut : Resulting, interpolated rotation. 
    pR0 : 1st rotation. 
    pR1 : 2nd rotation. 
    pU : Interpolation ratio. 

def FBInterpolateRotation(pQOut,pQ0,pQ1,pU):
    Interpolate a rotation in Quaternion.

    pQOut : Resulting, interpolated rotation. 
    pQ0 : 1st rotation. 
    pQ1 : 2nd rotation. 
    pU : Interpolation ratio. 

def FBLength(pV):
    Get the length of a vector.

    pV : Vector to calculate length for. 
    return : Length of vector <b>pV</b>. 

def FBLength(pV):
    Get the length of a vertex (from origin)

    pV : Vertex for which length is to be measured. 
    return : Length of vertex (from origin). 

def FBLoadFbxPrimitivesModel(pModelName):
    Load a model.

    pModelName : Name of primitive model to load. 
    return : A handle onto the model that was loaded, returns NULL if no model was found. 

def FBMatrixInverse(pMatrix,pSrc):
    Invert a matrix.

    pMatrix : Calculated inverse matrix. 
    pSrc : Source matrix to invert. 

def FBMatrixMult(pMatrix,pA,pB):
    Multiply two matrices.

    pMatrix : Calculated resulting matrix. 
    pA : 1st matrix. 
    pB : 2nd matrix. 

def FBMatrixOrthogonalize(pMatrix):
    Make sure that rotation vectors are orthogonal and normalized (fast way for removing scaling from matrix)

    pMatrix : Rotation Matrix to Orthogonalize. 

def FBMatrixToQuaternion(pQuaternion,pMatrix):
    Get a quaternion from a matrix (potential ).

    pQuaternion : Calculated quaternion. 
    pMatrix : Input matrix. 

def FBMatrixToRotation(pVector,pMatrix,pRotationOrder):
    Obtain rotation vector from a matrix.

    pVector : Extracted rotation vector. 
    pMatrix : Input matrix. 
    pRotationOrder : Rotation Order. 

def FBMatrixToScaling(pVector,pMatrix):
    Obtain scaling vector from a matrix.

    pVector : Extracted scaling vector. 
    pMatrix : Input matrix. 

def FBMatrixToTRS(pTVector,pRVector,pSVector,pMatrix):
    Obtain translation, rotation, and scaling vectors from a matrix.

    pTVector : Extracted translation vector. 
    pRVector : Extracted rotation vector. 
    pSVector : Extracted scaling vector. 
    pMatrix : Input matrix. 

def FBMatrixToTranslation(pVector,pMatrix):
    Obtain translation vector from a matrix.

    pVector : Extracted translation vector. 
    pMatrix : Input matrix. 

def FBMatrixTranspose(pMatrix,pSrc):
    Transpose a matrix.

    pMatrix : Calculated transpose matrix. 
    pSrc : Source matrix to transpose. 

def FBMergeTransactionBegin():
    Call to begin the transaction for merging multiple files.
    Useful to consecutively merge multiple files into scene.


def FBMergeTransactionEnd():
    Call to end the merge transaction.


def FBMergeTransactionFileRefEditBegin():
    Call to begin the transaction for merging multiple files and applying File Reference edit at the same time.
    Useful to consecutively merge multiple files into scene with FileRef edit operation in between.


def FBMergeTransactionFileRefEditEnd():
    Call to end merge transaction with File Reference edit.


def FBMergeTransactionFileRefEditIsOn():
    Call to tell if system is during File Reference Edit Merge transaction.


def FBMergeTransactionIsOn():
    Call to tell if system is during Merge transaction.


def FBMessageBox(pBoxTitle,pMessage,pButton1Str,pButton2Str,pButton3Str,pDefaultButton,pScrolledMessage):
    Dialog popup box.
    Opens a message box containing a message and up to three buttons. Waits for the user to click a button.

    pBoxTitle : Title of message box. 
    pMessage : Message to place in box. 
    pButton1Str : String for first button (Cannot be NULL). 
    pButton2Str : String for second button (NULL will not create a button). 
    pButton3Str : String for third button (NULL will not create a button). 
    pDefaultButton : Indicates the default (pre-selected) button (default is 0). 
    pScrolledMessage : Scroll message (default is 0). 
    return : The number of the button selected.

def FBModelTransactionBegin():
    This set of functions speeds up the process of batch operations on models.


def FBModelTransactionEnd():
    This set of functions speeds up the process of batch operations on models.


def FBMult(pResult,pV1,pV2):
    Multiply <b>pV2</b> from <b>pV1</b> (<b>pResult</b> = <b>pV1</b> <b>*</b> <b>pV2</b>)

    pResult : Resulting vector. 
    pV1 : 1st vector. 
    pV2 : 2nd vector. 

def FBMult(pResult,pV1,pV2):
    Calculate the cross product of two vectors.

    pResult : Resulting vector. 
    pV1 : 1st vector. 
    pV2 : 2nd vector. 

def FBMult(pResult,pM,pV):
    Calculate the cross product of a Matrix and Scale Vector.

    pResult : Resulting Matrix. 
    pM : Matrix. 
    pV : vector. 

def FBObjectGetGlobalUniqueId():
    Get the global static object unique ID counter.
    Each new created object will be assigned this global unique ID. Object.UniqueID = GlobalUniqueID++


def FBObjectGetLivingCount():
    Get current total living object count.


def FBObjectLifeLogEnable(pEnable):
    Enable object creation / deletion logging.
    Default logging if off This logging may hurt performance slightly. use it only for debug purpose.

    pEnable : true to enable logging. 

def FBObjectPrintLivings(pStartUniqueId):
    Print those living objects created when logging is enabled.

    pStartUniqueId : Any living object has been logged and with its uniqueId no less than pStartUniqueId will be printed out. 

def FBPopNormalTool(pToolName,pSetFocus):
    This function is used to bring up a specific tool in the GUI.

    pToolName : The name of the tool as shown in the Open Reality menu. 
    pSetFocus : Indicate if the tool will have the focus. 
    return : If the tool was brought up successfully. 

def FBQAdd(pResult,pQ1,pQ2):
    Add two quaternions together (<b>pResult</b> = <b>pQ1</b> <b>+</b> <b>pQ2</b>)

    pResult : Resulting quaternion. 
    pQ1 : 1st quaternion. 
    pQ2 : 2nd quaternion. 

def FBQDot(pQ1,pQ2):
    Calculate the dot product of two quaternions.

    pQ1 : 1st quaternion. 
    pQ2 : 2nd quaternion. 
    return : Dot product. 

def FBQLength(pQ):
    Get the length of a quaternion.

    pQ : Quaternion to calculate length for. 
    return : Length of quaternion <b>pQ</b>. 

def FBQMult(pResult,pQ1,pQ2):
    Multiply <b>pQ2</b> from <b>pQ1</b> (<b>pResult</b> = <b>pQ1</b> <b>*</b> <b>pQ2</b>)

    pResult : Resulting quaternion. 
    pQ1 : 1st quaternion. 
    pQ2 : 2nd quaternion. 

def FBQMult(pResult,pQ1,pQ2):
    Calculate the cross product of two quaternions.

    pResult : Resulting quaternion. 
    pQ1 : 1st quaternion. 
    pQ2 : 2nd quaternion. 

def FBQSub(pResult,pQ1,pQ2):
    Subtract <b>pQ2</b> from <b>pQ1</b> (<b>pResult</b> = <b>pQ1</b> <b>-</b> <b>pQ2</b>)

    pResult : Resulting quaternion. 
    pQ1 : 1st quaternion. 
    pQ2 : 2nd quaternion. 

def FBQuaternionToMatrix(pMatrix,pQuaternion):
    Get a rotation matrix from a quaternion vector.

    pMatrix : Calculated rotation matrix. 
    pQuaternion : Input quaternion. 

def FBQuaternionToRotation(pVector,pQuaternion,pRotationOrder):
    Get a rotation vector from a quaternion vector.

    pVector : Calculated rotation vector. 
    pQuaternion : Input quaternion. 
    pRotationOrder : Rotation order of the rotation vector. 

def FBRotationToMatrix(pMatrix,pVector,pRotationOrder):
    Convert a rotation vector to a matrix.

    pMatrix : Calculated resulting matrix. 
    pVector : Rotation vector. 
    pRotationOrder : Rotation order 

def FBRotationToQuaternion(pQuaternion,pVector,pRotationOrder):
    Get a quaternion from a rotation vector.

    pQuaternion : Calculated quaternion. 
    pVector : Input rotation vector. 
    pRotationOrder : Rotation order of the rotation vector. 

def FBScalingToMatrix(pMatrix,pVector):
    Convert a scaling vector to a matrix.

    pMatrix : Calculated resulting matrix. 
    pVector : Scaling vector. 

def FBSchedulingDependencyOutput(pEnable):
    Debug function for MT dependency debug.
    When enabled log file will be created and updated each time MultiThreaded scheduling is happening (scene rebuild)

    pEnable : ON/OFF switch. This is not stored in config (should be changed only for debug purpose, because slow down rebuild process ) 

def FBSetCharacterFingerTipsVisibility(pShow):
    Sets visibility of the finger-tips of the current character.

    pShow : Specifies if finger-tips of the current character should be visible. 

def FBSetCharacterFloorContactsVisibility(pShow):
    Sets visibility of the floor contacts of the current character.

    pShow : Specifies if floor contacts of the current character should be visible. 

def FBSleep(MilliSeconds):
    Sleep function Puts system to sleep for specified time.

    MilliSeconds : Time to sleep for.

def FBSub(pResult,pV1,pV2):
    Subtract <b>pV2</b> from <b>pV1</b> (<b>pResult</b> = <b>pV1</b> <b>-</b> <b>pV2</b>)

    pResult : Resulting vector. 
    pV1 : 1st vector. 
    pV2 : 2nd vector. 

def FBTRSToMatrix(pMatrix,pTVector,pRVector,pSVector):
    Convert translation, rotation, and scaling vectors to a matrix.

    pMatrix : Calculated resulting matrix. 
    pTVector : Translation vector. 
    pRVector : Rotation vector. 
    pSVector : Scaling vector. 

def FBTrace(pFormatString,p1):
    This function prints useful debugging strings in the console with kFBNORMAL_TRACE output detailed level.

    pFormatString : A printf-style format string, to use the following arguments in the list. 
    p1 : ...

def FBTraceGetLevel():
    Get Global Trace Detailed Level which affects all the output targets.

    return : Current global trace detailed level. 

def FBTraceSetLevel(pNewLevel):
    Set Global Trace Detailed Level which affects all the output targets.

    pNewLevel : Any trace message with detailed level higher than this new level will be ignored, valid value range [kFBNO_TRACE, kFBALL_TRACE] 

def FBTraceWithLevel(pLevel,pFormatString,p2):
    This function prints useful debugging strings in the console.

    pLevel : to control trace output detailed level, valid value range [kFBCRITICAL_TRACE, kFBALL_TRACE] 
    pFormatString : A printf-style format string, to use the following arguments in the list. 
    p2 : ...

def FBTranslationToMatrix(pMatrix,pVector):
    Convert a translation vector to a matrix.

    pMatrix : Calculated resulting matrix. 
    pVector : Translation vector. 

def FBVectorMatrixMult(pOutVector,pMatrix,pVector):
    Multiply a vector by a matrix.

    pOutVector : Resulting vector. 
    pMatrix : Matrix to affect the vector with. 
    pVector : Source vector. 

def FBVertexMatrixMult(pOutVertex,pMatrix,pVertex):
    Multiply a vertex by a matrix.

    pOutVertex : Resulting vertex. 
    pMatrix : Matrix to affect the vertex with. 
    pVertex : Source vertex. 

def FBMessageBoxWithCheck(pBoxTitle,pMessage,pButton1Str,pButton2Str,pButton3Str,pCheckBoxStr,pCheckBoxValue,pDefaultButton,pScrolledMessage):
    Dialog popup box with 'don't show again' option.
    Opens a message box containing a message and up to three buttons. Waits for the user to click a button. This dialog also gives the user the option of never showing the dialog again.

    pBoxTitle : Title of message box. 
    pMessage : Message to place in box. 
    pButton1Str : String for first button (Cannot be None). 
    pButton2Str : String for second button (None will not create a button). 
    pButton3Str : String for third button (None will not create a button). 
    pCheckBoxStr : Check box string (Cannot be None). 
    pCheckBoxValue : Check box value. 
    pDefaultButton : Indicates the default (pre-selected) button (default is 0). 
    pScrolledMessage : Scroll message (default is False). 
    return : A tuple containing the index of the button selected and the boolean value of the check box. 

def FBMessageBoxGetUserValue(pBoxTitle,pMessage,pValue,pValueType,pButton1Str,pButton2Str,pButton3Str,pDefaultButton):
    Dialog popup box to get user input.
    Opens a message box, with up to three buttons, asking the user to enter data. The type of data to be entered is specified by the <b>pValue</b> and <b>pValueType</b> parameters.

    pBoxTitle : Title of message box. 
    pMessage : Message to place in box. 
    pValue : Value entered by user (must correspond with pValueType). 
    pValueType : Type of pointer specified in pValue. 
    pButton1Str : String for first button (Cannot be None). 
    pButton2Str : String for second button (None will not create a button). 
    pButton3Str : String for third button (None will not create a button). 
    pDefaultButton : Indicates the default (pre-selected) button(default=0). 
    return : A tuple containing the index of the button selected and the value entered by the user, if any. 

def FBConnect(pSrc,pDst,pConnectionType):
    Request the connection two FBPlug objects.

    pSrc : Source plug. 
    pDst : Destination plug. 
    pConnectionType : Type of connection, taken from FBConnectionType. 
    return : A boolean indicating success (True) or failure (False). 

def FBDisconnect(pSrc,pDst):
    Connect two FBPlug objects.

    pSrc : Source plug. 
    pDst : Destination plug. 
    return : A boolean indicating success (True) or failure (False). 

class object:

class FBPropertyListModelTemplateBinding (object):
    b>List: MotionClip <b>PropertyList:</b> MotionClip     

class Enumeration (object):
    Enumeration mapping.     
    The way our C++ enumerations have been exposed in python is to use the enumerated type name as a class name, and having each of the possible enum values as a separate data member. For example, with FBTimeMode's enum named 'kFBTimeModePAL', you would instead use FBTimeMode.kFBTimeModePAL in Python. We have exposed all the enumerated types of the Open Reality SDK from C++ to Python, even those that may not be relevant.     

class FBRenderOptions (object):
    def FBRenderOptions(self,pOptions):
        pOptions : HKRenderOptions

    def GetIDBufferPickingAlphaThreshold(self):
        Get IDBuffer Picking Alpha threshold.

        return : ID Buffer picking alpha threshold value. 

    def GetRenderFrameId(self):
        Get Render Frame ID.

        return : This return a new ID each time a new frame is drawn. 

    def GetRenderingCamera(self):
        Get the rendering camera.


    def GetViewerOptions(self):

    def IsIDBufferPicking(self):
        Get IDBuffer Rendering request status (for display or picking)

        return : true if need to render Model (or subitem)'s UniqueColorID into GL Color Buffer. 

    def IsIDBufferRendering(self):
        Get IDBuffer Rendering request status (for display or picking)

        return : true if need to render Model (or subitem)'s UniqueColorID into GL Color Buffer. 

    def IsOfflineRendering(self):
        Check if the render request comes from offline render mode (as opposed to viewport refresh).

        return : true if the render comes from offline render mode. 


class FBPickInfosList (object):
    FBPickInfosList class.     
    This class implements a special sort of list that can only contains a pick info which is a tuple<FBModel, FBVector3d>. A pick info give the position (FBVector3d) andthe model (FBModel) that was pick on screen.To users FBPickInfosList behave like a typle, since it is not possible to add new objects in the list. Only methods or function thatuses FBPickInfosList as argument can insert new objects.Users can query the content of the list with the bracket operator. 
# Supported list protocol methods:
l = FBPickInfosList()

# tuple unpacking of pick infos.
model, vector = l[0]

    def FBPickInfosList(self):


    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print l[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get 
        return : PickInfos element value. A Pick info is a tuple<FBModel, FBVector3d> 


class FBTime (object):
    Time data structure.     
    See samples:,,,     
    def FBTime(self,pTime):
        pTime : long

    def FBTime(self,pHour,pMinute,pSecond,pFrame,pField,pTimeMode):

        pHour : Hour value. 
        pMinute : Minute value. 
        pSecond : Second value. 
        pFrame : Frame value. 
        pField : Field value. 
        pTimeMode : Time mode(default=kFBTimeModeDefault). 

    def Get(self):
        Get time value (long)

        return : Time value as long. 

    def Get(self):
        Get time value (long)

        return : Time value as long. 

    def GetFrame(self,pTimeMode):
        Get the frame count.
        With this function, it is possible to obtain the cumulative and local frame counts.

        pTimeMode : Time mode to get the constant (default is kFBTimeModeDefault). 
        return : Frames per second constant for the specified time mode. 

    def GetMilliSeconds(self):
        Get milliseconds for time.

        return : MilliSeconds value. 

    def GetSecondDouble(self):
        Get seconds as double.

        return : Seconds in double form. 

    def GetTimeString(self,pMode,pFormat):
        Get time as a string.

        pMode : Time mode (default=kFBTimeModeDefault) to use (call FBSystem().GetTransportFps() to the the current UI displayed mode). 
        pFormat : Format to use for the returned string(default=FBTime::eDefaultFormat). 
        return : String value of time. 

    def Set(self,pTime):
        Set time value from a long.

        pTime : Time value to set. 

    def SetFrame(self,pFrames,pTimeMode):
        Set time in frame format.

        pFrames : The number of frames. 
        pTimeMode : The time mode identifier which will dictate the extraction algorithm. 

    def SetMilliSeconds(self,pMilliSeconds):
        Set milliseconds time.

        pMilliSeconds : MilliSeconds value. 

    def SetSecondDouble(self,pTime):
        Set seconds from double.

        pTime : Time to set seconds from. 

    def SetTime(self,pHour,pMinute,pSecond,pFrame,pField,pTimeMode):
        Set time (from separate values)

        pHour : Hour value. 
        pMinute : Minute value(default=0). 
        pSecond : Second value(default=0). 
        pFrame : Frame value(default=0). 
        pField : Field value(default=0). 
        pTimeMode : Time mode to get time as(default=kFBTimeModeDefault). 

    def SetTimeString(self,pTime):
        Set time from string.

        pTime : String to set time from. 

    Infinity=property(doc="Time constant: Infinity, the largest time value.         ")
    MinusInfinity=property(doc="Time constant: Minus Infinity, the lowest negative time value.         ")
    OneHour=property(doc="Time constant: One Hour.         ")
    OneMinute=property(doc="Time constant: One Minute.         ")
    OneSecond=property(doc="Time constant: One Second.         ")
    Zero=property(doc="Time constant: Zero.         ")

class FBComponentList (object):
    FBComponentList class.     
    This class implements a special sort of list that can only contain instancesof FBComponent objects. To users it behaves as a tuple, since it is notpossible to add new objects in the list. Only methods or function thatuses FBComponentList as argument can insert new objects.Users can query the content of the list with the bracket operator. 
# Supported list protocol methods:
l = FBComponentList()
print l[0]

    def FBComponentList(self):


    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print l[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get 
        return : FBComponent element value 


class FBModelList (object):
    FBModelList class.     
    This class implements a special sort of list that can only contain instancesof FBModel objects. Users can query the content of the list with the bracket operator. 
# Supported list protocol methods:
l = FBModelList()
print l[0]

    def FBModelList(self):


    def GetCount(self):
        Get number of models in list.


    def count(self):
        Get number of models in list.


    def GetModel(self,pIndex):
        Get the ith model in list.

        pIndex : index of modle to get (0 based). 
        return : The pIndex model 

    def Add(self,pModel):
        Append a new modle at the end of the list.

        pModel : model to add to the list. 

    def append(self,pModel):
        Append a new modle at the end of the list.

        pModel : model to add to the list. 

    def Clear(self):
        Empty the list from all models.


    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print l[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get 
        return : Model element value 


class FBPythonWrapper (object):
    Base class of FBPlug in Python.     
    This class act as a bridge between the ORSDK C++ world and the Python world. Since each Python objects wrap a ORSDK object we need a way to notify Python if the ORSDK object is destroyed.OnUnbind is used in this way: it notifies the user when the wrapped ORSDK objects is destroyed.     
    OnUnbind=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Will notifier the user when the corresponding ORSDK objects is unbound from the PythonObject.         ")

class FBVector3d (object):
    Vector3d class.     
    This class creates a list like object, which can be modified usingthe list protocol method. But unlike lists, its length is fixed: italways contain 3 floating point values. Thus it does not support theany list methods that would affect its length. The values within canbe changed, usually via the bracket operator.
# Supported list protocol methods:
color = FBColor()
print color[0]
color[0] = 1.0

 Slicing is not supported by this object.     
    def FBVector3d(self):
        Default constructor, all 3 values within are set to 0.0.


    def FBVector3d(self,pVector3d):
        Copy constructor. Copy values from another instance.

        pVector3d : FBVector3d

    def FBVector3d(self,pX,pY,pZ):
        Explicitely construct a vector by specifying its values.

        pX : float
        pY : float
        pZ : float

    def FBVector3d(self,p0):
        A vector can be built from any python object with supports the tuple interface and is of a lenght of 3.

        p0 : tuple< float, float, float >

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print v[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0 to 2) 
        return : Color component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: v[1] = 0.5.

        pIndex : Index of the components to set (0 to 2) 
        pComponentValue : Value of component to set 


class FBPropertyListStoryDetails (object):
    b>List: StoryFolder     

class FBTimeCode (object):
    TimeCode data structure.     
    See sample:     
    def FBTimeCode(self,pRate):

        pRate : Framerate value. 

    def GetRawFrame(self):
        Get the raw value for the frame.

        return : raw value for the frame. 

    def GetRawRate(self):
        Get the raw value for the rate.

        return : raw value for the rate. 

    def GetRawSecond(self):
        Get the raw value for the second.

        return : raw value for the second. 

    def GetTime(self):
        Return a Time corresponding to the timecode.


    def GetTimeCodeString(self,pFormat):
        Get time as a string.

        pFormat : Format to use for the returned string(default=FBTime::eDefaultFormat). 
        return : String value of time. 

    def SetTime(self,pTime):
        Set TimeCode according to the given time.

        pTime : Time value to set. 

    def SetTimeCode(self,pHour,pMinute,pSecond,pFrame):
        Set timecode.

        pHour : Hour value. 
        pMinute : Minute value. 
        pSecond : Second value. 
        pFrame : Frame value. 

    FILM_23976=property(doc="-23.976f         ")
    FILM_24=property(doc="-24.0f         ")
    FRAMES_30=property(doc="-30.0f         ")
    FRAMES_5994=property(doc="-59.94f         ")
    MPAL_30=property(doc="-29.971f Currently not supported : '1' is added just to differentiate from NTSC_FULL(-29.97f)         ")
    NTSC_DROP=property(doc="Rates.         ")
    NTSC_FULL=property(doc="-29.97f         ")
    PAL_25=property(doc="-25.0f         ")

class FBFilterManager (object):
    Filter manager.     
    This class provides list of all available filter types and a factory method in order to create an instance of the desired filter type.This manager will list both built-in and plug-in filters.See the class FBFilter for more details.Filter type names are not localised, and are the same as presented in the GUI.The following sample code shows how to use C++ or Python to create an instance of the orfilter_template filter and set one of its property. For the sample code to work, the plugin must have been compiled and copied in the plugins folder prior to the application startup.Sample C++ code: 
// Create a filter of a known type. In this case the sample filter
// provided with the samples: orfilter_template.

FBFilterManager lFilterManager;

FBFilter* lFilter = lFilterManager.CreateFilter( 'OR - Filter Template' );

// Set one of the filter property:
FBPropertyDouble* lPropDouble = (FBPropertyDouble*)lFilter->PropertyList.Find( 'Test Double' );
if( lPropDouble )
    (*lPropDouble) = 2.0;

// Now we can apply the filter on an FCurve.
// ...

// And when we are done, destroy it.
lFilter = NULL;

Sample Python code: 
from pyfbsdk import *

# Create a filter of a known type. In this case the sample filter
# provided with the samples: orfilter_template.

lFilterManager = FBFilterManager()

lFilter = lFilterManager.CreateFilter( 'OR - Filter Template' );

# Set one of the filter property:
lPropDouble = lFilter.PropertyList.Find( 'Test Double' );
if lPropDouble: lPropDouble.Data = 2.0

# Now we can apply the filter on an FCurve.
# ...

# And when we are done, destroy it.

    def FBFilterManager(self):


    def CreateFilter(self,pFilterTypeName):
        Create a filter instance according to the filter type requested.

        pFilterTypeName : String describing the type of the desired filter, as obtained from list FilterTypeNames. 
        return : A pointer to a filter instance, or a NULL if the type name was invalid. 

    FilterTypeNames=property(doc="List of available filters.         ")

class FBPropertyListManipulator (object):
    b>PropertyList: Device optical marker     

class FBPropertyListMarkerSegment (object):
    b>PropertyList: MarkerSet.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBPropertyListMarkerSegment(self):


class FBPropertyListBox (object):
    b>PropertyList: Camera     

class FBCallback (object):
    This class is used for the internal callback framework and is not meant to be used by clients.     
    Wrapper=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Pyfbsdk Wrapper that is the owner of the callback.         ")
    EventType=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Event type to which this callback is connected.         ")
    Callback=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Python callback that will called when the FBCallback is executed.         ")

class FBSVector (object):
    Three dimensional scaling vector.     
    See sample:     
    def FBSVector(self):


    def FBSVector(self,pValue):
        Constructor from array.

        pValue : Array to take values from. 

    def FBSVector(self,p1,p2,p3):

        p1 : First element 
        p2 : Second element. 
        p3 : Third element(default=1.0). 


class FBEvent (object):
    Base Event class.     
    def FBEvent(self,pEvent):
        Receives an object of type HKEvent that the corresponding callback will receive as a parameter.

        pEvent : Internal event to obtain information from. 

    Type=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Type of event.         ")

class FBObjectPoseOptions (object):
    FBObjectPoseOptions class.     
    This class exposes the object used to store the options for operations on object poses.     
    def FBObjectPoseOptions(self):


    def ClearFlag(self):
        Clear all flags.


    def GetFlag(self,pFlag):
        Get a flag value.

        pFlag : Flag to get. 
        return : Value of the flag. 

    def SetFlag(self,pFlag,pValue):
        Set a flag value.

        pFlag : Flag to set. 
        pValue : Value to set. 

    mPoseTransformType=property(doc="Transform type (Local, Global or LocalRef).         ")
    mReferenceGRM=property(doc="Global rotation matrix of reference object.         ")
    mReferenceGSM=property(doc="Global scaling matrix of reference object.         ")
    mReferenceGT=property(doc="Global translation vector of reference object.         ")

class FBPropertyListOpticalGap (object):
    b>PropertyList: Device optical marker     
    def FBPropertyListOpticalGap(self):


class FBMultiLangManager (object):
    Language manager.     
    The class FBMultiLangManager indicates the supported languages and allows to query and change the current language.The support for localization is done using conversion tables from internal names to language specific names, so that they can be used in the GUI and other human readable contexts.At this time, changing the current language will not affect the GUI. Only calls to functions 'FBGetMultiLangText()' will be affected.The following sample code lists the names of the supported languages:Python sample code: 
from pyfbsdk import *

lManager = FBMultiLangManager()
print 'Current localization language: ', lManager.GetCurrentLanguage()
print 'Supported languages:'
for lLanguage in lManager.Languages:
    print '  ', lLanguage

C++ sample code: 
FBMultiLangManager lManager;
FBTrace( 'Current localization language: %s
', lManager.GetCurrentLanguage());
FBTrace( 'Supported languages:
' );

int lIdx = 0;
while( lIdx < lManager.Languages.GetCount())
    FBTrace( '  %s
', lManager.Languages[lIdx++] );

    def FBMultiLangManager(self):


    def GetCurrentLanguage(self):
        Obtain the current language.
        Query the current language used for the GUI.

        return : Will return the string associated with the current language used. 

    def SetCurrentLanguage(self,pLanguage):
        Set the current language.
        Change the current language to another available language.

        pLanguage : The string corresponding to the desired language, as defined in property Languages. 
        return : Indicate if the change of language was successful. 

    Languages=property(doc="List of available languages.         ")

class FBColorAndAlpha (object):
    FBColorAndAlpha class.     
    Color and alpha vector.This class creates a list like object, which can be modified usingthe list protocol method. But unlike lists, its length is fixed: italways contain 4 floating point values. Thus it does not support theany list methods that would affect its length. The values within canbe changed, usually via the bracket operator. 
# Supported list protocol methods:
color = FBColorAndAlpha()
print color[0]
color[0] = 1.0

 Slicing is not supported by this object.     
    def FBColorAndAlpha(self):
        Default constructor, all values within are set to 0.0, except for the Alpha value which is set to 1.0.


    def FBColorAndAlpha(self,pColor):
        Copy constructor. Copy values from another instance.

        pColor : FBColor

    def FBColorAndAlpha(self,pR,pG,pB,pAlpha):
        Explicitely construct a vector by specifying its RGBA values. Should the Alpha value not be relevant, just set it to 1.0.

        pR : float
        pG : float
        pB : float
        pAlpha : float

    def FBColorAndAlpha(self,p0):
        A vector can be built from any python object with supports the tuple interface and is of a lenght of 4.

        p0 : tuple< float, float, float, float >

    def FBColorAndAlpha(self):


    def FBColorAndAlpha(self,pValue):
        Constructor from array.

        pValue : Array to take values from. 

    def FBColorAndAlpha(self,pRed,pGreen,pBlue,pAlpha):

        pRed : Red component. 
        pGreen : Green component. 
        pBlue : Blue component. 
        pAlpha : Alpha component(default=1.0). 

    def FBColorAndAlpha(self,pValue):
        Constructor from FBColor.

        pValue : FBColor to take values from. 

    def FBColorAndAlpha(self,pValue):
        Constructor from FBColorF.

        pValue : FBColorF to take values from. 

    def FBColorAndAlpha(self,pVector):
        Copy Constructor.

        pVector : FBColorAndAlpha

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print color[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0:Red, 1:Green, 2:Blue) 
        return : Color component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: color[1] = 0.5.

        pIndex : Index of the components to set (0:Red, 1:Green, 2:Blue) 
        pComponentValue : Value of component to set 


class FBPropertyListRigidBodyMarkers (object):
    b>List: Set     
    def FBPropertyListRigidBodyMarkers(self):


class FBConstraintInfo (object):
    Constraint information class.     
    This data structure is passed to the real-time evaluation callback for a constraint (AnimationNodeNotify()).     
    def GetSnapRequested(self):
        Was a 'snap' requested?

        return : <b>true</b> if 'snap' was requeststed. 

    def GetZeroRequested(self):
        Was a 'zero' requested?

        return : <b>true</b> if 'zero' was requeststed. 


class FBPropertyListMotionClip (object):
    b>List: Namespace     
    def FBPropertyListMotionClip(self):


class FBCharacterPoseOptions (object):
    Stores options for operations on poses.     
    This class exposes the object used to store the options for operations on object poses. Before using a FBCharacterPoseOptions, you need to specify the various members of the object. Here are the default values of a FBCharacterPoseOptions object: mCharacterPoseKeyingMode = kFBCharacterPoseKeyingModeFullBody mModelToMatch = NULL mMirrorPlaneType = kFBMirrorPlaneTypeAuto mMirrorPlaneEquation = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 mMirrorPlaneTiltAngle = 90.0 mMirrorPlanePanAngle = 0.0 Flag = kFBCharacterPoseNoFlag You need to change at least the Flag value by using SetFlag() to set how the pose will be pasted; see the FBCharacterPoseFlag enum for the various options.     
    def FBCharacterPoseOptions(self):


    def ClearFlag(self):
        Clear all flags.


    def GetFlag(self,pFlag):
        Get a flag value.

        pFlag : Flag to get. 
        return : Value of the flag. 

    def SetFlag(self,pFlag,pValue):
        Set a flag value.

        pFlag : Flag to set. 
        pValue : Value to set. 

    mCharacterPoseKeyingMode=property(doc="CharacterPoseKeyingMode (FullBody or BodyPart).         ")
    mMirrorPlaneEquation=property(doc="Mirror plane equation (used when mMirrorPlaneType = kFBMirrorPlaneTypeEquation).         ")
    mMirrorPlanePanAngle=property(doc="Mirror plane pan angle in degrees (used when mMirrorPlaneType = kFBMirrorPlaneTypeUser).         ")
    mMirrorPlaneTiltAngle=property(doc="Mirror plane tilt angle in degrees (used when mMirrorPlaneType = kFBMirrorPlaneTypeUser).         ")
    mMirrorPlaneType=property(doc="Mirror plane type.         ")
    mModelToMatch=property(doc="Model to match.         ")

class FBPropertyListStorySubTrack (object):
    b>List: StoryTrack     

class FBPropertyListModel (object):
    b>PropertyList: Device optical marker     

class FBPropertyListTreeNode (object):
    PropertyList of nodes in the tree view. b>PropertyList: UserObject.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBPropertyListTreeNode(self):


class FBVector2d (object):
    Vector2d class.     
    This class creates a list like object, which can be modified usingthe list protocol method. But unlike lists, its length is fixed: italways contain 2 floating point values. Thus it does not support theany list methods that would affect its length. The values within canbe changed, usually via the bracket operator.
# Supported list protocol methods:
color = FBColor()
print color[0]
color[0] = 1.0

 Slicing is not supported by this object.     
    def FBVector2d(self):
        Default constructor, both values within are set to 0.0.


    def FBVector2d(self,pVector2d):
        Copy constructor. Copy values from another instance.

        pVector2d : FBVector2d

    def FBVector2d(self,pX,pY):
        Explicitely construct a vector by specifying its values.

        pX : float
        pY : float

    def FBVector2d(self,p0):
        A vector can be built from any python object with supports the tuple interface and is of a lenght of 2.

        p0 : tuple< float, float >

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print v[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0 to 1) 
        return : Color component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: v[1] = 0.5.

        pIndex : Index of the components to set (0 to 1) 
        pComponentValue : Value of component to set 


class FBPropertyListDeviceInstrument (object):
    List of instruments.b>PropertyList: Device optical marker.     

class FBSkeletonState (object):
    def GetNodeMatrix(self,pSkeletonId,pSkeletonGlobalMatrix):
        Returned global matrix associated to the given Index.

        pSkeletonId : Index of the skeleton Node 
        pSkeletonGlobalMatrix : returned global matrix of the index Given 


class FBPropertyListFCurveKey (object):
    List of FCurveKey.b>List: FileReference.     

class FBShaderManager (object):
    Shader manager.     
    This class provides access to the list of available shaders, bothsystem shaders and user shaders. The list comes in two versions: -# ShaderTypeNames : which gives the internal names of the shaders, -# ShaderTypeNamesLocalized : uses the GUI names of the shaders. .Both of these lists will have the same number of elements. The stringsat position i in the lists refer to the same shader type. In cases wherethere is no localized version of the shader name, the internal namewill be used in ShaderTypeNamesLocalized, thus ensuring consistencybetween the two lists.It also provides a generic shader creation method that uses the shadertype name, internal or localized, to create the new shader instance.The destruction of shaders is achieved by calling the FBDelete methodof a shader instance.The list of all the instantiated shaders can be obtained from instancesof classes FBSystem or FBScene. Both classes have a Shaders propertywhich lists the existing shader instances.Strings are used instead of enum, define or typedef values to refer toshader types as this proves to be more flexible.The system has a default shader of type 'Lighted'. Do not attempt to destroy it.The use of localized names in shader creation is non portable as it is dependent of the current language used by the application. The name may also change from one version to another. Using the internal name is the only way to ensure portable shader creation.Sample C++ code: 
// This could be a constant value in the code, coming from a custom
// registry or simply coming from one of the list ShaderTypeNames
// or ShaderTypeNamesLocalized.
const char* lDesiredShaderTypeName = 'MyShader';

// Shader creation.
FBShader* lShader = NULL;
FBShaderManager lShaderManager;

if( lShaderManager.ShaderTypeNames.Find( lDesiredShaderTypeName ) != -1 ||
lShaderManager.ShaderTypeNamesLocalized.Find( lDesiredShaderTypeName ) != -1 )
lShader = lShaderManager.CreateShader( lDesiredShaderTypeName );

// Change its name, as the default name will be the type name.
if( lShader )
lShader->Name = 'My new shader';
// Warn about creation failure on a correctly registered
// shader type.
// Warn about an unknown shader type.

// Do some work with the shader...

if( lShader )

In the previous code sample, the lookup in the manager list is not necessary, as the call to CreateShader would have failed nonetheless and returned a NULL pointer.Sample Python code: 
from pyfbsdk import *

lShaderManager = FBShaderManager()

# This code will create one instance of each of the
# available shader type, changing its name to add the
# 'My ' prefix.
for lShaderTypeName in lShaderManager.ShaderTypeNames:
lShader = lShaderManager.CreateShader( lShaderTypeName )
if lShader:
lShader.Name = 'My %s' % lShader.Name
print 'Created new shader '%s'' % lShader.Name
print 'Unable to create shader of type '%s'' % lShaderTypeName

See sample:     
    def FBShaderManager(self):


    def CreateShader(self,pShaderTypeName):
        Creates a shader according to the shader type provided.
        This method provides a generic way of creating shaders using the type name, internal or localized. The name of the new shader will be the same as the type name used, subject to changes according to the system's unique name policy.

        pShaderTypeName : Name of the type of shader desired. 
        return : A pointer to the newly created shader object, or a NULL pointer if the type name was not recognised. 

    ShaderTypeNames=property(doc="List of available shaders.         ")
    ShaderTypeNamesLocalized=property(doc="List of available shaders.         ")

class FBPropertyListStoryFolder (object):
    b>List: StorySubTrack     

class FBColor (object):
    FBColor class.     
    Color vector.This class creates a list like object, which can be modified usingthe list protocol method. But unlike lists, its length is fixed: italways contain 3 floating point values. Thus it does not support theany list methods that would affect its length. The values within canbe changed, usually via the bracket operator. 
# Supported list protocol methods:
color = FBColor()
print color[0]
color[0] = 1.0

 Slicing is not supported by this object.See samples:,,,     
    def FBColor(self):
        Default constructor, all values within are set to 0.0, except for the Alpha value which is set to 1.0.


    def FBColor(self,pColor):
        Copy constructor. Copy values from another instance.

        pColor : FBColor

    def FBColor(self,pR,pG,pB):
        Explicitely construct a vector by specifying its RGBA values. Should the Alpha value not be relevant, just set it to 1.0.

        pR : float
        pG : float
        pB : float

    def FBColor(self,p0):
        A vector can be built from any python object with supports the tuple interface and is of a lenght of 3.

        p0 : tuple< float, float, float >

    def FBColor(self):


    def FBColor(self,pValue):
        Constructor from array.

        pValue : Array to take values from. 

    def FBColor(self,pRed,pGreen,pBlue):

        pRed : Red component. 
        pGreen : Green component. 
        pBlue : Blue component. 

    def FBColor(self,pVector):
        Copy Constructor.

        pVector : FBColor

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print color[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0:Red, 1:Green, 2:Blue) 
        return : Color component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: color[1] = 0.5.

        pIndex : Index of the components to set (0:Red, 1:Green, 2:Blue) 
        pComponentValue : Value of component to set 


class FBVertex (object):
    Vertex class.     
    Similar in use to FBVector4d 
# Supported list protocol methods:
v = FBVertex()
print v[0]
v[0] = 1.0

Slicing is not supported by this object.     
    def FBVertex(self):

    def FBVertex(self,p0):
        p0 : FBVertex

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print v[1]

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0 to 1) 
        return : Color component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: v[1] = 0.5

        pIndex : Index of the components to set (0 to 1) 
        pComponentValue : Value of component to set 


class FBPropertyListStoryClip (object):
    b>List: Story track Details     

class FBPropertyListModelTemplate (object):
    b>PropertyList: ModelTemplateBinding.     

class FBSplitStyle (object):
    Type of split style (sub-division) for layout.     
    kFBNoSplit=property(doc="No split.         ")
    kFBHSplit=property(doc="Horizontal split.         ")
    kFBVSplit=property(doc="Vertical split.         ")
    kFBHVSplit=property(doc="Horizontal and Vertical split.         ")

class FBVideoCodecManager (object):
    Video Codec manager class.     
    Use to set or get codec used and codec paramsSee samples:,     
    def GetCodecIdList(self,pFileFormatInfo,pCodecList):
        Get all codec id available for a given file format.

        pFileFormatInfo : file format description string (AVI, MOV...) 
        pCodecList : Codec list id 

    def GetDefaultCodec(self,pFileFormatInfo):
        Get the default codec id for a given file format. This is the codec that will be used if codec mode is FBVideoCodecUseDefault

        pFileFormatInfo : file format description string (AVI, MOV...) 

    def RegisterExternalVideoFormat(self,pFormatSuffix):
        Register external video format suffix.
        Only alphabetic and number is allowed in provided suffix, and can not be empty suffix or the system exist suffixes. This will allow this suffix to be appeared in the filters of file dialog when importing video, also allow to create a texture/video object with a path containing this suffix via SDK. However it will the custom SDK plug-in developer's responsibility to load the file into memory.

        pFormatSuffix : Suffix/File extension of external video file format 
        return : true if register successful 

    def SetDefaultCodec(self,pFileFormatInfo,pCodecId):
        Set the default codec id for a given file format. This is the codec that will be used if codec mode is FBVideoCodecUseDefault

        pFileFormatInfo : file format description string (AVI, MOV...) 
        pCodecId : the codec id to set as default 

    VideoCodecMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> This decide how the system behaves when ask to render a file (codec dialog, uncompress, use default codec)         ")

class FBPropertyViewList (object):
    FBProperty View List.     
    Hold list of description for view set.     
    def AddPropertyView(self,pProperty,pHierarchy):
        Add property view.

        pProperty : Property to add. 
        pHierarchy : Hierarchy under which property view should be created, each level name is separated by dot (for example "Degrees of Freedom.Translation"). 
        return : created object (should not be called on non editable view list). 

    def FindPropertyView(self,pPropertyName):
        Find property view for pPropertyName in this list.

        pPropertyName : str

    def IsEditable(self):
        Is property view list editable.


    def RemovePropertyView(self,pPropertyViewDefinition):
        Remove property view from view list.

        pPropertyViewDefinition : Property view definition to destroy. 
        return : true when pPropertyViewDefinition got removed and free (should not be called on non editable view list). 


class FBVideoGrabOptions (object):
    Video Grabbing Options.     
    Contain options to control how the grabbing process will occur.     
    TimeSpan=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Start and stop selection time to grab.         ")
    TimeSteps=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Time step length between each grab.         ")
    CameraResolution=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Camera Resolution.         ")
    BitsPerPixel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Video grab color depth.         ")
    FieldMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Video grab field mode.         ")
    ViewingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Video grab viewing mode.         ")
    OutputFileName=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Grabbing destination file.         ")
    ShowSafeArea=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, display safe area.         ")
    ShowTimeCode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, display time code information.         ")
    ShowCameraLabel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, display camera label information.         ")
    AntiAliasing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, video frames will be anti-aliased.         ")
    RenderAudio=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true and there's audio in the scene, add audio to the output file.         ")
    AudioRenderFormat=property(doc="<b>PRead Write roperty:</b> Audio render format.         ")
    StillImageCompression=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Compression ratio for image(jpg) 0-100 where 0=Greatest compression, 100=Least Compression.         ")

class FBAddRegionParam (object):
    This class provide a placeholder to put values necessary to create a Region with FBLayout.AddRegion.     
    Each region components: X, Y, Width and Height needs its own FBAddRegionParam. ex: x = FBAddRegionParam(0,FBAttachType.kFBAttachLeft,'') y = FBAddRegionParam(0,FBAttachType.kFBAttachTop,'') w = FBAddRegionParam(0,FBAttachType.kFBAttachRight,'') h = FBAddRegionParam(25,FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,'') mainLyt.AddRegion('main','main', x, y, w, h)     
    def FBAddRegionParam(self,pPos,pType,pRelative,pMult):
        Initialize a region params.

        pPos : Offset in pixel according depending on the use of FBAddRegionParam (X, Y, W or H) 
        pType : Type of Attachment. 
        pRelative : Name of Region to attach relative to. 
        pMult : Multiplier of relative value. 

    mPos=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Offset in pixel according depending on the use of FBAddRegionParam (X, Y, W or H).         ")
    mType=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Type of Attachment.         ")
    mRelative=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Name of Region to attach relative to.         ")
    mMult=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Multiplier of relative value.         ")

class FBPlotOptions (object):
    Option parameters for plotting.     
    See samples:,     
    def FBPlotOptions(self):


    PlotAllTakes=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should we plot all takes?         ")
    PlotOnFrame=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should we plot on frame?         ")
    PlotPeriod=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The plot period (1/fps).         ")
    RotationFilterToApply=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The rotation filter to apply.         ")
    UseConstantKeyReducer=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should we use a constant key reducer with the filter?         ")
    ConstantKeyReducerKeepOneKey=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should the constant key reducer keep at least one key?         ")
    PlotTranslationOnRootOnly=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should we plot the translation on root only?         ")
    PreciseTimeDiscontinuities=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should we plot the translation on root only?         ")

class FBPropertyListComponent (object):
    b>PropertyList: Contraint     
# Supported list protocol methods:    
 component= propertyListComponent[0]
 propertyListComponent[0] = my_component

 if my_component in propertyListComponent:
    print 'it is contained!'

 del propertyListComponent[0]

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)

        return : number of elements in list. 

    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print v[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0 to 2) 
        return : FBComponent component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: v[1] = my_component.

        pIndex : Index of the components to set 
        pComponentValue : a FBComponent to set 

    def __contains__(self,pComponent):
        Check if a FCComponent is already in PropertyList Corresponds to python: if object in propertyList:

        pComponent : Component to check for inclusion 
        return : Is the Component contain or not? 

    def append(self,pComp):
        Append new FBComponent at end of list.

        pComp : to append 

    def count(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: del propertyList[2]

        return : number of elements in list. 

    def insert(self,pIndex,pComp):
        Insert a new element in list.

        pIndex : Index where to insert component 
        pComp : Component to append 

    def remove(self,pIndex):
        Remove an element in list.

        pIndex : Index where to remove element. 

    def pop(self):
        Remove last element of list.

        return : Returns the element that was removed. 

    def pop(self,pIndex):
        Remove an element in list.

        pIndex : Index where to remove element. 
        return : Returns the element that was removed. 


class FBTimeSpan (object):
    TimeSpan class.     
    def FBTimeSpan(self,pStart,pStop):

        pStart : Start time(default=0). 
        pStop : Stop time(default=0). 

    def GetDirection(self):
        Get the direction of the timespan.
        Returns 1 if positive, -1 otherwise.

        return : Direction of timespan. 

    def GetDuration(self):
        Get the unsigned duration value of a timespan.

        return : <b>Unsigned</b> duration of the timespan. 

    def GetSignedDuration(self):
        Get the signed duration value of a timespan.

        return : <b>Signed</b> duration of the timespan. 

    def GetStart(self):
        Get the start/stop time.

        return : Start/Stop time. 

    def GetStart(self):
        Get the start/stop time.

        return : Start/Stop time. 

    def GetStop(self):
        Get the start/stop time.

        return : Start/Stop time. 

    def GetStop(self):
        Get the start/stop time.

        return : Start/Stop time. 

    def Set(self,pStart,pStop):
        Set the TimeSpan.

        pStart : Start time. 
        pStop : Stop time. 


class FBEventName (object):
    These events are used internally by the Python Callback mecanism.     
    These are not meant to be manipulated by a user.     
    kFBEventActivate=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventShow=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventDragAndDrop=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventInput=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventMenu=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventTreeSelect=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventExpose=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventResize=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventTransaction=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventDoubleClick=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventOnClick=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventEnter=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventExit=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventIdle=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventChange=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventCellChange=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventRowClick=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventColumnClick=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventTreeExpanding=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventTreeExpanded=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventTreeCollapsing=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventTreeCollapsed=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventFileNewCompleted=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventFileNew=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventFileOpenCompleted=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventFileOpen=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventFileSaveCompleted=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventFileSave=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventFileExit=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventUnbindSDK=property(doc="        ")

class FBObjectPoseMirrorOptions (object):
    FBObjectPoseMirrorOptions class.     
    This class exposes the object used to store the options for the mirror of an object pose.     
    def FBObjectPoseMirrorOptions(self):


    def ClearFlag(self):
        Clear all flags.


    def GetFlag(self,pFlag):
        Get a flag value.

        pFlag : Flag to get. 
        return : Value of the flag. 

    def SetFlag(self,pFlag,pValue):
        Set a flag value.

        pFlag : Flag to set. 
        pValue : Value to set. 

    mMirrorPlaneEquation=property(doc="Equation of the mirror plane.         ")

class FBProfileTaskCycle (object):
    Real-time profiling information for a specific task. Profiling information can be collected for:Evaluation: models, constraints, characters, story tracksDevices: DeviceIONotify, DeviceEvaluationNotifyRendering: renderer, render passes (like: Translucent, TranslucentZSort, Selected, OtherPrimitive, SelectiveLighting, etc)SDKInternal synchronization (idle callback, buffer swap, waiting on evaluation to finish before starting new rendering)When profiling a scene within a MotionBuilder session you can discover what tasks are being performed when and for how long. You can use this information to troubleshoot lengthy or repetitive actions, and use MotionBuilder more efficiently.A task is defined as a definite piece of work within MotionBuilder such as the evaluation of a character. If the same task is run numerous times it is called a task cycle. From within a scene, the hierary and dependents of the scene make up the task cycles. A task cycle spends its time computing a specific task within a task parent cycle.A task parent cycle is a hierarchy of individual task cycles, where the parent and child relationship is known to MotionBuilder and displayed in the profiling center.For example, these are all task cycles which are all parented to each other; Eval is parent of TransformNode_Active, which is a parent of Constraint, which is a parent of Character, which is in turn a parent of TransformNode_Active.This is because the evaluation is called for one model which triggers evaluation of the character which then calls the evaluation of the rest of IK/FK models.When an evaluation starts, it calls the evaluation of the character, the time will be computed for time spent on the sample. Then possibly another character is evaluated, so again the time will be computed for the time spent on this sample. This time will be added to the previous sample since that evaluation has not finished yet. The evaluation here is parented, since they both have started but not finished, all children samples are summed. When the evaluation stops, you change the sample for the children.Note: The evaluation dependency/order will be different for each scene.As you can see profiling of task cycles is done by collecting samples. Samples are added to one inside parent sample. The number of samples collected is controlled by the profiler buffer size property.Here are the steps to add profiling into a constraint, a device, or any other class that uses real-time evaluation: 1) Declare FBProfiler_CreateTaskCycle( MyConstraint, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ) in MyConstraint.cxx, before the constructor and AnimationNodeNotify function. 2) Set up FBProfiling_SetupTaskCycle( MyConstraint ) in the constuctor MyConstraint::MyConstraint(). 3) At the beginning of MyConstraint::AnimationNodeNotify create the variable: FBProfilerHelper lProfiling( FBProfiling_TaskCycleIndex( MyConstraint ), pEvaluateInfo ); The sample for task will start at the creation of FBProfilerHelper object and stop at the destruction of this object, when returning from AnimationNodeNotify will be done.     
    def GetAvgMinMaxUsage(self,pAvg,pMin,pMax):
        Get the task cycle's average, minimum and maximum usage.
        Results will vary on buffer size. When profiling is disabled all values are set to 1.

        pAvg : Average time spend for computation of task (in micro seconds). 
        pMin : Minimum time spend for computation of task (in micro seconds). 
        pMax : Maximum time spend for computation of task (in micro seconds). 

    def GetChild(self,pIndex):
        Get child task based on specific index.
        Can return NULL if child index is not used.

        pIndex : Child index. 
        return : Child at given index. 

    def GetChildCount(self):
        Get number of child tasks.
        Task cycles are organized in a hierarchy which is dependent on the scene. Samples can be cumulative in the parent task cycle, or independent. For example, all character evaluation samples will be cumulated in one evaluation cycle.

        return : Number of child tasks. 

    def GetColor(self):
        Get the color of the task cycle.
        Used in profiling Center for drawing.


    def GetIndex(self):
        Get the unique registration index for each cycle.


    def GetName(self):
        Get the name of task cycle.


    def IsStarted(self):
        Test to see if sampling has started.



class FBStringList (object):
    String list.     
    See sample:     
    def FBStringList(self):


    def FBStringList(self,pString,pSeparator):

        pString : String to set for list. 
        pSeparator : the string list separator. 

    def FBStringList(self,pOther):
        Copy constructor.

        pOther : FBStringList

    def Add(self,S,pRef):
        Add a string to the list.

        S : String to add to list. 
        pRef : Reference to store with string (default = 0) 
        return : Index where item was stored. 

    def AsString(self,pSeparator):
        Get as string.

        pSeparator : the string list separator. 
        return : String list. 

    def Clear(self):
        Clear the list (remove all the items).


    def Find(self,pRef):
        Find the index where <b>pRef</b> is stored.

        pRef : Reference to look for. 
        return : Index at which <b>pRef</b> can be found. 

    def Find(self,pString,pCaseSensitive,pStartWith):
        Find the index with the string <b>pString</b> (or start with <b>pString</b>)

        pString : String to search for. 
        pCaseSensitive : true if considering case. 
        pStartWith : true if to find the index of the string which start with pString. 
        return : Index where <b>S</b> is stored. 

    def GetAt(self,pIndex):
        Get the string at <b>pIndex</b>.

        pIndex : Index to get string at. 
        return : String at <b>pIndex</b>. 

    def GetReferenceAt(self,pIndex):
        Get the reference store with the string at <b>pIndex</b>.

        pIndex : Index to get reference at. 
        return : Reference stored with value at <b>pIndex</b>. 

    def IndexOf(self,S):
        Get the index of a string.

        S : String to look for. 
        return : Index where string <b>S</b> was found. 

    def InsertAt(self,pIndex,S,pRef):
        Insert an entry at <b>pIndex</b>.

        pIndex : Index where item is to be inserted. 
        S : String to insert. 
        pRef : Reference to store with string(default=0). 

    def Remove(self,S):
        Remove a string from the list.

        S : String to remove from the list. 
        return : Index where item was found. 

    def RemoveAt(self,pIndex):
        Remove an entry at <b>pIndex</b>.

        pIndex : Index where item is to be removed from. 

    def SetAt(self,pIndex,pString):
        Set the string at <b>pIndex</b>.

        pIndex : Index where string is to be set. 
        pString : String to set value at <b>pIndex</b> with. 

    def SetReferenceAt(self,pIndex,pRef):
        Set the reference stored with the string at <b>pIndex</b>.

        pIndex : Index to store reference at. 
        pRef : Reference to store at <b>pIndex</b>. 

    def SetString(self,pString,pSeparator):
        Set string for list.

        pString : String to set for list. 
        pSeparator : the string list separator. 

    def Sort(self):
        Sort the string list (ascending)



class FBPropertyListStoryTrack (object):
    b>List: Take     

class FBDeviceNotifyInfo (object):
    Device Input and Output Notification information structure.     
    This structure is passed to the real-time device IO callback DeviceIONotify. It furnishes the device callback with the system time, local time, and sync counts for the current device cycle.     
    def GetLocalTime(self):
        Get local time.

        return : Current local time. 

    def GetSyncCount(self):
        Return the wanted timer sync count (internal or external)

        return : sync count or <b>-1</b> if no sync is present 

    def GetSystemTime(self):
        Get system time.

        return : Current system time. 


class FBShaderModelInfo (object):
    def FBShaderModelInfo(self,pShader,pInfo,pSubRegionIndex):
        pShader : FBShader
        pInfo : HKModelRenderInfo
        pSubRegionIndex : int

    Model_Version=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Shader version informations         ")
    Model=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Shader mModel         ")

class FBPropertyManager (object):
    Property Manager.b>Property class: const char * (String).     
    The property manager exists in all FBComponent objects, and contains an array of all the registered properties. These properties may be SDK properties, internal properties or both.     
    def FBPropertyManager(self):


    def Find(self,pPropertyName,pMultilangLookup):
        Find a property, based on its name.

        pPropertyName : Name of property to look for. 
        pMultilangLookup : When searching, indicate if the name lookup should also be done on the property name as shown in the GUI. (default = true) 
        return : Handle to property found. 


class FBPropertyListDeviceOpticalMarker (object):
    def FBPropertyListDeviceOpticalMarker(self):


class FBPropertyString (object):
    b>Property: StringList     
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyListModelMarkerOptical (object):
    b>PropertyList: ModelOptical.     
    def FBPropertyListModelMarkerOptical(self):


class FBUndoManager (object):
    Access to global undo and redo functionality.     
    Users have the possibility of undoing and redoing actions performed using the GUI, and interacting with the undo and redo stacks with custom actions.All undo/redo related functions should only be called inside UI event callback. Users should call TransactionBegin()/TransactionEnd() in pairs, Transaction stack must be closed before UI event callback return.This class cannot be used as a base class.See sample:     
    def FBUndoManager(self):


    def ActiveOperation(self):
        Determine if an undo operation is in action.

        return : true the Undo Manager is performing an Undo or a Redo operation. 

    def Clear(self):
        Clear the undo and redo stacks.

        return : A boolean value indicating success (true) or failure (false). 

    def Redo(self):
        Redo last undone action.


    def TransactionAddModelTRS(self,pModel):
        Add Transaction if transaction stack is open.
        Quick Function to add Model TRS in Undo Stack

        pModel : Model to backup TRS 
        return : true if add transaction successfully. 

    def TransactionAddObjectDestroy(self,pObject):
        Add Transaction if transaction stack is open.
        Function to add object to destroy in Undo Stack

        pObject : Object to backup 
        return : true if add transaction successfully. 

    def TransactionAddProperty(self,pProperty):
        Add Transaction if transaction stack is open.
        Quick Function to add property value in Undo Stack

        pProperty : Property to backup 
        return : true if add transaction successfully. 

    def TransactionBegin(self,pTransactionName):
        Open transaction stack for adding transactions.
        Users should call TransactionBegin()/TransactionEnd() in pairs, Transaction stack must be closed before UI event callback return.

        pTransactionName : Name of Transaction. 
        return : true if open transaction stack successfully. 

    def TransactionEnd(self):
        Close transaction stack.
        Users should call TransactionBegin()/TransactionEnd() in pairs, Transaction stack must be closed before UI event callback return.

        return : true if transaction close successfully. 

    def TransactionIsOpen(self):
        Query if transaction stack is already open.

        return : true if transaction is already open. 

    def Undo(self,pNoRedo):
        Undo last action.

        pNoRedo : If true, once the action is undone, it cannot be redone. 


class FBPropertyListRigidBody (object):
    b>PropertyList: Device optical marker     
    def FBPropertyListRigidBody(self):


class FBAudioRenderOptions (object):
    Audio Render Options structure.     
    Contain options to control how the audio rendering will occur.See sample:     
    def FBAudioRenderOptions(self):


    BitDepthMode=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Bit depth for one sample of audio. 8 bits and 16 bits available for audio render, 16 bits default.         ")
    ChannelMode=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Audio render channel number, 1 for Mono(left channel right channel render mixed to one channel), 2 for Stereo(left channel right channel render separately).         ")
    OutputFileName=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Audio Render destination file.         ")
    RateMode=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Rate mode for number of samples per second. 44100 hz default,8000, 11025,12000,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000,64000,88200,96000 available for audio render.         ")
    TimeSpan=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Start and stop selection time to render.         ")

class FBPropertyViewDefinition (object):
    FBProperty View.     
    View definition for one property.     
    def IsFolder(self):
        Is view a folder.


    def IsOpen(self):
        Is property view open at run time.


    def IsSaved(self):
        Is property view saved on view manager store.


    def SetOpen(self,pTrue,pApplyUpHierarchy):
        Set view open/closed at run time.

        pTrue : bool
        pApplyUpHierarchy : bool

    def SetSaved(self,pTrue,pApplyUpHierarchy):
        Set view to be saved on view manager store.

        pTrue : bool
        pApplyUpHierarchy : bool


class FBBatchOptions (object):
    Option parameters for the batch process.     
    def FBBatchOptions(self):


    InputFileFormat=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> File format of the input files.         ")
    OutputFileFormat=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> File format of the output files.         ")
    ProcessType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> What process should be done? Load, Save or Both.         ")
    InputDirectory=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The directory containning the input files.         ")
    OutputDirectory=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The directory containning the output files.         ")
    SkeletonFile=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The Skeleton file (for Acclaim AMC files).         ")
    Character=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The character to receive the animation.         ")
    StartAnimationAtZero=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set the time of all loaded files to 0.         ")
    FrameAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set timeline start and end time to corespond with the start and end of animation.         ")
    OverwriteScaling=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set the scaling to a default setting of 1.0.         ")
    KeepDummyBones=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> To keep dummy bones.         ")
    WriteRate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Write frame rate in Acclaim AMC files.         ")
    WriteTranslation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Write translation animation data included with Acclaim AMC files.         ")
    PlotToCharacter=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> To plot the animation on the character.         ")
    PlotToControlSet=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> To plot the animation on the control set.         ")
    UseSingleTake=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Use only one take to convert all files.         ")
    UseBatchSuffix=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Add a batch suffix to the name of the files.         ")
    KeepCharacterConstraint=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> To keep the character constaint when saving.         ")
    OnTakeExistAction=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Action to perform when a take already exist while in a batch process.         ")
    OnContainsBatchTakesAction=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Action to perform when a scene already contains batch takes while in a batch process.         ")

class FBPlug (object):
    Connections Basic Open Reality SDK Element.     
    Most elements that are available in the SDK inherit from this base class since FBComponent and FBProperty inherit from FBPlug. Basically, all objects can be connected together because they are all 'plugs'. To simplify the graph, you can think of a 'source' connection as a child, and a 'destination' connection as a parent. Also, it is correct to assume that a source affect/work on its destination. For example, a shader applied on an object would be seen as the source while the object is the destination. So FBPlug is a set of functions that enables you to control those connections with flexibility and ease.See samples:,     
    ClassGroupName=property(doc="ClassGroupName of the object.         ")
    TypeInfo=property(doc="TypeInfo.         ")

class FBVector4d (object):
    Vector4d class.     
    This class creates a list like object, which can be modified usingthe list protocol method. But unlike lists, its length is fixed: italways contain 4 floating point values. Thus it does not support theany list methods that would affect its length. The values within canbe changed, usually via the bracket operator.
# Supported list protocol methods:
color = FBColor()
print color[0]
color[0] = 1.0    

 Slicing is not supported by this object.     
    def FBVector4d(self):
        Default constructor, all 4 values within are set to 0.0.


    def FBVector4d(self,pVector4d):
        Copy constructor. Copy values from another instance.

        pVector4d : FBVector4d

    def FBVector4d(self,pX,pY,pZ,pA):
        Explicitely construct a vector by specifying its values.

        pX : float
        pY : float
        pZ : float
        pA : float

    def FBVector4d(self,p0):
        A vector can be built from any python object with supports the tuple interface and is of a lenght of 4.

        p0 : tuple< float, float, float, float >

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print v[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0 to 3) 
        return : Color component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: v[1] = 0.5.

        pIndex : Index of the components to set (0 to 3) 
        pComponentValue : Value of component to set 


class FBMatrix (object):
    FBMatrix class.     
    Four x Four (double) Matrix.This class creates a list like object, which can be modified usingthe list protocol method. But unlike lists, its length is fixed: italways contain 16 floating point values. Thus it does not support theany list methods that would affect its length. The values within canbe changed, usually via the bracket operator. 
# Supported list protocol methods:
mat = FBMatrix()
print mat[13]
mat[12] = 1.0

 The implementation of this 4x4 matrix uses a simple list of 16 elements, not a list of 4 vectors of 4 elements.* Slicing is not supported by this object.See sample:     
    def FBMatrix(self,pValue):

        pValue : Array to intialize matrix from. 

    def FBMatrix(self,pMatrix):
        Copy Constructor.

        pMatrix : Matrix to copy. 

    def FBMatrix(self):
        Constructor Initializes matrix to identity.


    def FBMatrix(self,pValue):

        pValue : Array to intialize matrix from. 

    def FBMatrix(self,pMatrix):
        Copy Constructor.

        pMatrix : Matrix to copy. 

    def Identity(self):
        Load identity matrix.


    def Set(self,pValue):
        Set matrix from an array.

        pValue : Array to intialize matrix from. 

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print matrix[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0 to 15) 
        return : Matrix element value 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: color[1] = 0.5.

        pIndex : Index of the components to set (0 to 15) 
        pComponentValue : Value of component to set 

    def Inverse(self):
        Get Inversed matrix.

        return : the matrix Inversed. 

    def InverseProduct(self,pMatrix):
        InverseProduct Matrix.

        pMatrix : Matrix to Product. 
        return : result matrix. 

    def Transpose(self):
        Get Transposed matrix.

        return : the matrix Transposed. 

    def Validate(self):
        Validated matrix.

        return : true if matrix Validated. 


class FBPropertyAction (object):
    def FBPropertyAction(self):



class FBPropertyList (object):
    Tuple-like structure for system elements.     
    These list objects are used to expose system wide or instance specificlist of objects. Two examples of this are FBSystem's list of Cameras anda FBModel's list of Shaders.These lists have been exposed to Python as tuple, whose content cannotbe modified directly. This is due to the specific nature of each typeof list and the access control required by the owner of the list.For example, creating a new FBCamera object will automatically add itto the list of FBSystem's Cameras. The user does not have to add it tothe list. The same being true for the destruction of the camera whichshould be done by calling 'FBDelete()' on the object itself. Not by atemptingto remove it from the list of cameras. 
# Supported list operations:
print propertyList[0]

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print l[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get 
        return : Element contain in property list 


class FBConfigFile (object):
    Interface to the application config files.     
    This class allows client code to generate, modify and query configuration files. Config files will be automatically created when needed. They will be located in the /bin/config folder or an explicitly specified folder depending on the constructor used.See samples:,,,,     
    def FBConfigFile(self,pConfigFileName,pVirtualMode,pClearFile):
        This will open the desired config file from the [APPLICATION]/bin/config folder. The file will be created if it does not exists. By prefixing the character '@' to the file name, this will automatically prepend the current machine name to the config file, the way it is done for the other config files of the application.

        pConfigFileName : Name the config file to use. 
        pVirtualMode : Enable this to limit disk access, file will only be read at construction and written at destruction. 
        pClearFile : Remove all existing content from the config file. 

    def FBConfigFile(self,pConfigFileName,pConfigFilePath,pVirtualMode,pClearFile):
        This will open the desired config file in the designed folder. The file will be created if it does not exists. By prefixing the character '@' to the file name, this will automatically prepend the current machine name to the config file, the way it is done for the other config files of the application.

        pConfigFileName : Name the config file to use. 
        pConfigFilePath : Location where the file should reside. Missing directories will not be created. 
        pVirtualMode : Enable this to limit disk access, file will only be read at construction and written at destruction. 
        pClearFile : Remove all existing content from the config file. 

    def ClearFile(self):
        Remove all content from the config file.


    def Get(self,pSectionName,pItemName,pDefaultValue):
        Get an item's value.
        Get an item's value by looking inside a specific section of the config file.

        pSectionName : Name of the section. 
        pItemName : Name of the item. 
        pDefaultValue : Default value that will be returned if the item is not found. 
        return : The value assigned to the item in the specified section of the config file, or the default value if not found. 

    def GetOrSet(self,pSectionName,pItemName,pValue,pComment):
        Get a value from the config file and set it if it was not found.

        pSectionName : Name of the section. 
        pItemName : Name of the item. 
        pValue : Reference the the string that will contain the value of the item. If the item is not found in the file, it will be added with the initial value in this string. 
        pComment : Optional parameter that can be used to add a comment. 
        return : <b>true</b> if the value was found or added, or false if the item was not found and could not be added to the file. 

    def Set(self,pSectionName,pItemName,pValue,pComment):
        Set an item's value.
        Assign a value to an item in the config file. If the item does not exist, it will be created.

        pSectionName : Name of the section. 
        pItemName : Name of the item. 
        pValue : Value assigned to the item. 
        pComment : Optional parameter that can be used to add a comment. 
        return : <b>true</b> if the item was written to the config file, <b>false</b> otherwise. 


class FBPropertyListPivot (object):
    b>List: Model     

class FBProfileTimeEvent (object):
    Time event information is collected during sampling (activated with a property in FBProfiler ActiveSampling). Events that can be collected are: render, evaluation, model evaluation, model deformation, synchronization of evaluation and rendering, playback commands, etc.Sampling will stop when the buffers maximum size is reached (maximum is 10MB).Currently users are not able to register any new events from ORSDK/python     
    def GetColor(self):
        Get the color assigned to the event.


    def GetComment(self):
        Get the comment for the event.
        Comments are not editable.


    def GetThreadID(self):
        Get the thread ID used in the event execution.


    def GetTime(self):
        Get the time when the event occurred.


    def GetTypeName(self):
        Get the event registered type name.


    def IsSingleEvent(self):
        Three types of events exits: single, start and end.
        Some actions that takes more time to execute or when other events can occur inbetween are collected with start time event at begin and end time event at finish.



class FBFCurveKey (object):
    KeyFrame for an FCurve.     
    See sample:     
    def FBFCurveKey(self,pFCurve,pKeyIndex):

        pFCurve : Parent FCurve (default is NULL). 
        pKeyIndex : Key frame index (default is 1). 

    def FBFCurveKey(self,pFCurveKey):

        pFCurveKey : FCurveKey to copy information from. 

    Bias=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Bias (TCB).         ")
    Continuity=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Continuity (TCB).         ")
    Interpolation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Type of interpolation.         ")
    LeftBezierTangent=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Left bezier tangent         ")
    LeftDerivative=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Left derivative, in units/seconds.         ")
    LeftTangentWeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Left tangent weight         ")
    RightBezierTangent=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Right bezier tangent         ")
    RightDerivative=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Right derivative, in units/seconds.         ")
    RightTangentWeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Right tangent weight         ")
    TangentBreak=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tangent's break status         ")
    TangentClampMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tangent's clamp method.         ")
    TangentConstantMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tangent's constant mode         ")
    TangentMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tangeant calculation method.         ")
    Tension=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tension (TCB).         ")
    Time=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Time of key.         ")
    Value=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Value of Key         ")

class FBEvaluateInfo (object):
    AnimationNodeNotify evaluation information.     
    This structure is passed to the AnimationNodeNotify calls (in Constraints, Devices, and Boxes), giving the connectors information with regards to the start or stop times of the evaluation. In general, only the start time is of interest for the current evaluation cycle. The advantage of the structure is to have a common time for the evaluation of all the elements in the scene.     
    def GetEvaluationID(self):
        Return the wanted timer sync count (internal or external).

        return : sync count or <b>-1</b> if no sync is present 

    def GetLocalTime(self):
        Return local (scene) time.

        return : Local time. 

    def GetSyncCount(self):
        Return the wanted timer sync count (internal or external).

        return : sync count or <b>-1</b> if no sync is present 

    def GetSystemTime(self):
        Return system time.

        return : System time. 

    def IsStop(self):
        Is local time stopped? (ie: no animation).

        return : <b>true</b> if local time is stopped. 


class FBPropertyListOpticalSegment (object):
    b>PropertyList: Physical properties     
    def FBPropertyListOpticalSegment(self):


class FBViewingOptions (object):
    Viewing options for rendering.     
    The FBRenderer allows to get and set those options.     
    def InPicking(self):
        Is the rendering routine during picking status.


    def IsInColorBufferPicking(self):
        Is the rendering routine during picking status with GL color buffer method.


    def IsInSelectionBufferPicking(self):
        Is the rendering routine during picking status with GL selection buffer method.


    def RenderCallbackPrefIndex(self):
        Current Render callback Settings Index.


    def StereoDisplayMode(self):
        Get a reference to the stereo display mode.

        return : Reference to the current stereo display mode. 

    DisplayMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current Shading mode         ")
    DisplayWhat=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> current display mask.         ")
    PickingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Reference to the current picking mode.         ")
    ShowTimeCode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show Time Code when rendering.         ")
    ShowSafeArea=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show Safe Area when rendering.         ")
    ShowCameraLabel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show Camera Label when rendering.         ")

class FBPropertyListAnimationNode (object):
    List of animation nodes.b>List: AudioClip.     
    def FindByLabel(self,pNodeLabel):
        Returns the animation node from its label.

        pNodeLabel : Label of the searched animation node. 
        return : AnimationNode found. 


class FBPropertyListCharacterFace (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: CharacterMarkerSet.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBPropertyListCharacterFace(self):


class FBInputKey (Enumeration):
    Keyboard inputs.     
    kFBKeyReturn=property(doc="Return.         ")
    kFBKeyBackSpace=property(doc="Backspace.         ")
    kFBKeyTab=property(doc="Tab.         ")
    kFBKeyEscape=property(doc="Escape.         ")
    kFBKeyPageUp=property(doc="Page Up.         ")
    kFBKeyPageDown=property(doc="Page Down.         ")
    kFBKeyEnd=property(doc="End.         ")
    kFBKeyHome=property(doc="Home.         ")
    kFBKeyLeft=property(doc="Left.         ")
    kFBKeyUp=property(doc="Up.         ")
    kFBKeyRight=property(doc="Right.         ")
    kFBKeyDown=property(doc="Down.         ")
    kFBKeyIns=property(doc="Insert.         ")
    kFBKeyDel=property(doc="Delete.         ")
    kFBKeyF1=property(doc="F1.         ")
    kFBKeyF2=property(doc="F2.         ")
    kFBKeyF3=property(doc="F3.         ")
    kFBKeyF4=property(doc="F4.         ")
    kFBKeyF5=property(doc="F5.         ")
    kFBKeyF6=property(doc="F6.         ")
    kFBKeyF7=property(doc="F7.         ")
    kFBKeyF8=property(doc="F8.         ")
    kFBKeyF9=property(doc="F9.         ")
    kFBKeyF10=property(doc="F10.         ")
    kFBKeyF11=property(doc="F11.         ")
    kFBKeyF12=property(doc="F12.         ")

class FBTransportPlaySpeed (Enumeration):
    Available transport control play speed.     
    kFBSpeed_1_10x=property(doc="1/10x.         ")
    kFBSpeed_1_5x=property(doc="1/5x         ")
    kFBSpeed_1_4x=property(doc="1/4x         ")
    kFBSpeed_1_3x=property(doc="1/3x         ")
    kFBSpeed_1_2x=property(doc="1/2x         ")
    kFBSpeed_1x=property(doc="1x         ")
    kFBSpeed_ALL_FR=property(doc="All frames.         ")
    kFBSpeed_2x=property(doc="2x         ")
    kFBSpeed_3x=property(doc="3x         ")
    kFBSpeed_4x=property(doc="4x         ")
    kFBSpeed_5x=property(doc="5x         ")
    kFBSpeed_10x=property(doc="10x         ")

class FBEventEvalGlobalCallback (FBEvent):
    def FBEventEvalGlobalCallback(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 


class FBStoryClipSolveMode (Enumeration):
    Solve Modes for story character clips.     
    kFBStoryClipRetargetSkeleton=property(doc="Solve retarget skeleton.         ")
    kFBStoryClipAnimSkeleton=property(doc="Solve skeleton animation.         ")
    kFBStoryClipAnimFkIk=property(doc="Solve forward and inverse kinematic animation.         ")
    kFBStoryClipAnimSkeletonIk=property(doc="Solve skeleton inverse kinematic animation.         ")

class FBEventAnimationNodeType (Enumeration):
    Event based on animation node.     
    Types of transformation.     
    kFBEventAnimationNodeDataChange=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventAnimationNodeConstraintChange=property(doc="        ")
    kFBEventAnimationNodeNone=property(doc="        ")

class FBTangentConstantMode (Enumeration):
    Different constant modes for the tangents.     
    kFBTangentConstantModeNormal=property(doc="The tangent will contain the value of the current keyframe until the next keyframe.         ")
    kFBTangentConstantModeNext=property(doc="The tangent will contain the value of the next keyframe.         ")

class FBPropertyListDeformer (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Device     
    def FBPropertyListDeformer(self):


class FBStoryTrackType (Enumeration):
    Types for new story tracks.     
    See samples:,     
    kFBStoryTrackAnimation=property(doc="Animation track.         ")
    kFBStoryTrackCamera=property(doc="Camera animation track.         ")
    kFBStoryTrackCharacter=property(doc="Character animation track.         ")
    kFBStoryTrackConstraint=property(doc="Constraint track.         ")
    kFBStoryTrackCommand=property(doc="Command track.         ")
    kFBStoryTrackShot=property(doc="Shot track.         ")
    kFBStoryTrackAudio=property(doc="Audio track.         ")
    kFBStoryTrackVideo=property(doc="Video track.         ")

class FBVideoStorageMode (Enumeration):
    Video storage modes.     
    kFBVideoStorageDisk=property(doc="Storage on disk.         ")
    kFBVideoStorageMemory=property(doc="Storage in memory.         ")
    kFBVideoStorageDiskAsync=property(doc="Storage on disk async access.         ")

class FBEventVideoFrameRendering (FBEvent):
    def FBEventVideoFrameRendering(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 


class FBCharacterResetProperties (Enumeration):
    Character Reset Properties Type.     
    kFBCharacterResetPropertiesAll=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterResetPropertiesSolving=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterResetPropertiesDefinition=property(doc="        ")

class FBMarkerType (Enumeration):
    Type of the marker.     
    kFBMarkerTypeStandard=property(doc="Standard.         ")
    kFBMarkerTypeOptical=property(doc="Optical.         ")
    kFBMarkerTypeFKEffector=property(doc="FK effector.         ")
    kFBMarkerTypeIKEffector=property(doc="IK effector.         ")

class FBPropertyListFileReference (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Folder     
    def FBPropertyListFileReference(self):


class FBHUDElementVAlignment (Enumeration):
    kFBHUDBottom=property(doc="Bottom alignment.         ")
    kFBHUDTop=property(doc="Top alignment.         ")
    kFBHUDVCenter=property(doc="Center.         ")

class FBPropertyListObjectPose (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Device optical marker     
    def FBPropertyListObjectPose(self):


class FBModelShadingMode (Enumeration):
    Modes for model shading.     
    See samples:,,,     
    kFBModelShadingDefault=property(doc="Default shading.         ")
    kFBModelShadingWire=property(doc="Wireframe shading.         ")
    kFBModelShadingFlat=property(doc="Flat shading.         ")
    kFBModelShadingLight=property(doc="Lighted shading.         ")
    kFBModelShadingHard=property(doc="Hard shading.         ")
    kFBModelShadingTexture=property(doc="Textured shading.         ")
    kFBModelShadingAll=property(doc="Lighted, shaded, textured shading.         ")

class FBCameraSamplingType (Enumeration):
    Antialiasing sampling types.     
    kFBSamplingUniform=property(doc="Uniform sampling.         ")
    kFBSamplingStochastic=property(doc="Stochastic sampling.         ")

class FBProfilingMode (Enumeration):
    Available Profiling modes.     
    kFBProfilingModeDisabled=property(doc="All profiling disabled, this include Viewer profiling. For the other modes, when EvaluationDepth is 0, only base information is profiled, such as FPS and evaluation rate.         ")
    kFBProfilingModeEvaluation=property(doc="Collect profiling for all known evaluation tasks (default mode).         ")
    kFBProfilingModeRendering=property(doc="Collect profiling for all known rendering tasks.         ")
    kFBProfilingModeDevices=property(doc="Collect profiling for device Input/Output and Device Evaluation.         ")
    kFBProfilingModeSDK=property(doc="Collect profiling for SDK.         ")
    kFBProfilingModeAllLow=property(doc="Collect profiling for all known tasks that doesn't increase remarkably with scene size. For large scenes this will not influence performance.         ")
    kFBProfilingModeAllHi=property(doc="Collect profiling for all known tasks . For large scenes there should be an influence on performance.         ")

class FBProperty (FBPlug):
    Generic application property.     
    b>Property: Action Action property to trigger function.FBProperty objects cannot be instantiated by the user. Reference to a property can be obtained either via an instance of a FBComponent object, or by calling the method 'Find()' of a FBPropertyManager. The class FBComponent has a FBPropertyManager data member named 'PropertyList'.When accessing a FBProperty object via its containing object, you can get or set (assuming it is not read-only) its value directly:    lObject.Visibility = TrueWhen accessing a property reference directly, its value is obtained via it's 'Data' member.    lProp = lObject.PropertyList.Find( 'Visibility' )   if lProp: lProp.Data = TrueThe methods 'PropertyCreate()' and 'PropertyRemove' of the class FBComponent can be used to modify an object's set of properties.     
    def FBProperty(self):


    def AllowsLocking(self):

        return : <b>true</b> if property can be locked 

    def AsString(self,pFlag):
        Get the property value as a string.

        pFlag : Indicates the returned string to be used for UI or storage. It defaults to kFBDataAsStringUI. 
        return : The string version of the property. 

    def EnumList(self,pIndex):
        Return the string of an enum value.

        pIndex : Enum value to get string for. 
        return : String value of enum specified by pIndex. 

    def GetEnumStringList(self,pCreateIt):
        String list for enum properties.

        pCreateIt : Create a new list if necessary. 
        return : the pointer to the string list.. 

    def GetMax(self):

        return : Maximum value for the property. 

    def GetMin(self):

        return : Minimum value for the property. 

    def GetName(self):
        Get the property's name.

        return : The property's name. 

    def GetPropertyFlag(self,pFlag):

        pFlag : Flag to test if it is True or False. 
        return : If the flag is True, the function returns True and vice-versa. 

    def GetPropertyFlags(self):

        return : Return all flags at once. 

    def GetPropertyType(self):
        Get the property's type.

        return : The property's type. 

    def GetPropertyTypeName(self):
        Get the property's type name.

        return : The property's type name. 

    def GetSubMemberCount(self):

        return : Number of sub-members. 

    def HasSomethingLocked(self):

        return : <b>true</b> if property or any of its members is locked 

    def IsAnimatable(self):
        Verify if property is of this type.

        return : <b>true</b> if property is of type. 

    def IsInternal(self):
        Verify if property is of this type.

        return : <b>true</b> if property is of type. 

    def IsList(self):
        Verify if property is of this type.

        return : <b>true</b> if property is of type. 

    def IsLocked(self):

        return : <b>true</b> if property is locked 

    def IsMaxClamp(self):
        Indicate if maximum value clamping will be applied on user input value.

        return : <b>true</b> if property the value will be clamped to a maximum value. 

    def IsMemberLocked(self,pIndex):

        pIndex : Index of the sub-member of the property to check. 
        return : <b>true</b> if property sub-member is locked 

    def IsMinClamp(self):
        Indicate if minimum value clamping will be applied on user input value.

        return : <b>true</b> if property the value will be clamped to a minimum value. 

    def IsObjectList(self):
        Indicate if is an instance of FBPropertyListObject.


    def IsReadOnly(self):
        Is property read-only?

        return : <b>true</b> if property is read-only. 

    def IsReferenceProperty(self):
        Verify if property is of this type.

        return : <b>true</b> if property is of type. 

    def IsTextureConnectableProperty(self):
        Verify if property is of this type.

        return : <b>true</b> if property is of type. 

    def IsUserProperty(self):
        Verify if property is of this type.

        return : <b>true</b> if property is of type. 

    def ModifyPropertyFlag(self,pFlag,pValue):

        pFlag : The flag to switch to True or False. 
        pValue : The value to set about this flag. 

    def NotifyEnumStringListChanged(self):
        Notify system that the enum list was modified.


    def OriValueAsString(self):
        Get the property original value (before any modification) as string.

        return : returns the original value of the property in string with format same as AsString(kDataAsStringPersistence) 

    def SetLocked(self,pLocked):

        pLocked : True if the property is to be locked, false if it is to be unlocked. 

    def SetMax(self,pMax,pForceMaxClamp):

        pMax : Maximum value of the property. 
        pForceMaxClamp : Force clamping to maximum value of the property. 

    def SetMemberLocked(self,pIndex,pLocked):

        pIndex : Index of the sub-member of the property to lock or unlock. 
        pLocked : True if the sub-member is to be locked, false if it is to be unlocked. 

    def SetMin(self,pMin,pForceMinClamp):

        pMin : Minimum value of the property. 
        pForceMinClamp : Force clamping to minimum value of the property. 

    def SetName(self,pName):
        Set the property's name.

        pName : New name for the property. 

    def SetString(self,pString):
        Set the property value from a string.

        pString : String to set property value from, with format same as AsString(kFBDataAsStringPersistence) 
        return : True if it was possible. 

    Name=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> The property's name.         ")
    Data=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The property data value. Type of this depends on the subclass of FBProperty (ex: in a FBPropertyInt, Data is of type int).         ")

class FBCellStyle (Enumeration):
    Different styles of spreadsheet cell styles.     
    kFBCellStyleDefault=property(doc="Default cell style.         ")
    kFBCellStyleString=property(doc="String.         ")
    kFBCellStyleDouble=property(doc="Double.         ")
    kFBCellStyleInteger=property(doc="Integer.         ")
    kFBCellStyleButton=property(doc="Button.         ")
    kFBCellStyle2StatesButton=property(doc="2 state button.         ")
    kFBCellStyle3StatesButton=property(doc="3 state button.         ")
    kFBCellStyleMenu=property(doc="Menu.         ")
    kFBCellStyleVoid=property(doc="Void (no value).         ")
    kFBCellStyleView=property(doc="View (user definable, you need to specify the view using FBSpread::SetCellView()).         ")
    kFBCellStyleTime=property(doc="Time.         ")

class FBRotationOrder (Enumeration):
    Specify the Euler rotation order.     
    kFBXYZ=property(doc="XYZ.         ")
    kFBXZY=property(doc="XZY.         ")
    kFBYXZ=property(doc="YXZ.         ")
    kFBYZX=property(doc="YZX.         ")
    kFBZXY=property(doc="ZXY.         ")
    kFBZYX=property(doc="ZYX.         ")

class FBBatchOnTakeExist (Enumeration):
    Different actions to perform when a take already exist while in a batch process.     
    kFBBatchOnTakeExistOverwrite=property(doc="Overwrite the take.         ")
    kFBBatchOnTakeExistSkip=property(doc="Skip the take.         ")

class FBImageFormat (Enumeration):
    Image formats.     
    kFBImageFormatRGBA32=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageFormatRGB24=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageFormatBGRA32=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageFormatBGR24=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageFormatBGR16=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageFormatABGR32=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageFormatARGB32=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageFormatUnknown=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyListDeck (FBPropertyListComponent):
    def FBPropertyListDeck(self):


class FBAttenuationType (Enumeration):
    Light attenuation types.     
    kFBAttenuationNone=property(doc="No attenuation.         ")
    kFBAttenuationLinear=property(doc="Linear attenuation.         ")
    kFBAttenuationQuadratic=property(doc="Quadratic attenuation.         ")
    kFBAttenuationCubic=property(doc="Cubic attenuation.         ")

class FBPropertyListHUDElement (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Handle.     
    def FBPropertyListHUDElement(self):


class FBFilePopupStyle (Enumeration):
    Different types of file popup windows.     
    See samples:,     
    kFBFilePopupOpen=property(doc="Open file popup (Shows 'Open Directory').         ")
    kFBFilePopupSave=property(doc="Save file popup (Shows 'Save Directory').         ")

class FBFileMonitoringType (Enumeration):
    File Monitoring Type.     
    kFBFileMonitoring_InvalidIndex=property(doc="Invalid value.         ")
    kFBFileMonitoring_MAINSCENE=property(doc="Main Scene change monitoring.         ")
    kFBFileMonitoring_ANIMATIONCLIP=property(doc="Animation clip change monitoring.         ")
    kFBFileMonitoring_FILEREFERENCE=property(doc="File Reference change monitoring.         ")

class FBPropertyListMaterial (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>List: Model     
    def FBPropertyListMaterial(self):


class FBTextStyle (Enumeration):
    Text appearance styles.     
    See sample:     
    kFBTextStyleNone=property(doc="Normal.         ")
    kFBTextStyleBold=property(doc="Bold.         ")
    kFBTextStyleItalic=property(doc="Italic.         ")
    kFBTextStyleUnderlined=property(doc="Underlined.         ")

class FBCameraMatrixType (Enumeration):
    Camera matrix types in OpenGL convention.     
    kFBProjection=property(doc="Camera's Projection matrix.         ")
    kFBModelView=property(doc="Camera's combined Model-View matrix.         ")
    kFBModelViewProj=property(doc="Camera's combined Model-View-Projection matrix.         ")
    kFBProjInverse=property(doc="Camera's Projection Inverse matrix.         ")

class FBEventShow (FBEvent):
    Show event class.     
    def FBEventShow(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Shown=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Was layer just shown?         ")

class FBModelRotationOrder (Enumeration):
    Ways to apply Rotation.     
    kFBEulerXYZ=property(doc="XYZ Euler Order.         ")
    kFBEulerXZY=property(doc="XZY Euler Order.         ")
    kFBEulerYZX=property(doc="YZX Euler Order.         ")
    kFBEulerYXZ=property(doc="YXZ Euler Order.         ")
    kFBEulerZXY=property(doc="ZXY Euler Order.         ")
    kFBEulerZYX=property(doc="ZYX Euler Order.         ")
    kFBSphericXYZ=property(doc="Spheric XYZ Order.         ")

class FBFogMode (Enumeration):
    Fog falloff modes.     
    kFBFogModeLinear=property(doc="Linear falloff.         ")
    kFBFogModeExponential=property(doc="Exponential falloff.         ")
    kFBFogModeSquareExponential=property(doc="Squared exponential falloff.         ")

class FBClusterMode (Enumeration):
    Different clustering modes.     
    kFBClusterNormalize=property(doc="Normalize (values between 0.0 and 1.0 )         ")
    kFBClusterAdditive=property(doc="Add the values together.         ")
    kFBClusterTotal100=property(doc="The balanced values will add up to 100 percent.         ")

class FBSkeletonNodeId (Enumeration):
    All Skeleton nodes.     
    kFBSkeletonInvalidIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonHipsIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftHipIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftKneeIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftAnkleIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftFootIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightHipIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightKneeIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightAnkleIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightFootIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonWaistIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonChestIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftCollarIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftShoulderIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftElbowIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftWristIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightCollarIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightShoulderIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightElbowIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightWristIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonNeckIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonHeadIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftThumbAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftThumbBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftThumbCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftIndexAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftIndexBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftIndexCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftMiddleAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftMiddleBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftMiddleCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftRingAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftRingBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftRingCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftPinkyAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftPinkyBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLeftPinkyCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightThumbAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightThumbBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightThumbCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightIndexAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightIndexBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightIndexCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightMiddleAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightMiddleBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightMiddleCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightRingAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightRingBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightRingCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightPinkyAIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightPinkyBIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonRightPinkyCIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonReferenceIndex=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSkeletonLastIndex=property(doc="        ")

class FBConnectionType (Enumeration):
    Connection types available between plugs.     
    kFBConnectionTypeNone=property(doc="Default connection type.         ")
    kFBConnectionTypeSystem=property(doc="System connection type.         ")

class FBAssetMngFileOptions (Enumeration):
    Behavior of the application when working with managed files.     
    kFileCheckOutOnLoad=property(doc="Check out file automatically on load.         ")
    kFileCheckOutOnLoad_Ask=property(doc="Ask for checkout on load.         ")
    kFileUploadOnSave=property(doc="Upload file automatically on save.         ")
    kFileUploadOnSave_Ask=property(doc="Ask for upload on save.         ")
    kFileAddOnNewSave=property(doc="Add new file automatically on save.         ")
    kFileAddOnNewSave_Ask=property(doc="Ask for adding new file on save.         ")
    kFileCheckInOnClose=property(doc="Check in file automatically when closing it.         ")
    kFileCheckInOnClose_Ask=property(doc="Ask for check in file when closing it.         ")
    kFileOptionsAll=property(doc="        ")

class FBFloorContactID (Enumeration):
    Floor contact for the given index.     
    FBLeftHandMemberIndex=property(doc="        ")
    FBRightHandMemberIndex=property(doc="        ")
    FBLeftFootMemberIndex=property(doc="        ")
    FBRightFootMemberIndex=property(doc="        ")
    FBLastCharacterMember=property(doc="        ")

class FBMarkerLook (Enumeration):
    Look of the marker.     
    kFBMarkerLookCube=property(doc="Cube.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookHardCross=property(doc="Thick cross.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookLightCross=property(doc="Wireframe cross.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookSphere=property(doc="Sphere.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookCapsule=property(doc="Capsule.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookSquare=property(doc="Square.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookCircle=property(doc="Circle.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookBone=property(doc="Bone.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookStick=property(doc="Box with a sphere on one end.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookBox=property(doc="Box.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookNone=property(doc="None.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookRigidGoal=property(doc="Rigid goal.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookRotationGoal=property(doc="Rotation goal.         ")
    kFBMarkerLookAimRollGoal=property(doc="Aim & Roll goal.         ")

class FBCameraStereoType (Enumeration):
    kFBCameraStereoNone=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCameraStereoConverged=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCameraStereoOff_Axis=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCameraStereoParallel=property(doc="        ")

class FBDeviceSamplingMode (Enumeration):
    Recording types.     
    The different values for this will control the way the keys are added when the device is being recorded. There are four different types of recording keys for devices:Hardware Timestamping. This case is when the hardware provides timestamps with each packet.Hardware Frequency. The hardware is guaranteed to provide packets at a given frequency.Auto Frequency Packets are coming in at a fixed, unknown frequency. The recorded data will be resampled to be equidistant.Software Timestamping. The application will provide a timestamp for each packet depending on when it receives the data.     
    kFBHardwareTimestamp=property(doc="Device supplies timestamp.         ")
    kFBHardwareFrequency=property(doc="Device is running at known, fixed frequency.         ")
    kFBAutoFrequency=property(doc="Device is running at unknown, fixed frequency.         ")
    kFBSoftwareTimestamp=property(doc="The software will timestamp packets as they arrive.         ")

class FBCameraFocusDistanceSource (Enumeration):
    Focus distance sources.     
    kFBFocusDistanceCameraInterest=property(doc="Interest as source.         ")
    kFBFocusDistanceSpecificDistance=property(doc="Specific distance as source.         ")

class FBPropertyFlag (Enumeration):
    Available flags for FBProperty objects. b>PropertyList: Actor.     
    Property flags are not saved into FBX files.See sample:<b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    kFBPropertyFlagNotSet=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPropertyFlagHideProperty=property(doc="This flag is used to show/hide the property in the propertiview. However, when turn on/off HidePropertry flag, this property won't show/hide unless you reload the UI. The nodes hidden by this flag are removed from UI.         ")
    kFBPropertyFlagForceStaticProperty=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPropertyFlagDisableProperty=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPropertyFlagAnimated=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPropertyFlagNotSavable=property(doc="Should not be saved to or loaded from an FBX file.         ")
    kFBPropertyFlagReadOnly=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPropertyFlagNotUserDeletable=property(doc="        ")
    kFBValueAllocated=property(doc="The value has been allocated and must be delete in destructor.         ")
    kFBDynamicHidden=property(doc="This flag is used to show/hide the property in the propertiview. When turn on/ff DynamicHidden flag, this property will show/hide. The nodes hidden by this flag still exist in UI.         ")
    kFBSlaveSetByMaster=property(doc="Slave property can be modified, valid only when the master property is modified.         ")
    kFBLoadedUserProperty=property(doc="This property is loaded from file.         ")

class FBComponent (FBPlug):
    MotionBuilder SDK base class.     
    FBComponent defines common object characteristics, including creation and destruction methods. It is used to encapsulate internal application objects so they can be exposed to the SDK. It is also used as the base class to encapsulate objects with FBProperty data members and provides a scheme for property management. You cannot instantiate FBProperty objects. To reference a property, use an instance of an FBComponent object. The methods FBComponent::PropertyCreate and FBComponent::PropertyRemove can be used to modify an object's properties. Basic operators are overloaded in FBComponent. The constructor and destructor are created and defined with macros in the header files. Objects inheriting from FBComponent must define FBComponent::FBCreate(), and FBComponent::FBDestroy(). All memory management issues for the component should also be addressed here. Destroy an object with FBDelete(). The code sample shows how to get a handle on a scene object via its name.See sample:     
    def FBComponent(self):


    def ClassName(self):
        Get the class name.

        return : The class name (i.e. "FBComponent").

    def DisableObjectFlags(self,pFlags):
        Disable a specific Object Flags.

        pFlags : Flags to disable. 

    def EnableObjectFlags(self,pFlags):
        Enable a specific Object Flags.

        pFlags : Flags to enable. 

    def FBCreate(self):
        Open Reality Creation function.

        return : Outcome of creation (true/false). 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Open Reality deletion function.


    def FBDestroy(self):
        Open Reality destruction function.


    def GetObjectFlags(self):
        Get all Object Flags (concatenated).

        return : Get all object flags in one call. Flags can be concatenated. 

    def GetObjectStatus(self,pStatus):
        Check to see if an object status is enabled.

        pStatus : Status to query. 

    def GetOwnerFileReference(self,p0):
        Get the owner FileReference object.

        p0 : p0
        return : the owner FileReference object 

    def HardSelect(self):
        Selects the object, and emits a hard select event for UI update notification.


    def HasObjectFlags(self,pFlags):
        Check whether a specific object flag is enabled.

        pFlags : Flags to check if they are present. 
        return : True if all flags in pFlags are enabled. 

    def Is(self,pTypeId):
        Returns true if object is of type TypeId.

        pTypeId : TypeId to compare object to. 
        return : Result of the comparison. 

    def ProcessNamespaceHierarchy(self,pNamespaceAction,pNamespaceName,pReplaceTo,pAddRight):
        New Namespace name should only contains alphabet, digit and '_', Can't start with digit. This recursive function goes through the whole hierarchy (children) to add/replace the prefix. If you need to work on a single object, use the ProcessObjectPrefix function.

        pNamespaceAction : Which operation to do on the hierarchy (children). 
        pNamespaceName : The Namespace name on Add/Delete or the prefix to replace in case of replace. 
        pReplaceTo : The new Namespace Name or NULL in case of add or delete. 
        pAddRight : Whether to add the namespace on right-most or left-most side or other namespace. 
        return : return true if process successful. 

    def ProcessObjectNamespace(self,pNamespaceAction,pNamespaceName,pReplaceTo,pAddRight):
        New Namespace name should only contains alphabet, digit and '_', Can't start with digit. This function is the same as ProcessNamespaceHierarchy except that it applies only on the current object and not to the object's children.

        pNamespaceAction : Which operation to do on the hierarchy (children). 
        pNamespaceName : The Namespace name on Add/Delete or the prefix to replace in case of replace. 
        pReplaceTo : The new Namespace Name or NULL in case of add or delete. 
        pAddRight : Whether to add the namespace on right-most or left-most side or other namespace. 
        return : return true if process successful. 

    def PropertyAdd(self,pProperty):
        Add a property to the component's property manager.

        pProperty : The property to add to the property manager. 
        return : Index in the property array where property was inserted. 

    def PropertyAddReferenceProperty(self,pReferenceProperty):
        Add a reference property to the component's property manager.

        pReferenceProperty : The property to from an other object to add a reference to (property cannot be a custom ORSDK property). 
        return : True if the reference property could be added. 

    def PropertyCreate(self,pName,pType,pDataType,pAnimatable,pIsUser,pReferenceSource):
        Create user or dynamic property.

        pName : The name of the property. 
        pType : Type of the property. See enum FBPropertyType. 
        pDataType : DataType of the property. 
        pAnimatable : To specify if the property can be animated. 
        pIsUser : To specify if the property is available as a custom property or dynamic and attached to the object. 
        pReferenceSource : Specifies the property that a reference refers to. 

    def PropertyGetModifiedList(self,pPropList,pModificationFlags):
        Get list of properties which have been modified since last loading.

        pPropList : property list to hold the modified properties. 
        pModificationFlags : type of modification to query. 

    def PropertyRemove(self,pProperty):
        Remove a Property from the component's Property manager.
        If the property was dynamically allocated, it is deleted.

        pProperty : The property to remove from the property manager. 

    def SetObjectFlags(self,pFlags):

        pFlags : Set flag values. Note: this function overwrites all flags with those passed in parameter. 

    def SetObjectStatus(self,pStatus,pValue):
        Enable/Disable a specific Object Status.

        pStatus : Status to change. 
        pValue : Value to change the status to. 

    Components=property(doc="<b>List:</b> List of components.         ")
    LongName=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Name and namespace for object.         ")
    Name=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Unique name of object. See sample:         ")
    Parents=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Parents.         ")
    PropertyList=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Manages all of the properties for the component.         ")
    Selected=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Selected property.         ")
    TypeInfo=property(doc="Contains the Type information of the object.         ")

class FBPlugStatusFlag (Enumeration):
    kFBPlugStatusFlagNone=property(doc="Plug has no status set.         ")
    kFBOwnedByUndo=property(doc="Plug is owned by undo framework.         ")

class FBAssetMngMenuOptions (Enumeration):
    Show or hide version control menu items.     
    Let you specify which functionalities will be available from the menus.     
    kMenuOpenFromDatabase=property(doc="File -> Open from database.         ")
    kMenuAddToDatabase=property(doc="File -> Add to database.         ")
    kMenuUploadToDatabase=property(doc="File -> Upload to database.         ")
    kMenuGetLatest=property(doc="Version Control -> Get Latest.         ")
    kMenuCheckIn=property(doc="Version Control -> Check In.         ")
    kMenuCheckOut=property(doc="Version Control -> Check Out.         ")
    kMenuUndoCheckOut=property(doc="Version Control -> Undo Check Out.         ")
    kMenuShowHistory=property(doc="Version Control -> Show History.         ")
    kMenuShowProperties=property(doc="Version Control -> Show Properties.         ")
    kMenuShowExplorer=property(doc="Version Control -> Show Explorer.         ")
    kMenuShowReferenceMng=property(doc="Version Control -> Show Reference Manager.         ")
    kMenuShowSettings=property(doc="Version Control -> Show Settings.         ")
    kMenuEnable=property(doc="Version Control -> Disable Version Control Integration.         ")
    kMenuFileAll=property(doc="Support all elements from the File menu.         ")
    kMenuSourceControlAll=property(doc="Support all elements from the Version Control menu.         ")
    kMenuSourceControlMin=property(doc="Support only the basics functionalities.         ")
    kMenuAll=property(doc="Support everything.         ")

class FBVideoRenderDepth (Enumeration):
    Enum FBVideoRenderDepth.     
    See samples:,     
    FBVideoRender24Bits=property(doc="24 bits         ")
    FBVideoRender32Bits=property(doc="32 bits         ")
    FBVideoRenderDepthCount=property(doc="Depth Count.         ")

class FBIconPosition (Enumeration):
    Different icon positions possible.     
    kFBIconLeft=property(doc="Icon on left of text.         ")
    kFBIconTop=property(doc="Icon on top of text.         ")

class FBLayerMode (Enumeration):
    Layer mode.     
    kFBLayerModeInvalidIndex=property(doc="Invalid value.         ")
    kFBLayerModeAdditive=property(doc="Layer value will be added to the other layers to computed the final value.         ")
    kFBLayerModeOverride=property(doc="Layer value will override the value of the other precedent layers.         ")
    kFBLayerModeOverridePassthrough=property(doc="If the layer has a weigth of 75%, the precedent layers will have a combined effect of 25% on the final value. Setting the weigth to 100% is similar to setting the layer in override.         ")

class FBPlotAllowed (Enumeration):
    kFBPlotAllowed_None=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPlotAllowed_Skeleton=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPlotAllowed_ControlRig=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPlotAllowed_Both=property(doc="        ")

class FBGeometryReferenceMode (Enumeration):
    Determine how the mapping information is stored in the array of coordinate.     
    kFBGeometryReference_DIRECT This indicates that the mapping information for the n'th element is found in the n'th place of DirectArray.kFBGeometryReference_INDEX, This indicates that the mapping information for the n'th element is found in the n'th place of IndexArray.kFBGeometryReference_INDEX_TO_DIRECT This indicates that the KLayerElementTemplate::mIndexArray contains, for the n'th element, an index in the KLayerElementTemplate::mDirectArray array of mapping elements. eINDEX_TO_DIRECT is usually useful to store coordinates for eBY_POLYGON_VERTEX mapping mode elements. Since the same coordinates are usually repeated a large number of times, it saves spaces to store the coordinate only one time and refer to them with an index. Materials and Textures are also referenced with this mode and the actual Material/Texture can be accessed via the KLayerElementTemplate::mDirectArray     
    kFBGeometryReference_DIRECT=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryReference_INDEX=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryReference_INDEX_TO_DIRECT=property(doc="        ")

class FBObjectStatus (Enumeration):
    Available lifetime status for any component.     
    kFBStatusCreating=property(doc="Object is in creation operations.         ")
    kFBStatusStoring=property(doc="Object is in storing operations.         ")
    kFBStatusRetrieving=property(doc="Object is in retrieving operations.         ")
    kFBStatusMerging=property(doc="Object is in Merging operations.         ")
    kFBStatusDestroying=property(doc="Object is in destruction operations.         ")

class FBRSType (Enumeration):
    RS type for serial port.     
    kFBRS232=property(doc="RS-232 serial protocol.         ")
    kFBRS422=property(doc="RS-422 serial protocol.         ")

class FBMergeLayerMode (Enumeration):
    Merge layer mode for animation layers.     
    This will specify the mode of the resulting merged layer, if applicable (To BaseAnimation layer mode cannot be modified).     
    kFBMergeLayerModeAutomatic=property(doc="The resulting layer will be in override mode if one of the source layer is in override, otherwise, it will be in additive mode.         ")
    kFBMergeLayerModeAdditive=property(doc="The resulting layer will be in additive mode, if possible.         ")
    kFBMergeLayerModeOverride=property(doc="The resulting layer will be in override mode, if possible.         ")

class FBManipulatorTransformType (Enumeration):
    Manipulator transform stles.     
    kFBManipulatorTransformNone=property(doc="No manipulator.         ")
    kFBManipulatorTransformTranslation=property(doc="Translation manipulator.         ")
    kFBManipulatorTransformRotation=property(doc="Rotation manipulator.         ")
    kFBManipulatorTransformScaling=property(doc="Scaling manipulator.         ")

class FBCameraResolutionMode (Enumeration):
    Resolution modes.     
    kFBResolutionCustom=property(doc="Custom resolution mode or From Camera as a render setting.         ")
    kFBResolutionD1NTSC=property(doc="D1 NTSC.         ")
    kFBResolutionNTSC=property(doc="NTSC.         ")
    kFBResolutionPAL=property(doc="PAL.         ")
    kFBResolutionD1PAL=property(doc="D1 PAL.         ")
    kFBResolutionHD=property(doc="HD 1920x1080.         ")
    kFBResolution640x480=property(doc="640x480.         ")
    kFBResolution320x200=property(doc="320x200.         ")
    kFBResolution320x240=property(doc="320x240.         ")
    kFBResolution128x128=property(doc="128x128.         ")
    kFBResolutionFullScreen=property(doc="FullScreen.         ")

class FBCharacterContactBehaviour (Enumeration):
    Character Contact Behaviour.     
    kFBParamContactNeverSync=property(doc="        ")
    kFBParamContactSyncOnKey=property(doc="        ")
    kFBParamContactAlwaysSync=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLastContactBehaviour=property(doc="        ")

class FBCommandState (Enumeration):
    kFBCommandStateStandard=property(doc="Standard.         ")
    kFBCommandStateMute=property(doc="Mute.         ")
    kFBCommandStateSolo=property(doc="Solo.         ")
    kFBCommandStateMuteBecauseSolo=property(doc="Mute because of solo.         ")

class FBViewerMode (Enumeration):
    Different viewer modes for the 3D viewer.     
    kFBViewerModeOneWindow=property(doc="View one pane.         ")
    kFBViewerModeTwoWindow=property(doc="View two panes.         ")
    kFBViewerModeThreeWindow=property(doc="View three panes.         ")
    kFBViewerModeFourWindow=property(doc="View four panes.         ")
    kFBViewerModeSchematic=property(doc="Schematic view.         ")

class FBCameraViewPlaneMode (Enumeration):
    Camera plane viewing modes.     
    kFBViewPlaneDisabled=property(doc="Camera plane disabled.         ")
    kFBViewPlaneAlways=property(doc="Always draw camera plane.         ")
    kFBViewPlaneWhenMedia=property(doc="Camera plane when media.         ")

class FBCharacterLoadAnimationMethod (Enumeration):
    This enumeration is used to choose how to load an animation file on a character.     
    kFBCharacterLoadConnect=property(doc="Only connect the loaded character as an input.         ")
    kFBCharacterLoadCopy=property(doc="Copy keys from loaded character to target character.         ")
    kFBCharacterLoadRetarget=property(doc="Retarget (copy and correct) keys from loaded character to target character.         ")
    kFBCharacterLoadPlotIfSampled=property(doc="If loaded animation seems sampled, plot animation from loaded character to target character; else retarget.         ")
    kFBCharacterLoadPlot=property(doc="Plot animation from loaded character to target character.         ")

class FBPlugModificationFlag (Enumeration):
    kFBPlugAllContent=property(doc="None Modified.         ")
    kFBSelfDataModified=property(doc="Object/Property itself has been dirty, in case of property get dirty, its owner object will be set dirty as well.         ")
    kFBContentDataModified=property(doc="Owner object/Namespace has data dirty property/objects.         ")
    kFBAllDataModified=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSelfKeyingModified=property(doc="Object/Property itself has been dirty, in case of property get dirty, its owner object will be set dirty as well.         ")
    kFBContentKeyingModified=property(doc="Owner object/Namespace has data dirty property/objects.         ")
    kFBAllKeyingModified=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSelfStateModified=property(doc="Object/Property naming change.         ")
    kFBContentStateModified=property(doc="Owner object/Namespace has state dirty property/objects.         ")
    kFBAllStateModified=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSelfConnectionSrcObjectModified=property(doc="The src object of this plug has been modified.         ")
    kFBSelfConnectionSrcPropertyModified=property(doc="The src property of this plug has been modified.         ")
    kFBSelfConnectionDstObjectModified=property(doc="The dst object of this plug has been modified.         ")
    kFBSelfConnectionDstPropertyModified=property(doc="The dst property of this plug has been modified.         ")
    kFBSelfConnectionModifiedMask=property(doc="        ")
    kFBContentConnectionModified=property(doc="Owner object/namespace has connection modified property/objects.         ")
    kFBAllConnectionModified=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSelfCustomPropertyModified=property(doc="Object custom property change.         ")
    kFBContentCustomPropertyModified=property(doc="Owner object/Namespace has dirty property/objects.         ")
    kFBAllCustomPropertyModified=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSelfAllModifiedMask=property(doc="        ")
    kFBContentAllModifiedMask=property(doc="        ")
    kFBAllModifiedMask=property(doc="        ")

class FBVideoRenderFieldMode (Enumeration):
    Enum FBVideoRenderFieldMode.     
    FBFieldModeNoField=property(doc="No Field.         ")
    FBFieldModeField0=property(doc="Field 0.         ")
    FBFieldModeField1=property(doc="Field 1.         ")
    FBFieldModeHalfField0=property(doc="Half Field 0.         ")
    FBFieldModeHalfField1=property(doc="Half Field 1.         ")
    FBFieldModeCount=property(doc="Count.         ")

class FBInputModifier (Enumeration):
    Input Modifiers (Ctrl, Alt, Shift).     
    kFBKeyNone=property(doc="No modifier.         ")
    kFBKeyShift=property(doc="Shift was pressed.         ")
    kFBKeyCtrl=property(doc="Control was pressed.         ")
    kFBKeyAlt=property(doc="Alt was pressed.         ")

class FBGeometryArrayID (Enumeration):
    ID to use when requesting a specific array of data for a model.     
    See sample:     
    kFBGeometryArrayID_Point=property(doc="ID to the Point array.         ")
    kFBGeometryArrayID_Normal=property(doc="ID to the Normal by Point array.         ")
    kFBGeometryArrayID_Tangent=property(doc="ID to the Tangent array.         ")
    kFBGeometryArrayID_Binormal=property(doc="ID to the Binormal array.         ")
    kFBGeometryArrayID_Color=property(doc="ID to the Vertex Color Array.         ")

class FBObjectFlag (Enumeration):
    Available flags for any component.     
    kFBFlagSelectable=property(doc="Can be selected.         ")
    kFBFlagDeletable=property(doc="Can be deleted.         ")
    kFBFlagSavable=property(doc="Can be saved.         ")
    kFBFlagVisible=property(doc="Can be visible.         ")
    kFBFlagClonable=property(doc="Can be cloned.         ")
    kFBFlagSystem=property(doc="Created from System (not from user)         ")
    kFBFlagNewable=property(doc="Deleted on File->New.         ")
    kFBFlagRenamable=property(doc="Can be renamed.         ")
    kFBFlagMergeable=property(doc="Can be merged.         ")
    kFBFlagBrowsable=property(doc="Visible in the Scene Navigator/Schematic View/Property View/Model View.         ")
    kFBFlagParentable=property(doc="Object (model) can be 'parented'. Used by the apply manager contextual menu.         ")
    kFBFlagDetachable=property(doc="Object can be 'detached'. Used by the apply manager contextual menu.         ")
    kFBFlagUndoable=property(doc="Object can undo its actions and states, in a global Undo Stack.         ")
    kFBFlagUndoableSeparately=property(doc="Object which has kFlagUndoableSeparately flag turned on will have a separate Undo Stack.         ")
    kFBFlagKeyable=property(doc="Object can Key his property. (System Camera can't)         ")
    kFBFlagAllocated=property(doc="Object is allocated, so it must call 'delete this' on destroy.         ")
    kFBFlagStory=property(doc="Object created/used by the Story tool. Useful flag for filtering Story objects.         ")
    kFBFlagStorable6=property(doc="System/Obsolete.         ")
    kFBFlagStorableData6=property(doc="System/Obsolete.         ")
    kFBFlagUniqueName=property(doc="< Used in FBX SDK native IO, force bindary format for the bindary data.         ")
    kFBFlagNamespaceEditable=property(doc="Allow editting on the namespace objects.         ")

class FBEventConnectionDataNotify (FBEvent):
    Connection notify event class.     
    def FBEventConnectionDataNotify(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Action=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Connection's action performed.         ")
    Plug=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The plug involved in the action.         ")

class FBCameraFrameSizeMode (Enumeration):
    Frame size modes.     
    kFBFrameSizeWindow=property(doc="Frame size of window.         ")
    kFBFrameSizeFixedRatio=property(doc="Fixed ratio.         ")
    kFBFrameSizeFixedResolution=property(doc="Fixed resolution.         ")
    kFBFrameSizeFixedWidthResolution=property(doc="Fixed width resolution.         ")
    kFBFrameSizeFixedHeightResolution=property(doc="Fixed height resolution.         ")

class FBPropertyListCamera (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Character.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBPropertyListCamera(self):


class FBDragAndDropState (Enumeration):
    State of Drag and Drop.     
    See samples:,     
    kFBDragAndDropBegin=property(doc="Begin a drag and drop sequence.         ")
    kFBDragAndDropDrag=property(doc="Dragging.         ")
    kFBDragAndDropDrop=property(doc="Dropping.         ")
    kFBDragAndDropEnd=property(doc="End of drag and drop.         ")
    kFBDragOnEmpty=property(doc="Empty the drag and drop stack.         ")
    kFBDragOnEmptyDrop=property(doc="Dropping empty stack.         ")

class FBNurbType (Enumeration):
    Surface types.     
    kFBNurbTypePeriodic=property(doc="Periodic Type Nurb.         ")
    kFBNurbTypeClosed=property(doc="Closed Type Nurb.         ")
    kFBNurbTypeOpen=property(doc="Open Type Nurb.         ")

class FBModelTemplateStyle (Enumeration):
    Model template styles When creating model templates, this parameter will affect the actual model created (associated with the model template).     
    kFBModelTemplateNone=property(doc="No style.         ")
    kFBModelTemplateNull=property(doc="Null.         ")
    kFBModelTemplateMarker=property(doc="Marker.         ")
    kFBModelTemplateRoot=property(doc="Root (3 axes).         ")
    kFBModelTemplateSensor=property(doc="Yellow magnetic sensor.         ")
    kFBModelTemplateSkeleton=property(doc="Skeleton limb.         ")
    kFBModelTemplateCamera=property(doc="Camera.         ")
    kFBModelTemplateGeometry=property(doc="Generic geometry.         ")
    kFBModelTemplateCameraInterest=property(doc="Camera interest.         ")
    kFBModelTemplateLight=property(doc="Light.         ")
    kFBModelTemplateOptical=property(doc="Optical model (not supported yet).         ")

class FBTangentMode (Enumeration):
    Methods of tangent calculation.     
    This is only relevant when interpolation is CUBIC.     
    kFBTangentModeAuto=property(doc="This is the equivalent to a cardinal spline with no parametrization. In the UI, it is identified as Smooth.         ")
    kFBTangentModeTCB=property(doc="TCB spline (3 parameters: TENSION, CONTINUITY, BIAS)         ")
    kFBTangentModeUser=property(doc="Used to represent all splines with no lost data (HERMITE, BEZIER, CATMUL, etc.)         ")
    kFBTangentModeBreak=property(doc="Like USER but left slope may differ from right.         ")
    kFBTangentModeTimeIndependent=property(doc="Time independent, is calculated based upon the slope between the previous and next key values. In the UI, it is identified as Spline.         ")
    kFBTangentModeClampProgressive=property(doc="Time independent, will flatten the tangent handles when the key value goes over or under the previous and next key values. In the UI, it is identified as Auto.         ")

class FBGeometryArrayElementType (Enumeration):
    Type of data when requesting an array.     
    kFBGeometryArrayElementType_Unknown=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryArrayElementType_Integer=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryArrayElementType_Float2=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryArrayElementType_Float3=property(doc="Each element is an array of 3 float.         ")
    kFBGeometryArrayElementType_Float4=property(doc="Each element is an array of 4 float.         ")
    kFBGeometryArrayElementType_FloatMatrix4x4=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryArrayElementType_IntegerArrayPointer=property(doc="        ")

class FBBatchFileFormat (Enumeration):
    Different file formats for the batch.     
    kFBBatchFileFormatTRC=property(doc="File format for Motion Analysis TRC.         ")
    kFBBatchFileFormatC3D=property(doc="File format for Vicon C3D.         ")
    kFBBatchFileFormatAMC=property(doc="File format for Acclaim AMC.         ")
    kFBBatchFileFormatBVH=property(doc="File format for Biovision BVH.         ")
    kFBBatchFileFormatHTR=property(doc="File format for Motion Analysis HTR.         ")
    kFBBatchFileFormatFBX=property(doc="File format for FBX (animation only).         ")

class FBImageInterleaveType (Enumeration):
    Image field interleave types.     
    kFBImageInterleaveTypeFullFrame=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageInterleaveTypeOdd=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageInterleaveTypeEven=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageInterleaveTypeAverage=property(doc="        ")

class FBStereoDisplayMode (Enumeration):
    kFBStereoDisplayCenterEye=property(doc="Display in Center Eye Camera, No Stereo effect.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayLeftEye=property(doc="Display in Left Eye Caerma, No Stereo effect.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayRightEye=property(doc="Display in Right Eye Caerma, No Stereo effect.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayActive=property(doc="Display in active mode. User must enable OpenGL quad stereo buffer, and choose approriate stereo mode in video card hardware's config app.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayHorizontalInterlace=property(doc="Display in Horizontal Interlace stereo mode.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayCheckerboard=property(doc="Display in Checkboard Interlace stereo mode.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayAnaglyph=property(doc="Display in Analygh stereo mode.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayAnaglyphLuminance=property(doc="Display in Luminance Analygh stereo mode.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayFreeviewParallel=property(doc="Display in parallel free view stereo mode.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayFreeviewCrossed=property(doc="Display in crossed free view stereo mode.         ")
    kFBStereoDisplayModeCount=property(doc="update this count value when add new mode         ")

class FBTextureMapping (Enumeration):
    Texture mapping modes.     
    How the texture is mapped.     
    kFBTextureNoMapping=property(doc="No mapping.         ")
    kFBTextureMappingUV=property(doc="UV mapping.         ")
    kFBTextureMappingXY=property(doc="XY mapping.         ")
    kFBTextureMappingYZ=property(doc="YZ mapping.         ")
    kFBTextureMappingXZ=property(doc="XZ mapping.         ")
    kFBTextureMappingSpherical=property(doc="Spherical mapping.         ")
    kFBTextureMappingCylindrical=property(doc="Cylindrical mapping.         ")
    kFBTextureMappingEnvironment=property(doc="Environment mapping.         ")
    kFBTextureMappingProjection=property(doc="Projection mapping.         ")

class FBPropertyType (Enumeration):
    Property types.     
    See sample:     
    kFBPT_unknown=property(doc="unknow.         ")
    kFBPT_int=property(doc="int.         ")
    kFBPT_bool=property(doc="bool.         ")
    kFBPT_float=property(doc="float.         ")
    kFBPT_double=property(doc="double.         ")
    kFBPT_charptr=property(doc="charptr.         ")
    kFBPT_enum=property(doc="enum.         ")
    kFBPT_Time=property(doc="time.         ")
    kFBPT_TimeCode=property(doc="timecode.         ")
    kFBPT_object=property(doc="object.         ")
    kFBPT_event=property(doc="event.         ")
    kFBPT_stringlist=property(doc="stringlist.         ")
    kFBPT_Vector4D=property(doc="vector4d.         ")
    kFBPT_Vector3D=property(doc="vector3d.         ")
    kFBPT_ColorRGB=property(doc="colorrgb.         ")
    kFBPT_ColorRGBA=property(doc="colorrgba.         ")
    kFBPT_Action=property(doc="action.         ")
    kFBPT_Reference=property(doc="reference.         ")
    kFBPT_TimeSpan=property(doc="timespan.         ")
    kFBPT_kReference=property(doc="kReference.         ")
    kFBPT_Vector2D=property(doc="vector2d.         ")

class FBNamespaceAction (Enumeration):
    Namespace flags.     
    See samples:,     
    kFBConcatNamespace=property(doc="Use to add a namespace name to object.         ")
    kFBReplaceNamespace=property(doc="Use to replace a define namespace.         ")
    kFBRemoveAllNamespace=property(doc="Remove all the namespace name.         ")

class FBVideoResolution (Enumeration):
    Video Resolution (1D)     
    kFBVideo_RES_FULL=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_1=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_2=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_4=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_8=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_16=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_32=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_64=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_128=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_256=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_512=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_1K=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_2K=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_4K=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideo_RES_8K=property(doc="        ")

class FBCharacterPoseFlag (Enumeration):
    Character Pose Options flags.     
    kFBCharacterPoseNoFlag=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseMirror=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseGravity=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseMatchTX=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseMatchTY=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseMatchTZ=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseMatchR=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseMatchPivot=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseUseKeyingGroup=property(doc="        ")

class FBBatchOnContainsBatchTakes (Enumeration):
    Different actions to perform when a scene already contains batch takes while in a batch process.     
    kFBBatchOnContainsBatchTakesSaveBatchTakesOnly=property(doc="Save only the batch takes.         ")
    kFBBatchOnContainsBatchTakesSaveAllTakes=property(doc="Save all the takes.         ")

class FBModelTransformationType (Enumeration):
    Types of transformation vector/matrices possible.     
    See samples:,,     
    kModelTransformation=property(doc="Transformation.         ")
    kModelRotation=property(doc="Rotation.         ")
    kModelTranslation=property(doc="Translation.         ")
    kModelScaling=property(doc="Scaling.         ")
    kModelTransformation_Geometry=property(doc="Transformation plus geometry offset.         ")
    kModelInverse_Transformation=property(doc="Inverse transformation.         ")
    kModelInverse_Rotation=property(doc="Inverse rotation.         ")
    kModelInverse_Translation=property(doc="Inverse translation.         ")
    kModelInverse_Scaling=property(doc="Inverse scaling.         ")
    kModelInverse_Transformation_Geometry=property(doc="Inverse of transformation plus geometry offset.         ")

class FBCommType (Enumeration):
    Communications type.     
    Different base types of communications. There is always the 'other' type in order to use another type of communication.     
    kFBCommTypeNone=property(doc="A non-communicating device.         ")
    kFBCommTypeSerial=property(doc="Serial communications.         ")
    kFBCommTypeNetworkTCP=property(doc="Network (TCP) device.         ")
    kFBCommTypeNetworkUDP=property(doc="Network (UDP) device.         ")
    kFBCommTypeSharedMemory=property(doc="Accessing shared memory.         ")
    kFBCommTypeSimulator=property(doc="Software simulator.         ")
    kFBCommTypeOther=property(doc="Any other type of communications.         ")

class FBAudioChannelMode (Enumeration):
    Enum FBAudioChannelMode.     
    kFBAudioChannelModeMono=property(doc="1 channel, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioChannelModeStereo=property(doc="2 channels, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioChannelMode_4=property(doc="4 channels, Wave file render not support.         ")
    kFBAudioChannelMode_8=property(doc="8 channels, Wave file render not support.         ")

class FBCharacterRollSolver (Enumeration):
    Character Roll Solver version.     
    kFBParamRollSolver70=property(doc="        ")
    kFBParamRollSolver75=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLastRollSolver=property(doc="        ")

class FBMaterialTextureType (Enumeration):
    Various Material texture channels' type.     
    See samples:,,,,     
    kFBMaterialTextureEmissive=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureEmissiveFactor=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureAmbient=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureAmbientFactor=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureDiffuse=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureDiffuseFactor=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureSpecular=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureSpecularFactor=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureShiness=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureBump=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureNormalMap=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureTransparent=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureTransparentFactor=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureReflection=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMaterialTextureReflectionFactor=property(doc="        ")

class FBVideoFormat (Enumeration):
    Video color modes.     
    kFBVideoFormat_Any=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideoFormat_Other=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideoFormat_RGBA_32=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideoFormat_RGB_24=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideoFormat_BGRA_32=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideoFormat_BGR_24=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideoFormat_BGR_16=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideoFormat_ABGR_32=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideoFormat_ARGB_32=property(doc="        ")
    kFBVideoFormat_422=property(doc="        ")

class FBInterpolatorCurveType (Enumeration):
    Types of interpolator for an FCurve.     
    kFBInterpolatorCurveLinearIn=property(doc="        ")
    kFBInterpolatorCurveLinearOut=property(doc="        ")
    kFBInterpolatorCurveSmoothIn=property(doc="        ")
    kFBInterpolatorCurveSmoothOut=property(doc="        ")
    kFBInterpolatorCurveSlowIn=property(doc="        ")
    kFBInterpolatorCurveSlowOut=property(doc="        ")
    kFBInterpolatorCurveFastIn=property(doc="        ")
    kFBInterpolatorCurveFastOut=property(doc="        ")
    kFBInterpolatorCurveLast=property(doc="        ")

class FBSceneChangeType (Enumeration):
    Types of model selection events.     
    See sample:     
    kFBSceneChangeNone=property(doc="Unknown event.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeDestroy=property(doc="Object destroyed.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeAttach=property(doc="Object attached.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeDetach=property(doc="Object detached.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeAddChild=property(doc="Child added.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeRemoveChild=property(doc="Child removed.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeSelect=property(doc="Object selection.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeUnselect=property(doc="Object deselection.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeRename=property(doc="Before object rename.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeRenamePrefix=property(doc="Before object rename prefix.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeRenameUnique=property(doc="Before object rename unique.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeRenameUniquePrefix=property(doc="Before object rename unique prefix.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeRenamed=property(doc="After object rename.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeRenamedPrefix=property(doc="After object rename prefix.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeRenamedUnique=property(doc="After object rename unique.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeRenamedUniquePrefix=property(doc="After object rename unique prefix.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeSoftSelect=property(doc="Soft selection.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeSoftUnselect=property(doc="Soft deselection.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeHardSelect=property(doc="Hard selection.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeActivate=property(doc="Activate.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeDeactivate=property(doc="Deactivate.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeLoadBegin=property(doc="Begin loading file.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeLoadEnd=property(doc="End loading file.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeClearBegin=property(doc="Begin clearing file (file new)         ")
    kFBSceneChangeClearEnd=property(doc="End clearing file (file new)         ")
    kFBSceneChangeTransactionBegin=property(doc="Begin transaction.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeTransactionEnd=property(doc="End transaction.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeMergeTransactionBegin=property(doc="Begin merge transaction.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeMergeTransactionEnd=property(doc="End merge transaction.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeReSelect=property(doc="Re-selection.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeChangeName=property(doc="Object change name.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeChangedName=property(doc="Object changed name.         ")
    kFBSceneChangePreParent=property(doc="Before object parenting.         ")
    kFBSceneChangePreUnparent=property(doc="Before object unparenting.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeFocus=property(doc="Object have focus.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeChangedParent=property(doc="Object changed parent.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeReorder=property(doc="Object reorder.         ")
    kFBSceneChangeReordered=property(doc="Object reordered.         ")

class FBEventFileChange (FBEvent):
    File change event class.     
    This event occurs every time a monitored file changed:     
    def FBEventFileChange(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Path=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The path of changed file.         ")
    Type=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Type of file change event.         ")

class FBShadowType (Enumeration):
    Shadow types.     
    The different types of shadow mapping.     
    kFBShadowTypeShadowPlanar=property(doc="Use this shadow type to create darkened shadow areas only on planar surfaces.         ")
    kFBShadowTypeShadowProjectiveTexture=property(doc="Uses a texture projection to create a shadow.         ")
    kFBShadowTypeLightMapProjectiveTexture=property(doc="Uses a texture projection as a shadow.         ")
    kFBShadowTypeZShadowProjectiveTexture=property(doc="Similar to the Projective Shadow, except that it uses a boolean algorithm to create a self-shadow.         ")
    kFBShadowTypeZLightMapProjectiveTexture=property(doc="Similar to the Projective Light Map except that it uses a boolean algorithm to create a self-shadow.         ")

class FBImageInterpolationType (Enumeration):
    Image interpolation types.     
    kFBImageInterpolationTypeNone=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageInterpolationTypeDuplicate=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageInterpolationTypeLinear=property(doc="        ")

class FBGenerationMode (Enumeration):
    Generation modes for optical model.     
    kFBGenerationNone=property(doc="No re-generation.         ")
    kFBGenerationFast=property(doc="Fast re-generation.         ")

class FBEventSpread (FBEvent):
    Spreadsheet event.     
    def FBEventSpread(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Action=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Action associated to the spread event.         ")
    Column=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Column of event.         ")
    Row=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Row of event.         ")

class FBTakeChangeType (Enumeration):
    Types of take change events.     
    kFBTakeChangeAdded=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTakeChangeRemoved=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTakeChangeOpened=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTakeChangeClosed=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTakeChangeRenamed=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTakeChangeUpdated=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTakeChangeMoved=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTakeChangeNone=property(doc="        ")

class FBEventConnectionStateNotify (FBEvent):
    Connection notify event class.     
    def FBEventConnectionStateNotify(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Action=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Connection's action performed.         ")
    Plug=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The plug involved in the action.         ")

class FBPropertyListPose (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Texture     
    def FBPropertyListPose(self):


class FBPropertyListLight (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Manipulator.     
    def FBPropertyListLight(self):


class FBMenuItemType (Enumeration):
    Types of menu items available.     
    kFBMenuItemMotionImport=property(doc="Motion Files->Import.         ")
    kFBMenuItemSceneImport=property(doc="Scenes->Import.         ")
    kFBMenuItemMotionExport=property(doc="Motion Files->Export.         ")
    kFBMenuItemSceneExport=property(doc="Scenes->Export.         ")

class FBHUDElementHAlignment (Enumeration):
    kFBHUDLeft=property(doc="Left alignment.         ")
    kFBHUDRight=property(doc="Right alignment.         ")
    kFBHUDCenter=property(doc="Center.         ")

class FBOneClickApplication (Enumeration):
    Possible application for One-Click interop with MotionBuilder.     
    kFBOneClickNone=property(doc="No application.         ")
    kFBOneClickMaya=property(doc="Maya.         ")
    kFBOneClick3dsMax=property(doc="3ds Max.         ")

class FBBatchStatus (Enumeration):
    Different return values of the Batch process.     
    kFBBatchStatusSuccess=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusError=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusCharacterNotSpecified=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusCharacterNotCharacterized=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusCharacterHasNoReference=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusInputActorNotSpecified=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusActorInputMarkersetNotSpecified=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusActorInputMarkersetHasNoReferenceModel=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusActorInputMarkersetNotCorrectlyAssociated=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusInputCharacterNotCharacterized=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusInputCharacterHasNoReference=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusInputDirectoryNotValid=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusAsfSkeletonFileNotSpecified=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusCantOpenAsfSkeletonFile=property(doc="        ")
    kFBBatchStatusOutputDirectoryNotValid=property(doc="        ")

class FBBodyPartId (Enumeration):
    Body part for character.     
    kFBCtrlSetPartNone=property(doc="No part selected.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartHips=property(doc="Hips Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartChest=property(doc="Chest Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartLeftArm=property(doc="Left Arm Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartRightArm=property(doc="Right Arm Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartLeftLeg=property(doc="Left Leg Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartRightLeg=property(doc="Right Leg Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartHead=property(doc="Head Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartLeftHand=property(doc="Left Hand Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartRightHand=property(doc="Right Hand Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartLeftFoot=property(doc="Left Foot Body Part.         ")
    kFBCtrlSetPartRightFoot=property(doc="Right Foot Body Part.         ")
    kFBLastCtrlSetPartIndex=property(doc="Part count.         ")

class FBAttachType (Enumeration):
    Types of attachments between UI regions.     
    See samples:,,     
    kFBAttachLeft=property(doc="Attach to left [min(x1,x2)].         ")
    kFBAttachRight=property(doc="Attach to right [max(x1,x2)].         ")
    kFBAttachTop=property(doc="Attach to top [min(y1,y2)].         ")
    kFBAttachBottom=property(doc="Attach to bottom [max(y1,y2)].         ")
    kFBAttachWidth=property(doc="Attach to width [abs(x2-x1)].         ")
    kFBAttachHeight=property(doc="Attach to height [abs(y2-y1)].         ")
    kFBAttachCenter=property(doc="Attach to center [center(x1,y1,x2,y2)].         ")
    kFBAttachNone=property(doc="No attachment.         ")

class FBPropertyListRendererCallback (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Device optical marker     
    def FBPropertyListRendererCallback(self):


class FBEventInput (FBEvent):
    Input event class.     
    def FBEventInput(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    InputType=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Input type.         ")
    Key=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Input key.         ")
    KeyState=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> State of key.         ")
    MouseButton=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Mouse Button.         ")
    X=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Mouse X Position.         ")
    Y=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Mouse Y Position.         ")

class FBCommPortType (Enumeration):
    Communication port type.     
    kFBPhysical=property(doc="Physical.         ")
    kFBVirtual=property(doc="Virtual.         ")
    kFBInternal=property(doc="Internal.         ")

class FBMirrorPlaneType (Enumeration):
    Mirror Plane Type.     
    kFBMirrorPlaneTypeInvalid=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMirrorPlaneTypeAuto=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMirrorPlaneTypeZY=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMirrorPlaneTypeXY=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMirrorPlaneTypeXZ=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMirrorPlaneTypeUser=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMirrorPlaneTypeEquation=property(doc="        ")
    kFBMirrorPlaneTypeCount=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyListAudioClip (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>List: AudioIn     
    def FBPropertyListAudioClip(self):


class FBPropertyListUserObject (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: VideoClip     
    def FBPropertyListUserObject(self):


class FBPropertyListModelOptical (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: ModelSkeleton.     
    def FBPropertyListModelOptical(self):


class FBPropertyListCharacter (FBPropertyListComponent):
    def FBPropertyListCharacter(self):


class FBPropertyListPhysicalProperties (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>List: Story Clip pivot models     
    def FBPropertyListPhysicalProperties(self):


class FBPropertyListShader (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>List: StoryClip     
    def FBPropertyListShader(self):


class FBAnimationLayerMergeOptions (Enumeration):
    Merge option for animation layers.     
    kFBAnimLayerMerge_SelectedLayers_SelectedProperties=property(doc="Merge the animation of the selected properties of the selected models from the selected layers to the selected layer with the lowest index.         ")
    kFBAnimLayerMerge_AllLayers_SelectedProperties=property(doc="Merge the animation of the selected properties of the selected models from all the layers to the BaseAnimation layer.         ")
    kFBAnimLayerMerge_SelectedLayers_AllProperties=property(doc="Merge the animation of all properties of the selected models from the selected layers to the selected layer with the lowest index.         ")
    kFBAnimLayerMerge_AllLayers_AllProperties=property(doc="Merge the animation of all properties of the selected models from all the layers to the BaseAnimation layer.         ")
    kFBAnimLayerMerge_SelectedLayers_CompleteScene=property(doc="Merge the animation of all properties from the selected layers to the selected layer with the lowest index.         ")
    kFBAnimLayerMerge_AllLayers_CompleteScene=property(doc="Merge the animation of all properties from all the layers to the BaseAnimation layer.         ")

class FBCameraSafeAreaMode (Enumeration):
    Safe area modes.     
    kFBSafeAreaSquare=property(doc="Square safe area.         ")
    kFBSafeAreaRound=property(doc="Round safe area.         ")

class FBStoryTrackRefMode (Enumeration):
    References Modes for story animation tracks.     
    kFBStoryTrackOverride=property(doc="Override track.         ")
    kFBStoryTrackAdditive=property(doc="Additive track.         ")

class FBPropertyListObject (FBPropertyListComponent):
    List-like structure fo system elements.     
    b>PropertyList: ObjectPose.This container supports most of the list interface, but is limited to contain only FBComponent objects. New objects can be added, or objects in the list can be removed. The cardinality of the list and the use of the contained object will vary according the container object type. This class supports slice access for query, but not for assignment.     
    def FBPropertyListObject(self):


    def SetSingleConnect(self,pSingleConnect):
        Set if the connection is single or multiple.

        pSingleConnect : set to true for only one connection allowed. 

    def GetSingleConnect(self):
        Get if the connection support only one connection.

        return : true is the connection support only one connection. 


class FBModelCullingMode (Enumeration):
    Model Culling Mode.     
    kFBCullingOff=property(doc="Culling Off.         ")
    kFBCullingOnCCW=property(doc="Culling with Counter Clock Wise.         ")
    kFBCullingOnCW=property(doc="Culling with Clock Wise.         ")

class FBTimeMode (Enumeration):
    Different time modes available.     
    kFBTimeModeDefault=property(doc="Default Time Mode.         ")
    kFBTimeMode1000Frames=property(doc="1000 : 1 millisecond         ")
    kFBTimeMode120Frames=property(doc="120         ")
    kFBTimeMode100Frames=property(doc="100         ")
    kFBTimeMode96Frames=property(doc="96         ")
    kFBTimeMode72Frames=property(doc="72         ")
    kFBTimeMode60Frames=property(doc="60         ")
    kFBTimeMode5994Frames=property(doc="~59.94         ")
    kFBTimeMode50Frames=property(doc="50         ")
    kFBTimeMode48Frames=property(doc="48         ")
    kFBTimeMode30Frames=property(doc="30         ")
    kFBTimeMode2997Frames_Drop=property(doc="~29.97 drop         ")
    kFBTimeMode2997Frames=property(doc="~29.97 full         ")
    kFBTimeMode25Frames=property(doc="25         ")
    kFBTimeMode24Frames=property(doc="24         ")
    kFBTimeMode23976Frames=property(doc="~23.976         ")
    kFBTimeModeCustom=property(doc="Custom framerate.         ")

class FBButtonLook (Enumeration):
    Button look.     
    See sample:     
    kFBLookNormal=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLookColorChange=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLookPush=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLookFlat=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLookAlphaBackground=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyListControlSet (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Deck     
    def FBPropertyListControlSet(self):


class FBPropertyListAudioIn (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>List: AudioOut     
    def FBPropertyListAudioIn(self):


class FBPropertyListHUD (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Handle.     
    def FBPropertyListHUD(self):


class FBElementAction (Enumeration):
    Enumeration that describe the different actions available on a scene element depending on the current context.     
    kFBElementActionSave=property(doc="Save the element (when saving).         ")
    kFBElementActionAppend=property(doc="Append the elements to the current scene elements (when loading or merging).         ")
    kFBElementActionMerge=property(doc="Merge the elements from the file in the current scene (when merging).         ")
    kFBElementActionDiscard=property(doc="Do not consider the element (when loading, merging and saving).         ")

class FBEventResize (FBEvent):
    Event sent to a control that resizes.     
    def FBEventResize(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Height=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> New Height of the window.         ")
    Width=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> New Width of the window.         ")

class FBPopupInputType (Enumeration):
    User input types for a popup.     
    See samples:,,     
    kFBPopupBool=property(doc="Boolean input.         ")
    kFBPopupChar=property(doc="Character input.         ")
    kFBPopupString=property(doc="String input.         ")
    kFBPopupInt=property(doc="Integer input.         ")
    kFBPopupFloat=property(doc="Float input.         ")
    kFBPopupDouble=property(doc="Double input.         ")
    kFBPopupPassword=property(doc="Password input (String with '*'s).         ")

class FBEventMenu (FBEvent):
    Menu event.     
    def FBEventMenu(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event object. 

    Id=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Id number for menu item.         ")
    Name=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Name of menu item.         ")

class FBPropertyListAudioOut (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>List: Box informations for constraint relation.     
    def FBPropertyListAudioOut(self):


class FBMarkerResolutionLevel (Enumeration):
    Resolution of marker mesh sphere and capsule (Quality).     
    kFBMarkerLowResolution=property(doc="Lowest resolution.         ")
    kFBMarkerMediumResolution=property(doc="Medium resolution.         ")
    kFBMarkerHighResolution=property(doc="Highest resolution.         ")

class FBPropertyViewType (Enumeration):
    Property view set type.     
    kFBViewGlobal=property(doc="Global property view.         ")
    kFBViewByObjectType=property(doc="Class type property view.         ")
    kFBViewByObject=property(doc="Object property view.         ")

class FBParallelScheduleType (Enumeration):
    kFBParallelScheduleSerial=property(doc="No parallel schedule, use sequential evaluation order instead.         ")
    kFBParallelScheduleSimple=property(doc="Simple parallel schedule, mainly analyze the task dependency based on Motion Hierarchy (scene graph), but don't across active constraint.         ")
    kFBParallelScheduleAdvanced=property(doc="Advanced parallel schedule, task dependency analyzation will be able to across ative constraint, and plus motion hierarchy.         ")

class FBPoseType (Enumeration):
    Types of pose.     
    kFBBindPose=property(doc="Bind pose.         ")
    kFBRestPose=property(doc="Rest pose.         ")

class FBDeformerType (Enumeration):
    Determine the deformer type.     
    kFBDeformerSkeleton Skeleton (Bone) driven skinning deformer.kFBDeformerPointCache Pre-recorded point cache deformer.kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON_VERTEX There will be one mapping coordinate for each vertex, for each polygon/strip it is part of. This means that a vertex will have as many mapping coordinates as polygons it is part of.kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON There can be only one mapping coordinate for the whole polygon/strip.kFBGeometryMapping_BY_EDGE There will be one mapping coordinate for each unique edge in the mesh. This is meant to be used with smoothing layer elements.kFBGeometryMapping_ALL_SAME There can be only one mapping coordinate for the whole surface.     
    kFBDeformerUnkown=property(doc="        ")
    kFBDeformerSkeleton=property(doc="        ")
    kFBDeformerPointCache=property(doc="        ")

class FBEventDragAndDrop (FBEvent):
    Drag and drop interface.b>Event: Global Evaluation pipeline critical timing callback event.     
    def FBEventDragAndDrop(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    def Accept(self):
        Accept a drag and drop sequence.
        This will cause the region in question to accept a drag and drop action when this event occurs.


    def Add(self,pComponent,pId):
        Add an item to the drag and drop list.

        pComponent : Item to add to the list. 
        pId : User-defined reference for the item (default = 0 ). 

    def Clear(self):
        Clear drag and drop list.


    def Get(self,pIndex):
        Get the FBComponent specified by <b>pIndex</b> from the Drag and Drop list.

        pIndex : Index in list where to get FBComponent. 
        return : Handle to FBComponent in list at <b>pIndex</b>. 

    def GetCount(self):
        Get the number of items in the DragAndDrop list.

        return : Number of items in DragAndDrop list. 

    Components=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> List of components drop. (it acces the same data as FBEventDragAndDrop.Get)         ")
    Data=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> User specified reference. (for example, FBSpread:row)         ")
    PosX=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> X position of mouse.         ")
    PosY=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Y position of mouse.         ")
    State=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Drag and drop sub-event.         ")

class FBCameraApertureMode (Enumeration):
    Aperture modes.     
    kFBApertureVertical=property(doc="Vertical aperture varies.         ")
    kFBApertureHorizontal=property(doc="Horizontal aperture varies.         ")
    kFBApertureVertHoriz=property(doc="Vertical and horizontal aperture varies.         ")
    kFBApertureFocalLength=property(doc="Focal Length aperture varies.         ")

class FBRotationFilter (Enumeration):
    Rotation filters.     
    kFBRotationFilterNone=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRotationFilterGimbleKiller=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRotationFilterUnroll=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyListActorFace (FBPropertyListComponent):
    def FBPropertyListActorFace(self):


class FBControllerMode (Enumeration):
    Controller modes for optical model.     
    kFBControllerNone=property(doc="No controller mode.         ")
    kFBControllerLabelling=property(doc="Labelling controller.         ")
    kFBControllerSegment=property(doc="Segment controller.         ")
    kFBControllerRigidBody=property(doc="Rigid body controller.         ")

class FBPropertyListActor (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Actor face.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBPropertyListActor(self):


class FBPropertyListMarkerSet (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Material     
    def FBPropertyListMarkerSet(self):


class FBGlobalEvalCallbackTiming (Enumeration):
    Global Evaluation callback timing.     
    Let the user to register callback function at different stage of background evaluation.     
    kFBGlobalEvalCallbackBeforeDAG=property(doc="Invoked before any DAG (Transformation & Deformation) evaluation tasks started in evaluation pipeline / thread.         ")
    kFBGlobalEvalCallbackAfterDAG=property(doc="Invoked after all DAG (Transformation & Deformation) evaluation tasks finished in evaluation pipeline / thread.         ")
    kFBGlobalEvalCallbackAfterDeform=property(doc="Invoked after all deformation tasks finsished in evaluation pipeline / thread.         ")
    kFBGlobalEvalCallbackSyn=property(doc="Invoked when both evluation & rendering pipelines / threads are stopped. Useful for some complicated scene change tasks to avoid race condition.         ")
    kFBGlobalEvalCallbackBeforeRender=property(doc="Invoked in rendering pipleline, before any rendering tasks start (immediately after clearing GL back buffer).         ")
    kFBGlobalEvalCallbackAfterRender=property(doc="Invoked in rendering pipleline, after any rendering tasks finsish (just before swapping GL back/front buffer).         ")

class FBTangentClampMode (Enumeration):
    Different clamping modes for the tangents.     
    kFBTangentClampModeNone=property(doc="The tangent will act normally.         ")
    kFBTangentClampModeClamped=property(doc="The tangent will be flattened when the key is placed at the same value as an adjacent key.         ")

class FBEventSceneChange (FBEvent):
    Select model event class.     
    This event occurs every time a model is:(un)selectedaddeddestroyedrenamed, etc..     
    def FBEventSceneChange(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    ChildComponent=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Child component of the event.         ")
    Component=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Modified component         ")
    Type=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Type of selection event.         ")

class FBPropertyListGroup (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Handle.     
    def FBPropertyListGroup(self):


class FBManipulatorPickType (Enumeration):
    Types of manipulator picking.     
    FBPickObjects=property(doc="Pick objects.         ")
    FBPickPoints=property(doc="Pick points.         ")
    FBPickSurfaces=property(doc="Pick surfaces.         ")

class FBAlphaSource (Enumeration):
    Shader transparency computation.     
    There are different way to compute transparency, and this lists the supported options.     
    kFBAlphaSourceNoAlpha=property(doc="No transparency.         ")
    kFBAlphaSourceAccurateAlpha=property(doc="Accurate Transparency.         ")
    kFBAlphaSourceTransluscentAlpha=property(doc="Translucent.         ")
    kFBAlphaSourceMatteAlpha=property(doc="Matte.         ")
    kFBAlphaSource2DTransparency=property(doc="2D Transparency.         ")
    kFBAlphaSourceAdditiveAlpha=property(doc="Additive Transparency.         ")
    kFBAlphaSourceTransluscentZSortAlpha=property(doc="Translucent(Models Z Sort).         ")

class FBConsoleChannelType (Enumeration):
    Console channel types.     
    kFBConsoleNull=property(doc="Generic type.         ")
    kFBConsoleButton=property(doc="Button.         ")
    kFBConsoleSlider=property(doc="Slider.         ")
    kFBConsoleTransport=property(doc="Transport.         ")
    kFBConsoleEncoder=property(doc="Generic encoder.         ")
    kFBConsoleKey=property(doc="Key.         ")
    kFBConsoleDisplay=property(doc="Display.         ")
    kFBConsoleJoystick=property(doc="Joystick.         ")

class FBEffectorId (Enumeration):
    All effector nodes.     
    kFBInvalidEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBHipsEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftAnkleEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightAnkleEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftWristEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightWristEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftKneeEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightKneeEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftElbowEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightElbowEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBChestOriginEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBChestEndEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftShoulderEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightShoulderEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBHeadEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftHipEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHipEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftHandEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHandEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftHandThumbEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftHandIndexEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftHandMiddleEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftHandRingEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftHandPinkyEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftHandExtraFingerEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHandThumbEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHandIndexEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHandMiddleEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHandRingEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHandPinkyEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHandExtraFingerEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootThumbEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootIndexEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootMiddleEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootRingEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootPinkyEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootExtraFingerEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootThumbEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootIndexEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootMiddleEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootRingEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootPinkyEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootExtraFingerEffectorId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLastEffectorId=property(doc="        ")

class FBCharacterPlotWhere (Enumeration):
    Where to plot a character.     
    kFBCharacterPlotOnControlRig=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPlotOnSkeleton=property(doc="        ")

class FBCharacterKeyingMode (Enumeration):
    Character keying modes.     
    kFBCharacterKeyingFullBody=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterKeyingBodyPart=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterKeyingSelection=property(doc="        ")

class FBVideoRenderViewingMode (Enumeration):
    Enum FBVideoRenderViewingMode.     
    FBViewingModeStandard=property(doc="Standard.         ")
    FBViewingModeModelsOnly=property(doc="Model Only.         ")
    FBViewingModeXRay=property(doc="X-Ray.         ")
    FBViewingModeCurrent=property(doc="Current.         ")
    FBViewingModeCount=property(doc="Count.         ")

class FBObjectPoseOptionsFlag (Enumeration):
    ObjectPoseOptions flags.     
    kFBObjectPoseOptionsNoFlag=property(doc="        ")
    kFBObjectPoseOptionsTranslationX=property(doc="        ")
    kFBObjectPoseOptionsTranslationY=property(doc="        ")
    kFBObjectPoseOptionsTranslationZ=property(doc="        ")
    kFBObjectPoseOptionsRotation=property(doc="        ")
    kFBObjectPoseOptionsScaling=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyListConstraintSolver (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: MarkerSet.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBPropertyListConstraintSolver(self):


class FBStoryClipCompMode (Enumeration):
    Compensation Modes for story character clips.     
    kFBStoryClipOff=property(doc="No compensation.         ")
    kFBStoryClipAuto=property(doc="Automatic compensation.         ")
    kFBStoryClipUser=property(doc="User defined compensation.         ")

class FBClipEnd (Enumeration):
    Clip end actions.     
    kFBClipEndEnd=property(doc="On clip end stop clip.         ")
    kFBClipEndLoop=property(doc="On clip end loop clip.         ")

class FBInterpolation (Enumeration):
    Types of interpolation for an FCurve.     
    kFBInterpolationConstant=property(doc="Constant interpolation.         ")
    kFBInterpolationLinear=property(doc="Linear interpolation.         ")
    kFBInterpolationCubic=property(doc="Cubic interpolation.         ")

class FBPropertyListSet (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Shader     
    def FBPropertyListSet(self):


class FBPropertyListCharacterPose (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Concrete class for PropertyList of component     
    def FBPropertyListCharacterPose(self):


class FBPlayMode (Enumeration):
    Play modes.     
    kFBPlayModeNoPlay=property(doc="No play (most common).         ")
    kFBPlayModePreviewToEnd=property(doc="Preview clip until end.         ")
    kFBPlayModePlay=property(doc="Play clip.         ")
    kFBPlayModeLoop=property(doc="Loop clip.         ")
    kFBPlayModePlayToEnd=property(doc="Play clip to end.         ")

class FBPropertyListCharacterMarkerSet (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: CharacterPose.     
    def FBPropertyListCharacterMarkerSet(self):


class FBVideoLiveType (Enumeration):
    Video Live type.     
    kFBVideoLiveDefault=property(doc="Generic video input, type not specified.         ")
    kFBVideoLiveBasic=property(doc="Basic video input, like webcam and dv camera.         ")

class FBPropertyListTake (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Texture     
    def FBPropertyListTake(self):


class FBAudioRateMode (Enumeration):
    Enum FBAudioRateMode.     
    kFBAudioRateMode_8000=property(doc="8000 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBRAudioateMode_11025=property(doc="11025 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_12000=property(doc="12000 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_12500=property(doc="12500 hz, Wave file render not support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_16000=property(doc="16000 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_22050=property(doc="22050 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_24000=property(doc="24000 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_25000=property(doc="25000 hz, Wave file render not support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_32000=property(doc="32000 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_44100=property(doc="44100 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_48000=property(doc="48000 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_50000=property(doc="50000 hz, Wave file render not support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_64000=property(doc="64000 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_88200=property(doc="88200 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_96000=property(doc="96000 hz, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioRateMode_100000=property(doc="100000 hz, Wave file render not support.         ")

class FBImageType (Enumeration):
    Image types.     
    kFBImageTypeFrame=property(doc="        ")
    kFBImageTypeField=property(doc="        ")

class FBPickingMode (Enumeration):
    3D picking mode.     
    kFBPickingModeStandard=property(doc="Standard picking mode.         ")
    kFBPickingModeXRay=property(doc="X-Ray picking mode (obstructed models are displayed in overlay).         ")
    kFBPickingModeModelsOnly=property(doc="Models-only mode (no nulls or skeletons are displayed).         ")
    kFBPickingModeCount=property(doc="End of enum, this valued indicates the number of picking modes available.         ")

class FBEventDblClick (FBEvent):
    Input event class.     
    def FBEventDblClick(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Selection=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Id of selection.         ")

class FBStoryClipShowGhostMode (Enumeration):
    Show Ghost Modes for story animation clips.     
    kFBStoryClipAlways=property(doc="Always show the ghost.         ")
    kFBStoryClipTimeCursor=property(doc="Show the ghost only on time cursor.         ")

class FBPropertyListVideoOut (FBPropertyListComponent):
    def FBPropertyListVideoOut(self):


class FBPropertyListFolder (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>List: Group     
    def FBPropertyListFolder(self):


class FBPropertyListVideoClip (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: VideoIn     
    def FBPropertyListVideoClip(self):


class FBTransportSnapMode (Enumeration):
    Available snap methods for the transport control.     
    kFBTransportSnapModeNoSnap=property(doc="No snapping is applied.         ")
    kFBTransportSnapModeSnapOnFrames=property(doc="Snaps to an exact frame when modifying the current time.         ")
    kFBTransportSnapModePlayOnFrames=property(doc="When playing, plays to exact frames.         ")
    kFBTransportSnapModeSnapAndPlayOnFrames=property(doc="Combines both Snap and Play on frames modes.         ")

class FBVideoInterlaceMode (Enumeration):
    Video interlace modes.     
    kFBVideoInterlaceNone=property(doc="No interacling.         ")
    kFBVideoInterlaceHalfFrameEven=property(doc="Half frame (even field).         ")
    kFBVideoInterlaceHalfFrameOdd=property(doc="Half frame (odd field).         ")
    kFBVideoInterlaceFullFrameEven=property(doc="Full frame (even field).         ")
    kFBVideoInterlaceFullFrameOdd=property(doc="Full frame (odd field).         ")

class FBSurfaceType (Enumeration):
    Surface types.     
    kFBSurfaceTypeBezier=property(doc="Bezier surface.         ")
    kFBSurfaceTypeBezierQuadric=property(doc="Bezier Quadric surface.         ")
    kFBSurfaceTypeCardinal=property(doc="Cardinal surface.         ")
    kFBSurfaceTypeBspline=property(doc="BSpline surface.         ")
    kFBSurfaceTypeLinear=property(doc="Linear surface.         ")

class FBVideoProxyMode (Enumeration):
    Video proxy modes.     
    kFBVideoProxyNone=property(doc="No video proxy.         ")
    kFBVideoProxyOnPlay=property(doc="Video proxy on play.         ")
    kFBVideoProxyAlways=property(doc="Always video proxy.         ")

class FBCameraType (Enumeration):
    Focus distance types.     
    kFBCameraTypePerspective=property(doc="Interest as source.         ")
    kFBCameraTypeOrthogonal=property(doc="Specific distance as source.         ")

class FBEventTakeChange (FBEvent):
    Take change event class.     
    This event occurs every time a take is:addeddestroyedrenamedselected, etc.     
    def FBEventTakeChange(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Take=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The take modified.         ")
    Type=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Type of take change event.         ")

class FBFileFormatAndVersion (Enumeration):
    kFBFBX2010=property(doc="It's FBX Version 6. Note: it's not equivalent to MotionBuilder 2010 Native FBX format.         ")
    kFBFBX2011=property(doc="FBX Version 7.         ")
    kFBDefaultFormatAndVersion=property(doc="Default Format and Version.         ")

class FBEventTree (FBEvent):
    FBTree node event.     
    def FBEventTree(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    TreeNode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tree node.         ")
    Why=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Reason of the event.         ")

class FBPropertyListKeyingGroup (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Light     
    def FBPropertyListKeyingGroup(self):


class FBLightType (Enumeration):
    Light types.     
    kFBLightTypePoint=property(doc="Point light.         ")
    kFBLightTypeInfinite=property(doc="Infinite light (plane).         ")
    kFBLightTypeSpot=property(doc="Spot light.         ")
    kFBLightTypeArea=property(doc="Area light.         ")

class FBTextureUseType (Enumeration):
    Texture Use Type.     
    How the texture is used.     
    kFBTextureUseAll=property(doc="All textures.         ")
    kFBTextureUseColor=property(doc="standard color type, work with material.         ")
    kFBTextureUseShadowMap=property(doc="Shadow Map, work with model.         ")
    kFBTextureUseLightMap=property(doc="Light Map, work with model.         ")
    kFBTextureUseSphericalReflexionMap=property(doc="Spherical Reflexion Map, work with model.         ")
    kFBTextureUseSphereReflexionMap=property(doc="Sphere Reflexion Map, work with model.         ")
    kFBTextureUseBumpNormalMap=property(doc="Bump Normal Map, work with model.         ")

class FBStoryTrackBodyPart (Enumeration):
    Body Parts for story track character.     
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartNone=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartHead=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartLeftShoulder=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartLeftHand=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartLeftArm=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartRightShoulder=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartRightHand=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartRightArm=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartUpperBody=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartLeftFoot=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartLeftLeg=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartRightFoot=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartRightLeg=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartLowerBody=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartAll=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartProps=property(doc="        ")
    kFBStoryTrackBodyPartExtensions=property(doc="        ")

class FBCameraDistanceMode (Enumeration):
    Camera plane distance modes.     
    kFBDistModeRelativeToInterest=property(doc="Camera plane distance relative to interest.         ")
    kFBDistModeAbsoluteFromCamera=property(doc="Camera plane distance absolute from camera.         ")

class FBListStyle (Enumeration):
    List style or direction.     
    See samples:,     
    kFBDropDownList=property(doc="Drop down list.         ")
    kFBVerticalList=property(doc="Vertical list.         ")

class FBCameraFilmBackType (Enumeration):
    Filmback types.     
    kFBFilmBackCustom=property(doc="Custom Filmback.         ")
    kFBFilmBack16mmTheatrical=property(doc="16mm Theatrical.         ")
    kFBFilmBackSuper16mm=property(doc="Super16mm.         ")
    kFBFilmBack35mmAcademy=property(doc="35mm Academy.         ")
    kFBFilmBack35mmTVProjection=property(doc="35mm TV Projection.         ")
    kFBFilmBack35mmFullAperture=property(doc="35mm Full Aperture.         ")
    kFBFilmBack35mm185Projection=property(doc="35mm 185 Projection.         ")
    kFBFilmBack35mmAnamorphic=property(doc="35mm Anamorphic.         ")
    kFBFilmBack70mmProjection=property(doc="70mm Projection.         ")
    kFBFilmBackVistaVision=property(doc="Vista Vision.         ")
    kFBFilmBackDynavision=property(doc="Dynavision.         ")
    kFBFilmBackIMAX=property(doc="IMAX.         ")

class FBSurfaceMode (Enumeration):
    Surface modes.     
    kFBSurfaceModeRaw=property(doc="Raw data.         ")
    kFBSurfaceModeLowNoNormals=property(doc="Low quality, no normals.         ")
    kFBSurfaceModeLow=property(doc="Low quality.         ")
    kFBSurfaceModeHighNoNormals=property(doc="High quality, no normals.         ")
    kFBSurfaceModeHigh=property(doc="High quality.         ")

class FBPropertyListConstraint (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: Constraint solver     
    def FBPropertyListConstraint(self):


class FBDataAsStringFlag (Enumeration):
    kFBDataAsStringUI=property(doc="Convert data to string type for UI display.         ")
    kFBDataAsStringPersistence=property(doc="Convert data to string type for storage.         ")

class FBModelEvaluationTaskType (Enumeration):
    kFBModelEvaluationTranform=property(doc="Model's transformation evaluation task (Global )         ")
    kFBModelEvaluationBBox=property(doc="Model's bouding box computation task (approximately for deformable model)         ")
    kFBModelEvaluationDeform=property(doc="Model's deformation task (for deformable model)         ")

class FBRenderingPass (Enumeration):
    Rendering Pass.     
    Use with FBShader::RenderingPass properties to make the shader be called at any pass. Passes will be called in the order of the enum.     
    kFBPassInvalid=property(doc="No pass selected.         ")
    kFBPassPreRender=property(doc="Before anything.         ")
    kFBPassFlat=property(doc="Lighting off.         ")
    kFBPassLighted=property(doc="Lighting on.         ")
    kFBPassMatte=property(doc="Alpha > 0.5 will show up.         ")
    kFBPassZTranslucent=property(doc="Writes to depth buffer.         ")
    kFBPassZTranslucentAlphaTest=property(doc="Writes to depth buffer where Alpha > 0.5.         ")
    kFBPassTranslucent=property(doc="Models are blended.         ")
    kFBPassAddColor=property(doc="Models are blended additively.         ")
    kFBPassTranslucentZSort=property(doc="Models are sorted and blended.         ")
    kFBPassPostRender=property(doc="After everything.         ")

class FBTakeSpanOnLoad (Enumeration):
    This enumeration indicate the how to set the take start and end points on after a load.     
    kFBLeaveAsIs=property(doc="Use the current take's start and end point as defined before the load.         ")
    kFBImportFromFile=property(doc="Set the current take's span according what is set in the loaded file.         ")
    kFBFrameAnimation=property(doc="Have the take's span match the first and last key in the take.         ")

class FBUseChnMode (Enumeration):
    Use Channel modes.     
    kFBUseChannelLeftOnly=property(doc="Left channel will be played in both speakers.         ")
    kFBUseChannelRightOnly=property(doc="Right channel will be played in both speakers.         ")
    kFBUseChannelBoth=property(doc="Default mode, where each channel play in its respective speaker.         ")

class FBPropertyListHandle (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: KeyingGroup.     
    def FBPropertyListHandle(self):


class FBEffectorSetID (Enumeration):
    Effector ID identifier.     
    FBEffectorSetDefault=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux1=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux2=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux3=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux4=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux5=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux6=property(doc="        ")
    EFBffectorSetAux7=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux8=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux9=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux10=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux11=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux12=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux13=property(doc="        ")
    FBEffectorSetAux14=property(doc="        ")
    FBLastEffectorSetIndex=property(doc="        ")

class FBEventTransaction (FBEvent):
    Transaction event.     
    def FBEventTransaction(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event object. 

    IsBeginTransaction=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Tells if the transaction is at begin.         ")

class FBDeckTransportMode (Enumeration):
    kFBDeckTransportNone=property(doc="No transport interaction.         ")
    kFBDeckTransportSlave=property(doc="Slave to transport controls.         ")
    kFBDeckTransportMaster=property(doc="Transport master.         ")

class FBPropertyListTexture (FBPropertyListComponent):
    def FBPropertyListTexture(self):


class FBDisplayMode (Enumeration):
    Model display options.     
    kFBDisplayModeDefault=property(doc="Use default display mode.         ")
    kFBDisplayModeTexture=property(doc="Textures are displayed.         ")
    kFBDisplayModeHardShade=property(doc="Hard shading.         ")
    kFBDisplayModeFlatShade=property(doc="Flat shading.         ")
    kFBDisplayModeWireFrame=property(doc="Wire-frame rendering.         ")
    kFBDisplayModeCount=property(doc="End of enum, this value indicates the number of display modes available.         ")

class FBGapMode (Enumeration):
    Gap interpolation modes.     
    kFBGapRigidBody=property(doc="Use rigid body information.         ")
    kFBGapConstant=property(doc="Constant interpolation.         ")
    kFBGapLinear=property(doc="Linear interpolation.         ")
    kFBGapBezier=property(doc="Bezier interpolation.         ")
    kFBGapCurve=property(doc="Cubic/curve interpolation.         ")
    kFBGapSample=property(doc="Sampled data.         ")

class FBTransportTimeFormat (Enumeration):
    Available transport control time display.     
    kFBTimeFormatTimecode=property(doc="Timecode time display mode.         ")
    kFBTimeFormatFrame=property(doc="Frame time display mode.         ")

class FBFilterType (Enumeration):
    Filter types.     
    A filter can be of one or both types in order to process data on single or multiple curves of data. Ex: a gimble killer filter needs to be of type vector because the three curves are inter-dependant.     
    kFBFilterNumber=property(doc="Filter single FCurves.         ")
    kFBFilterVector=property(doc="Filter a vector (3 FCurves).         ")

class FBBodyNodeId (Enumeration):
    All body nodes.     
    See sample:     
    kFBInvalidNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBHipsNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBLeftHipNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBLeftKneeNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBLeftAnkleNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBLeftFootNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHipNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBRightKneeNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBRightAnkleNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBRightFootNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBWaistNodeId=property(doc="Required, Spine 0.         ")
    kFBChestNodeId=property(doc="Spine 1.         ")
    kFBLeftCollarNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftShoulderNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBLeftElbowNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBLeftWristNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBRightCollarNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightShoulderNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBRightElbowNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBRightWristNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBNeckNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBHeadNodeId=property(doc="Required.         ")
    kFBLeftHipRollNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftKneeRollNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHipRollNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightKneeRollNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftShoulderRollNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftElbowRollNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightShoulderRollNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightElbowRollNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSpine2NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSpine3NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSpine4NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSpine5NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSpine6NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSpine7NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSpine8NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBSpine9NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftThumbANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftThumbBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftThumbCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftIndexANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftIndexBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftIndexCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftMiddleANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftMiddleBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftMiddleCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftRingANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftRingBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftRingCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftPinkyANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftPinkyBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftPinkyCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightThumbANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightThumbBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightThumbCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightIndexANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightIndexBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightIndexCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightMiddleANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightMiddleBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightMiddleCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightRingANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightRingBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightRingCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightPinkyANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightPinkyBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightPinkyCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBReferenceNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftThumbInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftThumbDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftIndexInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftIndexDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftMiddleInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftMiddleDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftRingInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftRingDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftPinkyInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftPinkyDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightThumbInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightThumbDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightIndexInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightIndexDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightMiddleInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightMiddleDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightRingInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightRingDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightPinkyInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightPinkyDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftExtraFingerInNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftExtraFingerANodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftExtraFingerBNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftExtraFingerCNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftExtraFingerDNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFingerInNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFingerANodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFingerBNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFingerCNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFingerDNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftFootThumbInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootThumbANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootThumbBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootThumbCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootThumbDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootIndexInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootIndexANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootIndexBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootIndexCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootIndexDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootMiddleInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootMiddleANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootMiddleBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootMiddleCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootMiddleDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootRingInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootRingANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootRingBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootRingCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootRingDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootPinkyInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootPinkyANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootPinkyBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootPinkyCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftFootPinkyDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootThumbInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootThumbANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootThumbBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootThumbCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootThumbDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootIndexInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootIndexANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootIndexBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootIndexCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootIndexDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootMiddleInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootMiddleANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootMiddleBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootMiddleCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootMiddleDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootRingInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootRingANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootRingBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootRingCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootRingDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootPinkyInNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootPinkyANodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootPinkyBNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootPinkyCNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightFootPinkyDNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLeftExtraFootFingerInNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftExtraFootFingerANodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftExtraFootFingerBNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftExtraFootFingerCNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftExtraFootFingerDNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFootFingerInNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFootFingerANodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFootFingerBNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFootFingerCNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBRightExtraFootFingerDNodeId=property(doc="New extra finger bone.         ")
    kFBLeftHandNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBRightHandNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBNeck1NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBNeck2NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBNeck3NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBNeck4NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBNeck5NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBNeck6NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBNeck7NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBNeck8NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBNeck9NodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBHipsTranslationNodeId=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLastNodeId=property(doc="        ")

class FBAudioBitDepthMode (Enumeration):
    Enum FBAudioBitDepthMode.     
    kFBAudioBitDepthMode_8=property(doc="8 bits, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioBitDepthMode_16=property(doc="16 bits, Wave file render support.         ")
    kFBAudioBitDepthMode_24=property(doc="24 bits, Wave file render not support.         ")
    kFBAudioBitDepthMode_FP=property(doc="FP type audio, Wave file render not support.         ")

class FBLayerRotationMode (Enumeration):
    Rotation mode for layer.     
    kFBLayerRotationModeInvalidIndex=property(doc="Invalid value.         ")
    kFBLayerRotationModeEulerRotation=property(doc="The rotation will be computed component by component.         ")
    kFBLayerRotationModeQuaternionRotation=property(doc="The rotation will be computed using quaternion.         ")

class FBBorderStyle (Enumeration):
    Different border types available.     
    See samples:,     
    kFBNoBorder=property(doc="No border.         ")
    kFBStandardBorder=property(doc="Standard border.         ")
    kFBEmbossBorder=property(doc="Embossed border.         ")
    kFBEmbossSmoothBorder=property(doc="Smooth border.         ")
    kFBEmbossEdgeSmoothBorder=property(doc="Edged smooth border.         ")
    kFBEmbossSmoothEdgeBorder=property(doc="Smoothed edges border.         ")
    kFBStandardSmoothBorder=property(doc="Standard smooth border.         ")
    kFBStandardEdgeSmoothBorder=property(doc="Standard edged smooth border.         ")
    kFBStandardSmoothEdgeBorder=property(doc="Standard smoothed edges border.         ")
    kFBHighlightBorder=property(doc="Highlight border.         ")
    kFBPickingBorder=property(doc="Picking border.         ")

class FBCharacterHipsTranslationMode (Enumeration):
    Character Hips Translation modes.     
    kFBParamHipsTranslationWorldRigid=property(doc="        ")
    kFBParamHipsTranslationBodyRigid=property(doc="        ")
    kFBLastHipsTranslationMode=property(doc="        ")

class FBTransportMode (Enumeration):
    Transport modes.     
    kFBTransportPlay=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportPlayPrepare=property(doc="!< Play mode         ")
    kFBTransportPlayReady=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportStop=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportStopPost=property(doc="!< Stop mode         ")
    kFBTransportStopReady=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportShuttle=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportShuttlePrepare=property(doc="!< Shuttle mode         ")
    kFBTransportShuttleReady=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportPlayReverse=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportPlayReversePrepare=property(doc="!< Play reverse.         ")
    kFBTransportPlayReverseReady=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportJog=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportJogPrepare=property(doc="!< Jog.         ")
    kFBTransportJogReady=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportGoto=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportGotoPrepare=property(doc="!< Goto.         ")
    kFBTransportGotoReady=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportStepForward=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportStepForwardPrepare=property(doc="!< Step forward         ")
    kFBTransportStepForwardReady=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportStepBackward=property(doc="        ")
    kFBTransportStepBackwardPrepare=property(doc="!< Step backward.         ")
    kFBTransportStepBackwardReady=property(doc="        ")

class FBCharacterInputType (Enumeration):
    Character Input/Output types.     
    kFBCharacterInputActor=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterInputCharacter=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterInputMarkerSet=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterOutputMarkerSet=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterInputStance=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterInputMoCap=property(doc="        ")

class FBRigidBodyMode (Enumeration):
    Rigid body modes.     
    kFBRigidBodyFast=property(doc="Fast rigid body mode.         ")
    kFBRigidBodyBest=property(doc="Best rigid body mode.         ")

class FBPoseTransformType (Enumeration):
    Transform mode of pose.     
    kFBPoseTransformInvalid=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPoseTransformLocal=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPoseTransformGlobal=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPoseTransformLocalRef=property(doc="        ")
    kFBPoseTransformTypeCount=property(doc="        ")

class FBInsertSegmentMode (Enumeration):
    Insert segment modes.     
    kFBInsertSegmentWhole=property(doc="Insert whole.         ")
    kFBInsertSegmentToEnd=property(doc="Insert to end.         ")
    kFBInsertSegmentFromStart=property(doc="Insert from start.         ")

class FBKeyingGroupType (Enumeration):
    Keying group types.     
    kFBKeyingGroupGlobal=property(doc="All selected objects with the same properties as those defined in the keying group will be keyed.         ")
    kFBKeyingGroupObjectType=property(doc="All selected objects of the specified type in the keying group with the same properties as those defined in the keying group will be keyed.         ")
    kFBKeyingGroupLocal=property(doc="Only properties of objects specified in the keying group will be keyed.         ")

class FBEventConnectionNotify (FBEvent):
    Connection notify event class.     
    def FBEventConnectionNotify(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Action=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Connection's action performed.         ")
    ConnectionType=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Connection's type.         ")
    DstPlug=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The destination plug involved in the action.         ")
    NewPlug=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> New plug created by the action. (Mostly used by merge/replace)         ")
    SrcIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Index of the source in the destination component.         ")
    SrcPlug=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The source plug involved in the action.         ")

class FBPropertyListVideoIn (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: VideoOut     
    def FBPropertyListVideoIn(self):


class FBCameraAntiAliasingMethod (Enumeration):
    Antialiasing methods.     
    kFBAntiAliasingSoftware=property(doc="Antaliasing in software.         ")
    kFBAntialiasingMultiSamplingOnyx=property(doc="Multisampling (only on Onyx).         ")

class FBSegmentMode (Enumeration):
    Segment modes.     
    kFBSegmentMarker=property(doc="Use marker.         ")
    kFBSegmentRigidBody=property(doc="Use rigid body.         ")
    kFBSegmentAll=property(doc="Use all.         ")

class FBButtonStyle (Enumeration):
    Style of buttons.     
    Not all button styles are completely functional.See samples:,     
    kFBPushButton=property(doc="Normal button.         ")
    kFBBitmapButton=property(doc="Button with bitmap on it.         ")
    kFBRadioButton=property(doc="Radio button.         ")
    kFB2States=property(doc="2 state button (2 colors).         ")
    kFBCheckbox=property(doc="Check box.         ")
    kFBBitmap2States=property(doc="2 state button with 2 bitmaps.         ")

class FBOrientation (Enumeration):
    General directions for UI components.b> DEPRICATED use ParallelEvaluation on FBEvaluateManager insteadAvailable DAG parallel schedule algorithm.     
    See samples:,     
    kFBHorizontal=property(doc="Horizontal.         ")
    kFBVertical=property(doc="Vertical.         ")

class FBPropertyListDevice (FBPropertyListComponent):
    def FBPropertyListDevice(self):


class FBButtonState (Enumeration):
    Possible button states.     
    Currently, only two button states are possible.     
    kFBButtonState0=property(doc="State is 0, usually meaning not active.         ")
    kFBButtonState1=property(doc="State is 1, usually meaning active.         ")

class FBVideoCodecMode (Enumeration):
    Enum FBVideoRenderDepth.     
    See sample:     
    FBVideoCodecAsk=property(doc="Pop codec selection dialog each render.         ")
    FBVideoCodecUncompressed=property(doc="Assume uncompressed codec.         ")
    FBVideoCodecStored=property(doc="Pop dialog and stored its value.         ")

class FBEventActivate (FBEvent):
    Activation event.     
    def FBEventActivate(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    Data=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Generic data of event.         ")

class FBBatchProcessType (Enumeration):
    Different process type for the batch.     
    kFBBatchProcessTypeLoad=property(doc="Load the files and plot the character with every take.         ")
    kFBBatchProcessTypeSave=property(doc="Save the takes in different files.         ")
    kFBBatchProcessTypeConvert=property(doc="Does the load and save.         ")

class FBGeometryMappingMode (Enumeration):
    Determine how the element is mapped on a surface.     
    kFBGeometryMapping_NONE The mapping is undetermined.kFBGeometryMapping_BY_CONTROL_POINT There will be one mapping coordinate for each surface control point/vertex.kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON_VERTEX There will be one mapping coordinate for each vertex, for each polygon/strip it is part of. This means that a vertex will have as many mapping coordinates as polygons it is part of.kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON There can be only one mapping coordinate for the whole polygon/strip.kFBGeometryMapping_BY_EDGE There will be one mapping coordinate for each unique edge in the mesh. This is meant to be used with smoothing layer elements.kFBGeometryMapping_ALL_SAME There can be only one mapping coordinate for the whole surface.     
    kFBGeometryMapping_NONE=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryMapping_BY_CONTROL_POINT=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON_VERTEX=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryMapping_BY_EDGE=property(doc="        ")
    kFBGeometryMapping_ALL_SAME=property(doc="        ")

class FBConnectionAction (Enumeration):
    Possible actions when a notify plug event occurs.     
    kFBRequestConnectSrc=property(doc="Request connection of source to destination.         ")
    kFBRequestConnectDst=property(doc="Request connection of destination to source.         ")
    kFBConnectSrc=property(doc="Connect source to destination.         ")
    kFBConnectDst=property(doc="Connect destination to source.         ")
    kFBConnectedSrc=property(doc="Connected source to destination.         ")
    kFBConnectedDst=property(doc="Connected destination to source.         ")
    kFBRequestDisconnectSrc=property(doc="Request disconnection of source to destination.         ")
    kFBRequestDisconnectDst=property(doc="Request disconnection of destination to source.         ")
    kFBDisconnectSrc=property(doc="Disconnect source from destination.         ")
    kFBDisconnectDst=property(doc="Disconnect destination from source.         ")
    kFBDisconnectedSrc=property(doc="Disconnected source from destination.         ")
    kFBDisconnectedDst=property(doc="Disconnected destination from source.         ")
    kFBBeginReplaceSrc=property(doc="Begin replace source during merge.         ")
    kFBEndReplaceSrc=property(doc="End replace source during merge.         ")
    kFBBeginReplaceDst=property(doc="Begin replace destination during merge.         ")
    kFBEndReplaceDst=property(doc="End replace destination during merge.         ")
    kFBReorderSrc=property(doc="Reorder of source.         ")
    kFBReorderedSrc=property(doc="Source has been reordered.         ")
    kFBBeginChange=property(doc="Begin change on destination.         ")
    kFBEndChange=property(doc="End change on destination.         ")
    kFBConnectedOwner=property(doc="Connected owner to destination.         ")
    kFBDisconnectOwner=property(doc="Disconnect owner from destination.         ")
    kFBCandidate=property(doc="Data candidate event, before the data is set.         ")
    kFBCandidated=property(doc="Data candidate event, after the data is set.         ")
    kFBCandidateGlobal=property(doc="Data candidate event, global candidate.         ")
    kFBDetached=property(doc="Component detached from scene.         ")
    kFBDestroy=property(doc="Component destroy.         ")
    kFBSelect=property(doc="Component selection.         ")
    kFBUnselect=property(doc="Component de-selection.         ")
    kFBReselect=property(doc="Component re-selection.         ")
    kFBRequestRename=property(doc="Component request rename.         ")
    kFBRename=property(doc="Component is going to be renamed.         ")
    kFBRenamed=property(doc="Component has been renamed.         ")
    kFBRequestPrefixRename=property(doc="Compoent request Prefix Rename.         ")
    kFBPrefixRename=property(doc="Component prefix is going to be renamed.         ")
    kFBPrefixRenamed=property(doc="Component prefix has been renamed.         ")
    kFBDescription=property(doc="Component description event.         ")
    kFBKeyingKey=property(doc="Component keying add event.         ")
    kFBKeyingDeleteKey=property(doc="Component keying delete event.         ")
    kFBKeyingCandidate=property(doc="Component keying candidate event.         ")
    kFBConnect=property(doc="        ")
    kFBConnected=property(doc="        ")
    kFBDisconnect=property(doc="        ")
    kFBDisconnected=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyListNamespace (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>List: Note     
    def FBPropertyListNamespace(self):


class FBRecalcMarkerSetOffset (Enumeration):
    Recalculate MarkerSet offset for?     
    kFBRecalcMarkerSetOffsetTR=property(doc="Recalculate MarkerSet offset for TR.         ")
    kFBRecalcMarkerSetOffsetROnly=property(doc="Recalculate MarkerSet offset for R Only.         ")

class FBTextureBlendMode (Enumeration):
    Texture blend modes.     
    How the texture is blended with another.See samples:,     
    kFBTextureBlendTranslucent=property(doc="Layer transparency.         ")
    kFBTextureBlendAdditive=property(doc="Layer addition.         ")
    kFBTextureBlendModulate=property(doc="Layer multiplication.         ")
    kFBTextureBlendModulate2=property(doc="Layer multiplication + brightness.         ")

class FBInputType (Enumeration):
    Types of input events.     
    See sample:     
    kFBKeyPress=property(doc="A keyboard key was pressed.         ")
    kFBKeyRelease=property(doc="A keyboard key was released.         ")
    kFBButtonPress=property(doc="A mouse button was pressed.         ")
    kFBButtonRelease=property(doc="A mouse button was released.         ")
    kFBMotionNotify=property(doc="The mouse has been moved.         ")
    kFBButtonDoubleClick=property(doc="A mouse button was double clicked.         ")
    kFBMouseEnter=property(doc="The mouse pointer is entering the window.         ")
    kFBMouseLeave=property(doc="The mouse pointer is leaving the window.         ")
    kFBMouseWheelNotify=property(doc="The mouse wheel has moved.         ")
    kFBDragging=property(doc="The mouse is dragging items.         ")
    kFBDropping=property(doc="The mouse is dropping items.         ")
    kFBKeyPressRaw=property(doc="A keyboard key was pressed.         ")
    kFBKeyReleaseRaw=property(doc="A keyboard key was released.         ")
    kFBUnknownInput=property(doc="The internal event could not be translated.         ")

class FBDisplayWhat (Enumeration):
    Model display mask This mask determines what types of models are displayed by the renderer.     
    kFBDisplayNone=property(doc="Nothing is displayed.         ")
    kFBDisplayNull=property(doc="Null models are displayed.         ")
    kFBDisplayMarker=property(doc="Markers are displayed.         ")
    kFBDisplaySkeleton=property(doc="Skeletons and bones are displayed.         ")
    kFBDisplayCenter=property(doc="Centers are displayed.         ")
    kFBDisplayLight=property(doc="Lights are displayed.         ")
    kFBDisplayCamera=property(doc="Cameras are displayed.         ")
    kFBDisplay3dIcon=property(doc="3D icons are displayed (3D icons are 3D elements that do not exist in the scene).         ")
    kFBDisplayAll=property(doc="Everything is displayed.         ")

class FBTriggerStyle (Enumeration):
    Audio clips' trigger styles.     
    kFBTriggerStyleContinue=property(doc="Previously triggered clips that are still playing won't be stopped and mixing will occur.         ")
    kFBTriggerStyleCut=property(doc="Previously triggered clips that are still playing will be stopped.         ")
    kFBTriggerStyleToggle=property(doc="If a previously triggered clip is playing, it will only be stopped, otherwise a new starts playing. No mixing and no loop.         ")

class FBPropertyListCharacterExtension (FBPropertyListComponent):
    Character extension property list. b>PropertyList: Character face.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBPropertyListCharacterExtension(self):


class FBDeviceKeyboardKey (Enumeration):
    Keyboard keys (for input).     
    kFBDKeyPageUp=property(doc="Page Up.         ")
    kFBDKeyPageDown=property(doc="Page Down.         ")
    kFBDKeyEnd=property(doc="End.         ")
    kFBDKeyHome=property(doc="Home.         ")
    kFBDKeyArrowLeft=property(doc="Left.         ")
    kFBDKeyArrowUp=property(doc="Up.         ")
    kFBDKeyArrowRight=property(doc="Right.         ")
    kFBDKeyArrowDown=property(doc="Down.         ")
    kFBDKeyReturn=property(doc="Return.         ")
    kFBDKeyEscape=property(doc="Escape.         ")
    kFBDKeySpace=property(doc="Space bar.         ")
    kFBDKey1=property(doc="'1'.         ")
    kFBDKey2=property(doc="'2'.         ")
    kFBDKey3=property(doc="'3'.         ")
    kFBDKey4=property(doc="'4'.         ")
    kFBDKey5=property(doc="'5'.         ")
    kFBDKey6=property(doc="'6'.         ")
    kFBDKey7=property(doc="'7'.         ")
    kFBDKey8=property(doc="'8'.         ")
    kFBDKey9=property(doc="'9'.         ")
    kFBDKey0=property(doc="'0'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF1=property(doc="'F1'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF2=property(doc="'F2'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF3=property(doc="'F3'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF4=property(doc="'F4'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF5=property(doc="'F5'         ")
    kFBDKeyF6=property(doc="'F6'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF7=property(doc="'F7'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF8=property(doc="'F8'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF9=property(doc="'F9'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF10=property(doc="'F10'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF11=property(doc="'F11'.         ")
    kFBDKeyF12=property(doc="'F12'.         ")

class FBTextJustify (Enumeration):
    Text justification styles.     
    See samples:,     
    kFBTextJustifyLeft=property(doc="Left justify.         ")
    kFBTextJustifyRight=property(doc="Right justify.         ")
    kFBTextJustifyCenter=property(doc="Center alignment.         ")

class FBPropertyListModelSkeleton (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>PropertyList: ModelTemplate.     
    def FBPropertyListModelSkeleton(self):


class FBEventExpose (FBEvent):
    Event sent when a control needs to be displayed.     
    def FBEventExpose(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 


class FBParity (Enumeration):
    Parity modes.     
    kFBParityNone=property(doc="No parity.         ")
    kFBParityOdd=property(doc="Odd parity.         ")
    kFBParityEven=property(doc="Even parity.         ")

class FBTimeReferential (Enumeration):
    kFBTimeReferentialAction=property(doc="Action.         ")
    kFBTimeReferentialShot=property(doc="Shot.         ")
    kFBTimeReferentialEdit=property(doc="Edit.         ")

class FBObjectPoseMirrorOptionsFlag (Enumeration):
    ObjectPoseMirrorOptions flags.     
    kFBObjectPoseMirrorOptionsNoFlag=property(doc="        ")
    kFBObjectPoseMirrorOptionsUpdateLocal=property(doc="        ")
    kFBObjectPoseMirrorOptionsUpdateLocalMirrorParent=property(doc="        ")
    kFBObjectPoseMirrorOptionsUpdateLocalRef=property(doc="        ")
    kFBObjectPoseMirrorOptionsUpdateLocalRefMirrorRef=property(doc="        ")

class FBControlSetType (Enumeration):
    Character ControlSet type.     
    kFBControlSetTypeNone=property(doc="        ")
    kFBControlSetTypeFKIK=property(doc="        ")
    kFBControlSetTypeIKOnly=property(doc="        ")

class FBTCPIPSocketType (Enumeration):
    Types of TCP/IP Sockets.     
    kFBTCPIP_Stream=property(doc="Streaming data (TCP).         ")
    kFBTCPIP_DGRAM=property(doc="Datagrams (UDP).         ")
    kFBTCPIP_RAW=property(doc="Raw data (TCP).         ")

class FBAccessMode (Enumeration):
    Data access modes.     
    kFBAccessModeDisk=property(doc="Access data directly to disk using a cache system.         ")
    kFBAccessModeMemory=property(doc="Access data from memory, which means that it will copyed entirely into it.         ")

class FBToolPossibleDockPosition (Enumeration):
    kFBToolPossibleDockPosNone=property(doc="        ")
    kFBToolPossibleDockPosTop=property(doc="        ")
    kFBToolPossibleDockPosLeft=property(doc="        ")
    kFBToolPossibleDockPosRight=property(doc="        ")
    kFBToolPossibleDockPosBottom=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyListNote (FBPropertyListComponent):
    b>List of scene objects.     
    This list is a more generic container often used as object properties. The types of actual object that it can contain can be specialized.     
    def FBPropertyListNote(self):


class FBShadowFrameType (Enumeration):
    Shadow calculation methods.     
    kFBShadowFrameTypeShadowReceiver=property(doc="Bases the shadow calculation on the shadow of the receiver.         ")
    kFBShadowFrameTypeShadowCaster=property(doc="Bases the shadow calculation on the shadow of the caster.         ")
    kFBShadowFrameTypeShadowCubeMap=property(doc="Undocumented or unsupported.         ")

class FBCharacterPoseKeyingMode (Enumeration):
    Character Pose Keying Mode.     
    kFBCharacterPoseKeyingModeInvalid=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseKeyingModeFullBody=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseKeyingModeBodyPart=property(doc="        ")
    kFBCharacterPoseKeyingModeCount=property(doc="        ")

class FBEventTreeSelect (FBEvent):
    FBTree selection event.b>Event: Video Frame offline Rendering Event.     
    def FBEventTreeSelect(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 

    TreeNode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Selected tree node.         ")

class FBEventConnectionKeyingNotify (FBEvent):
    def FBEventConnectionKeyingNotify(self,pEvent):

        pEvent : Base event (internal) to obtain information from. 


class FBStoryFolder (FBComponent):
    Story Folder class.     
    With folders, you can group tracks together and create different timelines.See sample:     
    def FBStoryFolder(self,pParentFolder):

        pParentFolder : If NULL, parent will be the global root folder, according to its type. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def Load(self,pLoad):
        Allow to load/unload all story clips under this folder.

        pLoad : bool

    Childs=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Children folders of this folder.         ")
    Collapsed=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Toggle to collapse or expand the story folder.         ")
    Label=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Label to display for this story folder.         ")
    Mute=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, this story folder will be muted.         ")
    Parent=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Object pointing to the folder's parent.         ")
    RecordClipPath=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path for story recording. Can be relative or full path.         ")
    Solo=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, this story folder will be the only one to play.         ")
    Tracks=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Tracks of this folder.         ")

class FBPropertyViewManager (FBComponent):
    FBProperty View Manager.     
    Interface to create new property views. There are two ways of creating properties view:on library load using AddPropertyView, RemovePropertyView, HidePropertyView - example can be found in while application is running using FBPropertyViewList - example can be found in .pySee sample:     
    def AddPropertyView(self,pClassName,pPropertyName,pHierarchy):
        Add property view to global ('All') view set.

        pClassName : Property owner class name (pClassName if won't be found, a new entry for this class is created). 
        pPropertyName : Property name. 
        pHierarchy : Hierarchy under which property view should be created, each level name is separated by dot (for example "Degrees of Freedom.Translation"). 
        return : created object. 

    def CreatePropertyList(self,pObject,pViewType,pName):
        Create new property view list.

        pObject : Property view set attached to. 
        pViewType : Property view set type. 
        pName : Name for new view list. 
        return : created object. 

    def FindPropertyList(self,pObject,pViewType,pName):
        Find property view list.

        pObject : Property view set attached to. 
        pViewType : Property view set type. 
        pName : Name of view set. 
        return : Found property view set object or NULL. 

    def HidePropertyView(self,pClassName,pPropertyName,pHide):
        Hide property view in global ('All') view set.

        pClassName : Property owner class name. 
        pPropertyName : Property name. 
        pHide : Show/Hide. 

    def RefreshPropertyViews(self):
        Force refresh of browsing property tool.


    def RemovePropertyList(self,pObject,pViewType,pName):
        Remove property view list (only if editable).

        pObject : Property view set attached to. 
        pViewType : Property view set type. 
        pName : Name for property view list. 
        return : True if successful. 

    def RemovePropertyView(self,pClassName,pPropertyName):
        Remove property view from global ('All') view set.

        pClassName : Property owner class name. 
        pPropertyName : Property name. 
        return : true if succeed (should not be call on system views). 


class FBAssetMng (FBComponent):
    Used to access asset manager functionity to get files locally or from a server.     
    def FBAssetMng(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Command. 

    def BrowseForFile(self):
        Let the user browse the asset database to select a file.

        return : A file object representing the file that was selected, or NULL if none. 

    def BrowseForFolder(self):
        Let the user browse the asset database to select a folder.

        return : A FBAssetFolder* object representing the folder that was selected, or NULL if none. 

    def CheckAvailability(self):
        Check if this manager can be used on the computer.


    def CreateServerPath(self,pServerPath):
        Create a folder path on the server side by adding each missing folders.

        pServerPath : The path to create on the server side. 
        return : A FBAssetFolder* object representing the deepest folder of the path. 

    def FileIsManaged(self,pFilename):
        Is the specified local file managed (ie.
        also present in the database).

        pFilename : Path to the file on the local disk. 
        return : A boolean indicating if the file is managed or not. 

    def GetAssetFile(self,pServerFilename):
        Get a file object using it's server path.

        pServerFilename : Path to the file on the server. 
        return : An FBAssetFile* object, or NULL if the file was not found. 

    def GetAssetFileFromLocalPath(self,pLocalFilename):
        Get a file object using it's local path.

        pLocalFilename : Path to the file on the local disk. 
        return : An FBAssetFile* object, or NULL if the file was not found or no mapping could be done. 

    def GetAssetFolder(self,pServerPath):
        Get a folder object using it's server path.

        pServerPath : Path the the folder on the server. 
        return : An FBAssetFolder* object, or NULL if the folder was not found. 

    def GetAssetFolderFromLocalPath(self,pLocalPath):
        Get a folder object using it's local path.

        pLocalPath : Path to the folder on the local disk. 
        return : An FBAssetFolder* object, or NULL if the folder was not found or no mapping could be done. 

    def GetFileOptions(self):
        Get the file options (i.e.
        what to do when loading, saving or closing managed files).

        return : The options. 

    def Initialize(self):
        Initialize the connection to the server.

        return : <b>True</b> if the connection was established, <b>false</b> otherwise. 

    def MapLocalPathToServerPath(self,pLocalPath):
        Convert the local path to a server path by using managed paths mapping.

        pLocalPath : Local path to be mapped. 
        return : A string with the resulting server path, will be empty if the mapping fail. 

    def ShowSettings(self):
        Display a dialog that let the user changes settings.


    def WithinManagedPath(self,pLocalPath):
        Is the specified local path below a managed path.

        pLocalPath : Local path to be checked. 
        return : A boolean indicating if the path is within a managed path or not. 

    Description=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Description of the manager.         ")
    LastError=property(doc="Last error string.         ")
    MenuFlags=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Flags specifing which menu items are added by the manager.         ")
    Name=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Unique Name.         ")

class FBAnimationNode (FBComponent):
       <a href='ms-its:MotionBuilder_SDK_Samples.chm::/Scripts/Samples/FCurve/CopyAnimation.html'>See samples:,</a>,,     
    def FBAnimationNode(self,pName):

        pName : Name of animation node (default is NULL). 

    def ConvertGlobalToNodeTime(self,pKeyTime):
        Convert global time to node time.
        (NOTE: Only used in the context of a story clip)

        pKeyTime : Time of the key to convert. 

    def ConvertNodeToGlobalTime(self,pKeyTime):
        Convert node time to global time.
        (NOTE: Only used in the context of a story clip)

        pKeyTime : Time of the key to convert. 

    def GetAnimationToPlay(self):
        Get animation node to play from.

        return : Animation node to be played. 

    def GetAnimationToRecord(self):
        Get animation node to record to.

        return : Animation node to record to. 

    def GetDataDoubleArrayCount(self):
        If the DataPtr is of numeric value type ...
        get the size of the array ex: Light Intensity:1, Translation 3

        return : Size of DataPtr array. 

    def GetSizeOfData(self):
        Get sizeof void Data Ptr.


    def IsKey(self):
        Verifies if there is a key at the current.

        return : <b>true</b> if there is a key at the current time. 

    def KeyAdd(self,pTime,pData,pInterpolation,pTangentMode):
        Add a key to the animation node.

        pTime : Time to add key at. 
        pData : Value of data to add at <b>pTime</b>. 
        pInterpolation : Interpolation type of the inserted key, default value is Cubic interpolation. 
        pTangentMode : Tangent calculation method of the inserted key, default value is Auto (Smooth). 

    def KeyAdd(self,pData,pInterpolation,pTangentMode):
        Add a key to the animation node at current time.

        pData : Value of data to add. 
        pInterpolation : Interpolation type of the inserted key, default value is Cubic interpolation. 
        pTangentMode : Tangent calculation method of the inserted key, default value is Auto (Smooth). 

    def KeyCandidate(self,pTime):
        Keys the current candidate values if no time is specified, at current time.

        pTime : Time at which to insert the key. 

    def KeyRemove(self):
        Remove key at current time.


    def KeyRemoveAt(self,pTime):
        Remove key at the specified time.

        pTime : Time for the key 

    def SetBufferType(self,pGlobal):

        pGlobal : Is buffer local or global. 

    def SetCandidate(self,Data):
        Set the current candidate values for current time.

        Data : float
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def WriteData(self,Data,pEvaluateInfo):
        Write data to animation node.

        Data : Data to write to animation node. 
        pEvaluateInfo : Node evaluation information (access to system and local time). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    DefaultInterpolation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Default type of interpolation.         ")
    FCurve=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> FCurve for animation. See sample:         ")
    KeyCount=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Number of keys.         ")
    Label=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Label (UI Name).         ")
    Live=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is animation live?         ")
    Nodes=property(doc="<b>List:</b> List of animation nodes.         ")
    RecordMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is the node in recording mode (device connectors)?         ")
    UserName=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Name of animation node.         ")

class FBPropertyColor (FBProperty):
    FBPropertyColor class.     
    Similar in use to FBPropertyVector3d 
# Supported list protocol methods:
c = FBPropertyColor()
print c[0]
c[0] = 1.0
print c.Data

Slicing is not supported by this object.     
    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print c[1]

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0 to 1) 
        return : Color component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: c[1] = 0.5

        pIndex : Index of the components to set (0 to 1) 
        pComponentValue : Value of component to set 

    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBFilter (FBComponent):
    Filters are used to modify motion capture data.     
    Filters are objects which can be applied on a FCurve, or the animation node associated with an animated object property, to modify shape and number of keys. Filters can be created from the GUI, using the Filters tool, or programmatically with an instance of a FBFilterManager.The filter properties can be found in the object's PropertyList data member. They will use the same name, and be of the same type, as what can be seen in the GUI.Instances of FBFilter should be created with the help of the class FBFilterManager. Only internal application code should call the FBFilter's class constructor.Sample C++ code: 
FBFilterManager lFilterManager;

// Create a filter instace.
FBFilter* lFilter = lFilterManager.CreateFilter( 'Key Reducing' );

if( lFilter )
    // Create a FCurve and populate it with keys.
    FBFCurve lCurve( 'Temp Curve' );
    for( int lIdx = 1; lIdx < 10; ++lIdx )
        FBTime lTime( 0, 0, 0, lIdx * 5 );
        lCurve.KeyAdd( lTime, lIdx * 5 );

    FBTrace( 'Keys before: %d
', lCurve.Keys.GetCount() ); // Should be 9.

    // Apply the key reducing filter.
    lFilter->Apply( &lCurve );

    FBTrace( 'Keys after: %d
', lCurve.Keys.GetCount() ); // Should be 2.

Sample Python code: 
from pyfbsdk import *

# Find a given model in the scene.
lModel = FBFindModelByLabelName( 'Cube' )

if lModel:
    # Create a Key Reducing filter.
    lFilter = FBFilterManager().CreateFilter( 'Key Reducing' )

    if lFilter:
        # Set the filter's precision to 2.0, and apply it to
        # the object's translation animation.
        lFilter.PropertyList.Find( 'Precision' ).Data = 2.0
        lFilter.Apply( lModel.Translation.GetAnimationNode(), True )

    def FBFilter(self):


    def Apply(self,pCurve):
        Apply the filter to an FCurve.
        This is one of the two apply method that is meant to be called by client code. The FCurve can be a standalone independant FCurve, or can be associated to an object's animated property.

        pCurve : FCurve to apply filter to. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def Apply(self,pNode,pRecursive):
        Apply the filter to an animation node.
        This is the other apply method and it can be used on an object's animation node.

        pNode : Node to apply filter to. 
        pRecursive : Recursively apply filter on child nodes? 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def Reset(self):
        Reset properties.


    Start=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Start time of the filtering region         ")
    Stop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Stop time of the filtering region         ")

class FBPropertyComponent (FBProperty):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyStringList (FBProperty):
# Supported list protocol methods:    
 component= propertyStringList[0]
 propertyStringList[0] = my_string

 if my_string in propertyStringList:
    print 'it is contained!'

 del propertyStringList[0]

    def FBPropertyStringList(self):


    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)

        return : number of elements in list. 

    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print v[1].

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0 to 2) 
        return : str component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: v[1] = my_component.

        pIndex : Index of the components to set 
        pValue : a str to set 

    def __contains__(self,pValue):
        Check if a FCComponent is already in PropertyList Corresponds to python: if object in propertyList:

        pValue : Component to check for inclusion 
        return : Is the String contained or not? 

    def append(self,pValue):
        Append new str at end of list.

        pValue : to append 

    def count(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: del propertyList[2]

        return : number of elements in list. 

    def insert(self,pIndex,pValue):
        Insert a new element in list.

        pIndex : Index where to insert string 
        pValue : String to append 

    def remove(self,pIndex):
        Remove an element in list.

        pIndex : Index where to remove element. 

    def pop(self):
        Remove last element of list.

        return : Returns the element that was removed. 

    def pop(self,pIndex):
        Remove an element in list.

        pIndex : Index where to remove element. 
        return : Returns the element that was removed. 

    def findFromReference(self,pReference):
        Find the index of an element from its attached reference.

        pReference : Reference of searched object. 
        return : Returns the index of the element corresponding to reference. 

    def setReferenceAt(self,pReference):
        Sets the reference value of an object.

        pReference : Reference of the object. 

    def getReferenceAt(self,pIndex):
        Retrieve the reference of an object at ith position.

        pIndex : Index of the object to find reference. 
        return : Returns the reference of the object. 


class FBTimeWarpManager (FBComponent):
    Time Warp Manager Interface to the Time Warp Manager.     
    See sample:     
    def FBTimeWarpManager(self):


    def ApplyTimeWarp(self,pTake,pEvalProp,pTimeWarp):
        Apply the TimeWarp in a Take to an evaluation property, just connect the storing property for the TimeWarp to the evaluation property.

        pTake : The Take where the TimeWarp in. 
        pEvalProp : The evaluation property to be applied on. 
        pTimeWarp : The TimeWarp to apply. 
        return : True if apply successfully. 

    def DestroyTimeWarpFromTake(self,pTake,pTimeWarp):
        Destroy the TimeWarp in a Take, and removed from the DataSet.

        pTake : The Take where the TimeWarp in. 
        pTimeWarp : The TimeWarp to be Destroyed. 

    def FindTimeWarpNickNumberGlobal(self,pTimeWarp):
        Find the Nick Number of one timewarp globally.

        pTimeWarp : The TimeWarp queried. 
        return : the Nick Number of the timewarp. 

    def GetTimeWarpAtIndex(self,pTake,pIndex):
        Get the TimeWarp in a Take At specific Index.

        pTake : The Take queried. 
        pIndex : The index of the TimeWarp. 
        return : TimeWarp at specific Index in a Take. 

    def GetTimeWarpCount(self,pTake):
        Get the count of TimeWarp in a Take.

        pTake : The Take queried. 
        return : the TimeWarp count. 

    def GetTimeWarpFromNickNumber(self,pTake,pNumber):
        Get the timeWarp of specific Nick Number in a Take.

        pTake : The Take queried. 
        pNumber : the Nick Number of one TimeWarp. 
        return : the TimeWarp of specific Nick Number. 

    def GetTimeWarpNickNumber(self,pTake,pTimeWarp):
        Get the Nick Number of one TimeWarp in a Take.

        pTake : The Take queried. 
        pTimeWarp : The TimeWarp queried. 
        return : the Nick Number of one TimeWarp. 

    def GetTimeWarpNickNumberAtIndex(self,pTake,pIndex):
        Get the Nick Number of one TimeWarp At specific index in a Take.

        pTake : The Take queried. 
        pIndex : The index a TimeWarp at. 
        return : the Nick Number of one TimeWarp At specific index. 

    def RemoveTimeWarp(self,pTake,pEvalProp):
        Undo apply a timeWarp in a Take to an evaluation property, just disconnect the evaluation property from storing property.

        pTake : The Take where the TimeWarp evaluation property connected is in. 
        pEvalProp : The evaluation property connected a TimeWarp in the storing property of one take. 

    def RemoveTimeWarpFromScene(self,pTimeWarp):
        Remove a TimeWarp from Scene.

        pTimeWarp : The TimeWarp to be Removed. 

    def SetTimeWarpNickNumber(self,pTake,pTimeWarp,pNumber):
        Set the Nick Number of one TimeWarp in a Take.

        pTake : The Take specific. 
        pTimeWarp : The TimeWarp specific. 
        pNumber : The Nick Number to set. 
        return : True if set successfully. 

    def TimeWarpAddToTake(self,pTake,pTimeWarp,pNickNumber):
        Add one TimeWarp to a Take.

        pTake : The Take one TimeWarp added to. 
        pTimeWarp : The TimeWarp to be added. 
        pNickNumber : The Nick Number for the TimeWarp. 

    def TimeWarpClearTake(self,pTake):
        Clear all TimeWarp in a Take, and removed from the DataSet.

        pTake : The Take to be cleared. 

    def TimeWarpCopyTake(self,pDstTake,pSrcTake):
        Copy all the TimeWarp in one Take, add to another Take.

        pDstTake : Copy all TimeWarp to. 
        pSrcTake : Copy all TimeWarp from. 

    def TimeWarpCreateNew(self,pName):
        Create a TimeWarp with a specific name.

        pName : The name for the TimeWarp. 
        return : the TimeWarp created. 

    def TimeWarpInitTake(self,pTake):
        Allocate container for the TimeWarp in one Take.

        pTake : The Take allocated for. 

    def TimeWarpMergeCurveNode(self,pTake,pEvalProp,pNode,pTimeWarpNode):
        Merge the TimeWarp to a function curve, and Remove the connection between the storing property and the evaluation property for the TimeWarp.

        pTake : The Take that the TimeWarp is in. 
        pEvalProp : the evaluation property the TimeWarp connected. 
        pNode : The function curve to merge on. 
        pTimeWarpNode : The TimeWarp to be merged. 

    def TimeWarpRename(self,pTake,pTimeWarp,pNewName):
        Rename a TimeWarp.

        pTake : The Take where the timeWarp is in. 
        pTimeWarp : The TimeWarp to be renamed. 
        pNewName : The new name for the TimeWarp. 

    def TimeWarpTakeChange(self):
        Call registered callbacks when changes related to TimeWarp happen.



class FBNamespace (FBComponent):
    Objects Containing class.     
    This class is an interface to manipulate object's containing in the scene.     
    def FBNamespace(self,pSingleLevelNamespace,pParentNSObj):
        Create a new direct children namespace object

        pSingleLevelNamespace : FBNamespace name. This name will be used as namespace itself. this name string shouldn't contain namespace string separator ":". 
        pParentNSObj : the parent namespace object. if NULl means to create top level namespace. 

    def GetContent(self,pIndex):
        Get the namespace content object count (Not Recursive).

        pIndex : content object index to query. return content object inside this namespace (not recursive) 

    def GetContentCount(self):
        Get the namespace content objects count (Not Recursive).
        return content objects count inside this namespace (not recursive)


    def GetContentList(self,pContentList,pModificationFlags,pRecursive,pTypeInfo,pExactTypeMatch):
        Get List of the namespace content.

        pContentList : the list of content to return. 
        pModificationFlags : bitwise combination of kFBConnectionSrcObjectModified, kFBConnectionDstObjectModified, kFBConnectionSrcPropertyModified, kFBConnectionDstPropertyModified flags. kFBAllContent means all the content. 
        pRecursive : <b>True</b> only work on the direct children level namespace, otherwise will work on the whole children namespace hierarchy recursively. 
        pTypeInfo : the typeInfo of the type of interested object, 0 for all the objects. 
        pExactTypeMatch : if <b>True</b>, the derived typeInfo won't be considered (For example, FBCamera won't be considered when passing FBModel::TypeInfo). 

    ChildrenNamespaces=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Direct Children Namespace Objects.         ")

class FBGenericMenuItem (FBComponent):
    FBGenericMenuItem This class stores data for a single menu item.     
    A single menu item can contains another menu (embedded menu) or not. A GenericMenuItem has an Id and a Name.You can use a GenericMenuItem to modify the attributes of a menu (it is the only way to change its name).You cannot create a FBGenericMenuItem directly. You must use the insertion method in FBMenu of FBMenuManager to obtain a handle on a FBGenericMenuItem.See sample:     
    def FBGenericMenuItem(self):

    Caption=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Caption of the menu item.         ")
    Enable=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Enable or Disable (grey out) a menu Item.         ")
    Id=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Id of the menu item.         ")
    Menu=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> If the menu item leads to another menu.         ")

class FBActorFace (FBComponent):
    Used to plot actor face animation.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBActorFace(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new actor face. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Actual Actor Face destructor.


    def PlotAnimation(self):
        Plot the animation of the actor face.

        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 


class FBPointCacheFile (FBComponent):
    Base Model deformer class.     
    def FBPointCacheFile(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Point Cache File Object. 

    CacheFileName=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Filename of media.         ")
    ChannelCount=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Channel Count.         ")
    FreeRunning=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Free Running.         ")
    Loop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Loop.         ")
    Offset=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Offset.         ")
    PlaySpeed=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Play Speed.         ")
    StartTime=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Start Time.         ")
    StopTime=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Stop Time.         ")

class FBGenericMenu (FBComponent):
    A GenericMenu class.     
    You can use this class either to create a new menu in the menu bar (or in a menuitem in the menu bar) or you can use this class to create a pop-up menu. 
#to start a pop up menu use the Execute method
def mouseClick(x, y):
    item = menu.Execute(x, y)
    if item.Id == 10:
       [do this]
    else if item.Id == 100:
        [do that...]

There are 4 ways to insert new item in a menu. Each method needs the name of the menuitem as well as it's unique id. You can also optionnally sets a new menu for a specific item. 
embeededMenu = FBGenericMenu()
menu.InsertLast('new new item', 67, embeddedMenu)

#A genericMenu contains a GenericMenuItem for each entry. You can iterate on the different menuitem
#using GetFirstITem/GetNextItem or if you already know the id of the item you can get it with GetItem.

item = menu.GetFirstItem()
while item:
    print item.Name
    item = menu.GetNextItem(item)

You can also delete a Menu item: this will remove the item from the menu as well as freeing its memory.To be notified when a menuitem is clicked, you can register using OnMenuActivate. This will send a FBEventMenu containing the name and the Id of the menu item that was clicked.See sample:     
    def FBGenericMenu(self):
        Default constructor.
        Used to create embedded menu (inside aniother menu item) or pop-up menu.


    def DeleteItem(self,pToDelete):
        Remove a menu item from the menu and delete it.

        pToDelete : The item to remove. 

    def Execute(self,pX,pY,pRightAlign):
        Starts the menu as a pop-up menu at a specific location on screen.
        It returns the item that was clicked by the user.

        pX : X location in pixel on screen where the menu is to be popped. 
        pY : Y location in pixel on screen where the menu is to be poppded. 
        pRightAlign : All menu item will be align to the right justified (if true) or left justifed (if false) 
        return : The selected item by the user. Null if the user clicks outside the menu. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def GetFirstItem(self):
        Returns the first menu item (if existing) in this menu.
        You can then use GetNextItem to iterate on other menu items.

        return : The first menu item in this Menu. 

    def GetItem(self,pItemId):
        Returns the menu item corresponding to an id.

        pItemId : Id of the item we are looking for. 
        return : Will return the Item corresponding to an id (null if not found). 

    def GetLastItem(self):
        Returns the last menu item (if existing) in this menu.
        You can then use GetPrevItem to reverse iterate on other menu items.

        return : The last menu item in this Menu. 

    def GetNextItem(self,pItem):
        Returns the menu item following an other item.
        Returns null if this is the last item in menu.

        pItem : Will return the item after pItem 
        return : Will return the item after pItem. Null if pItem is the last item. 

    def GetPrevItem(self,pItem):
        Returns the menu item preceding an other item.
        Returns null if this is the first item in menu.

        pItem : Will return the item BEFORE pItem 
        return : Will return the item BEFORE pItem. Null if pItem is the first item. 

    def InsertAfter(self,pBeforeItem,pItemName,pItemId,pMenu):
        Inserts a new menu Item AFTER another item.

        pBeforeItem : The reference item. We will create a new item AFTER this one. 
        pItemName : Caption of the newly added item. 
        pItemId : Unique id of this menu item. 
        pMenu : Optionnal. If this Item leads to another menu (embddedd) it can be specified here. 
        return : Will return the menu item created from this insertion. 

    def InsertBefore(self,pAfterItem,pItemName,pItemId,pMenu):
        Inserts a new menu Item BEFORE another item.

        pAfterItem : The reference item. We will create a new item BEFORE this one. 
        pItemName : Caption of the newly added item. 
        pItemId : Unique id of this menu item. 
        pMenu : Optionnal. If this Item leads to another menu (embddedd) it can be specified here. 
        return : Will return the menu item created from this insertion. 

    def InsertFirst(self,pItemName,pItemId,pMenu):
        Inserts a new menu Item at the first position in the menu list.

        pItemName : Caption of the newly added item. 
        pItemId : Unique id of this menu item. 
        pMenu : Optionnal. If this Item leads to another menu (embddedd) it can be specified here. 
        return : Will return the menu item created from this insertion. 

    def InsertLast(self,pItemName,pItemId,pMenu):
        Inserts a new menu Item at the last position in the menu list.

        pItemName : Caption of the newly added item. 
        pItemId : Unique id of this menu item. 
        pMenu : Optionnal. If this Item leads to another menu (embddedd) it can be specified here. 
        return : Will return the menu item created from this insertion. 

    OnMenuActivate=property(doc="<b>Event Property:</b> Register on this property to be notified when a menu item is clicked by the user.         ")

class FBRendererCallback (FBComponent):
    Open Reality renderer callback interface.     
    def FBRendererCallback(self,pName):

        pName : str

    DefaultCameraBackPlateRendering=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Set true to use default camera back plate rendering; set false to disable it.         ")
    DefaultCameraFrontPlateRendering=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Set true to use default camera front plate rendering; set false to disable it.         ")
    DefaultLightGroundProjectionRendering=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Set true to use default light ground projection rendering; set false to disable it.         ")
    DefaultLightVolumeRendering=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Set true to use default light volume rendering; set false to disable it.         ")
    SupportIDBufferPicking=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Can this Renderer Callback support IDBuffer Picking.         ")

class FBAudioIn (FBComponent):
    Audio In class.     
    Properties of this class are work in progress, but you can still list them and get their names.     
    def FBAudioIn(self):



class FBPropertyFloat (FBProperty):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBManipulator (FBComponent):
    Manipulator class.     
    def FBManipulator(self,pName):

        pName : Name of manipulator. 

    Active=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is manipulator active?         ")
    AlwaysActive=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is manipulator always active?         ")
    DefaultBehavior=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Using default manipulator behavior?         ")
    ViewerText=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Text displayed in view.         ")
    Visible=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is manipulator visible?         ")

class FBPointCacheManager (FBComponent):
    Point Cache Manager Interface to the point cache manager.     
    See sample:     
    AllowCacheResampling=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Allow the resample models's existing point cache deformation when true.         ")
    AlwaysAskForPath=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Always ask for the point cache file save path when true.         ")
    ApplyCacheOnNewModel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Duplicated the cached models, and assoicated the point cache to the new models.         ")
    ApplyGlobalTransform=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Include no-deformable models and the global transform to Vertex Cache when true.         ")
    CacheAABBox=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Cache AABBox (Axis Aligned Bounding Box) when true.         ")
    CacheNormal=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Cache normal when true.         ")
    CreateFilePerFrameCache=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Create the point cache file for each frame when true.         ")
    CreateMultiChannelCache=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Create a single multiple channel point cache file for all models when true.         ")
    DefaultPath=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Default point cache file save path.         ")
    Models=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Models to be recorded         ")
    NewModelRoot=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Valid only when ApplyCacheOnNewModel is on. Create New Models under NewModelRoot. otherwise, a NULL model will be created.         ")
    SaveEveryFrame=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Recording Frequency.         ")
    SetTransformReference=property(doc="<b> Action Property:</b> Set the model's current transformation as the reference.         ")

class FBStoryClip (FBComponent):
    Story Clip class.     
    Clips represents media, at a specific time, for a specific duration, in a track.Clip offset is depending on Traveling node and Traveling node function. First we compute clip transformation matrix, where scaling is always 1, 1, 1. Translation is in position of Traveling node at clip first frame. Rotation is based on vector from first to last frame position of Traveling node. On top of that we apply offset and expose that as Clip Offset T & R. When you change clip offset T or R we extract clip offset based on current clip transformation matrix. Clip transformation matrix can change when Traveling node change or Traveling node function change.See samples:,,     
    def FBStoryClip(self,pClipObject,pTrack,pTime):

        pClipObject : Object (media data) for the clip. 
        pTrack : The track in which we create the clip. 
        pTime : Time where the clip should begin. 

    def FBStoryClip(self,pFilePath,pTrack,pTime):

        pFilePath : Media file path to create clip with. 
        pTrack : The track in which we create the clip. 
        pTime : Time where the clip should begin. 

    def Clone(self):
        Clone the clip.


    def ExportToFile(self,pOutputFile):
        Export animation clip to disk file.

        pOutputFile : Output file path name. 
        return : Returns true if successful. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def GetAffectedAnimationNodes(self,pAffectedAnimationNodes,pClipObject):

        pAffectedAnimationNodes : Array of affected animation nodes, will be filled by the function. 
        pClipObject : The object for which we search for affected animation nodes. 

    def GetAffectedObjects(self,pAffectedObjects):

        pAffectedObjects : Array of affected objects, will be filled by the function. 

    def MakeWritable(self):
        Imports FCurves from story clip scene making them accessible for the user.

        return : Returns true if successful. 

    def Match(self):
        Match the animation clip with the specified pivot property.


    def Move(self,pDelta,pForce):
        Move the clip of a delta offset.

        pDelta : Delta time to apply to the clip. 
        pForce : Force clip to find the nearest position if the move fail. 
        return : Return the delta between the new and previous clip's position. 

    def MoveTo(self,pTime,pForce):
        Move the clip to the specified time.

        pTime : Time where to put the clip. 
        pForce : Force clip to find the nearest position if the move fail. 
        return : Returns the new clip's time position. 

    def Razor(self,pTime):
        Cut (razor) the clip at the specified time.

        pTime : Time where to cut. This time is local to the track, not to the clip. 
        return : Returns the new clip generated by the razor action (right part). 

    AudioClip=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The audio clip used by this StoryClip.         ")
    AutoLoop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, clip will automatically loop         ")
    Color=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Color of the clip.         ")
    FrameRate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Frame rate value. Only effective when UseSystemFrameRate is false.         ")
    Ghost=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show ghosts         ")
    GhostModel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show ghost of models         ")
    GhostPivot=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show ghost of match object         ")
    GhostTravelling=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show ghost of clip vector or traveling node         ")
    ImageSequence=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Whether is a image sequence.         ")
    Loaded=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, clip file is loaded into memory and can be evaluated (will affect track content).         ")
    Loop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, loop clip's animation         ")
    LoopTranslation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Animation clip's loop translation.         ")
    MarkIn=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Start time inside the clip.         ")
    MarkOut=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Stop time inside the clip.         ")
    Offset=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> First loop time offset.         ")
    Pivots=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Pivots models (Generally, only one model is necessary)         ")
    PostBlend=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Start/Stop time of the post-blend phase.         ")
    PreBlend=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Start/Stop time of the pre-blend phase.         ")
    Rotation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Animation clip's rotation offset. Refer to class notes to learn more about how this is applied.         ")
    Scale=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Animation clip's scaling (some don't support this property)         ")
    ShotActionStart=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If not in locked shot mode (time discontinuity enabled), this time can be different from the Clip->Start property.         ")
    ShotActionStop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If not in locked shot mode (time discontinuity enabled), this time can be different from the Clip->Start property.         ")
    ShotBackplate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The backplate used for that specific shot.         ")
    ShotCamera=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The camera used for that specific shot.         ")
    ShotFrontplate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The frontplate used for that specific shot.         ")
    ShowBackplate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable/Disable the shot backplate.         ")
    ShowFrontplate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable/Disable the shot frontplate.         ")
    ShowGhostClipMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show the ghost depending on the time. See FBStoryClipShowGhostMode         ")
    SolvingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Solve Modes for story character clips. See FBStoryClipSolveMode         ")
    Speed=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Speed of the clip.         ")
    Start=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Start time of the clip local to its track.         ")
    Stop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Stop time of the clip local to its track.         ")
    Translation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Animation clip's translation offset. Refer to class notes to learn more about how this is applied.         ")
    UseSystemFrameRate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Whether always use system frame rate.         ")

class FBConstraintManager (FBComponent):
    Constraint manager.     
    See sample:     
    def FBConstraintManager(self):


    def TypeCreateConstraint(self,pTypeIndex):
        Create a constraint by index.
        Given the index in the registry, this function create an instance of this constraint. The newly created constraint will be automatically added to the scene.

        pTypeIndex : Index of constraint type, must in range [0, TypeGetCount() ). 
        return : The newly created constraint, or NULL if pIndex is out of range. 

    def TypeCreateConstraint(self,pName):
        Create a constraint by name.
        Given the constraint type name in the registry, this function create an instance of this constraint. The newly created constraint will be automatically added to the scene.

        pName : the name of the constraint to be created. 
        return : The newly created constraint, or NULL if pName doesn't match any registered constraints. 

    def TypeGetCount(self):
        Get the number of registered constraint types.

        return : Number of registered constraint types. 

    def TypeGetName(self,pTypeIndex):
        Get the name of a registered type of constraint.
        This will search in the registry for a constraint at the index <b>pTypeIndex</b>.

        pTypeIndex : Index of a constraint type. 
        return : Name of constraint type. 


class FBCharacterMarkerSet (FBComponent):
    Character marker set class.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBCharacterMarkerSet(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new character marker set. 

    def GetExtractionProperty(self,pNodeId):
        Get the extraction property associated with each body part of the character.

        pNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        return : The property associated with given pNodeId. 

    def GetMarkersProperty(self,pNodeId):
        Get the marker property associated with each body part of the character.

        pNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        return : The property associated with given pNodeId. 

    def GetSnapProperty(self,pNodeId,pWhat):
        Get the snap property associated with each body part of the character for given transformation.
        Current version snap only translation and rotation.

        pNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        pWhat : FBModelTransformationType
        return : The property associated with given pNodeId and pWhat. 


class FBPropertyEnum (FBProperty):
    Enumeration property.     
    Certain properties have strings associated with the integer values they may possess. FBModel's ShadingMode property is one of those example. The actual underlying value of the property is numerical, but it is represented by a string value in the GUI. User can create this type of property via the GUI by creating a list property. The names added to the list can be obtained via the 'EnumList()' method.     
    Data=property(doc="Return the string associated with the index. Will return None when no value is associated.         ")

class FBOpticalSegment (FBComponent):
    Optical segment class.     
    def FBOpticalSegment(self,pOptical):

        pOptical : Optical model(default=NULL). 

    def FBOpticalSegment(self,pSegment):

        pSegment : Optical segment to copy information from. 

    def Cut(self,pTime):
        Cut the segment for the marker at a given time.

        pTime : Time to cut segment at. 

    def IsValid(self):
        Check if valid (if item exists).

        return : <b>true</b> if segment is valid. 

    def Reset(self):
        Reset the marker segment.


    Data=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Segment curve data.         ")
    Marker=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Optical marker.         ")
    MarkerTimeSpan=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Marker/Segment timespan.         ")
    OriginalTimeSpan=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Original timespan for segment.         ")
    TimeSpan=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Current segment timespan.         ")
    Used=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Is segment used?         ")

class FBMenuManager (FBComponent):
    The menu manager allows access to MotionBuilder menu bar.     
    It can be used to retrieve the item corresponding to a menu path in the menu bar. A menu path is similar to a file path but it specifies the location of menu item in a hierarchy of menu. ex: to retrieve the item corresponding to MoBu Save item: item = menuMgr.GetMenu('File/Save')Other menu items in MoBu menu bar include the following: 'File', 'Edit','Animation','Window','Settings', 'Layout','Help'The menu manager can be used to insert new menu item in the menubar. You have to specify the menu path at which to insert the menu (to insert a new root menu, use NULL or None as the menu path) 
#Insert a new Root Menu before the Help menu
menuMgr.InsertBefore(None, 'Help', 'before menu')

#Insert a new Root Menu after the Help menu
menuMgr.InsertAfter(None, 'Help', 'After menu')

As a convenience operation, you can from the menu manager enable and disable menu item (instead of retrieving their corresponding item).See sample:     
    def FBMenuManager(self):
        There is only one MenuManager in MotionBuilder, creating multiple FBMenuManager always return the same handle to the same global menu manager.


    def GetMenu(self,pPath):
        Get the Menu (NOT menu item) corresponding to a menu path.
        Don't forget that most menu path already in MotionBuilder have a '&'as the first letter of their name. You have to use / as a separator in the specified menu path (ex: 'Settings/&Preferences...').

        pPath : Path of the menu to retrieve 
        return : the FBGenericMenu at this path./ 

    def InsertAfter(self,pMenuPath,pBeforeMenuName,pMenuName):
        Insert a new menu at a specific path AFTER another item.

        pMenuPath : Path where to insert the menu. If this is NULL (None) it will insert a new root menu. 
        pBeforeMenuName : Name of the menu item AFTER which we will insert the new item. 
        pMenuName : str
        return : Returns the menu item corresponding to the newly inserted menu. 

    def InsertBefore(self,pMenuPath,pAfterMenuName,pMenuName):
        Insert a new menu at a specific path BEFORE another item.

        pMenuPath : Path where to insert the menu. If this is NULL (None) it will insert a new root menu. 
        pAfterMenuName : Name of the menu item BEFORE which we will insert the new item. 
        pMenuName : str
        return : Returns the menu item corresponding to the newly inserted menu. 

    def InsertFirst(self,pMenuPath,pMenuName):
        Insert a new menu at the first position of a specific path.

        pMenuPath : Path where to insert the menu. If this is NULL (None) it will insert a new root menu. 
        pMenuName : Name (Caption) of the newly inserted menu. 
        return : Returns the menu item corresponding to the newly inserted menu. 

    def InsertLast(self,pMenuPath,pMenuName):
        Insert a new menu at the last position of a specific path.

        pMenuPath : Path where to insert the menu. If this is NULL (None) it will insert a new root menu. 
        pMenuName : Name (Caption) of the newly inserted menu. 
        return : Returns the menu item corresponding to the newly inserted menu. 

    def IsItemEnable(self,pMenuPath,pItemId):
        Check if a particular item is enabled or disabled.
        The menu path specifies the menu where we find the item to be enabled/disabled. The Id specifies which item in the menu.

        pMenuPath : Path where to find the menu to check 
        pItemId : Id of the item to check. 
        return : Is the item enable or not. 

    def SetItemEnable(self,pMenuPath,pItemId,pEnable):
        Enable or disable a specific menu item.
        The menu path specifies the menu where we find the item to be enabled/disabled. The Id specifies which item in the menu.

        pMenuPath : Path where to find the menu to enable/disable 
        pItemId : Id of the item in the menu to disable. 
        pEnable : Enable (true) or disable (false) a menu item. 


class FBFbxOptions (FBComponent):
    Customize file loading and saving.     
    See samples:,,     
    def FBFbxOptions(self,pLoad,pFilePathToLoad):
        Create a FBFbxOption to be used in FBApplication Save/Load with default settings.

        pLoad : If true, will init option for a default Load (Append all elements and animation). If false will initialized options for a default Save (Save all elements and animation). 
        pFilePathToLoad : If pLoad is true, the client code should pass the file path to load to collect the take info; ignore when pLoad is false. 

    def GetTakeCount(self):
        Return the count of takes in the scene to saved or the file to loaded.


    def GetTakeDescription(self,pTakeIndex):
        Take Description.

        pTakeIndex : index of take to get. 

    def GetTakeDestinationName(self,pTakeIndex):
        Take Destination Name upon save or load.

        pTakeIndex : index of take to get. 

    def GetTakeName(self,pTakeIndex):
        Take Original Name.

        pTakeIndex : index of take to get. 

    def GetTakeSelect(self,pTakeIndex):
        Return if true if the take will be saved or Loaded.

        pTakeIndex : index of take to get. 

    def SaveToString(self,pString,context):
        Serialize all options to a string Serialize all options to a string specifying a context.

        pString : The string containing all settings, target of serializing 
        context : The context to be used when serializing 

    def SetAll(self,pElementAction,pAnimation):
        Set All Options.
        Initialize all loading/saving properties to ElementAction and animation specified.

        pElementAction : Default value for all FBPropertyElementAction properties. 
        pAnimation : Default value for all Animation properties. 

    def SetFromString(self,pString,context):
        Set all options from string Set all parameters from a formatted string (previously serialized with SaveToString)

        pString : The string containing all settings. See SaveToFile 
        context : The context to be used when de-serializing 

    def SetTakeDescription(self,pTakeIndex,pDescription):
        Take Description.

        pTakeIndex : index of take to set. 
        pDescription : take description to set 

    def SetTakeDestinationName(self,pTakeIndex,pDestinationName):
        Take Destination Name upon save or load.

        pTakeIndex : index of take to set. 
        pDestinationName : take description to set 

    def SetTakeName(self,pTakeIndex,pName):
        Take Original Name.

        pTakeIndex : index of take to set. 
        pName : take name to set 

    def SetTakeSelect(self,pTakeIndex,pSelect):
        Return if true if the take will be saved or Loaded.

        pTakeIndex : index of take to set 
        pSelect : set true if should be saved or loaded. 

    ActorFaces=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Actor Faces elements.         ")
    ActorFacesAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Actor Faces animation.         ")
    Actors=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Actors elements.         ")
    Audio=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Audio elements.         ")
    BaseCameras=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Consider base camera settings.         ")
    Bones=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Bones elements.         ")
    BonesAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Bones animation.         ")
    CacheSize=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The Cached buffer size used to accelerate IO system.         ")
    CameraSwitcherSettings=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Consider camera switcher settings.         ")
    Cameras=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Cameras elements.         ")
    CamerasAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Cameras animation.         ")
    CharacterExtensions=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Character Extensions.         ")
    CharacterFaces=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Character Faces elements.         ")
    CharacterFacesAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Character Faces animation.         ")
    Characters=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Characters elements.         ")
    CharactersAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Characters animation.         ")
    ClearSelectionBeforeSave=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if the current selected objects shouldn't saved when call FBApplication::SaveCharacterRigAndAnimation.         ")
    ConsiderMuteSolo=property(doc="<b>Read Write property:</b> Consider the mute/solo settings to identify identical layer when merging.         ")
    Constraints=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Constraints elements.         ")
    ConstraintsAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Constraints animation.         ")
    CopyCharacterExtensions=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> pCopyMissingExtensions Set to true if the character extensions on the rig in the file should be copied to the target rig.         ")
    CurrentCameraSettings=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Consider current camera settings.         ")
    Devices=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Devices elements.         ")
    DevicesAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Devices animation.         ")
    EmbedMedia=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Embed all media in the FBX file itself. When saving in ASCII mode it is not possible to embed media.         ")
    FileFormatAndVersion=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> File format and version chosen to save the scene.         ")
    FileReference=property(doc="<b>Read Write property:</b> Load/Save scene as FileReference.         ")
    FileReferenceEdit=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Load/Save the edits made to referenced objects or not.         ")
    FileReferences=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the FileReferences elements.         ")
    GlobalLightingSettings=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Consider global Lighting settings.         ")
    Groups=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Groups elements.         ")
    IgnoreConflicts=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true to ignore conflicts between objects in character extensions and objects in the scene. Conflicting objects will be merged in the extension         ")
    KeepTransformHierarchy=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate whether we keep transform hierarchy when SaveSelectedModelsOnly is true. Default value is false to ensure consistent behavior with SaveSelected operation via file menu.         ")
    KeyingGroups=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Keying Groups elements.         ")
    Lights=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Lights elements.         ")
    LightsAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Lights animation.         ")
    Materials=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Materials elements.         ")
    MaterialsAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Materials animation.         ")
    Models=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Models elements.         ")
    ModelsAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Models animation.         ")
    NamespaceList=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> A list of namespaces separated by '~', On Load, duplicate the loaded objects into each namespace in the list.         ")
    Notes=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Notes elements.         ")
    NotesAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Notes animation.         ")
    OpticalData=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Optical Data elements.         ")
    PhysicalProperties=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Physical Properties elements.         ")
    PhysicalPropertiesAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Physical Properties animation.         ")
    Poses=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Poses elements.         ")
    ProcessAnimationOnExtension=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if animation on character extensions should also be transferred.         ")
    RemoveConstraintReference=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if we should remove constraint reference.         ")
    RemoveEmptyLayer=property(doc="<b>Read Write property:</b> Remove empty animation layers that are in additive mode, without child or parent.         ")
    ReplaceControlSet=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if the character extensions (and their children) should be saved when call FBApplication::SaveCharacterRigAndAnimation.         ")
    ResetDOF=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if we should change the limits on the target rig.         ")
    ResetHierarchy=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if we should reset the character hierarchy.         ")
    RetargetOnBaseLayer=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If the transfer method is retarget, set this parameter to control where the retarget correction will be made (on base layer or on another layer).         ")
    SaveCharacter=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if the character should be saved when call FBApplication::SaveCharacterRigAndAnimation.         ")
    SaveCharacterExtensions=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if the character extensions (and their children) should be saved when call FBApplication::SaveCharacterRigAndAnimation.         ")
    SaveControlSet=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if the rig (and its children) should be saved when call FBApplication::SaveCharacterRigAndAnimation.         ")
    SaveSelectedModelsOnly=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate that only the selected models will be saved.         ")
    Scripts=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Scripts elements.         ")
    SetPropertyStaticIfPossible=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to false if want to keep properties' animated flag even when they are not really animated(no keyframe data) while retrieving/storing. See sample:         ")
    Sets=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Sets elements.         ")
    Shaders=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Shaders elements.         ")
    ShadersAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Shaders animation.         ")
    ShowFileDialog=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if want to pop up dialog for FileName, Format, Embed, Compression, UseTakeName, OneTakePerFile.         ")
    ShowOptionsDialog=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true if want to pop up options dialog for detail settings.         ")
    Solvers=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Solvers elements.         ")
    SolversAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Solvers animation.         ")
    Story=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Story elements.         ")
    StoryAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Story animation (animatable properties on story objects).         ")
    TakeSpan=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate how the take start and end point should be set. By default it is read from the file.         ")
    Textures=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Textures elements.         ")
    TexturesAnimation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Textures animation.         ")
    TransferMethod=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> How should the animation should be transfered on the target rig.         ")
    TransportSettings=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Consider transport control settings.         ")
    UpdateRecentFiles=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true to update recent file list.         ")
    UseASCIIFormat=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate if the resulting FBX file will be in binary or ASCII mode.         ")
    Video=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handling of the Video elements.         ")

class FBPose (FBComponent):
    Pose class.     
    def FBPose(self,pName):

        pName : Name of pose. 

    def AddNode(self,pObject,pMatrix,pIsLocalMatrix):
        Add a new pose node.

        pObject : The object for which we are creating the pose information. 
        pMatrix : The transformation of the object we want to save. 
        pIsLocalMatrix : Is the matrix a local matrix? 

    def Find(self,pNodeName):
        Look in this pose if the given node is present.

        pNodeName : Name of the node we are looking for. 
        return : -1 if the node is not in the list or it's position. 

    def GetNodeCount(self):
        Returns the number of pose nodes stored.


    def GetNodeMatrix(self,pIndex):
        Get the pose node matrix.

        pIndex : Index of the node. 
        return : a reference to the node's Matrix. 

    def GetNodeName(self,pIndex):
        Get the pose node at specified index.

        pIndex : Index of the node. 

    def GetNodeObject(self,pIndex):
        Get the pose node object.

        pIndex : Index of the node. 
        return : a pointer to the node's Object. 

    def IsNodeLocalMatrix(self,pIndex):
        Get the type of the Matrix for a given node.

        pIndex : Index of the node. 
        return : true if the matrix is defined in Local coordinate space. 

    def RemoveNode(self,pIndex):
        Remove the pose node at specified index.

        pIndex : Index of the node to be removed. 

    def SetIsNodeLocalMatrix(self,pIndex,pIsNodeLocalMatrix):
        Set the type of the Matrix for a given node.

        pIndex : Index of the node. 
        pIsNodeLocalMatrix : True if the matrix of the node is a local matrix. 

    def SetNodeMatrix(self,pIndex,pMatrix):
        Set the pose node matrix.

        pIndex : Index of the node. 
        pMatrix : Matrix to set for this pose node. 

    def SetNodeObject(self,pIndex,pObject):
        Set the pose node object.

        pIndex : Index of the node. 
        pObject : Object to associate with this pose node. 

    Type=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Type of the pose (bind pose or rest pose)         ")

class FBProfiler (FBComponent):
    Central place to query profiling results and change profiling options.See sample:     
    def FBProfiler(self):


    def GetEndEventSample(self,pIndex):
        Get end time event for event at given index.
        This function and FBProfileTimeEvent.IsSingleEvent are useful to identify duration of event action.

        pIndex : Sample index. 
        return : Sample object if sample at given index is start sample. 

    def GetEventSample(self,pIndex):
        Only possible way to query collected FBProfileTimeEvent.

        pIndex : Sample index. 
        return : Sample object. 

    def GetEventSampleCount(self):
        Get number of time event samples collected during last sampling.

        return : Number of FBProfileTimeEvent samples gathered during sampling. 

    def GetProfilingCost(self):
        Profiling collection can affect scene performace.
        This function return how costly is profiling.

        return : Cost of profiling the scene. (in mini seconds) 

    def GetStatComment(self,pIndex):
        Get aditional information about what action is stat refering to.

        pIndex : Index of stat. 
        return : Stat comment. 

    def GetStatCount(self):
        Stats are holding last execution time/duration of action.
        They are used for actions that doesn't appear frequently, like file IO.

        return : Stats count. They are created when stat occurs, so open or save action needs to be done first to get any information stored in stats. 

    def GetStatDuration(self,pIndex):
        Get time that was spend on execution of action.

        pIndex : Index of stat. 
        return : Stat duration (in seconds). 

    def GetStatIndex(self,pName):
        Search for index of given stat name.

        pName : Name of the sample that we are looking for. 
        return : Stat index if found, -1 if not in the list. 

    def GetStatName(self,pIndex):
        Get information about what action is stat refering to.

        pIndex : Index of stat. 
        return : Stat name. 

    def GetStatStart(self,pIndex):
        Get start time of action.

        pIndex : Index of stat. 
        return : Start time (in seconds). 

    def GetStatStop(self,pIndex):
        Get stop time of action.

        pIndex : Index of stat. 
        return : Stop time (in seconds). 

    ActiveSampling=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Activate the sampling for time events. Call before quering for FBProfileTimeEvent.         ")
    BufferSize=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Buffer size for average and timing computation (maximum value 200).         ")
    EvaluationDepth=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Specify the depth of evaluation profiling for data collection (maximum value is 10).         ")
    FrameReference=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Draw task cycles in relation to main thread cycle time - frame cycle (percentage display).         ")
    ProfilingMode=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Profiling collection modes, including disabling all profiling.         ")

class FBFolder (FBComponent):
    Folder class.     
    This class is an interface to manipulate folders in the scene.See sample:     
    def FBFolder(self,pName,pComponent):

        pName : Name to assign to new folder. 
        pComponent : Object used to determine folder's category. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    Items=property(doc="<b>List:</b> List of components in the folder.         ")

class FBPlayerControl (FBComponent):
    Player control.     
    Interface to use the transport controls (play, stop, etc.) The following Python snippet shows its basic playback operation 
lPlayer = FBPlayerControl()

Keys can also be set and used with Key(), GotoNextKey(), and GotoPreviousKey(). All actions are performed by default on the current take. The is the MotionBuilder default take, unless you have multiple takes in your scene. To switch between takes, use FBTake.See samples:,,,,,,,,,,,     
    def FBPlayerControl(self):


    def EvaluationPause(self):
        Pause device evaluation thread.


    def EvaluationResume(self):
        Resume device evaluation thread.


    def GetPlaySpeed(self):
        Get Play Speed .

        return : transport current playback speed. 

    def GetTransportFps(self):
        Get the UI frame rate use for display configure in the system.

        return : current FrameRate selected for the system. 

    def GetTransportFpsValue(self,pTimeMode):
        Get the UI frame rate value.

        pTimeMode : the time mode whose frame rate will be returned 
        return : Frame rate of the input time mode or system time mode when pTimeMode is not provided. 

    def GetTransportMode(self):
        Get Transport Mode.

        return : Current mode of the transport controls. 

    def Goto(self,pTime):
        Goto a time specified by pTime.

        pTime : Time to jump to. 
        return : true if successful. 

    def GotoEnd(self):
        GotoEnd button (FastForward).

        return : true if successful. 

    def GotoNextKey(self):
        Go to the next key.


    def GotoPreviousKey(self):
        Go to the previous key.


    def GotoStart(self):
        GotoStart button (Rewind).

        return : true if successful. 

    def IsLocked(self):
        Return the current locking state of the transport.


    def Key(self):
        Key default data.
        Key all selected data.


    def LockTransport(self,pLock):
        Lock the transport control.

        pLock : boolean value that indicates the new locked state of the transport. 

    def Play(self,pUseMarkers):
        Play button.

        pUseMarkers : Play until next marker if true, ignore markers otherwise. 
        return : true if successful. 

    def PlayReverse(self,pUseMarkers):
        Play Reverse button.

        pUseMarkers : Play until next marker if true, ignore markers otherwise. 
        return : true if successful. 

    def Record(self,pOverrideTake,pCopyData):
        Begin recording.

        pOverrideTake : Write over current take?(default=false) 
        pCopyData : Unused. Necessary for compatibility(default=true). 
        return : true if successful. 

    def SetPlaySpeed(self,pPlaySpeed):
        Set Play Speed .

        pPlaySpeed : indicate the play speed when a play command occur. 

    def SetTransportFps(self,pTimeMode,pCustom):
        Set the system frame rate use for display.

        pTimeMode : Indicate the frame rate value to use base on the FBTimeMode values enum.(kFBTimeModeDefault will be stored in fps) 
        pCustom : Should the time mode be kFBTimeModeCustom, this is used to specify the custom framerate. 

    def StepBackward(self):
        Step one frame backward.

        return : true if successful. 

    def StepForward(self):
        Step one frame ahead.

        return : true if successful. 

    def Stop(self):
        Stop button.

        return : true if successful. 

    IsPlaying=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Is the transport control playing?         ")
    IsPlotting=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Is there a plotting in progress?         ")
    IsRecording=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Is there a recording in progress?         ")
    LoopActive=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is looping active?         ")
    LoopStart=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Loop begin time.         ")
    LoopStop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Loop end time.         ")
    NextMarker=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Next marked time.         ")
    PlotSamplingPeriod=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Sampling period for the model plotting.         ")
    PreviousMarker=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Previous marked time.         ")
    RecordingSamplingPeriod=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Sampling period for the model recording.         ")
    SnapMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set the transport control snap mode.         ")
    TransportTimeFormat=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current Time Mode of the transport controls.         ")
    ZoomWindowStart=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Starting time of the transport control zoom window.         ")
    ZoomWindowStop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Stopping time of the transport control zoom window.         ")

class FBKeyingGroup (FBComponent):
    KeyingGroup class.     
    This class is an interface to manipulate which properties will be keyed when active. A derived class could control when the keying group should activate and what content it should have. For example, a derived class could activate based one that is selected in the scene.To create a custom keying group, use the appropriate FBKeyingGroupType flag. Then, if it is a local keying group, call AddObjectDependency() to add an object to the keying group. You can then add properties belonging to the new object with AddProperty().If you are creating an object type keying group, call SetObjectType() to specify what kind of object will be keyed by this keying group. Then, add a property from an object, the name of the property will be used by the keying group the find corresponding properties in selected object.If you create a global keying group, simply properties from an object with AddProperty(). The name of the property will be used by the keying group to find corresponding properties in the selected object.     
    def FBKeyingGroup(self,pName,pType):

        pName : Group name. 
        pType : Keying group type. 

    def AddObjectDependency(self,pObj):
        AddObjectDependency An object dependency is the content of a keying group and will activate keying group when selected (activation only works if the keying group is a character extension).

        pObj : a Dependency of the keying group. 

    def AddProperty(self,pProp):
        Add property to be keyed when current keying group is active.

        pProp : Property to be added. 

    def ClearAllItems(self):
        ClearAllItems clear object dependency, properties and child keying group.


    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def FindPropertyIndex(self,pProp):

        pProp : must be in the list (return -1 if not). 
        return : the index of pProp in the keyinggroup property list. 

    def GetCumulativeProperty(self,pIndex,pStopAtVisible):
        GetCumulativeProperty Same as GetSubKeyingGroup but recursive in child keying group.

        pIndex : index in the content Object Dependency list 
        pStopAtVisible : consider all keying group and stop to the first visible keying group. 
        return : he number of ObjectDependency of the keying group. 

    def GetCumulativePropertyCount(self,pStopAtVisible):
        GetCumulativePropertyCount Same as GetSubKeyingGroupCount but recursive in child keying group.

        pStopAtVisible : consider all keying group and stop to the first visible keying group. 
        return : he number of ObjectDependency of the keying group. 

    def GetParentKeyingGroup(self,pIndex):

        pIndex : is the index of the parent list of the current keying group. 
        return : the parent keying group. 

    def GetParentKeyingGroupCount(self):

        return : the number of parent. 

    def GetProperty(self,pIndex):
        GetProperty from the keyinggroup list.

        pIndex : index of the desired property. 
        return : property coresponding to pIndex. 

    def GetPropertyCount(self):

        return : the number of properties in the keying group. 

    def GetSubKeyingGroup(self,pIndex):

        pIndex : index of the desired keying group child. 
        return : the the child at the index. 

    def GetSubKeyingGroupCount(self):

        return : the number of child keying group. 

    def GetSubObject(self,pIndex):

        pIndex : index in the content Object Dependency list 
        return : the desired object at pIndex. 

    def GetSubObjectCount(self):

        return : the number of ObjectDependency of the keying group. 

    def IsObjectDependency(self,pObj):
        IsObjectDependency determine if the pObj is a dependency.

        pObj : an object to test the Dependency. 
        return : true if it depend. 

    def IsObjectDependencySelected(self):

        return : return true as soon as a Property Owner or another Object Dependency is selected. 

    def RemoveAllObjectDependency(self):
        IsObjectDependencySelected empty the content list.


    def RemoveAllProperties(self):
        IsObjectDependencySelected empty the property list.


    def RemoveAllSubKeyingGroup(self):
        RemoveAllSubKeyingGroup empty the child keying group.


    def RemoveObjectDependency(self,pObj):
        RemoveObjectDependency An object dependency is the content of a keying group and will activate keying group when selected (activation only works if the keying group is a character extension).

        pObj : a Dependency of the keying group. 

    def RemoveProperty(self,pProp):
        RemoveProperty from the keyinggroup list.

        pProp : Property to be removed. 

    def SetActive(self,pActive):
        SetActive, activate the keying group, replacing the other keying group.

        pActive : bool

    def SetActiveAppend(self,pActive):
        SetActiveAppend, activate and append the keying group to the other keying groups.

        pActive : bool

    def SetEnabled(self,pEnable):
        SetEnabled, makes the keying group available in keying group list of the key control UI.

        pEnable : bool

    def SetObjectType(self,pObject):
        Set the object type filter for and object type keying group.

        pObject : Object that will be used to set the keying group object type. Use NULL to remove the filter. 


class FBImage (FBComponent):
    Image class.     
    Utility class used to load and get manipulate image data from disk or memory.See sample:     
    def FBImage(self,pFileName):

        pFileName : Path to the image file. If pObject is not NULL, pFileName will be ignored. 

    def Cleanup(self):
        Cleanup image data, making it black.


    def ConvertFormat(self,pNewFormat):
        Convert the image data format to another format.

        pNewFormat : The new format to convert the image to. 
        return : Return true if the convert was successful. 

    def ConvertSize(self,pWidth,pHeight):
        Convert the image size.

        pWidth : New width of the image. 
        pHeight : New height of the image. 
        return : Return true if the convert was successful. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def GetBufferAddress(self):
        Access image data buffer, allow modifications.

        return : Pointer to the image data, values ranging from 0 to 255. 

    def Init(self,pFormat,pWidth,pHeight):

        pFormat : Image format used to initialize data buffer. 
        pWidth : Image width in pixels. 
        pHeight : Image height in pixels. 

    def IsCompressedTif(self,pFileName):
        Query TIF file about its compressed status.

        pFileName : Full TIF file path name of the file to query. 
        return : Return true if the TIF file image data is compressed. 

    def VerticalFlip(self):
        Flip the image vertically.


    def WriteToTif(self,pFileName,pComments,pCompressed):
        Write image data to a TIF file on disk.

        pFileName : Full TIF file path name of the file to write. 
        pComments : Comments appended to the TIF file. 
        pCompressed : If true, the image data in the file will be compressed. 
        return : Return true if the image was successfully written on disk. 

    Depth=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Color depth of the image.         ")
    Format=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Image data format.         ")
    Height=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Height of the image in pixels.         ")
    InterleaveType=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Image interleave type. Only meaningful if image type is field.         ")
    InterpolationType=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Image interpolation type.         ")
    Type=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Image type, refering to either frame or field.         ")
    Width=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Width of the image in pixels.         ")

class FBModelVertexData (FBComponent):
    def DisableOGLUVSet(self):
        Disable OpenGL UV Set Array.


    def DisableOGLVertexData(self):
        Disable OpenGL Vertex Array (Pos & Normal)


    def DrawSubRegion(self,pSubRegionIndex,pWireFrame):
        Draw Sub Region.
        Must be called between Enable/DisableOGLVertexData function calls.

        pSubRegionIndex : Index of sub region to be drawn. 
        pWireFrame : draw wire frame if true. 

    def EnableOGLUVSet(self,pTextureMapping,pUVSet):
        Enable (Setup) OpenGL UV Set Array.

        pTextureMapping : FBTextureMapping
        pUVSet : str

    def EnableOGLVertexData(self,pAfterdeform):
        Enable (Setup) OpenGL Vertex Array (Pos & Normal)

        pAfterdeform : bool

    def GetSubRegionCount(self):
        Return number of sub regions (mapping with different materials)


    def GetSubRegionMaterial(self,pSubRegionIndex):
        Return sub region's material.

        pSubRegionIndex : Index of the sub region. 


class FBPropertyAnimatable (FBProperty):
    Animatable property base class.     
    def FBPropertyAnimatable(self):


    def GetAnimationNode(self):
        Get the animation node for the property.

        return : Animation node for property. None is returned if property is not animated. 

    def AllowsMuting(self):

        return : <b>true</b> if property can be muted 

    def GetBox(self):
        Get the owner box.

        return : Handle to the owning box (i.e. model). 

    def GetDataTypeName(self):
        Get the property datatype name.

        return : Datatype of property as a character string. 

    def HasSomethingMuted(self):

        return : <b>true</b> if property or any of its members is muted 

    def IsAnimated(self):
        Is the property animated.
        This is true if the property has an FCurve associated to it.

        return : <b>true</b> if animated, <b>false</b> if not animated. 

    def IsFocused(self):
        Is the property focused (keyable).

        return : Current focus (keyable) state for the property. 

    def IsMemberMuted(self,pIndex):

        pIndex : Index of the sub-member of the property to check. 
        return : <b>true</b> if property sub-member is muted 

    def IsMuted(self):

        return : <b>true</b> if property is muted 

    def Key(self):
        Key the property.


    def KeyAt(self,pTime):
        Key the property at time (t).

        pTime : Time at which to insert the key. 

    def KeyRemoveAt(self,pTime):
        Remove the key at time (t).

        pTime : Time at which to insert the key. 

    def SetAnimated(self,pState):
        Set the animation state of the property.

        pState : State of animation for property, true to animate, false to remove curves. 

    def SetFocus(self,pState):
        Set the property's focus (keyable) state.

        pState : Focus (keyable) state to set for the property. 

    def SetMemberMuted(self,pIndex,pMuted):

        pIndex : Index of the sub-member of the property to mute or unmute. 
        pMuted : True if the sub-member is to be muted, false if it is to be unmuted. 

    def SetMuted(self,pMuted):

        pMuted : True if the property is to be muted, false if it is to be unmuted. 

    Data=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The property data value. Type of this depends on the subclass of FBPropertyAnimatable (ex: in a FBPropertyAnimatableInt, Data is of type int).         ")

class FBRenderer (FBComponent):
    Open Reality renderer interface.     
    See samples:,     
    def FBRenderer(self):
        Client code cannot instantiate objects of this class. The FBSystem and FBScene classes provide access to the current renderer.


    def FrameCurrentCameraWithModels(self,pAll):
        Frame the current camera either with all models or with the currently selected models.

        pAll : true to frame with all models. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def GetDisplayableGeometry(self,pIndex):
        Get the displayable geometry model.
        Those geometry models which have Show property ON are considered as 'displayable'.

        pIndex : displayable geometry model index to query. 
        return : displayable geometry model. 

    def GetDisplayableGeometryInCameraFrustum(self,pModelList,pCamera):
        Get a list of displayable geometry inside given camera's frustum.
        This function will return conservative result. It's possible for some geometry outside of the frustum will be considered to be visible, but it will not skip any real visible geometry. This function should only be called in the main rendering thread.

        pModelList : ModelList holding the return models. 
        pCamera : use current camera if NULL. 
        return : Reference to pModelList. if pModelList is NULL return a const reference to internal static FBModelList and consecutive call to this function will invalidate the result of previous call. 

    def GetDisplayableLight(self,pIndex):
        Get the displayable light.
        Those light models which have Show property ON are considered as 'displayable'.

        pIndex : displayable light index to query. 
        return : displayable light. 

    def GetLastPickInfoList(self,pPickInfosList):
        Return the last picking info list in the current view pane.

        pPickInfosList : The list of pick infos. 
        return : number of item in the list. 

    def GetViewingOptions(self):
        Obtain the current viewing options.

        return : A structure that can be queried and updated for a call to SetViewingOptions. 

    def IsModelInsideCameraFrustum(self,pGeometry,pCamera):
        To tell if given model is located inside camera's frustum.
        This function will return conservative result. It's possible for some geometry outside of the frustum will be considered to be visible, but it will not skip any real visible geometry. This function should only be called in the main rendering thread.

        pGeometry : the geometry to be queried. 
        pCamera : use current camera if NULL. 
        return : true if Model is inside camera frustum. 

    def KeyboardInput(self,pKeyIndex,pKeyState,pIsTrigger):
        Keyboard input.

        pKeyIndex : Key index. (See "enum FBDeviceKeyboardKey" above for supported keys) 
        pKeyState : Key state. (True == key is down, False == key is up) 
        pIsTrigger : When setting pKeyState to True, resets key state to False right after operation. 

    def MouseInput(self,pX,pY,pInputType,pButtonKey,pModifier,pLayer):
        Mouse input.

        pX : X position. 
        pY : Y position. 
        pInputType : Type of input. 
        pButtonKey : Button/Key pressed. 
        pModifier : Modifier pressed (CTRL/ALT/SHIFT). 
        pLayer : Rendering layer ID(default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def MouseInputNormalized(self,pX,pY,pInputType,pButtonKey,pModifier,pLayer,pPaneId):
        Mouse input.

        pX : X position, normalized to the range of [0, 1] in the view port dimension. 
        pY : Y position, normalized to the range of [0, 1] in the view port dimension. 
        pInputType : Type of input. 
        pButtonKey : Button/Key pressed. 
        pModifier : Modifier pressed (CTRL/ALT/SHIFT). 
        pLayer : Rendering layer ID(default=-1). 
        pPaneId : specify which pane's dimension used for normalization, default (-1) for the whole viewer. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def OGLModelDisplay(self,pRenderOptions,pModel):
        pRenderOptions : FBRenderOptions
        pModel : FBModel

    def OGLSetupSceneLights(self,pRenderOptions):
        Setup the scene lights in OpenGL.

        pRenderOptions : See FBRenderOptions for more detail. 

    def Pick(self,pX,pY,pPickInfosList,pNeedIntersectPosition):
        Object picking selection.

        pX : X position. 
        pY : Y position. 
        pPickInfosList : The list of pick infos. 
        pNeedIntersectPosition : require valid intersection position if true, this will take more time to process, and not reliable with very dense mesh. 

    def PickNormalized(self,pX,pY,pPickInfosList,pNeedIntersectPosition,pPaneId):
        Object picking selection.

        pX : X position, normalized to the range of [0, 1] in the view port dimension. 
        pY : Y position, normalized to the range of [0, 1] in the view port dimension. 
        pPickInfosList : The list of pick infos. 
        pNeedIntersectPosition : require valid intersection position if true, this will take more time to process, and not reliable with very dense mesh. 
        pPaneId : specify which pane's dimension used for normalization, default (-1) for the whole viewer. 

    def PreRender(self,pLayer):
        PreRenders one frame (needed for some shaders) This functions destroys the frame buffer content and must be called every time a render is called the typical order of call must be Renderer->Prerender // at this point the frame buffer is garbage -Clear the ogl -Do your render functions Renderer->Render.

        pLayer : Rendering layer ID(default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def RectPick(self,pX1,pY1,pX2,pY2,pPickInfosList):
        Object rectangle selection.

        pX1 : Left upper corner X position. 
        pY1 : Left upper corner y position. 
        pX2 : Right bottom corner X position. 
        pY2 : Right bottom corner y position. 
        pPickInfosList : The list of pick infos. 

    def RectPickNormalized(self,pX1,pY1,pX2,pY2,pPickInfosList,pPaneId):
        Object rectangle selection.

        pX1 : Left upper corner X position, normalized to the range of [0, 1] in the viewport dimension. 
        pY1 : Left upper corner y position, normalized to the range of [0, 1] in the viewport dimension. 
        pX2 : Right bottom corner X position, normalized to the range of [0, 1] in the viewport dimension. 
        pY2 : Right bottom corner y position, normalized to the range of [0, 1] in the viewport dimension. 
        pPickInfosList : The list of pick infos. 
        pPaneId : specify which pane's dimension used for normalization, default (-1) for the whole viewer. 

    def Render(self,pLayer):
        Renders one frame.

        pLayer : Rendering layer ID(default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def RenderBegin(self,pX,pY,pW,pH):
        must be called before rendering can happen

        pX : X position where to render. 
        pY : Y position where to render. 
        pW : Width of render area. 
        pH : Hight of render area. 

    def RenderEnd(self,pView):

        pView : If you want the renderer to draw artifacts, such as TimeCode, CameraLabel or SafeArea, you must provide the FBView on which the renderer draws on. 

    def SetViewingOptions(self,pOptions):
        Set the viewing options.

        pOptions : See FBViewingOptions for more detail. 

    def SetViewport(self,pX,pY,pW,pH):
        Must be called before inputing if the same renderer is used on multiple views/cameras in the same application.

        pX : X position where to render. 
        pY : Y position where to render. 
        pW : Width of render area. 
        pH : Hight of render area. 

    AdvancedLightingMode=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Turn on/off advanced lighting setting UI widgets.         ")
    AdvancedMaterialMode=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Turn on/off advanced material setting UI widgets.         ")
    AutoEvaluate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate if a call to RenderBegin will also cause a re-evaluation of the scene.         ")
    Background=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The renderer.         ")
    CurrentCamera=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current camera. if UseCameraSwitcher is on, this will Get/Set camera switcher's current camera;         ")
    CurrentPaneCallbackIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current Pane's Renderer Callback Index.         ")
    CurrentPaneCallbackPrefIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current Pane's Renderer Callback Preference Index.         ")
    DisplayNormals=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Display model normals in main viewer.         ")
    DisplaySetUpdateId=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Current DisplaySet Update Id. Add/Delete models, Show/Hide models will affect DisplaySet.         ")
    DisplayableGeometryCount=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Displayable geometry count.         ")
    DisplayableLightCount=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Displayable light count.         ")
    FrustumCulling=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Turn on/off the early frustum culling optimization.         ")
    IDBufferDisplay=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Render Model's unique Color ID into color Buffer (used for picking)         ")
    IDBufferPicking=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Use ID (Color) Buffer for picking, instead of OpenGl selection buffer picking.         ")
    IDBufferPickingAlpha=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Those Semi-transparent (Alpha Blend) geometry(region) contribute less than this threshold, will be considered as invisible during ID picking.         ")
    RegisteredCallbackCount=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Registered Renderer Callback Count.         ")
    RendererCallbacks=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Renderer Callbacks attached.         ")
    RendererUpdateId=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Current Render Update Id. DisplaySet update, material change, texture changes and shader change and other operations will trigger Renderer update.         ")
    Scene=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Scene that the renderer will use/draw         ")
    SelectionForceSnapPointsDisplay=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Force show all feature points (pivots and etc) on selected models if true, ignore individual model's settings.         ")
    SelectionOverride=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Add transparent color override layer on selected models if true.         ")
    SelectionOverrideColor=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Selection override layer color.         ")
    SelectionOverrideTransparency=property(doc="<b>Read write Property:</b> Selection override layer transparency.         ")
    ShowStats=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show the stats about FPS, Evaluation rate ... like when using Shift-F in main viewer.         ")
    UseCameraSwitcher=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Activate/Deactivate usage of camera switcher for the first model view of main viewer.         ")

class FBOpticalGap (FBComponent):
    Optical Gap class.     
    def FBOpticalGap(self,pMarker):

        pMarker : Model marker(default=NULL). 

    def FBOpticalGap(self,pGap):
        Constructor (copy).

        pGap : Gap to copy data from. 

    def InsertControlKey(self,pTime):
        Insert a control key for the gap.

        pTime : Insert time for the control key. 

    def IsValid(self):
        Check if valid (if item exists).

        return : <b>true</b> if segment is valid. 

    Data=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Gap curve data.         ")
    Interpolation=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Gap mode.         ")
    TimeSpan=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Current timespan.         ")

class FBActionManager (FBComponent):
    Action Manager class.     
    <b>This class is introduced to enable users to access to the actions related functions. between versions.</b>     
    def FBActionManager(self):



class FBApplication (FBComponent):
    FBApplication is used mainly to manage files.     
    It provides functionality like that in the MotionBuilder file menu, for example, open file, save file.Note that event registration is instanced-based. When an FBApplication object is destroyed, all the event callbacks are unregistered. If you want to have a tool to be notified of events, it needs to have a FBApplication data member.See samples:,,,,,     
    def FBApplication(self):


    def AudioRender(self,pAudioRenderOptions):
        Render audio of current scene to media file, currently WAV file only.

        pAudioRenderOptions : The options used when rendering audio of the scene. Default value: 2 channels, 16 bits, 44100 hz, the begin and end time span for current time referential, Default file name is "Output.wav" in the last audio output path, ro the default document path if the last path doesn't exist. 
        return : True if the file was rendered successfully 

    def ExecuteScript(self,pFilename):
        Execute a python script file.

        pFilename : The script file to execute. 
        return : True if the script file was found and executed. 

    def FileAppend(self,pFilename,pShowUIMsg,pOptions):
        Append a file to the current scene.
        Same as File->Merge in the menus with all options set to append. In earlier versions of MotionBuilder, a namespace could be specified with a parameter in this function, or FBFbxOptions::CustomImportNamespace, Now this is now done with FBFbxOptions::NamespaceList.

        pFilename : File to merge. 
        pShowUIMsg : Set false if don't want to popup any UI dialog or messages (default=false). 
        pOptions : Provide finer control on file open options (default=NULL). if not null, Option dialog will only show if both option's ShowOptionsDialog property and pShowUIMsg are true. 
        return : true if successful. 

    def FileBatch(self,pBatchOptions,pPlotOptions):
        Start a batch.
        Command File->Batch... in the menus.

        pBatchOptions : The options for the batch process (same as in the batch UI). 
        pPlotOptions : The options for plotting (same as in the plot UI)(default=NULL). 
        return : The status of the operation. 

    def FileExit(self,pSave):
        Quit application.
        Command File->Exit in the menus.

        pSave : true if file is saved on exit(default=false). 

    def FileExport(self,pFilename):
        Export a motion file.
        Command File->Motion File Export... in the menus.

        pFilename : The file to create. To create two files at the same time (ex: .amc & .asf), separate the two files path with a comma ("Path1,Path2"). 
        return : True if the export succeeded. 

    def FileExportBatch(self,pName,pTake,pBatchOptions,pExportModels):
        Export a motion file using batch options.
        Export used for saving files in batch process.

        pName : The name of the file without extension. Extension and path will be taken from batch options. 
        pTake : Animation take to the export. 
        pBatchOptions : The options for the export. 
        pExportModels : Models to the export. 
        return : True if the export succeeded. 

    def FileImport(self,pFilename,pMatchModels,pCreateUnmatchedModels):
        Import a motion file.
        Command File->Motion File Import... in the menus.

        pFilename : The file to import. To import two files at the same time (ex: .amc & .asf), separate the two files path with a comma ("Path1,Path2"). 
        pMatchModels : If there is already a model in the scene with the same name, the model will not be created and we replace the animation of the given model. 
        pCreateUnmatchedModels : Whether unmatched models will be created. This flag matters only when pMatchModels is true. when pMatchModels is false, all the models are created. 
        return : True if the import succeeded. 

    def FileImportBatch(self,pName,pBatchOptions,pReference):
        Import a motion file using batch options.
        Import used for loading files in batch process.

        pName : The name of the file without extension. Extension and path will be taken from batch options. 
        pBatchOptions : The options for the import. 
        pReference : Reference model for the import. 
        return : True if the import succeeded. 

    def FileMerge(self,pFilename,pShowUIMsg,pOptions):
        Merge a file with the current scene.
        Command File->Merge in the menus.

        pFilename : File to merge. 
        pShowUIMsg : Set false if don't want to popup any UI dialog or messages (default=false). 
        pOptions : Provide finer control on file open options (default=NULL). if not null, Option dialog will only show if both option's ShowOptionsDialog property and pShowUIMsg are true. 
        return : true if successful. 

    def FileMerge(self,pPathlist,pShowUIMsg,pOptions):
        Merge multiple files with the current scene.
        Command File->Merge in the menus.

        pPathlist : Files to merge. 
        pShowUIMsg : Set false if don't want to popup any UI dialog or messages (default=false). 
        pOptions : Provide finer control on file open options (default=NULL). if not null, Option dialog will only show if both option's ShowOptionsDialog property and pShowUIMsg are true. 
        return : true if successful. 

    def FileNew(self,pAskUser,pClearSceneName):
        Command FILE->NEW in the menus.

        pAskUser : Set to true to cause a save dialog to popup. Default is false. 
        pClearSceneName : Set to true to clear the scene name, set to false to retain it. Default is true. 
        return : true if successful. 

    def FileOpen(self,pFilename,pShowUIMsg,pOptions):
        Open a file, replacing the current scene.

        pFilename : File to open. 
        pShowUIMsg : Set false if don't want to popup any UI dialog or messages (default=false). 
        pOptions : Provide finer control on file open options (default=NULL). if not null, Option dialog will only show if both option's ShowOptionsDialog property and pShowUIMsg are true. 
        return : true if file open successfully.

    def FileOpen(self,p0,pBufferLength):
        Open a file from memory.

        p0 : the memory buffer for the file. Raw memory address is expected in pyfbsdk. 
        pBufferLength : the memory buffer size. 
        return : true if file opened successfully. 

    def FileRender(self,pRenderOptions):
        Render current scene to media file.
        Command FILE->RENDER in the menus.

        pRenderOptions : The options used when rendering the scene. If you don't specify them, current one are used. 
        return : True if the file was rendered successfully otherwise False and FBVideoGrabber.GetLastErrorMsg() contains the description of the error. 

    def FileSave(self,pFilename,pOptions):
        Save the file under another name.

        pFilename : Save file as pFilename. A value of NULL will use the current file name. 
        pOptions : Provide finer control on file save options (default=NULL) 
        return : true if successful.

    def FlushEventQueue(self):
        Flush event queue.
        Processes all pending events for the calling thread until there are no more events to process. You can call this function occasionally when your code is busy performing a long operation (e.g. copying a file).


    def GetMaxFrameCount(self,p0,pBufferLength,pFrameCount,pTimeScale):
        Get max frame count from a scene file in memory.

        p0 : the memory buffer for the file. Raw memory address is expected in pyfbsdk. 
        pBufferLength : the memory buffer size. 
        pFrameCount : out parameter to hold max frame count. this parameter is not needed in pyfbsdk. 
        pTimeScale : Time scale. 
        return : true if file opened successfully. In pyfbsdk, a tuple (bool, kLong) will return instead, the first one is ORSDK function return value, the second is for max frame count. 

    def IsValidBatchFile(self,pFilename):
        Verify motion file readability.

        pFilename : The file to test. 
        return : True if file was opened successfully (file is closed at the end). 

    def LoadAnimationOnCharacter(self,pFileName,pCharacter,pFbxOptions,pPlotOptions):
        Load a rig and its animation from a file.

        pFileName : File name. 
        pCharacter : Target character. 
        pFbxOptions : The options for the character rig and animation load 
        pPlotOptions : If the animation should be plotted on the target rig, these plot options will be used. Set to NULL if animation will not be plotted. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def Maximize(self):
        Maximize window (minimized).

        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def Minimize(self,pBlocking):
        Minimize window.

        pBlocking : Is the minimization blocking operation (default = true). 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def OneClickAddToCurrentScene(self):
        Send the scene and add it to the current scene in the specified application.

        return : True if transfer successful. 

    def OneClickIsConnectedTo(self):
        Return the other application that MotionBuilder is connected to.

        return : The application that MotionBuilder is connected to. 

    def OneClickSelectPreviouslySentObject(self):
        Select, in MotionBuilder, the object that were sent.


    def OneClickSendAsNewScene(self,pApplication):
        Send the current scene as a new scene in the specified application.

        pApplication : The application that will receive the scene. 
        return : True if transfer successful. 

    def OneClickUpdateCurrentScene(self):
        Send the scene to update the current scene in the specified application.

        return : True if transfer successful. 

    def SaveCharacterRigAndAnimation(self,pFileName,pCharacter,pFbxOptions):
        Save the rig and its animation in a file.

        pFileName : File name. 
        pCharacter : Character to save. 
        pFbxOptions : The options for the character rig and animation export 

    def SwitchViewerCamera(self,pCamera):
        Switch the current viewer's camera.

        pCamera : Camera to switch current viewer to. 

    def UpdateAllWidgets(self):
        Request to refresh display of all UI widgets.


    CurrentActor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate the current actor, as used by the character tool. Can be NULL. If not null, CurrentCharacter must be null, as the character tool works on only one item at a time.         ")
    CurrentCharacter=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate the current character, as used by the character tool. Can be NULL. If not null, CurrentActor must be null, as the character tool works on only one item at a time. See sample:         ")
    FBXFileName=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current scene filename.         ")
    OnFileExit=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A File Exit as been requested, nothing has been destroyed yet.         ")
    OnFileMerge=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A File Merge has been requested, nothing has been loaded yet.         ")
    OnFileNew=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A File New has been requested, nothing has been destroyed yet.         ")
    OnFileNewCompleted=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A File New has been completed.         ")
    OnFileOpen=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A File Open has been requested, nothing has been loaded yet.         ")
    OnFileOpenCompleted=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A File Open has been completed.         ")
    OnFileSave=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A File Save has been requested, nothing has been saved yet.         ")
    OnFileSaveCompleted=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A File Save has been completed.         ")

class FBPropertyInt (FBProperty):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBAssetItem (FBComponent):
    Base class for all managed assets.     
    def FBAssetItem(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Command. 

    def CheckIn(self,pComment,pKeepCheckedOut,pSilent):
        Checks in this item and all its children (if this is a folder item).

        pComment : Comment to be applied for the check in. 
        pKeepCheckedOut : Flag that indicates whether the item will be kept checked out. 
        pSilent : If pSilent is set to true, no dialog will be displayed by this method. 
        return : A boolean indicating if the operation was successful. 

    def CheckOut(self,pComment,pDontGetLocal,pSilent):
        Checks out this item and it's childs (if this is a folder item) and makes them writeable on the local disk.

        pComment : Comment to be applied for the check out. 
        pDontGetLocal : Indicate if local copy should retrieved or not. 
        pSilent : If pSilent is set to true, no dialog will be displayed by this method. 
        return : A boolean indicating if the operation was successful. 

    def GetLatest(self,pReplaceCheckedOut,pSilent):
        Obtain the latest version of the item from the server.

        pReplaceCheckedOut : Whether to replace the checked out file or not. 
        pSilent : If pSilent is set to true, no dialog will be displayed by this method. 
        return : A boolean indicating if the operation was successful. 

    def GetLocalPath(self):
        Get the path to this item on the local hard disk.

        return : The path as an <b>FBString</b>. 

    def GetName(self):
        Get the name of this item (file name or folder name).

        return : The name of the item, as an FBString. 

    def GetParent(self):
        Get the parent folder of this item.

        return : An <b>FBAssetFolder*</b> if the parent was found, or NULL if this is the root item. 

    def GetServerPath(self):
        Get the path to this item on the database.

        return : The server path as an <b>FBString</b>. 

    def ShowHistory(self):
        Display a dialog with this item history.


    def ShowProperties(self):
        Display a dialog showing the properties of this item.


    def UndoCheckOut(self,pReplaceLocalFile,pSilent):
        Cancel the last check out operation.

        pReplaceLocalFile : Flag indicating if the local item(s) should be replaced by the server version. 
        pSilent : If pSilent is set to true, no dialog will be displayed by this method. 
        return : A boolean indicating if the operation was successful. 

    LastError=property(doc="Last error string.         ")

class FBBox (FBComponent):
    A box is a fundamental building block in the application architecture.     
    All animatable elements are derived in some way from the main box class, either by deriving directly or owning a box.     
    def FBBox(self,pName):

        pName : Box name. 

    def AnimationNodeDestroy(self,pAnimationNode):
        Destroy an animation node.

        pAnimationNode : Handle to the animation node to be destroyed. 
        return : <b>true</b> if destruction was successful. 

    def AnimationNodeInGet(self):
        Get the (IN/OUT) animation node for this box.

        return : A handle to the animation node for this box. 

    def AnimationNodeIsUserData(self,pAnimationNode):
        Is the animation node user data?

        pAnimationNode : Handle to the animation to be queried. 
        return : <b>true</b> if node is user data. 

    def AnimationNodeOutGet(self):
        Get the (IN/OUT) animation node for this box.

        return : A handle to the animation node for this box. 

    Animatable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is the box animatable.         ")
    Live=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is live?         ")
    RecordMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is recording?         ")
    UniqueName=property(doc="internal Unique name.         ")

class FBEvaluateManager (FBComponent):
    def InvalidateDAG(self):
        Invalidate the DAG and trigger parallel scheduling at the next frame.


    def IsInteractiveMode(self):
        Check if the application main loop is in interactive or offline render mode.

        return : true if is application is is interactive mode. 

    DeviceCount=property(doc="<b>Read only Property:</b> Number of devices to evaluate.         ")
    FrameSkipOptimization=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> if true, apply frame skip optimization during playback. off-line rendering don't use frame skip optimization.         ")
    NodeCount=property(doc="<b>Read only Property:</b> Number of nodes to evaluate.         ")
    OnRenderingPipelineEvent=property(doc="<b> For callback events at rendering pipeline.</b>         ")
    OnSynchronizationEvent=property(doc="<b> For callback events at synchronization point.</b>         ")
    ParallelDeformation=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> true if deformation is evaluated in parallel.         ")
    ParallelEvaluation=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> true if parallel DAG schedule algorithm is being used. false when serial algorithm is being used.         ")
    ParallelPipeline=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> true if transformation is evaluated in parallel.         ")
    ParallelScheduleType=property(doc="<b> DEPRICATED </b><b>Read/Write Property:</b> choose between serial and parallel DAG schedule algorithm. kFBParallelScheduleSimple and kFBParallelScheduleAdvanced will set ParallelEvalution to true. kFBParallelScheduleSerial will set ParallelEvalution to false         ")
    UseGPUDeformation=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> true if GPU deformation is used.         ")

class FBReferenceTime (FBComponent):
    Reference time class.     
    def FBReferenceTime(self):


    def Add(self,pName):
        Add a reference time to list.

        pName : Name of time to add the list. 
        return : Number of reference times after operation. 

    def GetTime(self,pIndex,pSystem):
        Get a reference time.

        pIndex : Index of reference to get. 
        pSystem : System time. 
        return : Reference time at pIndex. 

    def Remove(self,pIndex):
        Remove a reference time from the list.

        pIndex : Index of reference time to remove. 

    def SetTime(self,pIndex,pReferenceTime,pSystem):
        Set a reference time.

        pIndex : Index of reference time set. 
        pReferenceTime : Time to use as reference time. 
        pSystem : System time. 

    Count=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Number of reference times.         ")
    ItemIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current reference time index.         ")

class FBPropertyVector2d (FBProperty):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBFileMonitoringManager (FBComponent):
    File Change Monitoring Interface to the file change monitoring.     
    def AddFileToMonitor(self,pFilePath,pFileMonitoringType):
        Add file to monitor.

        pFilePath : The file path to monitor. 
        pFileMonitoringType : The monitor type of this file. 

    def CleanFileMonitoring(self):
        Clean files and directories currently been monitored.


    def PauseFileMonitoring(self,pPause):
        Pause file from monitoring.

        pPause : Pause the file monitoring, or resume. 

    def RemoveFileFromMonitor(self,pFilePath):
        Remove file from monitoring.

        pFilePath : The file path to be removed. 

    OnFileChangeAnimationClip=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Animation clip file change event.         ")
    OnFileChangeFileReference=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> File Reference file change event.         ")
    OnFileChangeMainScene=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Main scene file change event.         ")

class FBKeyControl (FBComponent):
    Key control.     
    Interface to use the key controls tool.See sample:     
    def FBKeyControl(self):


    AutoKey=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable/Disable Auto Key feature (key when moving 3D objects).         ")

class FBTake (FBComponent):
    A take is a container for animation in a scene.     
    A take stores data about animation for objects. The transport controls (FBPlayerControl) act on the current take.In the UI transport controls, a take's start and end determine when the Timeline indicator starts and stops.You get the current take with FBSystem::CurrentTake, as in the following Python sample: 
for myTake in FBSystem().Scene.Takes:
    print myTake.Name

To create a take and have it accessible in the Transport control you could use CopyTake (called Duplicate in the UI):Python sample code: 
from pyfbsdk import *    
newTake = FBSystem().CurrentTake.CopyTake('my new take name')

C++ sample code: 
FBTake* lTake = FBSystem::ThenOne().CurrentTake->CopyTake( 'my new take' );    

Or simply create a new empty take like the following:Python sample code: 
from pyfbsdk import *    
newTake = FBTake('my new take name')

C++ sample code: 
FBSystem::TheOne()::Scene.Takes.Add( new FBTake( 'my new take' ));

See samples:,,,,,,,     
    def FBTake(self,pName):

        pName : Name of take. 

    def ClearAllProperties(self,pOnSelectedObjectsOnly,pOnLockedProperties):
        Clear the animation on all the properties.

        pOnSelectedObjectsOnly : Specify if clear will be performed on all objects or only on the one that are currently selected. 
        pOnLockedProperties : Specify if clear will be performed on locked properties as well. 

    def ClearAllPropertiesOnCurrentLayer(self):
        Clear all the animation on the current layer.


    def CopyTake(self,pNewTakeName):
        Copy the take.
        Will create a copy of the current take, with the current take data. This is analogous to creating a new take, and copying the current take data into it. The Layers data and the TimeWarp date will be copied. The newly created take will be set as the current take. The newly created take is automatically added to the scene and available in the Transport control.

        pNewTakeName : The name for the new take. 
        return : Handle to the newly created take. 

    def CreateNewLayer(self):
        Create a new layer.


    def DuplicateSelectedLayers(self):
        Duplicate the selected layers.
        This is equivalent of doing a copy-paste.


    def FBDelete(self):
        Deletion method.


    def GetCurrentLayer(self):
        Get the current layer for the take.

        return : The current layer index. 

    def GetLayer(self,pLayerIndex):
        Get the layer object that have the specified ID.

        pLayerIndex : The index of the layer that will be returned. 
        return : Layer with the specified ID. 

    def GetLayerByName(self,pName):
        Get the layer object that have the specified name.

        pName : The name of the animation layer to get. 
        return : Layer with the specified name or NULL if no layer has been found. 

    def GetLayerCount(self):
        Get the layer count.

        return : The layer count. 

    def MergeLayers(self,pMergeOptions,pDeleteMergedLayers,pMergeMode,pMergeLockedProperties):
        Merge the selected layers.
        This is equivalent of pressing the merge button in the Animation Layer editor.

        pMergeOptions : Indicate which objects, layers and properties (selected or all) should be merged. 
        pDeleteMergedLayers : The source layer will be deleted after the merge if no animation is left on those layers, or if those layers are not parent of another layer. 
        pMergeMode : Set the layer mode of the resulting layer, if possible (the BaseAnimation layer cannot be modified). 
        pMergeLockedProperties : The properties will be merged even if they are locked. 

    def MoveCurrentLayerDown(self):
        Move the current layer down, similar to using the button to move the layer in the Animation Layer tool.
        Use the SetCurrentLayer to specify the current layer.

        return : True if successful. 

    def MoveCurrentLayerUp(self):
        Move the current layer up, similar to using the button to move the layer in the Animation Layer tool.
        Use the SetCurrentLayer to specify the current layer.

        return : True if successful. 

    def PlotAllTakesOnSelected(self,pPlotPeriod):
        Plot the animation on selected models for all takes.
        Will plot the animation for all takes on the selected models in the scene.

        pPlotPeriod : Period for the plot. 

    def PlotAllTakesOnSelectedProperties(self,pPlotPeriod):
        Plot the animation on selected properties for all takes.
        Will plot the animation for all takes on the selected properties in the scene.

        pPlotPeriod : Period for the plot. 

    def PlotTakeOnSelected(self,pPlotOptions):
        Plot the animation on selected models.
        Will plot the animation of the take in question on the selected models in the scene.

        pPlotOptions : Option parameters for plotting 

    def PlotTakeOnSelected(self,pPlotPeriod):
        Plot the animation on selected models.
        Will plot the animation of the take in question on the selected models in the scene.

        pPlotPeriod : Period for the plot. 

    def PlotTakeOnSelectedProperties(self,pPlotOptions):
        Plot the animation on selected properties.
        Will plot the animation of the take in question on the selected properties in the scene.

        pPlotOptions : Option parameters for plotting 

    def PlotTakeOnSelectedProperties(self,pPlotPeriod):
        Plot the animation on selected properties.
        Will plot the animation of the take in question on the selected properties in the scene.

        pPlotPeriod : Period for the plot. 

    def RemoveLayer(self,pLayerIndex):
        Remove a layer.

        pLayerIndex : Layer with at the specified index will be removed. 

    def SetCurrentLayer(self,pLayerIndex):
        Set the current layer for the take.

        pLayerIndex : The layer index to be set as the current one. 

    Comments=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Take comments.         ")
    LocalTimeSpan=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Local time span.         ")
    ReferenceTimeSpan=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Reference time span.         ")

class FBControlSet (FBComponent):
    Control set class.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBControlSet(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new control set. 

    def GetFKIndex(self,pModel):
        Return The Index of the Given Model.

        pModel : Given Model to obtain Index 
        return : The Index of the Given Model. 

    def GetFKModel(self,pIndex):
        Return the object associated to the given Index.

        pIndex : Given Index to obtain Model 
        return : return the model at the specified Index. 

    def GetFKName(self,pIndex):
        return the name of FK Effector at the given index

        pIndex : Given Index 
        return : return the name of IK Effector Slot 

    def GetIKEffectorIndex(self,pModel):
        Return the Index of the Given Model.

        pModel : Given Model to Obtain Index 
        return : The Index of the Given Model. 

    def GetIKEffectorModel(self,pEffectorIndex,pPivotIndex):
        Return the object associated to the given Index.

        pEffectorIndex : Given Index to obtain Model 
        pPivotIndex : Index of effector pivot 
        return : return the model at the specified Index. 

    def GetIKEffectorName(self,pEffectorIndex):
        return the name of IK Effector

        pEffectorIndex : Given Index to obtain Name 
        return : the name of IK Effector 

    def GetIKEffectorPivotCount(self,pEffectorIndex):
        return the number of IK Effector Slot

        pEffectorIndex : FBEffectorId
        return : return the number of IK Effector Slot 

    def GetReferenceModel(self):
        Get the reference model associated with this Control Set.

        return : The reference model associated with the Control Set. 

    def GetReferenceName(self):
        Get the reference name associated with this Control Set.

        return : The reference name associated with the Control Set. 

    ControlSetType=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> the control Set Type (FKIK or IK).         ")
    UseAxis=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> is using axis.         ")

class FBSystem (FBComponent):
    Provides access to the underlying system, and the MotionBuilder scene.     
    Use this class to access system properties such as the computer name, the system time, and the MotionBuilder application version.It is also used to get access to the scene (FBScene) and the current take (FBTake), as in the following Python snippet: 
myScene = FBSystem().Scene
for take in myScene.Takes:
    print take.Name

The Python sample shows how to register a callback to FBSystem.See samples:,,,     
    def FBSystem(self):


    def CurrentDirectory(self):
        Get current work directory.

        return : current work directory. 

    def GetCommandLineArgs(self):
        Returns the command line arguments for SDK.
        This function returns portion of the command line arguments within a pair of delimiters (sdk-begin & sdk-end). Example:Note that '-console', '-suspendMessages' and 'C:	emp\sample.fbx' are for MotionBuilder itself hence are consumed accordingly. Only those arguments between sdk-begin and sdk-end are accessible with this function. In this example, they will be '–department mocap –usage on-stage'This SDK command line argument is useful for plugin deployment and management in large production facility, where different department or different workflow may require a different set of plugins or functionality/behavior dynamically.Python users also have access to this through official built-in module sys.argv which could be parsed easily via argparse module.

        return : the command line arguments 

    def GetPluginPath(self):
        Returns the plugin path.
        By default, MotionBuilder searches C++ plug-ins and load them at start-up. Users could provide additional plugin paths by setting environment variable 'MOTIONBUILDER_PLUGIN_PATH' before running MotionBuilder.

        return : the plugin path 

    def GetPythonStartupPath(self):
        Returns the python startup path.
        User could put python script in the startup folders, and MotionBuilder will search scripts from those folders and run them at startup. By default, there are two startup folders: /config/PythonStartup and /bin/config/PythonStartup. Users could append additional paths by setting environment variable 'MOTIONBUILDER_PYTHON_STARTUP' before launching application.

        return : the python startup path 

    def MakeFullPath(self,pRelativeFilePath):
        Return the full path.

        pRelativeFilePath : The relative file path 
        return : Full file path based on combining the current directory 

    Cameras=property(doc="        ")
    Materials=property(doc="        ")
    Shaders=property(doc="        ")
    Textures=property(doc="        ")
    Takes=property(doc="        ")
    Lights=property(doc="        ")
    Devices=property(doc="        ")
    ApplicationPath=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Location where the application is installed.         ")
    AssetManager=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Current asset manager.         ")
    AudioInputs=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Available audio inputs.         ")
    AudioOutputs=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Available audio outputs.         ")
    BuildId=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Unique build Id String.         ")
    ComputerName=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Computer name. See sample:         ")
    ConfigPath=property(doc="        ")
    CurrentTake=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current take. See samples:,         ")
    DesktopSize=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The width and height of the desktop.         ")
    FrameRate=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The frame rate of the viewer.         ")
    FullScreenViewer=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicates that the viewer is in full screen mode.         ")
    LocalTime=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Local time in take.         ")
    Manipulators=property(doc="<b>List:</b> of manipulators.         ")
    OnConnectionDataNotify=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A data event occurred between objects in the system.         ")
    OnConnectionKeyingNotify=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A keying event occurred when objects are being keyed.         ")
    OnConnectionNotify=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A connection event occurred between objects in the system. See sample:         ")
    OnConnectionStateNotify=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A state change event occurred between objects in the system.         ")
    OnUIIdle=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> User-interface idle event. Useful callback for less frequent GUI refresh and etc. lightweight tasks (occur once per several frames).         ")
    OnVideoFrameRendering=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A video frame rendering event occurred when the scene is being off-line rendered into video files.         ")
    PathImages=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Path to images.         ")
    PathMeshs=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Path to meshes         ")
    ProcessMemory=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The size (MB) of process's working set memory.         ")
    ProcessMemoryPeak=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The size (MB) of process's peak memory.         ")
    Renderer=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Default renderer.         ")
    RootModel=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Root model.         ")
    Scene=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Scene.         ")
    SceneRootModel=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Scene root model.         ")
    SystemTime=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> System time.         ")
    UserConfigPath=property(doc="        ")
    Version=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Application version.         ")
    VideoInputs=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Available video inputs.         ")
    VideoOutputs=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Available video outputs.         ")

class FBScene (FBComponent):
    Access to the MotionBuilder scene.     
    In MotionBuilder, the scene is the environment where your models exist. The scene contains models which you can import, select, transform, copy, tweak, and animate.The FBScene object is obtained from the scene attribute of FBSystem.The FBScene class contains many attributes that you can use to access objects, e.g cameras, characters, lights, and takes, essentially everything you see in the Navigator in the UI. A project can only contain one scene, and if you try to create an instance of a scene you will get an error, so you must access the scene by getting a handle through FBSystem. 
myScene = FBSystem().Scene

See also the C++ code sample in toolscene.See samples:,,,,,     
    def FBScene(self):
        Client code cannot instantiate objects of this class. The FBSystem class provides access to the current scene object.


    def CandidateEvaluationAndResolve(self):
        Resolving the Candidate.

        return : true if successful. 

    def Clear(self):
        Clears the elements part of the scene.
        Not those that belong to all the scenes.


    def Evaluate(self):
        Evaluate the scene.

        return : true if successful. 

    def EvaluateDeformations(self):
        Evaluate the deformations of the scene.

        return : true if successful. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def GetScriptsPaths(self,pPathList):
        Get paths of all the python scripts object in the scene.

        pPathList : Out parameter, to collect the path of python scripts. 

    def NamespaceCleanup(self):
        Remove all empty namespaces.
        During some namespace operations, empty namespace may left over, while this is not harmful but could be annoying. Save the scene and load it back those empty namespaces will disappear. And this function also allow user to remove all empty namespaces from the scene easily via SDK.

        return : <b>True</b> if operation successfully. 

    def NamespaceDelete(self,pNamespace):
        Delete the namespace & all its content.

        pNamespace : the namespace to work on 
        return : <b>True</b> if operation successfully, <b>False</b> is this namespace doesn't exist, or is locked (by FileReferencing or etc.,) 

    def NamespaceDeleteContent(self,pNamespace,pModificationFlags,pRecursive,pTypeInfo,pExactTypeMatch):
        Delete the namespace content.

        pNamespace : the namespace to work on 
        pModificationFlags : bitwise combination of kFBConnectionSrcObjectModified, kFBConnectionDstObjectModified, kFBConnectionSrcPropertyModified, kFBConnectionDstPropertyModified flags. kFBPlugAllContent means all the content. Modification flags beside kFBPlugAllContent will only work on FileReference Namespace. 
        pRecursive : <b>True</b> only work on the direct children level namespace, otherwise will work on the children namespace hierarchy recursively. 
        pTypeInfo : the typeInfo of the type of interested object, default for all the objects. 
        pExactTypeMatch : if <b>True</b>, the derived typeInfo won't be considered (For example, FBCamera won't be considered when passing FBModel::TypeInfo). 
        return : <b>False</b> is the given namespace doesn't exist, or is locked (by FileRef or etc.,), <b>True</b> otherwise. 

    def NamespaceEmpty(self,pNamespace):
        Query if namespace is empty.

        pNamespace : the namespace to query, NULL for whole scene. 
        return : <b>True</b> if the namespace (don't include nested children namespace) is empty 

    def NamespaceExist(self,pNamespace):
        Query if namespace exists.

        pNamespace : the namespace to query 
        return : <b>True</b> if the namespace exist, otherwise return <b>False</b>. 

    def NamespaceExport(self,pNamespace,pFilePath,pASCIIFormat):
        Export scene content within namespace to file.

        pNamespace : the namespace to use, must exist 
        pFilePath : the referenced file path to export. 
        pASCIIFormat : save the file in ASCII format. 
        return : <b>True</b> if successfully. 

    def NamespaceGet(self,pNamespace):
        Get Namespace object.

        pNamespace : the namespace to query 
        return : Namespace with exact name matching 

    def NamespaceGetChildrenList(self,pNamespaceList,pNamespace,pRecursive):
        Get list of children namespaces in the given namespace.

        pNamespaceList : the list of namespace to return. 
        pNamespace : specify the parent namespace, NULL for the whole scene. 
        pRecursive : <b>True</b> only work on the direct children level namespace, otherwise will work on the whole children namespace hierarchy recursively. 
        return : the list of children namespaces. 

    def NamespaceGetContentList(self,pContentList,pNamespace,pModificationFlags,pRecursive,pTypeInfo,pExactTypeMatch):
        Get List of the namespace content.

        pContentList : the list of content to return. 
        pNamespace : the namespace to work on, NULL for whole scene. 
        pModificationFlags : bitwise combination of kFBConnectionSrcObjectModified, kFBConnectionDstObjectModified, kFBConnectionSrcPropertyModified, kFBConnectionDstPropertyModified flags. kFBPlugAllContent means all the content. Modification flags beside kFBPlugAllContent will only work on FileReference Namespace. 
        pRecursive : <b>True</b> only work on the direct children level namespace, otherwise will work on the whole children namespace hierarchy recursively. 
        pTypeInfo : the typeInfo of the type of interested object, 0 for all the objects. 
        pExactTypeMatch : if <b>True</b>, the derived typeInfo won't be considered (For example, FBCamera won't be considered when passing FBModel::TypeInfo). 

    def NamespaceGetOwnerFileReference(self,pNamespace):
        Get Owner FileReference object if the namespace is originated from File Reference.

        pNamespace : the namespace to work on, could be nested namespace inside the FileReference's namespace. 
        return : the FileReference object is the namespace is originated from. NULL otherwise. 

    def NamespaceImport(self,pNamespace,pFilePath,pAsFileReference):
        Import file into Namespace (or as file reference)

        pNamespace : the namespace to import to, must be in editable scope. 
        pFilePath : the referenced file path to import. 
        pAsFileReference : import the file as file reference. The default value is false. 
        return : <b>True</b> if successfully. 

    def NamespaceImportToMultiple(self,pDstNamespaceList,pFilePath,pAsFileReference):
        Import file into multiple Namespaces (or as file references)

        pDstNamespaceList : the Dst namespaces list to import, must not exist or be self contained. 
        pFilePath : the referenced file path to import. 
        pAsFileReference : import the file as file reference. The default value is false. 
        return : <b>True</b> if successfully. 

    def NamespaceRename(self,pNameSpace,pNewNamespace,pRecursive,pTypeInfo,pExactTypeMatch):
        Rename the namespace.

        pNameSpace : the namespace to work on, NULL for whole scene. 
        pNewNamespace : the new namespace 
        pRecursive : <b>True</b> only work on the direct children level namespace, otherwise will work on the children namespace hierarchy recursively. 
        pTypeInfo : the typeInfo of the type of interested object, default for all the objects. 
        pExactTypeMatch : if <b>True</b>, the derived typeInfo won't be considered (For example, FBCamera won't be considered when passing FBModel::TypeInfo). 
        return : <b>True</b> if operation successfully, <b>False</b> is this namespace (or pTypeInfo type of objects) doesn't exist, or locked (by FileReferencing or etc.,) 

    def NamespaceSelectContent(self,pNamespace,pSelect,pModificationFlags,pRecursive,pTypeInfo,pExactTypeMatch):
        Select (or de-select) the namespace content.

        pNamespace : the namespace to work on, NULL for whole scene. 
        pSelect : <b>True</b> (or <b>False</b>) indicate to select (or de-select) 
        pModificationFlags : bitwise combination of kFBConnectionSrcObjectModified, kFBConnectionDstObjectModified, kFBConnectionSrcPropertyModified, kFBConnectionDstPropertyModified flags. kFBPlugAllContent means all the content. Modification flags beside kFBPlugAllContent will only work on FileReference Namespace. 
        pRecursive : <b>True</b> only work on the direct children level namespace, otherwise will work on the children namespace hierarchy recursively. 
        pTypeInfo : the typeInfo of the type of interested object, default for all the objects. 
        pExactTypeMatch : if <b>True</b>, the derived typeInfo won't be considered (For example, FBCamera won't be considered when passing FBModel::TypeInfo). 

    ActorFaces=property(doc="<b>List:</b> ActorFaces in scene.         ")
    Actors=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Actors in scene.         ")
    AudioClips=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Audio clips in scene.         ")
    Cameras=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Cameras in scene.         ")
    CharacterExtensions=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Character extensions available in the scene.         ")
    CharacterFaces=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Character faces in scene.         ")
    CharacterMarkerSets=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Character marker sets in scene.         ")
    CharacterPoses=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Character poses in scene.         ")
    Characters=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Characters in scene.         ")
    Components=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Generic List of components.         ")
    ConstraintSolvers=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Constraint Solvers present in the scene.         ")
    Constraints=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Constraints in scene.         ")
    ControlSets=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Control set rigs in scene.         ")
    Deformers=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Deformers for scene.         ")
    Devices=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Devices for scene.         ")
    FileReferences=property(doc="<b>List:</b> FileReference available in the scene.         ")
    Folders=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Folders in scene.         ")
    Groups=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Groups available in the scene.         ")
    HUDs=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Heads Up Displays in the scene.         ")
    Handles=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Handles present in the scene.         ")
    KeyingGroups=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Keying Groups in the scene.         ")
    Lights=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Lights in scene.         ")
    MarkerSets=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Marker sets in scene.         ")
    Materials=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Materials for scene.         ")
    ModelOpticals=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Optical Data in the scene.         ")
    ModelSkeletons=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Bones (Skeletons) in the scene.         ")
    MotionClips=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Motion clips in scene.         ")
    Namespaces=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Namespace (include FileReference) available in the scene         ")
    Notes=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Notes in scene.         ")
    ObjectPoses=property(doc="<b>List:</b> ObjectPoses in scene.         ")
    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Something in the scene has happened.(FBEventSceneChange)         ")
    OnTakeChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Something related to a take has happened.(FBEventTakeChange)         ")
    PhysicalProperties=property(doc="<b>List:</b> PhysicalProperties present in the scene.         ")
    Poses=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Poses in scene.         ")
    Renderer=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Local renderer.         ")
    RootModel=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Scene Root model for that scene         ")
    Sets=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Sets available in the scene.         ")
    Shaders=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Shaders for scene.         ")
    Takes=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Takes for scene.         ")
    Textures=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Textures for scene.         ")
    UserObjects=property(doc="<b>List:</b> User objects         ")
    VideoClips=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Video clips in scene.         ")

class FBMotionClip (FBComponent):
    Motion class.     
    Properties of this class are work in progress, but you can still list them and get their names.     
    def FBMotionClip(self,pFileName):

        pFileName : The complete file path of the media file to access. 

    def FBMotionClip(self,pName,pFilename):

        pName : Name of the new MotionClip. 
        pFilename : Name of the file containing the associated motion. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    Filename=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Filename and path of motion file.         ")
    RelativePath=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Relative path to the motion file.         ")
    Start=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Start time of clip.         ")
    Stop=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Stop time of clip.         ")

class FBSpreadPart (FBComponent):
    Spreadsheet part.     
    Due to protected constructor, this can only be created by a child object.     
    Column=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Column number.         ")
    Enabled=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is SpreadPart enabled?         ")
    Justify=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Text justification for SpreadPart         ")
    ReadOnly=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is SpreadPart read-only?         ")
    Row=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Row number.         ")
    Style=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Style of cell         ")

class FBAudioOut (FBComponent):
    Audio Out class.     
    Properties of this class are work in progress, but you can still list them and get their names.     
    def FBAudioOut(self):



class FBMarkerSet (FBComponent):
    Marker set class.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBMarkerSet(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new marker set. 

    def AddMarker(self,pNodeId,pModel,pIsOriented):
        Add a marker to the marker set.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. For hand, use the "C" index (ex:kFBSkeletonLeftThumbCIndex, kFBSkeletonLeftMiddleCIndex...) 
        pModel : The model to be associated with the marker (Optional). 
        pIsOriented : Set marker to be oriented or not (Optional). 
        return : Index of the new marker. 

    def BeginTransaction(self):
        Specify that you are about to call a group of functions.


    def EndTransaction(self):
        Specify that you are done calling a group of functions.


    def GetLinkToModelOk(self):
        Get the marker set association correctness.

        return : True if all used markers are link with models. 

    def GetMarkerCount(self,pNodeId):
        Get the number of marker in the set.

        pNodeId : If specified, obtain the number of marker for the specific node. 
        return : Total number of marker. 

    def GetMarkerModel(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex):
        Get the model associated with a marker.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker. 
        return : The model associated with the marker. 

    def GetMarkerName(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex):
        Get the name of marker at index <b>pMarkerIndex</b>.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        return : Name of marker at index <b>pMarkerIndex</b>. 

    def GetMarkerOriented(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex):
        Is marker orientated ?

        pNodeId : Id of Actor body node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        return : <b>True</b> if marker is oriented, <b>false</b> otherwise. 

    def GetMarkerROffset(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex,pROffset):
        Get/Set a marker rotation.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        pROffset : Current or new value of the marker rotation. 

    def GetMarkerSetVisibility(self):
        Get the marker set visibility.

        return : 1 if all markers are visible, 2 if some are visible, 0 if none are visible. 

    def GetMarkerTOffset(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex,pTOffset):
        Get/Set a marker translation.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        pTOffset : Current or new value of the marker translation. 

    def GetMarkerUsed(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex):
        Is marker used ?

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        return : <b>True</b> if marker is used, <b>false</b> otherwise. 

    def GetReferenceModel(self):
        Get the reference model associated with this marker set.

        return : The reference model associated with the marker set. 

    def GetUsedMarkerCount(self,pNodeId):
        Get the number of used marker in the set.

        pNodeId : If specified, obtain the number of used marker for the specific node. 
        return : Total number of used marker. 

    def SetMarkerModel(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex,pModel):
        Associate a model to a marker.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker. 
        pModel : Model to be associated to the marker. 

    def SetMarkerName(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex,pMarkerName):
        Set the name of marker at index <b>pMarkerIndex</b>.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        pMarkerName : New name to give to the marker. 

    def SetMarkerOriented(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex,pIsOriented):
        Set marker to be oriented or not.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        pIsOriented : Oriented or not. 

    def SetMarkerROffset(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex,pROffset):
        Get/Set a marker rotation.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        pROffset : Current or new value of the marker rotation. 

    def SetMarkerSetVisibility(self,pVisibility):
        Set the marker set visibility.

        pVisibility : True will make to markers visible, false will hide them. 

    def SetMarkerTOffset(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex,pTOffset):
        Get/Set a marker translation.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        pTOffset : Current or new value of the marker translation. 

    def SetMarkerUsed(self,pNodeId,pMarkerIndex,pUsed):
        Set marker to be used or not.

        pNodeId : Id of Actor skeleton node. 
        pMarkerIndex : Index of marker to access. 
        pUsed : Used or not. 

    def SetMultipleMarkerModels(self,pModelList):
        Associate multiple models to markers, matching them by name.

        pModelList : A list of models to be matched with marker names. 
        return : True if at least one marker was matched. 

    def SetReferenceModel(self,pReferenceModel):
        Associate a model to a marker.

        pReferenceModel : Model to be associated to the marker. 


class FBTreeNode (FBComponent):
    A node in the tree view.     
    def FBTreeNode(self,pTree):

        pTree : Parent tree. 

    Checked=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is FBTreeNode checked.         ")
    Reference=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Data to be associated to this node.         ")

class FBModelOpticalAdvanced (FBComponent):
    Advanced optical model information.     
    def FBModelOpticalAdvanced(self,pOptical):

        pOptical : Optical model. 

    def AcceptAllSegments(self):
        Accept all segments.


    def AcceptSegment(self):
        Accept current segment.


    def AutomaticBuild(self):
        Automatic build.


    def CropSegmentsAnimation(self):
        Crop segment animation.


    def SkipSegment(self):
        Skip segment.


    Active=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Optical engine for model active?         ")
    AutoPlayToNextSegment=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Automatic play to next segment ?         ")
    ControllerMode=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Controller mode.         ")
    GenerationMode=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Optical genration mode.         ")
    InsertSegmentMode=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Insert segment mode.         ")
    MaxMatchDistance=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Max matching distance.         ")
    PlayToNextSegment=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Play to next segment ?         ")
    Quality=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Rigid body quality.         ")
    SegmentMode=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Segment mode.         ")
    ShowRigidQuality=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Show the rigid quality?         ")
    UsedTake=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Take used by optical model.         ")

class FBDeformer (FBComponent):
    Base Model deformer class.     
    def FBDeformer(self,pName):

        pName : Name of deformer. 

    DeformerType=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Deformer Type.         ")

class FBAnimationLayer (FBComponent):
    Used to access animation layer properties and modify them.     
    Changing the various properties of the layers will modify how the animation will be interpreted. For example, muting a layer will mute all the animation contained on the layer. You can access the animation layer object from the take, usign the FBTake::GetLayer() and FBTake::GetLayerByName(). See the FBTake class for more details.See samples:,     
    def FBAnimationLayer(self,pName,pLayerID):

        pName : Name of the animation layer. 
        pLayerID : ID to set for the new layer. 

    def AddChildLayer(self,pAnimationLayer):
        Add a child to the layer.
        Layer ID of the new child layer might change after parenting depending where the child layer was originally located.

        pAnimationLayer : Layer to set as a child. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def GetChildCount(self):
        Get the child layer count of this layer.
        The count will only includes direct child of the layer.

        return : Child layer count, or -1 if unsuccessful 

    def GetChildLayer(self,pIndex):
        Get the nth child layer of this layer.

        pIndex : Index of the child layer to get. 
        return : Child animation layer located at pIndex 

    def GetCompleteChildHierarchy(self,pChildArray):
        Get the all the children hierarchy of the layer, including children not directly connected to this layer.

        pChildArray : Array of child layers, will be filled by the function. 

    def GetLayerIndex(self):
        Get the layer index.

        return : The layer index in the current layer hierarchy. This value will change if the hierarchy is modified. Return -1 if unsuccessful. 

    def GetParentLayer(self):
        Get the parent layer.

        return : A pointer to the parent layer or NULL if the layer doesn't have a parent. 

    def IsSelected(self):
        Verify if the layer is selected.

        return : True if the layer is selected, false otherwise. 

    def SelectLayer(self,pValue,pExclusiveSelect):
        Select the layer.
        This is the equivalent of selecting the layer in the UI in the Animation Layer Editor tool

        pValue : True if the layer will be selected, false otherwise. 
        pExclusiveSelect : If pValue is true, passing true will deselect all the other layers, creating an exclusive selection. 

    def SetParentLayer(self,pParentLayer):
        Set the parent layer.

        pParentLayer : A pointer to the parent layer or NULL if you want to unparent the layer. 

    LayerMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Layer mode. By default, the layer is in kFBLayerModeAdditive mode. Cannot be applied to the BaseAnimation Layer.         ")
    LayerRotationMode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Layer rotation mode. Cannot be applied to the BaseAnimation Layer.         ")
    Lock=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the layer is locked. You cannot modify keyframes on a locked layer.         ")
    Mute=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the layer is muted. A muted layer is not included in the result animation. Cannot be applied to the BaseAnimation Layer.         ")
    Solo=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the layer is soloed. When you solo a layer, you mute other layers that are at the same level in the hierarchy, as well as the children of those layers. Cannot be applied to the BaseAnimation Layer.         ")
    Weight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The weight value of a layer determines how much it is present in the result animation. Takes a value from 0 (the layer is not present) to 100. The weighting of a parent layer is factored into the weighting of its child layers, if any. BaseAnimation Layer always has a Weight of 100.         ")

class FBPropertyVector3d (FBProperty):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBFCurve (FBComponent):
    FCurve class.     
    See samples:,     
    def FBFCurve(self):


    def CreateInterpolatorCurve(self,pCurveType):
        Create and interpolator curve.

        pCurveType : Interpolator curve type to create. 

    def EditBegin(self,pKeyCount):
        Setup function to begin adding keys.

        pKeyCount : Key to begin adding at(default is -1). 

    def EditClear(self):
        Empty FCurve of all keys.


    def EditEnd(self,pKeyCount):
        End key adding sequence.

        pKeyCount : Key to finish adding at (default is -1). 

    def Evaluate(self,pTime):
        Evaluate FCurve at <b>pTime</b>.

        pTime : Time at which FCurve is to be evaluated. 
        return : Value of FCurve at <b>pTime</b>. 

    def KeyAdd(self,pTime,pValue,pInterpolation,pTangentMode):
        Add a key at the specified time.

        pTime : Time at which to insert the key. 
        pValue : Value of the key. 
        pInterpolation : Interpolation type of the inserted key, default value is Cubic interpolation. 
        pTangentMode : Tangent calculation method of the inserted key, default value is Auto (Smooth). 
        return : The position of the new key in the list of FCurve keys. 

    def KeyDelete(self,pStartIndex,pStopIndex):
        Delete keys within an index range.
        Index range is inclusive. This function is much faster than multiple removes.

        pStartIndex : Index of first deleted key. 
        pStopIndex : Index of last deleted key. 
        return : true if the function curve contains keys, false otherwise. 

    def KeyDelete(self,pStart,pStop,pInclusive):
        Delete keys within a time range.
        This function is much faster than multiple removes.

        pStart : Start of time range. 
        pStop : End of time range. 
        pInclusive : Time range include the keys at pStart and pStop if true. 
        return : true if the function curve contains keys, false otherwise. 

    def KeyInsert(self,pTime,pInterpolation,pTangentMode):
        Insert a key without affecting the curve shape.

        pTime : Time at which the key is to be inserted. 
        pInterpolation : Interpolation type of the inserted key, default value is Cubic interpolation. 
        pTangentMode : Tangent calculation method of the inserted key, default value is Auto (Smooth). 

    def KeyReplaceBy(self,pSource,pStart,pStop,pUseExactGivenSpan,pKeyStartEndOnNoKey):
        Replace keys within a range in current function curve with keys found in a source function curve.

        pSource : Source function curve. 
        pStart : Start of time range. 
        pStop : End of time range. 
        pUseExactGivenSpan : When false, the time of the first and last key in the range will be used. 
        pKeyStartEndOnNoKey : When true, inserts a key at the beginning and at the end of the range if there is no key to insert. 

    Keys=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Keys.         ")

class FBGeometry (FBComponent):
    Geometry class.     
    This class groups all geometry related elements which are shared across the different subclasses (FBMesh, FBSurface, FBNurbs and FBPatch). Geometry Material always use kFBGeometryReference_INDEX mode. While Normal, UV could have different combination of mapping and reference modes.Geometries created with SDK can support FBGeometryMapping_ALL_SAME or kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON for material, and kFBGeometryMapping_BY_CONTROL_POINT for Normal, Tangent, Binormal, Color and UV. Only one set of UV could be supported.Geometries passed from FBXSDK pipeline could have various complex mapping/reference mode combination for material, normal and UV. And could potentially contains multiple set of UVs.See samples:,     
    def GeometryBegin(self):
        Begin geometry editing.

        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def GeometryEnd(self):
        End geometry editing.

        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def GetBinormalsDirectArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the direct array of binormals.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to direct array of binormals, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetBinormalsIndexArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the index array of binormals.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to index array of binormals, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetMaterialIndexArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the index array of Material.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to index array of Material, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetNormalsDirectArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the direct array of normals.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to direct array of normals, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetNormalsIndexArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the index array of normals.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to index array of normals, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetPositionsArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the position array.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to index array of normals, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetTangentsDirectArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the direct array of tangents.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to direct array of tangents, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetTangentsIndexArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the index array of tangents.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to index array of tangents, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetUVSetDirectArray(self,pOutArrayCount,pUVSetName):
        Get a pointer to the direct array of UVset Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        pUVSetName : The name of UVset, NULL for the first UVset. 
        return : pointer to the array of UV, or NULL is the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetUVSetIndexArray(self,pOutArrayCount,pUVSetName):
        Get a pointer to the index array of UVset.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        pUVSetName : The name of UVset, NULL for the first UVset. 
        return : Pointer to index array of UVSet, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetUVSetMappingMode(self,pUVSetName):
        Get UVSet mapping mode.

        pUVSetName : The name of UVset, NULL for the first UVset. 
        return : Mapping mode of the UVset. 

    def GetUVSetReferenceMode(self,pUVSetName):
        Get UVSet reference mode.

        pUVSetName : The name of UVset, NULL for the first UVset. 
        return : Reference mode of the UVset. 

    def GetUVSets(self):
        Get available UVSet name.

        return : StringList contain all the available UVSets' name. 

    def GetVertexColorsDirectArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the direct array of vertex color.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to direct array of vertex colors, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def GetVertexColorsIndexArray(self,pOutArrayCount):
        Get a pointer to the index array of vertex color.
        Modify array value will be only effective when geometry editing is enabled.

        pOutArrayCount : To return the length the array. 
        return : Pointer to index array of vertex color, or NULL if the array hasn't been allocated yet. 

    def ShapeAdd(self,pName):
        Add new shape.

        pName : the shape name 
        return : the index of the new shape, -1 if the shape adding fail. 

    def ShapeClearAll(self):
        Clears all the shapes.


    def ShapeGetCount(self):
        Get Shape Count.


    def ShapeGetDiffPoint(self,pShapeIdx,pDiffIndex,pOriIndex,pPosDiff):
        Get the differentiate point.

        pShapeIdx : The index of the shape 
        pDiffIndex : The index of the diff point in this shape. 
        pOriIndex : The index of the diff point in the original geometry. 
        pPosDiff : The position differentiation. 

    def ShapeGetDiffPoint(self,pShapeIdx,pDiffIndex,pOriIndex,pPosDiff,pNormalDiff):
        Get the differentiate point.

        pShapeIdx : The index of the shape 
        pDiffIndex : The index of the diff point in this shape. 
        pOriIndex : The index of the diff point in the original geometry. 
        pPosDiff : The position differentiation. 
        pNormalDiff : The normal differentiation. 

    def ShapeGetName(self,pShapeIdx):
        Return the shape Name.

        pShapeIdx : int

    def ShapeInit(self,pShapeIdx,pDiffSize,pWithNormal):
        Init the shape.

        pShapeIdx : The index of the shape to be initialized 
        pDiffSize : Total number of different point (pos or normal) compared to base geometry. 
        pWithNormal : Currently normal won't be considered during shape blending. 

    def ShapeSetDiffPoint(self,pShapeIdx,pDiffIndex,pOriIndex,pPosDiff):
        Set the differentiate point.

        pShapeIdx : The index of the shape 
        pDiffIndex : The index of the diff point in this shape. 
        pOriIndex : The index of the diff point in the original geometry. 
        pPosDiff : The position differentiation. 

    def ShapeSetDiffPoint(self,pShapeIdx,pDiffIndex,pOriIndex,pPosDiff,pNormalDiff):
        Set the differentiate point.

        pShapeIdx : The index of the shape 
        pDiffIndex : The index of the diff point in this shape. 
        pOriIndex : The index of the diff point in the original geometry. 
        pPosDiff : The position differentiation. 
        pNormalDiff : The normal differentiation. 

    def VertexAdd(self,pVertex):
        Add a vertex.

        pVertex : Vertex values used to add vertex. 
        return : Index where vertex was added. 

    def VertexAdd(self,pVertex,pNormal):
        Add a vertex.

        pVertex : Vertex values used to add vertex. 
        pNormal : Normal values used to add vertex. 
        return : Index where vertex was added. 

    def VertexAdd(self,pVertex,pNormal,pUV):
        Add a vertex.

        pVertex : Vertex values used to add vertex. 
        pNormal : Normal values used to add vertex. 
        pUV : UV values used to add vertex. 
        return : Index where vertex was added. 

    def VertexAdd(self,pVertex,pNormal,pUV,pVertexColor):
        Add a vertex.

        pVertex : Vertex values used to add vertex. 
        pNormal : Normal values used to add vertex. 
        pUV : UV values used to add vertex. 
        pVertexColor : Color values used to add vertex. 
        return : Index where vertex was added. 

    def VertexAdd(self,px,py,pz):
        Add a vertex.

        px : X coordinate of vertex to add. 
        py : Y coordinate of vertex to add. 
        pz : Z coordinate of vertex to add. 
        return : Index where vertex was added. 

    def VertexAdd(self,px,py,pz,nx,ny,nz):
        px : float
        py : float
        pz : float
        nx : float
        ny : float
        nz : float

    def VertexAdd(self,px,py,pz,nx,ny,nz,UVu,UVv):
        px : float
        py : float
        pz : float
        nx : float
        ny : float
        nz : float
        UVu : float
        UVv : float

    def VertexAdd(self,px,py,pz,nx,ny,nz,UVu,UVv,pRed,pGreen,pBlue,pAlpha):
        px : float
        py : float
        pz : float
        nx : float
        ny : float
        nz : float
        UVu : float
        UVv : float
        pRed : float
        pGreen : float
        pBlue : float
        pAlpha : float

    def VertexArrayClear(self):
        Clear all geometry vertex arrays.
        Call this function to clear Position, Normal, UV, Color and etc vertex arrays, and it won't affect geometry's topology (polygon, Surface and etc.,).

        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def VertexArrayInit(self,pVertexcount,pUniqueMaterial,pFBGeometryArrayIDs):
        Init geometry vertex arrays.
        Init position, normal and UV arrays (tangent, bi-normal and color on demand) with kFBGeometryMapping_BY_CONTROL_POINT / kFBGeometryReference_DIRECT mode. Will call VertexArrayClear() internally. User should then call GetXXXDirectyArray() to edit the vertex attributes directly.

        pVertexcount : number of control points (vertex) 
        pUniqueMaterial : User could specify per polygon mapping mode for mesh 
        pFBGeometryArrayIDs : Request to init other attribute arrays, bitwise combined value of FBGeometryArrayID enum items, currently support Tangent, Binormal and VertexColor. Only useful for mesh. 

    def VertexClear(self):
        Clear all Vertex arrays.
        Call this function to clear Position, Normal, UV, Color and etc vertex arrays, and it won't affect geometry's topology (polygon, Surface and etc.,).

        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def VertexColorGet(self,pIndex):
        Get a Vertex Color.

        pIndex : Index of Vertex to get Color for(default=-1). 
        return : Color of vertex at UVSetIndex. 

    def VertexColorSet(self,pColor,pIndex):
        Set a Vertex Color.

        pColor : Vertex Color to set. 
        pIndex : Index of Vertex to affect with pColor(default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def VertexColorSet(self,pRed,pGreen,pBlue,pAlpha,pIndex):
        Set a UV coordinate.

        pRed : Red Color Channel to set, range [0, 1]. 
        pGreen : Green Color Channel to set, range [0, 1]. 
        pBlue : Blue Color Channel to set, range [0, 1]. 
        pAlpha : Alpha Color Channel to set, range [0, 1]. 
        pIndex : Index of Vertex to affect with Red, Green, Blue and Alpha (default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def VertexCount(self):
        Get the number of vertices in the geometry.

        return : Number of vertices in the geometry. 

    def VertexGet(self,pIndex):
        Get a vertex.

        pIndex : Index of vertex to get. 
        return : Vertex stored at pIndex. 

    def VertexGetSelected(self,pIndex):
        Get the selected state of a vertex.

        pIndex : The index of the vertex 
        return : true if the vertex is selected, false if not 

    def VertexGetTransformable(self,pIndex):
        Get the Transformable state of a vertex.

        pIndex : The index of the vertex 
        return : true if the vertex is Transformable, false if not 

    def VertexGetVisible(self,pIndex):
        Get the visible state of a vertex.

        pIndex : The index of the vertex 
        return : true if the vertex is visible, false if not 

    def VertexInit(self,pSize,pResize,pInitUV,pInitVertexColor):
        Resize or Reserve vertex, normal and UV array for performance.

        pSize : Number of vertices to resize or reserve. 
        pResize : <b>True</b>, for the geometry with known vertex count, we should resize the arrays to fixed size, and call VertexSet() afterwards; <b>False</b>, While for dynamic size geometry, we should only reserve the arrays with the estimated optimal size, then call VertexAdd() to dynamically increase the vertex count. 
        pInitUV : init Vertex UV array if true 
        pInitVertexColor : Init Vertex Color Array if true. 

    def VertexNormalGet(self,pIndex):
        Get a normal at a vertex.

        pIndex : Vertex to get normal at(default=-1). 
        return : Normal of vertex at pIndex. 

    def VertexNormalSet(self,pVertex,pIndex):
        Set a normal at a vertex.

        pVertex : Normal to set. 
        pIndex : Index of vertex to set Normal at(default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def VertexNormalSet(self,px,py,pz,pIndex):
        Set a normal at a vertex.

        px : X coordinate of normal. 
        py : Y coordinate of normal. 
        pz : Z coordinate of normal. 
        pIndex : Index of vertex to set Normal at(default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def VertexSet(self,pVertex,pIndex):
        Set a vertex.

        pVertex : Vertex values used to set vertex. 
        pIndex : Index of vertex to affect (default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def VertexSet(self,px,py,pz,pIndex):
        Set a vertex.

        px : X coordinate to set. 
        py : Y coordinate to set. 
        pz : Z coordinate to set. 
        pIndex : Index of vertex to set(default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def VertexSetSelected(self,pIndex,pState):
        Set the selected state of a vertex.

        pIndex : The index of the vertex 
        pState : The true to selected, false to deselect 
        return : true if the vertex is selected, false if not 

    def VertexSetVisible(self,pIndex,pState):
        Set the visible state of a vertex.

        pIndex : The index of the vertex 
        pState : true to be visible 
        return : true if the vertex is visible, false if not 

    def VertexUVGet(self,pIndex):
        Get a UV coordinate.

        pIndex : Index of Vertex to get UV coordinate for(default=-1). 
        return : UV coordinate of vertex at UVSetIndex. 

    def VertexUVSet(self,pUV,pIndex):
        Set a UV coordinate.

        pUV : UV coordinate to set. 
        pIndex : Index of Vertex to affect with UV coordinate(default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def VertexUVSet(self,pU,pV,pIndex):
        Set a UV coordinate.

        pU : U coordinate to set. 
        pV : V coordinate to set. 
        pIndex : Index of Vertex to affect with UV coordinate(default=-1). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    BinormalMappingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Binormal mapping mode.         ")
    BinormalReferenceMode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Binormal reference mode.         ")
    MaterialMappingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Material mapping mode.         ")
    NormalMappingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Normal mapping mode.         ")
    NormalReferenceMode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Normal reference mode.         ")
    TangentMappingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Tangent mapping mode.         ")
    TangentReferenceMode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Tangent reference mode.         ")
    VertexColorMappingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Vertex Color mapping mode.         ")
    VertexColorReferenceMode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Vertex Color reference mode.         ")

class FBAudioClip (FBComponent):
    Used to play audio clips and access their properties.     
    This class permits you to access audio clip's properties to read or change them.See sample:     
    def FBAudioClip(self,pFileName,pSetToDefaultDest):

        pFileName : The complete file path of the media file to access. 
        pSetToDefaultDest : If true and the media file open successfully, it will automatically be connected to an output device. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def IsMediaReady(self):
        Check if the audio clip constructed properly.

        return : true if the audio clip was constructed properly. 

    def Play(self,pStyle,pDestination):
        Play audio clip now.

        pStyle : How the audio clip should be triggered. 
        pDestination : Where the audio clip should be played. If NULL, it will play on the default destination. 
        return : Return true if the buffer for the audio clip was successfully allocated so that you can hear the sound. 

    def Stop(self,pDestination):
        Stop any playing triggered audio clip on a specified destination.

        pDestination : Where the audio clip is playing. If NULL, the default destination will be used. 

    AccessMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specify the media data access mode between disk or memory.         ")
    Bits=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> the bits of media.         ")
    Channels=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> the number of channels in use.         ")
    ClipSpeed=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The speed of the media when being played.         ")
    ConstrainDstToTake=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicates whether to constrain the EndPoint to the end of the take.         ")
    CurrentTake=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The take this media belongs to.         ")
    Destination=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The audio output destination where the clip will be played.         ")
    DstDuration=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> When not used in the Story, this specify when the clips stops playing.         ")
    DstEnd=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Total duration of this audio clip.         ")
    DstIn=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> When not used in the Story, this specify when the clips begin to play.         ")
    Duration=property(doc="<b>[Deprecated]Read Write Property:</b> Refer to DstDuration.         ")
    EndPoint=property(doc="<b>[Deprecated]Read Write Property:</b> Refer to DstEnd.         ")
    Filename=property(doc="<b>[Deprecated]Read Only Property:</b> Refer to Path         ")
    Format=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Data format of media, including rate, bits and channels count. You can typecast it to a FBAudioFmt.         ")
    InPoint=property(doc="<b>[Deprecated]Read Write Property:</b> Refer to DstIn.         ")
    LockClipSpeed=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicates whether to lock the current playing speed.         ")
    Path=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Full Path of the media.         ")
    Rate=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> the rate of media.         ")
    RelativePath=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Relative path of media.         ")
    Scrubbing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Control which clip (one at a time) can shuttle when playing a various speeds.         ")
    SrcDuration=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The duration time of media.         ")
    SrcEnd=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The end time of media.         ")
    SrcIn=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The begin time of media.         ")
    TakeSetsInPoint=property(doc="<b>[Deprecated]Read Write Property:</b> Indicates whether to lock the InPoint to the start of the take.         ")
    UseChannel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enables you to control which track are used with stereo clips.         ")
    UseChannelMode=property(doc="<b>[Deprecated]Read Write Property:</b> Enables you to control which track are used with stereo clips.         ")

class FBVisualComponent (FBComponent):
    Visual Component base class.     
    All of the user interface elements available in the SDK derive from this class.     
    def FBVisualComponent(self):


    def AddChild(self,pChild,pId):
        Add a child component.

        pChild : Visual component to add as a child. 
        pId : User reference number to associate with <b>pChild</b>(default=0). 
        return : Operation was successful (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>). 

    def GetChild(self,pId):
        Get a child component.

        pId : User reference number to look for child with(default=0). 
        return : Handle to child (NULL if not found). 

    def GetQWidgetAddress(self):
        Get internal QWidget.

        return : Handle to internal QWidget object. 

    def IsView(self):
        Is component a view?

        return : <b>true</b> if component is a view. 

    def Refresh(self,pNow):
        Refresh component.

        pNow : Refresh immediately if <b>true</b> (default = <b>false</b>). 

    def ViewExpose(self):
        Exposed view callback function.


    def ViewInput(self,pMouseX,pMouseY,pAction,pButtonKey,pModifier):
        Input callback function.

        pMouseX : Mouse X position. 
        pMouseY : Mouse Y position. 
        pAction : Mouse action. 
        pButtonKey : Keyboard input. 
        pModifier : Keyboard input modifier. 

    RegionName=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Region name.         ")
    RegionOffsetX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Region X offset.         ")
    RegionOffsetY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Region Y offset.         ")
    RegionOffsetWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Region width offset.         ")
    RegionOffsetHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Region height offset.         ")
    RegionRatioX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Ratio for X attachment.         ")
    RegionRatioY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Ratio for Y attachment.         ")
    RegionRatioWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Ratio for Width attachment.         ")
    RegionRatioHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Ratio for Height attachment.         ")
    RegionAttachTypeX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> X Attachment type.         ")
    RegionAttachTypeY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Y Attachment type.         ")
    RegionAttachTypeWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Width Attachment type.         ")
    RegionAttachTypeHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Height Attachment type.         ")
    RegionAttachToX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property</b> X Attachment source.         ")
    RegionAttachToY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Y Attachment source.         ")
    RegionAttachToWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Width Attachment source.         ")
    RegionAttachToHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Height Attachment source.         ")
    RegionPosMaxX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Region X position Max         ")
    RegionPosMinX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Region X position Min         ")
    RegionPosMaxY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Region Y position Max         ")
    RegionPosMinY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Region Y position Min         ")
    BorderCaption=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Caption to display in border.         ")
    BorderShowCaption=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show caption?         ")
    BorderStyle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Style of border.         ")
    BorderInSet=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is border inset?         ")
    BorderWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Width of border.         ")
    BorderSpacing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Spacing of border.         ")
    BorderMaxAngle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Max angle for rounding.         ")
    BorderCornerRadius=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Corner radius (rounded).         ")
    Caption=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Widget caption.         ")
    Enabled=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is visual enabled?         ")
    Height=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Height.         ")
    Hint=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Hint to show.         ")
    Left=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Left coordinate.         ")
    ReadOnly=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is visual component read only?         ")
    Top=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Top coordinate.         ")
    Visible=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is visual component visible?         ")
    Width=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Width.         ")

class FBVideoGrabber (FBComponent):
    Video Grabber class.     
    Used to grab video frames generated with the FBRenderer.See samples:,,,     
    def FBVideoGrabber(self):


    def BeginGrab(self):
        Begin video grabbing session.

        return : <b>True</b> if we can begin the grab session. 

    def EndGrab(self):
        Close video grabbing session.


    def GetLastErrorMsg(self):

        return : If an error occured, this function returns the last error message, otherwise an empty string. 

    def GetOptions(self):
        GetOptions give you a copy of current grabbing options.

        return : Struct that contain all grabbing options.

    def GetStatistics(self):

        return : Struct that contain all grabbing statistics. 

    def Grab(self):
        Grab all specified video frames.


    def RenderSnapshot(self,pWidth,pHeight,pCameraLabel,pTimeCode,pSafeArea,pAxis,pGrid,pFrontPlate,pBackPlate):
        Render a snapshot of the actual display.

        pWidth : int
        pHeight : int
        pCameraLabel : bool
        pTimeCode : bool
        pSafeArea : bool
        pAxis : bool
        pGrid : bool
        pFrontPlate : bool
        pBackPlate : bool
        return : An FBimage containing data of the rendered snapshot. 

    def ResetOptions(self):
        This function reset all grabbing options to the default value.


    def SetOptions(self,pOptions):

        pOptions : Struct that contain all grabbing options. 


class FBPropertyTime (FBProperty):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBStory (FBComponent):
    Story Management class.     
    This class serve as a management control for the Story global settings and members.See samples:,,,,,,     
    LockedShot=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, shots will be locked (no time discontinuity).         ")
    Mute=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the Story mode will be globally disabled.         ")
    NoneBlockingPostprocess=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, record to disk will post process recorded data in low priority thread without affecting application performance. Clip in story will remain unloaded.         ")
    RecordToDisk=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, record to story will record directly to disk.         ")
    RootEditFolder=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Story's root edit folder         ")
    RootFolder=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Story's root folder         ")
    SummaryClip=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, summary clips for story folders will be created to help manipulating folder content.         ")

class FBDeviceOpticalMarker (FBComponent):
    Device optical marker.     
    A device optical marker represents the input locations for interfacing optical hardware. This type of marker corresponds uniquely to the input (from the hardware) and will be represented on-screen by a <b>FBModelMarkerOptical</b>.     
    def FBDeviceOpticalMarker(self,pName):

        pName : Name of optical marker. 

    def SetData(self,pX,pY,pZ,pOcclusion):
        Set data for optical marker.

        pX : X position for marker. 
        pY : Y position for marker. 
        pZ : Z position for marker(default=0.0). 
        pOcclusion : Occulsion information for marker(default=0.0). 

    IsUsed=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Is marker used?         ")
    Model=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Model marker access.         ")
    Occlusion=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Occulsion data for marker.         ")

class FBRigidBody (FBComponent):
    Rigid body class.     
    def FBRigidBody(self,pOptical):

        pOptical : Optical model(default=NULL). 

    def FBRigidBody(self,pRigidBody):

        pRigidBody : Rigid body to copy information from. 

    def ComputeAnimation(self):
        Compute the rigid body animation.


    def IsValid(self):
        Check if valid (if item exists).

        return : <b>true</b> if segment is valid. 

    def Snap(self):
        Snap the rigid body.


    Done=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Done?         ")
    Markers=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> List of markers composing the rigid body.         ")
    Mode=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Rigid body mode.         ")
    Model=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Rigid body model.         ")
    QualityData=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Quality of rigid body.         ")
    SmoothWidth=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Smoothing width.         ")

class FBPropertyColorAndAlpha (FBProperty):
    FBPropertyColorAndAlpha class.     
    Similar in use to FBPropertyColor 
# Supported list protocol methods:
c = FBPropertyColorAndAlpha()
print c[0]
c[0] = 1.0
print c.Data

Slicing is not supported by this object.     
    def __len__(self):
        Returns the number of elements.
        Corresponds to python: len(object)


    def __getitem__(self,pIndex):
        Returns the ith component Corresponds to python: print c[1]

        pIndex : Index of the components to get (0 to 1) 
        return : Color component value. 

    def __setitem__(self,pIndex,pComponentValue):
        Sets the ith components Corresponds to python: c[1] = 0.5

        pIndex : Index of the components to set (0 to 1) 
        pComponentValue : Value of component to set 

    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBCluster (FBComponent):
    Weighting interface for meshes.     
    This class is experimental.See sample:     
    def ClusterBegin(self,pIndex):
        Begin cluster definition.

        pIndex : Link index. 
        return : Index of last item(default=-1). 

    def ClusterEnd(self):
        End cluster definition.

        return : 0, (Not implemented). 

    def LinkClearUnused(self,pThreshold):
        Remove all unused links.

        pThreshold : Weight value under which links are considered unused (default=-1). 

    def LinkGetAssociateModel(self,pLinkNumber):
        Get model associated with link.

        pLinkNumber : Number value of link to get associated model from. 
        return : Model associated to link number pLinkNumber. 

    def LinkGetCount(self):
        Get number of links.

        return : Number of links. 

    def LinkGetModel(self,pLinkNumber):
        Get model from a link.

        pLinkNumber : Number value of link to get model from. 
        return : Model at link number pLinkNumber. 

    def LinkGetName(self,pLinkNumber):
        Get the name of a link.

        pLinkNumber : Number value of link to get name from. 
        return : Name of link number pLinkNumber. 

    def LinkGetVertexIndex(self,pIndex):
        Get current vertex at link.

        pIndex : Index of link to get vertex from. 
        return : Index value of the current vertex associated to link at index number pIndex 

    def LinkRemove(self,pLinkNumber):
        Remove a link.

        pLinkNumber : Number value of link to rename. 

    def LinkSetCurrentVertex(self,pLinkIndex,pPointIndex):
        Link at current vertex.

        pLinkIndex : Index of link to add vertex to. 
        pPointIndex : Index of vertex to add. 

    def LinkSetModel(self,pModel):
        Set model to a link.

        pModel : Model to set. 

    def LinkSetName(self,pName,pLinkNumber):
        Set the name of a link.

        pName : Name of the link. 
        pLinkNumber : Number value of link to name. 

    def VertexAdd(self,pVertexIndex,pWeight):
        Add a vertex to a cluster.

        pVertexIndex : Index of vertex to add. 
        pWeight : Weight to give to vertex. 

    def VertexClear(self):
        Clear all linked vertices.


    def VertexGetCount(self):
        Get the number of vertices.

        return : Number of vertices in a cluster. 

    def VertexGetNumber(self,pIndex):
        Get vertex number.

        pIndex : Index of link to get vertex from. 
        return : Number value of vertex at link number pIndex 

    def VertexGetTransform(self,pPosition,pRotation,pScaling):
        Get transform of a cluster set.

        pPosition : Position transform. 
        pRotation : Rotation transform. 
        pScaling : Scaling transform. 

    def VertexGetWeight(self,pIndex):
        Get vertex weight.

        pIndex : Index of link to get vertex from. 
        return : Weight of vertex found at link number pIndex. 

    def VertexRemove(self,pVertexIndex):
        Remove a vertex from a cluster.

        pVertexIndex : Index of vertex to remove. 

    def VertexSetTransform(self,pPosition,pRotation,pScaling):
        Set transform of a cluster set.

        pPosition : Position transform. 
        pRotation : Rotation transform. 
        pScaling : Scaling transform. 

    def VertexSetWeight(self,pWeight,pIndex):
        Set vertex weight.

        pWeight : Weight to give to vertex. 
        pIndex : Index of link to get vertex from. 

    ClusterAccuracy=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Cluster accuracy.         ")
    ClusterMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Cluster mode.         ")

class FBDeck (FBComponent):
    Interface to a tape deck.     
    def FBDeck(self,pName):

        pName : Name of deck. 

    def CueAt(self,pTime):
        Cue deck at a given time.

        pTime : Time to cue deck at. 

    def DeckAutoCommandsNotify(self):
        Deck auto commands notification.


    def DeckStatusUpdateNotify(self):
        Interface to IObject.
        Deck status update notification.


    def Eject(self):
        Eject tape.


    def Forward(self):
        Fast forward.


    def GetTime(self):
        Get the deck's time.

        return : Time of deck. 

    def Play(self,pSpeed):
        Play forwards.

        pSpeed : Playback speed (default is 1.0). 

    def ReversePlay(self,pSpeed):
        Play backwards.

        pSpeed : Playback speed(default is 1.0). 

    def Rewind(self):


    def StepBack(self):
        Step backwards.


    def StepForward(self):
        Step forwards.


    def Stop(self):


    def ThreadSync(self):

    CassetteInside=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Is the cassette inside?         ")
    EE=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is EE on?         ")
    IconFilename=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Filename of icon for deck.         ")
    Latency=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Latency of response for the deck;         ")
    Offset=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current offset for the TC.         ")
    Online=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is deck online?         ")
    PlayingBackward=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Playing backwards?         ")
    PlayingForward=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Playing forward?         ")
    PostRoll=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Post-Roll.         ")
    PreRoll=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Pre-Roll.         ")
    StandBy=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> In standby mode?         ")
    TransportControl=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Mode w/r to TC (None, Slave, Master );         ")
    UniqueName=property(doc="internal Unique name.         ")

class FBModelTemplate (FBComponent):
    Model template class.     
    Model templates are 'placeholders' for animation input from devices. These generic 'models' can be any type of element, and permit the abstraction of the input from the actual type of model. In order to animate a model, one should bind the model to an animation node.     
    def FBModelTemplate(self):
        Constructor from parent object.


    def FBModelTemplate(self,pPrefix,pName,pStyle):
        Constructor (no parent) from prefix, name, and style.

        pPrefix : Location of model template in application object directory structure. 
        pName : Name of model template. 
        pStyle : Style of model template. 

    Bindings=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Bindings for animation interface.         ")
    Children=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Children for object hierarchy.         ")
    DefaultRotation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Default rotation.         ")
    DefaultScaling=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Default scaling.         ")
    DefaultTranslation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Default translation.         ")
    Model=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Model being interfaced.         ")
    Prefix=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Prefix of model template.         ")

class FBDeviceInstrument (FBComponent):
    Instrument abstraction layer.     
    def FBDeviceInstrument(self,pDevice):

        pDevice : Parent device. 

    def InstrumentRecordFrame(self,pRecordTime,pNotifyInfo):
        Record the data to the function curves for the instrument.

        pRecordTime : Time to record data at. 
        pNotifyInfo : Device notification information structure. 

    def InstrumentWriteData(self,pEvaluateInfo):
        Write data to instrument's connectors.
        In the evaluation engine callback, this will take the data in the instrument's temporary data holders and write it to the connectors.

        pEvaluateInfo : Evaluation information structure. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    Active=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is instrument active?         ")
    Device=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Handle to owner device.         ")
    ModelTemplate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Model template to build instruments' structure.         ")

class FBPropertyDouble (FBProperty):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyBool (FBProperty):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyVector4d (FBProperty):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBSpread (FBVisualComponent):
    Base spreadsheet class.     
    See samples:,,     
    def FBSpread(self):


    def GetCellValue(self,pRow,pColumn):
        Get a cell's value.

        pRow : Row of cell. 
        pColumn : Column of cell. 

    def SetCellValue(self,pRow,pColumn,pValue):
        Set a cell's value.
        This will also set the FBSpreadCell.Style to the type of pValue (kFBCellStyleInteger if pValue is an int, kFBCellStyleDouble if pValue is a float, kFBCellStyleString if pValue is a str).

        pRow : Row of cell. 
        pColumn : Column of cell. 
        pValue : Value of the cell (can be str, int or float) 

    def GetSpreadCell(self,pRef,pColumn):
        Get a cell from row and column numbers.

        pRef : Row reference. 
        pColumn : Column number. 
        return : A copy of the cell. 

    def Clear(self):
        Clear spreadsheet This function will empty spreadsheet of all its rows, columns and cells.


    def ColumnAdd(self,pString,pRef):
        Add a column.

        pString : Text to display with column. 
        pRef : User-define column reference number(default=0). 

    def GetCellView(self,pRef,pColumn,pView):
        Get a cell's internal toolkit view.

        pRef : Row of cell. 
        pColumn : Column of cell. 
        pView : Handle of view. 

    def GetColumn(self,pColumn):
        Get a column from a column number.

        pColumn : Column number. 
        return : A copy of column. 

    def GetCurrentCell(self):
        Get the current cell.

        return : A copy of the the current cell. 

    def GetRow(self,pRef):
        Get a row from a row reference.

        pRef : Reference to a row. 
        return : A copy of the row. 

    def RowAdd(self,pString,pRef):
        Add a row.

        pString : Text to display with row. 
        pRef : User-defined reference for row(default=0). 

    def RowSort(self,pAscending):
        Sort rows.

        pAscending : If <b>true</b>, sort ascending. 

    def SetCellView(self,pRef,pColumn,pView):
        Set a cell's internal toolkit view.

        pRef : Row of cell. 
        pColumn : Column of cell. 
        pView : View to use to set cell's view. 

    Caption=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Caption to display for spreadsheet.         ")
    Column=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current column.         ")
    MultiSelect=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Can there be multiple selections?         ")
    OnCellChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Cell value changed.         ")
    OnColumnClick=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Column clicked.         ")
    OnDragAndDrop=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Drag and drop event.         ")
    OnRowClick=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Row clicked.         ")
    Row=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current row.         ")

class FBTexture (FBBox):
       <a href='ms-its:MotionBuilder_SDK_Samples.chm::/Scripts/Samples/HUD/HUDElements.html'>See samples:,</a>,,,,     
    def FBTexture(self,pName):

        pName : Name of the texture media. If pName is a valid path, FBTexture will create a FBVideo object which is used in the Video property; else just a ordinary name. 

    def Clone(self):
        Clone the texture.
        This will duplicated the current texture.

        return : Newly created texture. 

    def FBDelete(self):

    def OGLInit(self,pRenderOptions):
        pRenderOptions : FBRenderOptions

    Alpha=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Texture alpha value.         ")
    BlendMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Texture blend mode.         ")
    Height=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Height of texture.         ")
    Mapping=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Texture mapping.         ")
    Rotation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Rotation coordinates.         ")
    Scaling=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Scaling coordinates.         ")
    SwapUV=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Swap UV coordinates?         ")
    TextureOGLId=property(doc="<b>Read Only:</b> OpenGL texture buffer object Id.         ")
    Translation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Translation coordinates.         ")
    UseType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Texture Use Type.         ")
    Video=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Media used for texturing.         ")
    Width=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Width of texture.         ")

class FBShader (FBBox):
    Shader class.     
    def FBShader(self,pName):
        Protected constructor.

        pName : Shader name. 

    def Append(self,pModel):
        Append shader to <b>pModel</b>.

        pModel : Model to append shader to. 

    def CloneShaderParameter(self,pNewShader):
        Clone shader.

        pNewShader : Shader to copy data to. 

    def ReplaceAll(self,pModel):
        Replace all shader in <b>pModel</b>.

        pModel : Model to replace all shader to. 

    def ShaderNeedBeginRender(self):
        Does the shader need a begin render call.


    RenderingPass=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Rendering pass object are shaded in.         ")
    ShaderDescription=property(doc="Description.         ")

class FBUserObject (FBBox):
    def FBUserObject(self,pName):

        pName : User object name. 


class FBLayout (FBVisualComponent):
    Used to build the user interface.     
    Layouts manage areas of the screen called regions. Regions contain UI components such as buttons, viewers, and edit boxes. Regions are added to layouts. When a UI component is bound to a region, the region defines how big it is and how it behaves when the layout is resized.<b>Types of Layouts</b> Device Constraint Manipulator Shader A region is first defined using the FBLayout::AddRegion() function. Once a region is defined and the corresponding UI component is created, and the component is bound to its region with FBLayout::SetControl(). You can use the FBSystem::OnUIIdle() in your layout to update real-time UI components such as guages and status indicators. In Python, FBBoxLayout and FBGridLayout take care of most of the region handling. They are used to create basic control layouts for simple tools. If you have a lot of content you can use FBScrollBox to manage it. For an example, see the Python sample* Also see the Python sample, and the C++ sample ortooluidemo.See samples:,,,,     
    def FBLayout(self):


    def AddRegion(self,pName,pTitle,pX,pXType,pXRelative,pMultX,pY,pYType,pYRelative,pMultY,pW,pWType,pWRelative,pMultW,pH,pHType,pHRelative,pMultH):
        Add a region to the layout.

        pName : Name of region. 
        pTitle : Title to display. 
        pX : X: Position. 
        pXType : X: Type of attachment. 
        pXRelative : X: Item to attach to. 
        pMultX : X: Multiplier of relative value. 
        pY : Y: Position. 
        pYType : Y: Type of attachment. 
        pYRelative : Y: Item to attach to. 
        pMultY : Y: Multiplier of relative value. 
        pW : W: Width of region. 
        pWType : W: Type of attachment. 
        pWRelative : W: Item to attach to. 
        pMultW : W: Multiplier of relative value. 
        pH : H: Height of region. 
        pHType : H: Type of attachment. 
        pHRelative : H: Item to attach to. 
        pMultH : H: Multiplier of relative value. 
        return : Operation was successful (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>). 

    def ClearControl(self,pName):
        Remove a control from a region in a visual component.

        pName : Name of region to remove control. 

    def GetControl(self,pName):
        Get control of a region in a visual component.

        pName : Name of region to find. 
        return : The component if it is found. 

    def GetRegion(self,pName):
        Verify if a region with pName exists.

        pName : Name of region to check. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def GetRegionPositions(self,pName,pComputed,pX,pY,pW,pH):
        Get region <b>pName</b> information (position and size)

        pName : Name of region. 
        pComputed : Is the information retrieved relative or absolute? 
        pX : Position in X of the region. 
        pY : Position in Y of the region. 
        pW : Width of the region. 
        pH : Height of the region. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def GetSplitStyle(self,pName):
        Get a region's splitstyle.

        pName : Name of Region to get splitstyle from. 
        return : Split style of specified region. 

    def MoveRegion(self,pName,pX,pY):
        Move a region.

        pName : Name of region to move. 
        pX : New X position. 
        pY : New Y position. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def RemoveRegion(self,pName):
        Remove a region.

        pName : Name of region to remove. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def RenameRegion(self,pOldName,pNewName):
        Rename a region.

        pOldName : Region's old name. 
        pNewName : Region's new name. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def Restructure(self,pNoMove):
        Force a recomputation of all region placements in the layout.

        pNoMove : bool

    def SetAutoRestructure(self,pAutoRestructure):
        Suspend all automatic layout recomputation.

        pAutoRestructure : If true, Suspend all automatic layout recomputation, else restore it. 

    def SetBorder(self,pName,pType,pShowTitle,pInSet,pWidth,pSpacing,pMaxAngle,pCornerRadius):
        Set border properties for a region.

        pName : Name of Region to change border properties. 
        pType : Border style to use. 
        pShowTitle : Show region title? 
        pInSet : Is region inset? 
        pWidth : Border width. 
        pSpacing : Border spacing. 
        pMaxAngle : Max angle for rounding. 
        pCornerRadius : Corner radius for rounding. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def SetControl(self,pName,pComponent):
        Set control of a region to a visual component.

        pName : Name of region to affect. 
        pComponent : Component to control region. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def SetControl(self,pName,pComponent):
        Set control of a region to a visual component.

        pName : Name of region to affect. 
        pComponent : Component to control region. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def SetRegionTitle(self,pName,pTitle):
        Set a region's title.

        pName : Name of region to change title. 
        pTitle : New title for region. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def SetSplitStyle(self,pName,pRegionType):
        Set a region's splitstyle.

        pName : Name of Region to set splitstyle. 
        pRegionType : Split style give to region. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def SetView(self,pName,pComponent):
        Set view.

        pName : Name of Region. 
        pComponent : Component to set as view. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def SetView(self,pName,pComponent):
        Set view.

        pName : Name of Region. 
        pComponent : Component to set as view. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    def SizeRegion(self,pName,pW,pH):
        Change a region's size.

        pName : Name of region to resize. 
        pW : New region width. 
        pH : New region height. 
        return : Operation was successful (true or false). 

    OnIdle=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Idle.         ")
    OnInput=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Input.         ")
    OnPaint=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Paint layout.         ")
    OnResize=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Resize layout.         ")
    OnShow=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Show layout.         ")

class FBModel (FBBox):
    Model class.     
    In the MotionBuilder UI, a model can be any object in a scene, created using geometry. Models can represent simple objects like cubes, or complex objects like characters.FBModel is a base class which is not used so much directly, but is the parent of well-used classes like FBCamera, FBLight, and FBModelMarker.It also implements a number of widely-implemented functions and attributes, such as: Clone(), FBDelete() UI attributes such as Show, Pickable, and Visibility Positional attributes such as Rotation, Scaling, and Translation The following Python snippet shows how to create, show, rotate, and delete a cube 
from pyfbsdk import *
myCube = FBModelCube('cube')
myCube.Show = True
myCube.Rotation = FBVector3d(45, 45, 45)

There is a few ways to get a handle on existing models in a scene: FBFindObjectsByName return a list of objects matching a pattern (can contain *). For usage, see: If you know the name of the model, use FBFindModelByLabelName, as demonstrated in FBGetSelectedModels can get a handle to an object which is derived from FBModel. It searches the scene for a model, based on the model's unique name and returns a list of all the selected things in the scene.See sample:     
    def FBModel(self,pName):

        pName : Name of model. 

    def Clone(self):
        Clone the model.
        This will duplicate the current model.

        return : Newly created model. 

    def DofToLRM(self,pLM,pDof):
        Convert object space vector to local matrix.

        pLM : Resulting local rotation matrix. 
        pDof : Vector to convert 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Open Reality deletion function.


    def FbxGetObjectSubType(self):
        Returns the class sub type inherited by the class of an object, for example: 'Default', 'Mesh'.


    def FbxGetObjectType(self):
        Returns the class type inherited by the class of an object, for example: 'Model'.


    def ForceAlwaysEvaluate(self):
        Force Always Evaluate.
        In some case, MoBu kernel perform optimization by skipping certain evaluation tasks. This function stop skipping for this model.


    def GetAdditionalUniqueColorID(self,pIndex):
        Get Additional Unique Color Id.

        pIndex : the requested unique color id index, can't be larger than GetAdditionalColorIDCount() 
        return : Additional Unique ColorId. 

    def GetAdditionalUniqueColorIDCount(self):
        Get additional unique color count.

        return : Additional Unique Color Count. 

    def GetBoundingBox(self,pMin,pMax):
        Get the bounding box of the model.
        Note. for deformable model, this function will provide the approximated (larger than the smallest) bounding box for performance consideration.

        pMin : Minimum value of the bounding box. 
        pMax : Maximum value of the bounding box. 

    def GetMatrix(self,pMatrix,pWhat,pGlobalInfo,pEvaluateInfo):
        Get a matrix from the model.

        pMatrix : Matrix to fill with requested information. 
        pWhat : Type of information requested (default=transformation). 
        pGlobalInfo : <b>true</b> if it is GlobalInfo, <b>false</b> if Local (default=true). 
        pEvaluateInfo : EvaluateInfo, Take Display if none specified. 

    def GetSchematicPosition(self):
        Get the position in the schematic view for the model.

        return : Current position for the model. 

    def GetSelectedPointsCount(self):
        Get the number of selected points in the model.

        return : Number of selected points. 

    def GetVector(self,pVector,pWhat,pGlobalInfo,pEvaluateInfo):
        Get a vector from the model.

        pVector : Vector to fill with requested values. 
        pWhat : Type of information requested (default=translation, inverses not supported). 
        pGlobalInfo : <b>true</b> if it is GlobalInfo, <b>false</b> if Local (default=true). 
        pEvaluateInfo : EvaluateInfo, Take Display if none specified 

    def IsEvaluationReady(self,pWhat,pEvaluateInfo):
        Is the model's evaluation task result ready.

        pWhat : Type of evaluation task. 
        pEvaluateInfo : EvaluateInfo, Take Display if none specified 

    def IsForceAlwaysEvaluate(self):
        Return Force Always Evaluate status.


    def IsVisible(self,pEvaluateInfo):
        If the model is visible.
        Note. this query will consider self Visibility property, plus parent node/set Visibility. The visibility of a model is affected by 4 parameters:

        pEvaluateInfo : evaluate info, 
        return : true if visible for the given evaluate info. 

    def LRMToDof(self,pDof,pLM):
        Convert local matrix to object space vector.

        pDof : Resulting object space vector. 
        pLM : Local rotation matrix to convert 

    def MatrixToRotation(self,pRotation,pMatrix):
        Convert Rotation Matrix to Euler Vector based on model's rotation order.

        pRotation : Resulting euler vector. 
        pMatrix : Matrix to convert 

    def NoFrustumCullingRelease(self):
        Release no frustum culling request.

        return : Current no frustum culling request count after function call. 

    def NoFrustumCullingRequire(self):
        Acquire no frustum culling request.

        return : Current no frustum culling request count after function call. 

    def RotationToMatrix(self,pMatrix,pRotation):
        Convert Euler Vector to Rotation Matrix based on model's rotation order.

        pMatrix : Resulting rotation matrix. 
        pRotation : Object space rotation vector to convert 

    def SetAdditionalUniqueColorIDCount(self,pCount):
        Request additional Unique color IDs.

        pCount : User should note that Unique Color ID resource is limited (only 24 bits), hence should avoid to use unnecessary large number. 
        return : True if Unique ColorId resource is available. 

    def SetMatrix(self,pMatrix,pWhat,pGlobalInfo,pPushUndo,pEvaluateInfo):
        Set a matrix for the model.

        pMatrix : Information to use to set the model's matrix. 
        pWhat : Type of matrix to set (default=transformation). 
        pGlobalInfo : <b>true</b> if it is GlobalInfo, <b>false</b> if Local (default=true). 
        pPushUndo : <b>true</b> if this operation is undoable, don't push undo in non UI thread. 
        pEvaluateInfo : EvaluateInfo, Take Display if none specified 

    def SetSchematicPosition(self,pX,pY):
        Set the position in the schematic view for the model.

        pX : X position to set. 
        pY : Y position to set. 

    def SetSchematicPosition(self,pVector2d):
        Set the position in the schematic view for the model.

        pVector2d : Position to set. 

    def SetVector(self,pVector,pWhat,pGlobalInfo,pPushUndo,pEvaluateInfo):
        Set a vector for the model.

        pVector : Vector to use to set values. 
        pWhat : Type of information to set (default=translation, inverses not supported). 
        pGlobalInfo : <b>true</b> if it is GlobalInfo, <b>false</b> if Local (default=true). 
        pPushUndo : <b>true</b> if this operation is undoable, don't push undo in non UI thread. 
        pEvaluateInfo : EvaluateInfo, Take Display if none specified 

    def SetupPropertiesForShapes(self):
        Setup Shape Properties.


    def UseFrustumCulling(self):
        Get the current Frustum Culling Status.

        return : <b>True</b> if model don't use frustum culling currently. 

    AnimationNode=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Animation node of the model.         ")
    BlendShapeDeformable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Model blend-shape deformable. Not Savable         ")
    CastsShadows=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the geometry will produce shadows.         ")
    Children=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Children for model.         ")
    ConstrainDeformable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Model constraint deformable. Not Savable         ")
    Deformers=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Deformers (Skeleton Deformer or Point Cache Deformer).         ")
    GeometricRotation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Geometric rotation.         ")
    GeometricScaling=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Geometric scaling.         ")
    GeometricTranslation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Geometric translation.         ")
    Geometry=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Geometry for the model.         ")
    GeometryUpdateId=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> model geometry (vertex data) related update id.         ")
    Icon3D=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is model a 3D icon?         ")
    IsConstrained=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Is model constrained?         ")
    IsDeformable=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Is model deformable?         ")
    LookAt=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Look at model (interest point).         ")
    Materials=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Materials for model.         ")
    ModelVertexData=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> ModelVertexData for the model.         ")
    Parent=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Parent model.         ")
    Pickable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate if a model can be picked in the viewer. This has a default value of 'true'.         ")
    PointCacheDeformable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Model point cache deformable. Not Savable         ")
    PointCacheRecord=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Record Point Cache for model? Not Savable         ")
    PostRotation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Post Rotation (considered if RotationActive is true)         ")
    PreRotation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Pre Rotation (considered if RotationActive is true)         ")
    PrimaryVisibility=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Control the geometry render state. Geometry can still cast shadows even if this is turned off.         ")
    QuaternionInterpolate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Use quaternion interpolation.         ")
    ReceiveShadows=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the geometry will receive shadows.         ")
    Rotation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Lcl rotation.         ")
    RotationActive=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is model using Rotation Limits?         ")
    RotationMax=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Max Rotation Limit (considered if RotationActive is true)         ")
    RotationMaxX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is model using Maximum Rotation Limits On X?         ")
    RotationMaxY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is model using Maximum Rotation Limits On Y?         ")
    RotationMaxZ=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is model using Maximum Rotation Limits On Z?         ")
    RotationMin=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Min Rotation Limit (considered if RotationActive is true)         ")
    RotationMinX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is model using Minimum Rotation Limits On X?         ")
    RotationMinY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is model using Minimum Rotation Limits On Y?         ")
    RotationMinZ=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is model using Minimum Rotation Limits On Z?         ")
    RotationOrder=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Rotation order.         ")
    RotationSpaceForLimitOnly=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Apply Post Rotation Matrix only for Limits?         ")
    Scaling=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Lcl scaling.         ")
    Scene=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Scene containing the model.         ")
    Shaders=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Shaders for model.         ")
    ShadingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Shading mode for the model.         ")
    Show=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate if the viewer should show the object, according to its visibility value. This has a default value of 'false'.         ")
    SkeletonDeformable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Model skeleton deformable. Not Savable         ")
    SoftSelected=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is model Soft selected?         ")
    Textures=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Textures with Special UseType (Other than 'Color' which should connect to materials).         ")
    Transformable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate if a model can be transformable in the viewer. This has a default value of 'true'.         ")
    Translation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Lcl translation.         ")
    UniqueColorId=property(doc="<b> Read Only Property:</b> Unique Color Id for color based viewer picking. Color channel values are in the range [0, 1] with 1.0/255 precision.         ")
    UpVector=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> UpVector model.         ")
    Visibility=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Visibility of model. This can be overridden by the 'Show' property.         ")
    VisibilityInheritance=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> //!< When this value is set to True the Visibility of this model is also applied to all its descendants         ")

class FBEditVector (FBVisualComponent):
    Vector edit widget.     
    def FBEditVector(self):


    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Vector value changed.         ")
    Value=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current value of vector.         ")

class FBObjectPose (FBPose):
    FBObjectPose class.     
    This class exposes the object used to store the pose of objects.     
    def FBObjectPose(self,pName):
        Public constructor.
        This constructor is used to create a new object.

        pName : Object name. If pObject is not NULL, pName will be ignored. 

    def AddStanceOffset(self,pObjectName,pStancePose,pPoseTransformType):
        Add the StanceOffset to an object in the pose.

        pObjectName : Name of the object. 
        pStancePose : Pose representing the stance of all objects. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type in which to add the offset (Local, Global or LocalRef). 

    def AddStanceOffsetAllObjects(self,pStancePose,pPoseTransformType):
        Add the StanceOffset to all the objects in the pose.

        pStancePose : Pose representing the stance of all objects. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type in which to add the offset (Local, Global or LocalRef). 

    def ClearPose(self):
        Clear all the data of the pose.


    def CopyFrom(self,pFromPose):
        Copy everything from a given object.

        pFromPose : Pose from which to copy. 

    def CopyObjectPose(self,pObjectName,pObject):
        Copy the pose of all the properties of an object.

        pObjectName : Name of the object to store in the pose. 
        pObject : Object from which we'll read all the property values to store in the pose. 

    def CopyPoseAllObjectsTransformFrom(self,pFromPose,pPoseTransformType):
        Copy all the transforms from a given pose.

        pFromPose : Pose from which to copy the data. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type from which to copy the transform (Local, Global or LocalRef). 

    def CopyPoseDataFrom(self,pFromPose):
        Copy all the pose data from a given pose.

        pFromPose : Pose from which to copy the data. 

    def CopyPoseTransformFrom(self,pFromPose,pObjectName,pPoseTransformType):
        Copy the transforms of an object from a given pose.

        pFromPose : Pose from which to copy the data. 
        pObjectName : Name of object to copy the transform from. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type from which to copy the transform (Local, Global or LocalRef). 

    def CopyPropertyPose(self,pObjectName,pProperty):
        Copy the pose of a property of an object.

        pObjectName : Name of the object to store in the pose. 
        pProperty : Property from which we'll read the value to store in the pose. 

    def CopyTransform(self,pObjectName,pObject,pObjectPoseOptions):
        Copy the transform of an object.

        pObjectName : Name of the object to store in the pose. 
        pObject : Object from which we'll evaluate the transform values to store in the pose. 
        pObjectPoseOptions : PoseOptions used to specify the transform of the reference object (Default: Identity). 

    def GetPropertyValue(self,pValue,pSize,pObjectName,pPropertyName):
        Get the value of a property stored in the pose.

        pValue : Value to get. 
        pSize : Number of elements in pValue. 
        pObjectName : Name of the object to get the value. 
        pPropertyName : Name of the property to get the value. 

    def GetTransform(self,pT,pRM,pSM,pObjectName,pPoseTransformType):
        Get the transform of an object in the pose.

        pT : Translation to get. 
        pRM : Rotation to get. 
        pSM : Scaling to get. 
        pObjectName : Name of the object to get the transform. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type in which to set the transform (Local, Global or LocalRef). 
        return : True if the transform was found in the pose. 

    def IsPropertyPoseable(self,pProperty):
        Is the property poseable?

        pProperty : FBProperty
        return : True if the value of this property can be stored in the pose. 

    def IsPropertyStored(self,pObjectName,pPropertyName):
        Is the property stored in the pose?

        pObjectName : Name of the object. 
        pPropertyName : Name of the property. 
        return : True if the property is stored in the pose. 

    def IsTransformStored(self,pObjectName,pPoseTransformType):
        Is the transform of this object stored in the specified TransformType?

        pObjectName : Name of the object. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type in which to check. 
        return : True if the transform of this object is stored in the specified TransformType (Local, Global and LocalRef). 

    def MirrorPose(self,pObjectName,pObjectPoseMirrorOptions):
        Mirror the transform of an object in the pose.

        pObjectName : Name of the object to mirror. 
        pObjectPoseMirrorOptions : MirrorOptions used to specify the mirror plane. 

    def MirrorPoseAllObjects(self,pObjectPoseMirrorOptions):
        Mirror the transform of all objects in the pose.

        pObjectPoseMirrorOptions : MirrorOptions used to specify the mirror plane. 

    def MultTransform(self,pObjectName,pGX,pTransformAttribute,pPoseTransformType):
        Multiply the transform of an objects in the pose.

        pObjectName : Name of the object. 
        pGX : Transformation matrix to apply. 
        pTransformAttribute : Transform attribute to affect. Supported: T,R,S and Transformation. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type in which to mult the transform (Local, Global or LocalRef). 

    def MultTransformAllObjects(self,pGX,pTransformAttribute,pPoseTransformType):
        Multiply the transform of all objects in the pose.

        pGX : Transformation matrix to apply. 
        pTransformAttribute : Transform attribute to affect. Supported: T,R,S and Transformation. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type in which to mult the transform (Local, Global or LocalRef). 

    def PasteObjectPose(self,pObjectName,pObject):
        Paste the pose of all the properties of an object.

        pObjectName : Name of the object stored in the pose. 
        pObject : Object which will receive the values stored in the pose. 

    def PastePropertyPose(self,pObjectName,pProperty):
        Paste the pose of a property of an object.

        pObjectName : Name of the object stored in the pose. 
        pProperty : Property which will receive the value stored in the pose. 

    def PasteTransform(self,pObjectName,pObject,pObjectPoseOptions,pEvaluateInfo):
        Paste the transform of an object.

        pObjectName : Name of the object stored in the pose. 
        pObject : Object which will receive the transform values stored in the pose. 
        pObjectPoseOptions : PoseOptions used to specify the transform of the reference object, the TransformType and TransformAttributes to paste. 
        pEvaluateInfo : Information concerning the evaluation of the animation (time, etc.) 

    def RemoveStanceOffset(self,pObjectName,pStancePose,pPoseTransformType):
        Remove the StanceOffset from an object in the pose.

        pObjectName : Name of the object. 
        pStancePose : Pose representing the stance of all objects. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type in which to remove the offset (Local, Global or LocalRef). 

    def RemoveStanceOffsetAllObjects(self,pStancePose,pPoseTransformType):
        Remove the StanceOffset from all the objects in the pose.

        pStancePose : Pose representing the stance of all objects. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type in which to remove the offset (Local, Global or LocalRef). 

    def SetPropertyValue(self,pObjectName,pPropertyName,pValue,pSize):
        Set the value of a property in the pose.

        pObjectName : Name of the object to set the value. 
        pPropertyName : Name of the property to set the value. 
        pValue : Value to set. 
        pSize : Number of elements in pValue. 

    def SetTransform(self,pT,pRM,pSM,pObjectName,pPoseTransformType):
        Set the transform of an object in the pose.

        pT : Translation to set. 
        pRM : Rotation to set. 
        pSM : Scaling to set. 
        pObjectName : Name of the object to set the transform. 
        pPoseTransformType : Transform type in which to set the transform (Local, Global or LocalRef). 


class FBWidgetHolder (FBVisualComponent):
    Native Widget Holder (can be used to embed native Qt Widget inside MoBu UI elements) A Widget holder provides a bridge to instantiate a Native Qt widget into MB framework.     
    This will be used to allow user to create UI with QT designer and hook their created UI into MB.To allow a FBWidgetHolder to work properly, you need to specify a Creator function. This function will be called when needed to instantiate the native Widget.Or override WidgetCreate(QWidget* pParent) function in the subclass./bin/config/Scripts/UI/ for python usage example.See samples:,     
    def FBWidgetHolder(self):



class FBEditProperty (FBVisualComponent):
    Property editor widget.     
    This widget allows users to edit the values of a property without having to manually customize the GUI depending on the type of the property being edited.SDK objects can have three types of properties:An internal property which maps to an actual property that can be seen in the property editor tool of the application. This type of property is usually obtained from the PropertyList data member.SDK-only property which does not maps onto an existing property of the encapsulated object. The existence of these types of property is often to make the object interface simpler. All the FBPropertyList-types will fall into this category, except for FBPropertyListObjects.SDK property which maps onto an existing object property, but does so indirectly using function calls instead of direct property access. This is usually for historical reason. In this case the property will usually be present twice in the PropertyList: once as an SDK-Only property and another time as an internal property.Another limitation of this widget is that it can only display non hidden internal properties. To get around this issue, the property flag can be changed to unhide it. Doing so will also cause the property to be visible via the property tool. 
// In a tool header file...
FBEditProperty mEditProperty;

// In a tool source file...
FBModel* lModel = FBFindModelByLabelName( 'ModelName' );
if( lModel )
    FBProperty* lProperty = lModel->PropertyList.Find( 'RotationOrder' );
    if( lProperty &&
        lProperty->IsInternal() &&
        !lProperty->GetPropertyFlag( kFBPropertyFlagHideProperty ))
        mEditProperty.Property = lProperty;

See sample:     
    def FBEditProperty(self):


    LargeInc=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate the large increment applied when click-draging on the property value (usually left-click-dragging)         ")
    Precision=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to specify the width and precision of the value shown. A value of 7.2 indicates to show at minimum 7 numbers, with 2 decimals.         ")
    Property=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Property to edit. Set to NULL to disable.         ")
    SliderMax=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should the property be editable using a slider, set the maximum value atainable with the slider.         ")
    SliderMin=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should the property be editable using a slider, set the minimum value atainable with the slider.         ")
    SmallInc=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate the small increment applied when click-draging on the property value (usually right-click-dragging)         ")

class FBSet (FBBox):
    Objects Set class.     
    This class is an interface to manipulate object sets in the scene. Note: an item cannot be in two FBSet objects at once. Also, an FBGroup cannot contain FBSet objects, although an FBSet object can contain an FBGRoup.     
    def FBSet(self,pName):

        pName : Set name. 

    def Contains(self,pComponent):

        pComponent : Component to verify if it is in the Group 
        return : 0 if the component is not in the FBSet, 1 if it is in this FBSet, 2 if it is in another FBSet 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def Select(self,pSelect):

        pSelect : If <b>true</b>, set contents will be selected. 

    Items=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Items in the set.         ")
    Pickable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Controls if objects in the set are pickable.         ")
    Transformable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Controls if objects in the set are transformable.         ")
    Visibility=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Visibility of set (animatable).         ")

class FBMaterial (FBBox):
    Material class.     
    See samples:,,,     
    def FBMaterial(self,pName):

        pName : Name of material. 

    def Clone(self):
        Clone the material.
        This will duplicated the current material.

        return : Newly created material. 

    def GetTexture(self,pType):
        Retrieve associated texture.

        pType : MaterialTextureType to get connected texture from (default is Diffuse is not specified). 

    def OGLInit(self):
        Setup OpenGL fixed pipeline material settings.


    def SetTexture(self,pTexture,pType):
        Set associated texture.

        pTexture : texture to be connected. 
        pType : MaterialTextureType to set connected texture to. 

    Ambient=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Ambient color.         ")
    AmbientFactor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Ambient Factor value.         ")
    Bump=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Bump.         ")
    BumpFactor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Bump Factor value.         ")
    Diffuse=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Diffuse color.         ")
    DiffuseFactor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Diffuse Factor value.         ")
    DisplacementColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Displacement color.         ")
    DisplacementFactor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Displacement Factor value.         ")
    Emissive=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Emissive color.         ")
    EmissiveFactor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Emissive Factor value.         ")
    NormalMap=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Normal Map.         ")
    Reflection=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Reflection color.         ")
    ReflectionFactor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Reflection Factor value.         ")
    Shininess=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Shininess value.         ")
    Specular=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specular color.         ")
    SpecularFactor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specular Factor value.         ")
    TransparencyFactor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Transparency Factor value.         ")
    TransparentColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Transparent color.         ")

class FBBrowsingProperty (FBVisualComponent):
    Property browsing.     
    See sample:     
    def FBBrowsingProperty(self):


    def AddObject(self,pObject):
        Add an object whose properties will be displayed.

        pObject : Object whose properties will be displayed in the property brwoser. 

    def ObjectGet(self,pIndex):
        Return the object at the specified index.

        pIndex : Index of the object to get. 
        return : Object at the index specified currently displayed in the property browser. 

    def ObjectGetCount(self):
        Get the number of object displayed in the property browser.

        return : Object currently displayed in the property browser. 

    def RemoveObject(self,pObject):
        Remove an object from the property browser.

        pObject : Object to remove. 


class FBPlotPopup (FBVisualComponent):
    Plot Popup (for setting options only).     
    See sample:     
    def FBPlotPopup(self):


    def GetPlotOptions(self):
        Get plot options.

        return : plot options. 

    def Popup(self,pWindowName):
        Execute plot popup.

        pWindowName : str
        return : <b>true</b> if <b>OK</b> is clicked by user. 

    EnablePlotCharacterExtension=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable Plot Character Extension option for popup.         ")
    EnablePlotLockedProperties=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable Plot Locked Properties option for popup.         ")
    EnablePlotTranslationOnRootOnly=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable Plot Translation On Root Only option for popup.         ")
    EnableSmartPlotControls=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable Smart Plot option for popup.         ")

class FBAssetFolder (FBAssetItem):
    Class representing a folder stored in a version control database.     
    def FBAssetFolder(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Command. 

    def AddFile(self,pLocalPath,pComment,pCheckOut,pSilent):
        Add a specified file into the database.
        It will be added in this folder.

        pLocalPath : The full path to the file on the local disk. 
        pComment : Comment to be applied for the operation. 
        pCheckOut : Whether the file should be checked out or not. 
        pSilent : If pSilent is set to true, no dialog will be displayed by this method. 
        return : An FBAssetfile* object representing the newly added file. 

    def AddFolder(self,pName,pComment,pSilent):
        Add a folder in the database.
        It will be added in this folder.

        pName : Name of the folder to be created. 
        pComment : Comment to be applied for the operation. 
        pSilent : If pSilent is set to true, no dialog will be displayed by this method. 
        return : An FBAssetFolder* object representing the newly added folder. 

    def FBCreate(self):
        Open Reality Creation function.

        return : Outcome of creation (true/false). 

    def GetChild(self,pIndex):
        Get the child at index <b>pIndex</b>.

        pIndex : int
        return : The child at <b>pIndex</b>, or NULL if the index was out of range. 

    def GetChildCount(self):
        Get the number of items in this folder.

        return : The number of items in this folder. 

    def GetFile(self,pName):
        Get a file present in this folder by using it's name.

        pName : str
        return : The file with the given name, or NULL if it was not found. 

    def GetFolder(self,pName):
        Get a folder present in this folder by using it's name.

        pName : str
        return : The folder with the given name, or NULL if it was not found. 


class FBEditNumber (FBVisualComponent):
    Number edit box.     
    def FBEditNumber(self):


    LargeStep=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Large step value.         ")
    Max=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Maximum value.         ")
    Min=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Minimum value.         ")
    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Number changed.         ")
    Precision=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Precision of value.         ")
    SmallStep=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Small step value.         ")
    Value=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current value.         ")

class FBConstraint (FBBox):
    Base class for constraints.     
    def FBConstraint(self,pName):

        pName : Name of constraint. 

    def AnimationNodeInCreate(self,pUserId,pModel,pAttribute):
        Animation Node Creations (IN/OUT).
        Used to create the connectors (in or out) on an animation node. This function will return a newly created animation node, connected to the model specified by <b>pModel</b>.

        pUserId : User specified reference number. 
        pModel : Model to associate with animation node. 
        pAttribute : Attribute of model to animate (i.e. Translation, Lcl Translation, etc.) 
        return : Newly created IN/OUT animation node. 

    def AnimationNodeInCreate(self,pUserId,pProperty):
        Animation Node Creations (IN).
        Used to create the In connectors on an animation node. This function will return a newly created animation node, connected to the model specified by <b>pProperty</b>.

        pUserId : User specified reference number. 
        pProperty : Property of model to animate (must be animatable) 
        return : Newly created IN animation node. 

    def AnimationNodeOutCreate(self,pUserId,pModel,pAttribute):
        Animation Node Creations (IN/OUT).
        Used to create the connectors (in or out) on an animation node. This function will return a newly created animation node, connected to the model specified by <b>pModel</b>.

        pUserId : User specified reference number. 
        pModel : Model to associate with animation node. 
        pAttribute : Attribute of model to animate (i.e. Translation, Lcl Translation, etc.) 
        return : Newly created IN/OUT animation node. 

    def Clone(self):
        Clone the constraint.

        return : Newly created (and copied) constraint. 

    def DeformerBind(self,pModel):
        Bind/Unbind <b>pModel</b> to deformation constraint.
        These functions are used for adding/removing a deformation binding to/from <b>pModel</b> if the constraint is a deformation constraint.

        pModel : Model to bind/unbind. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def DeformerUnBind(self,pModel):
        Bind/Unbind <b>pModel</b> to deformation constraint.
        These functions are used for adding/removing a deformation binding to/from <b>pModel</b> if the constraint is a deformation constraint.

        pModel : Model to bind/unbind. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def Disable(self,pModel):
        Disable constraint on <b>pModel</b>.

        pModel : Model on which constraint should be disabled. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def FreezeSRT(self,pModel,pS,pR,pT):
        Freeze current model state.

        pModel : Model to freeze constraint on. 
        pS : Scaling freeze? 
        pR : Rotation freeze? 
        pT : Translation freeze? 

    def FreezeSuggested(self):
        Suggest 'freeze'.


    def ReferenceAdd(self,pGroupIndex,pModel):
        Add a reference to a specified group.

        pGroupIndex : Group to add reference to. 
        pModel : Model to place at new reference. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def ReferenceGet(self,pGroupIndex,pItemIndex):
        Get a reference.

        pGroupIndex : Index of reference group containing desired reference. 
        pItemIndex : Index of reference in group to get (default is 0). 
        return : Model at specified reference. 

    def ReferenceGetCount(self,pGroupIndex):
        Get number of references in a specified group.

        pGroupIndex : Index of group to query the number of references. 
        return : Number of references in specified group. 

    def ReferenceGroupAdd(self,pGroupName,pMaxItemCount):
        Add a group of references.

        pGroupName : Name of reference group to add. 
        pMaxItemCount : Maximum number of items in <b>pGroupName</b>. 
        return : Index of new reference group. 

    def ReferenceGroupGetCount(self):
        Return the number of reference groups.

        return : Number of reference groups. 

    def ReferenceGroupGetMaxCount(self,pGroupIndex):
        Get the maximum number of items that can exist in the reference group in question.

        pGroupIndex : Index of reference group. 
        return : Maximum number of items that can be added to the reference group. 

    def ReferenceGroupGetName(self,pGroupIndex):
        Get the name of the reference group.

        pGroupIndex : Index of the reference group to get the name for. 
        return : The name of the reference group <b>pGroupIndex</b>. 

    def ReferenceRemove(self,pGroupIndex,pModel):
        Remove a reference to <b>pModel</b> from the group at <b>pGroupIndex</b>.

        pGroupIndex : Index to remove reference from. 
        pModel : Model to remove reference from. 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def RemoveAllAnimationNodes(self):
        Remove animation nodes.


    def RestoreModelState(self,pModel):
        Restore the saved model state onto <b>pModel</b>.

        pModel : Model to affect with previous state. 

    def SaveModelState(self,pModel,pS,pR,pT):
        Save current state of <b>pModel</b>.

        pModel : Model to save. 
        pS : Scaling information? 
        pR : Rotation information? 
        pT : Translation information? 

    def SetupAllAnimationNodes(self):
        Setup animation nodes.


    def SnapSuggested(self):
        Suggest 'snap'.


    Active=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Active state.         ")
    Deformer=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is a deformer constraint?         ")
    Description=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Long description of constraint.         ")
    HasLayout=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Does the constraint have a layout?         ")
    Lock=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Lock state.         ")
    Snap=property(doc="<b>Function Property:</b> Snap constraint.         ")
    Weight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Weight of constraint.         ")

class FBCharacterPose (FBPose):
    Used to work with character poses.     
    This class exposes the object used to store the pose of objects.See sample:     
    def FBCharacterPose(self,pName):
        Public constructor.
        This constructor is used to create a new object.

        pName : Object name. 

    def ApplyPoseCandidate(self):
        After setting the candidate on the skeleton node, calling this function will allow subsequent call to get the TRS value of a skeleton node to return the candidate value.


    def ClearCharacterExtensionsPose(self):
        Clear only the pose of the character extensions (omit the character).


    def ClearCharacterPose(self):
        Clear only the pose of the character (omit the extensions).


    def ClearPose(self):
        Clear all the data of the pose.


    def CopyFrom(self,pFromPose):
        Copy everything from a given object.

        pFromPose : Pose from which to copy. 

    def CopyPose(self,pCharacter):
        Copy the pose of a character and its extensions.

        pCharacter : Character to copy the pose from. 

    def CopyPoseCharacter(self,pCharacter):
        Copy the pose of only the character (omit the extensions).

        pCharacter : Character to copy the pose from. 

    def CopyPoseCharacterExtension(self,pCharacterExtension):
        Copy the pose of a single character extension.

        pCharacterExtension : Character extension to copy the pose from. 

    def CopyPoseCharacterExtensions(self,pCharacter):
        Copy the pose of only the character extensions (omit the character).

        pCharacter : Character to copy the pose of the extensions from. 

    def CopyPoseCharacterExtensionsFrom(self,pFromPose):
        Copy the pose data of only the character extensions from a given pose.

        pFromPose : Pose from which to copy the data. 

    def CopyPoseCharacterFrom(self,pFromPose):
        Copy the pose data of only the character from a given pose.

        pFromPose : Pose from which to copy the data. 

    def CopyPoseDataFrom(self,pFromPose):
        Copy all the pose data from a given pose.

        pFromPose : Pose from which to copy the data. 

    def GetCharacterExtensionNameFromPose(self,pCharacterExtensionPose):
        Get the name of the character extension for the specified pose.

        pCharacterExtensionPose : Pose of a character extension to check its name. 
        return : The name of the character extension (It is the label name of the character extension). 

    def GetCharacterExtensionPose(self,pCharacterExtensionName):
        Get the pose of a character extension.

        pCharacterExtensionName : Name of the character extension pose to get (It is the label name of the character extension). 
        return : The pose of the character extension, NULL if not found. 

    def GetCharacterExtensionPoseAt(self,pIndex):
        Get the pose of a character extension.

        pIndex : Index of the character extension pose to get. 
        return : The pose of the character extension. 

    def GetCharacterExtensionPoseCount(self):
        Get the number of character extension stored in the pose.

        return : Number of character extension stored in the pose. 

    def GetExtraBoneParentRotationOffset(self,pR,pIndex):
        Get the extra bone transformation offset.

        pR : A vector that will contains the parent rotation offset value on return. 
        pIndex : Index of the extra bone to get. 

    def GetExtraBoneTransform(self,pT,pR,pS,pIndex):
        Get the extra bone transformation.

        pT : A vector that will contains the translation value on return. 
        pR : A vector that will contains the rotation value on return. 
        pS : A vector that will contains the scale value on return. 
        pIndex : Index of the extra bone to get. 

    def GetExtraBoneTransformOffset(self,pT,pR,pS,pIndex):
        Get the extra bone transformation offset.

        pT : A vector that will contains the translation offset value on return. 
        pR : A vector that will contains the rotation offset value on return. 
        pS : A vector that will contains the scale offset value on return. 
        pIndex : Index of the extra bone to get. 

    def GetMirrorPlaneEquation(self,pMirrorPlaneEquation,pCharacter,pCharacterPoseOptions):
        Get the mirror plane equation that would be used to mirror according to the CharacterPoseOptions.

        pMirrorPlaneEquation : Out: Mirror plane equation. 
        pCharacter : Character to receive the pose. 
        pCharacterPoseOptions : Options used to paste the pose. 

    def GetMirrorPlaneEquation(self,pMirrorPlaneEquation,pCharacter,pCharacterPoseOptions):
        Get the mirror plane equation that would be used to mirror according to the CharacterPoseOptions.

        pMirrorPlaneEquation : Out: Mirror plane equation. 
        pCharacter : Character to receive the pose. 
        pCharacterPoseOptions : Options used to paste the pose. 

    def GetOrCreateCharacterExtensionPose(self,pCharacterExtensionName):
        Get the pose of a character extension and create it if necessary.

        pCharacterExtensionName : Name of the character extension pose to get (It is the label name of the character extension). 
        return : The pose of the character extension. 

    def IsCharacterExtensionPoseStored(self,pCharacterExtensionName):
        Is the pose of the character extension stored in the pose?

        pCharacterExtensionName : Name of the character extension. 
        return : <b>true</b> if the pose of the character extension stored in the pose. 

    def IsCharacterPoseStored(self):
        Is the pose of the character stored in the pose?

        return : <b>true</b> if the pose of the character stored in the pose. 

    def PastePose(self,pCharacter,pCharacterPoseOptions):
        Paste the pose of a character and its extensions.

        pCharacter : Character to paste the pose to. 
        pCharacterPoseOptions : Options used to specify how to paste. 

    def PastePoseCharacter(self,pCharacter,pCharacterPoseOptions):
        Paste the pose of only the character (omit the extensions).

        pCharacter : Character to paste the pose to. 
        pCharacterPoseOptions : Options used to specify how to paste. 

    def PastePoseCharacterExtension(self,pCharacterExtension,pCharacterPoseOptions):
        Paste the pose of a single character extension.

        pCharacterExtension : Character extension to paste the pose to. 
        pCharacterPoseOptions : Options used to specify how to paste. 

    def PastePoseCharacterExtensions(self,pCharacter,pCharacterPoseOptions):
        Paste the pose of only the character extensions (omit the character).

        pCharacter : Character to paste the pose of the extensions to. 
        pCharacterPoseOptions : Options used to specify how to paste. 

    def RemoveCharacterExtensionPose(self,pCharacterExtensionName):
        Remove the pose of a character extension.

        pCharacterExtensionName : Name of the character extension pose to remove (It is the label name of the character extension). 

    def RemoveCharacterExtensionPoseAt(self,pIndex):
        Remove the pose of a character extension.

        pIndex : Index of the character extension pose to remove. 


class FBHUDElement (FBBox):
    Heads Up display.     
    Display scene related information on a camera output. Rendered on video out, output renderings.     
    Height=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies the height of HUD element on the screen. It's in pixel when ScaleByPercent is false and percentage when ScaleByPercent is true.         ")
    HorizontalDock=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies if the HUD element will be horizontally docked to the Left, Right, or Center.         ")
    Justification=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies if the justification of the HUD element is Left, Right, or Center.         ")
    PositionByPercent=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> When set to true, X and Y position values are in percentage, relative to the corresponding camera view dimension. Otherwise, they are absolute pixel values.         ")
    ScaleByPercent=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> When set to true, Scale is in percentage, relative to the corresponding camera view dimension. Otherwise, it is an absolute value.         ")
    ScaleUniformly=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies whether the width and height of HUD element will be scaled uniformly according to the initial aspect ratio.         ")
    Show=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies if the HUD element will be displayed or not.         ")
    VerticalDock=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies if the HUD element will be vertically docked to the Bottom, Top, or Center.         ")
    Visibility=property(doc="        ")
    Width=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies the width of HUD element on the screen. It's in pixel when ScaleByPercent is false and percentage when ScaleByPercent is true.         ")
    X=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies the horizontal position of the HUD element, relative to dock position and justification.         ")
    Y=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies the vertical position of the HUD element, relative to dock position and justification.         ")

class FBMesh (FBGeometry):
    Mesh class.     
    See samples:,,     
    def FBMesh(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Mesh. 

    def ComputeVertexNormals(self,pCW):
        Compute Mesh Vertex Normal.

        pCW : <b>True</b> for clock wise normal, otherwise for counter-clock wise 

    def InverseNormal(self):
        Inverse Normal.


    def IsTriangleMesh(self):
        Determines if the mesh is composed entirely of triangles.

        return : true if all polygons are triangles, false otherwise 

    def PolygonBegin(self,pMaterialId):
        Begin Polygon definition.

        pMaterialId : Index of material for this polygon. Only effective when MaterialMappingMode is kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON mode. 
        return : Number of existing polygons in Mesh 

    def PolygonCount(self):
        Get number of polygons in mesh.

        return : Number of polygons in mesh. 

    def PolygonEnd(self):
        End Polygon definition.
        Clean up and associate vertices internally.

        return : Current number of polygons. 

    def PolygonListAdd(self,pPolygonSize,pIndexArraySize,pIndexArray,pMaterialId):
        Add Polygon List Must be called in-between FBGeometry::GeometryBegin() / GeometryEnd() It's user's responsibility to make sure to input valid index values, otherwise afterwards behavior will be undefined.

        pPolygonSize : Size of polygon, 3 mean triangle, 4 for quadrilateral, and so on. minimum input value is 3. 
        pIndexArraySize : Size of pIndexArray, Added polygon count is floor(max(pIndexArraySize, 0) / pPolygonSize) 
        pIndexArray : Index array of triangle strip. 
        pMaterialId : Index of material for this polygon. Only effective when MaterialMappingMode is kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON mode. 

    def PolygonMaterialIdGet(self,pIndex):
        Get a Material ID for the given Polygon index.

        pIndex : Polygon's index to get material ID at (default=-1). 
        return : ID of material of vertex at pIndex. 

    def PolygonVertexAdd(self,pVertex):
        Add a vertex.

        pVertex : Index in mesh of vertex to add to polygon, must be in range of [0, ControlPointCount) 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def PolygonVertexArrayGet(self,pArraySize):
        Get the array of polygon vertex (i.e.
        index to control points). This array is a concatenation of the list of polygon vertices of all the polygons. Example: a mesh made of 2 triangles [1,2,3] and [2,3,4] results in [1,2,3,2,3,4]. The first polygon starts at position 0 and the second at position 3.

        pArraySize : Polygon vertex array size. 
        return : Readonly polygon vertex array. 

    def PolygonVertexCount(self,pPolygonIndex):
        Get Polygon vertex count.

        pPolygonIndex : Index of polygon to get vertex count from. 
        return : Number of vertices in polygon at pPolygonIndex. 

    def PolygonVertexIndex(self,pPolygonIndex,pVertexPolygonIndex):
        Get global (for the mesh) index of a vertex from a polygon.

        pPolygonIndex : Index of polygon in question. 
        pVertexPolygonIndex : Polygon vertex index. 
        return : Index in mesh of vertex. 

    def TriangleListAdd(self,pIndexArraySize,pIndexArray,pMaterialId):
        Add Triangle List, Must be called in-between FBGeometry::GeometryBegin() / GeometryEnd() It's user's responsibility to make sure to input valid index values, otherwise afterwards behavior will be undefined.

        pIndexArraySize : Size of pIndexArray, Added triangle count is floor(max(pIndexArraySize, 0) / 3) 
        pIndexArray : Index array of triangle list. 
        pMaterialId : Index of material for this polygon. Only effective when MaterialMappingMode is kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON mode. 

    def TriangleStripAdd(self,pIndexArraySize,pIndexArray,pMaterialId):
        Add Triangle Strip Must be called in-between FBGeometry::GeometryBegin() / GeometryEnd() It's user's responsibility to make sure to input valid index values, otherwise afterwards behavior will be undefined.

        pIndexArraySize : Size of pIndexArray, Added triangle count is max(pIndexArraySize - 2, 0) 
        pIndexArray : Index array of triangle strip. 
        pMaterialId : Index of material for this polygon. Only effective when MaterialMappingMode is kFBGeometryMapping_BY_POLYGON mode. 


class FBVideo (FBBox):
    Video media class.     
    Similar to the FBModel class, the FBVideo class serves as a general media class for images, video clips and video memory, as well as the possibility of custom formats and custom live cards.To have a valid FBVideo object, it must be constructed with a string pointing to a valid media file. After the creation, the method 'IsValid()' should be used to confirm the object's status. An invalid object cannot be used or interact with any other application object. The only property that can be read and modified is its 'Filename'. To make convert an invalid FBVideo object into a valid one, simply change its Filename property to point to a supported media file.See sample:     
    def FBVideo(self,pName):

        pName : Name of video media. 

    KeepOnGPU=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Don't auto flush from GPU if true. session runtime flag, won't be saved.         ")

class FBGlobalLight (FBBox):
    Global light class.     
    AmbientColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Ambient light color.         ")
    FogBegin=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Begin fog distance.         ")
    FogColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Fog color.         ")
    FogDensity=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Fog density.         ")
    FogEnable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable fog?         ")
    FogEnd=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> End fog distance.         ")
    FogMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Fog falloff mode.         ")

class FBEditPropertyModern (FBVisualComponent):
    Property editor widget.     
    This is a more modern version of the widget FBEditProperty which is used in the property editor tool of the application.See class FBEditProperty for more details.See sample:     
    def FBEditPropertyModern(self):


    def SetBackgroundColorIndex(self,pIndex):
        Set the background color index.
        Use the system-defined color palette to set the backgound color. By default the color used is kFBColorIndexStdListBg1

        pIndex : FBColorIndex

    LargeInc=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate the large increment applied when click-draging on the property value (usually left-click-dragging)         ")
    Precision=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to specify the width and precision of the value shown. A value of 7.2 indicates to show at minimum 7 numbers, with 2 decimals.         ")
    Property=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Property to edit. Set to NULL to disable.         ")
    SliderMax=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should the property be editable using a slider, set the maximum value atainable with the slider.         ")
    SliderMin=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Should the property be editable using a slider, set the minimum value atainable with the slider.         ")
    SmallInc=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate the small increment applied when click-draging on the property value (usually right-click-dragging)         ")

class FBPropertyAnimatableColor (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBHUD (FBBox):
    Heads Up display.     
    Display scene related information to the screen. This information will also be present in the rendered frames when creating AVIs or QuickTime files.See samples:,,,,,     
    def FBHUD(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new HUD. 

    def CreateElement(self,pType,pName):
        pType : EStockElement
        pName : str

    Elements=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Elements present in the HUD.         ")
    OnDisplay=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Callback just before HUD is displayed to update custom values         ")
    Visibility=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate if the information will be displayed or not.         ")

class FBGroup (FBBox):
    Objects Grouping class.     
    This class is an interface to manipulate object's grouping in the scene.See samples:,     
    def FBGroup(self,pName):

        pName : Group name. 

    def Contains(self,pComponent):

        pComponent : Component to verify if it is in the Group 
        return : True if the object is in the Group 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def Select(self,pSelect):

        pSelect : If <b>true</b>, group contents will be selected. 

    Items=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Items in the group.         ")
    Pickable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Controls if objects in the group are pickable.         ")
    Show=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Controls if objects in the group are displayed.         ")
    Transformable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Controls if objects in the group are transformable.         ")

class FBImageContainer (FBVisualComponent):
    See sample:     
    def FBImageContainer(self):


    Filename=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Filename for image.         ")
    OnDragAndDrop=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Drag and drop.         ")

class FBThermometer (FBVisualComponent):
    See sample:     
    def FBThermometer(self):


    def Clear(self):
        Reset bounds and value.


    Max=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Maximum value.         ")
    Min=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Minimum value.         ")
    Value=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current value.         ")

class FBHandle (FBBox):
    FBHandle class exposes the Handle object of the application.     
    This is a terminal class and should not be used as a base for a new class.     
    def FBHandle(self,pName):
        Public constructor.
        This constructor is used to create a new object.

        pName : Object name. 

    def Select(self):
        Meta selection.
        With this method, the handle itself is selected as well as all the models that are manipulated by the handle.


    Follow=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Object to be followed by the handle. Should have a cardinality of 1.         ")
    Image=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Image to be used in the handle display. Only the image at position 0 is used.         ")
    Manipulate=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Objects manipulated by the handle.         ")
    ManipulateRotation=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Objects manipulated by the handle. Only their rotation is affected.         ")
    ManipulateScaling=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Objects manipulated by the handle. Only their scaling is affected.         ")
    ManipulateTranslation=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Objects manipulated by the handle. Only their translation is affected.         ")

class FBPropertyAnimatableDouble (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBSpreadColumn (FBSpreadPart):
    Spreadsheet column.     
    def FBSpreadColumn(self,pParent,pCol):

        pParent : Parent spreadsheet. 
        pCol : Column number. 

    Caption=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Caption of the column.         ")
    Justify=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Text justification.         ")
    Width=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Column width.         ")

class FBEdit (FBVisualComponent):
    Text edit box.     
    def FBEdit(self):


    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Text changed.         ")
    PasswordMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set password mode for this edit box.         ")
    Text=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Text displayed.         ")

class FBNote (FBBox):
    Note class.     
    def FBNote(self,pName):

        pName : Name of note. 

    def Attach(self,pComp):
        Attach the note to a component.
        Will attach the note to the component. If <b>pComp</b> is NULL, the note will only be added to the scene.

        pComp : Component on which to attach note. 
        return : A boolean indicating if the operation was successful or not. 

    def Detach(self,pComp):
        Detach the note from a component.
        Will detach the note from the component. If <b>pComp</b> is NULL, the note will be removed from the scene and detached from all components.

        pComp : Component from which to detach note. 
        return : A boolean indicating if the operation was successful or not. 

    StaticComment=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Comment associated to this note.         ")

class FBPropertyAnimatableBool (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyAnimatableVector2d (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBEditColor (FBVisualComponent):
    Color edit widget.     
    def FBEditColor(self):


    ColorMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA (Default = 3)         ")
    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Color changed.         ")
    Value=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current value of color.         ")

class FBFCurveEditor (FBVisualComponent):
    FCurve editor.     
    See sample:     
    def FBFCurveEditor(self):


    def AddAnimationNode(self,pNode):
        Add an animation node to the editor.

        pNode : Animation node to show in the editor. 

    def AddProperty(self,pProperty):
        Add an animatable property to the editor.

        pProperty : Property to show in the editor. 

    def Clear(self):
        Clear the editor.


    def RemoveAnimationNode(self,pNode):
        Remove an animation node from the editor.

        pNode : Animation node to hide from editor. 


class FBPropertyAnimatableEnum (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="Return the string associated with the index. Will return None when no value is associated.         ")

class FBSurface (FBGeometry):
    Surface class.     
    def FBSurface(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Surface. 

    def ControlPointsBegin(self):

    def ControlPointsEnd(self):

    def GetControlPoint(self,pIndex,pX,pY,pZ,pW):
        pIndex : int
        pX : float
        pY : float
        pZ : float
        pW : float

    def GetSurfaceCapped(self,pUorV,pDirection):
        pUorV : int
        pDirection : int

    def SetControlPoint(self,pIndex,pX,pY,pZ,pW):
        pIndex : int
        pX : float
        pY : float
        pZ : float
        pW : float

    def SurfaceBegin(self):

    def SurfaceEditBegin(self):

    def SurfaceEditEnd(self):

    def SurfaceEnd(self):

    def VertexGetSelected(self,pU,pV):
        Get the selected state of a vertex.

        pU : The u index of the vertex. 
        pV : The v index of the vertex. 
        return : true if the vertex is selected, false if not. 

    def VertexGetTransformable(self,pU,pV):
        Get the Transformable state of a vertex.

        pU : The u index of the vertex. 
        pV : The v index of the vertex. 
        return : true if the vertex is Transformable, false if not. 

    def VertexGetVisible(self,pU,pV):
        Get the visible state of a vertex.

        pU : The u index of the vertex. 
        pV : The v index of the vertex. 
        return : true if the vertex is visible, false if not. 

    def VertexSetSelected(self,pU,pV,pState):
        Set the selected state of a vertex.

        pU : The u index of the vertex. 
        pV : The v index of the vertex. 
        pState : Set the select state. 
        return : true if the vertex is selected, false if not. 

    def VertexSetVisible(self,pU,pV,pState):
        Set the visible state of a vertex.

        pU : The u index of the vertex. 
        pV : The v index of the vertex. 
        pState : Set the visible state. 
        return : true if the vertex is visible, false if not. 

    SurfaceMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Surface mode.         ")
    UClosed=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> U Closed.         ")
    USize=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Size in U directions.         ")
    UStep=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Step in U directions.         ")
    VClosed=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> V Closed         ")
    VSize=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Size in V directions.         ")
    VStep=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Step in V directions.         ")

class FBPropertyAnimatableAction (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBSlider (FBVisualComponent):
    See samples:,     
    def FBSlider(self):


    Max=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Maximum value.         ")
    Min=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Minimum value.         ")
    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Slider value changed.         ")
    OnTransaction=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Transaction begin/end (continuous value changes). This event property doesn't exist in pyfbsdk.         ")
    Orientation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Slider orientation.         ")
    Value=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current value.         ")

class FBList (FBVisualComponent):
    List of items.     
    See samples:,     
    def FBList(self):


    def IsSelected(self,pIndex):
        Returns whether or not the item <b>pIndex</b> is currently selected.

        pIndex : Index to see if select or not. 
        return : <b>true</b> if item at <b>pIndex</b> is selected. 

    def Selected(self,pIndex,pSelected):
        Set the current selected state of item at <b>pIndex</b> to <b>pSelected</b>.

        pIndex : Index to affect item at. 
        pSelected : State to set item at <b>pIndex</b> to. 

    ExtendedSelect=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Extended selection state?         ")
    ItemIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current item index.         ")
    Items=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Names of items in list.         ")
    MultiSelect=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Can multiple items be selected?         ")
    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> List changed.         ")
    OnDragAndDrop=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Drag and drop event.         ")
    Style=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Style or direction of list.         ")

class FBFilePopup (FBVisualComponent):
    File Popup (for open/save).     
    See samples:,     
    def FBFilePopup(self):


    def Execute(self):
        Execute file popup.

        return : <b>true</b> if <b>OK</b> is clicked by user. 

    Caption=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Caption to put in popup window.         ")
    FileName=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> File selected.         ")
    Filter=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Filter to use for popup window file selection.         ")
    FullFilename=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Full filename (path and file).         ")
    Path=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path of file selected.         ")
    Style=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Style of file popup.         ")

class FBSpreadCell (FBSpreadPart):
    Spreadsheet cell.     
    def FBSpreadCell(self,pParent,pRow,pCol):

        pParent : Parent spreadsheet. 
        pRow : Row to which cell belongs. 
        pCol : Column to which cell belongs. 


class FBButton (FBVisualComponent):
    Used to create and manage buttons in a user interface.     
    This class includes functionality to create buttons in a user interface and add a callback. In MotionBuilder, buttons are created within regions, which are in turn created in layouts with FBLayout. For usage, see the Python sample See also: FBButtonStyle, FBTextJustify, FBButtonLook.See samples:,,     
    def FBButton(self):


    def GetStateColor(self,pState):
        Queries the color associated with a button state.
        This method is only useful for buttons of style kFB2States.

        pState : The state to be queried. 
        return : The color vector. 

    def SetImageFileNames(self,pUpImage,pDownImage,pThirdImage,pFromResources):
        Sets the image used to generate a kFBBitmap2States.

        pUpImage : The image used when button is unpushed 
        pDownImage : The image used when button is pushed 
        pThirdImage : str
        pFromResources : Add resource path to image path. 

    def SetStateColor(self,pState,pColor):
        Returns whether or not the item <b>pIndex</b> is currently selected.

        pState : The state to be set. 
        pColor : The desired color vector. 

    Justify=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current state of button.         ")
    Look=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current state of button.         ")
    OnClick=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Button clicked.         ")
    State=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current state of button.         ")
    Style=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Button style.         ")

class FBLabel (FBVisualComponent):
    Text label.     
    See sample:     
    def FBLabel(self):


    Justify=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Text justification for label.         ")
    Style=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Text style appearance.         ")
    WordWrap=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable wordwrap on text drawing.         ")

class FBDevice (FBBox):
    Base Device class.     
    Cannot be instantiated from Python.See samples:,     
    def FBDevice(self,pName):

        pName : Name of device. 

    def AckOneBadSampleReceived(self):
        Acknowlege that one <b>bad</b> sample was received (for statistical purposes).


    def AckOneSampleReceived(self):
        Acknowlege that one sample was received (for statistical purposes).


    def AckOneSampleSent(self):
        Acknowlege that one sample was sent (for statistical purposes).


    def FBCreate(self):
        Open Reality Creation function.

        return : Outcome of creation (true/false). 

    def FBDestroy(self):
        Open Reality destruction function.


    def ModelBindingCreate(self):
        Create a new model binding.

        return : <b>The</b> model root that has been created or NULL is an error occured. 

    def ModelBindingRootsList(self,pList):
        Get the list of all the possible root models for binding.

        pList : List to add found models to. 

    def RecordingDoneAnimation(self,pAnimationNode):
        When recording, finish animation.

        pAnimationNode : Animation node to write information to. 

    def RecordingInitAnimation(self,pAnimationNode):
        When recording, initialize animation.

        pAnimationNode : Animation node to read information from. 

    CommType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Type of communications.         ")
    HardwareVersionInfo=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Device information: hardware version.         ")
    IconFilename=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Icon filename.         ")
    Information=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Device information: information.         ")
    ModelBindingRoot=property(doc="<b>Component:</b> Root of model currently binded model hierarchy.         ")
    ModelTemplate=property(doc="<b>Component:</b> Root of model template structure.         ")
    Online=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is online?         ")
    RecordingStartTime=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The time at which the recording started.         ")
    RecordingStopTime=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> The time at which the recording stopped.         ")
    SamplingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Mode to use to record device.         ")
    SamplingPeriod=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set this to how many times a device is to be evaluated in one second. There is no theoretical maximum value but practically you should consider scene complexity, system resources, network speed, etc. If set to 0: the device is evaluated on the sync signal. When the sync occurs; the device is scheduled to be evaluated. If you do not set, the sampling period is based on the internal variable from the [Sync] section of the .Application.txt file (NTSC, PAL, CINEMA).         ")
    Status=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Device information: status.         ")

class FBAssetFile (FBAssetItem):
    Class representing a file stored in a version control database.     
    def FBAssetFile(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Command. 

    def FBCreate(self):
        Open Reality Creation function.

        return : Outcome of creation (true/false). 

    def GetCheckedOutBy(self):
        Returns the name of the user who currently has this file checked out.

        return : The user name if the file is checked out, or an empty string if it is not. 

    def IsCheckedOut(self):
        Returns a boolean value indicating if this file is checked out by any user.

        return : A boolean value indicating if this node is checked out. 

    def IsCheckedOutByMe(self):
        Returns a boolean value indicating if this file is checked out by the current user.

        return : A boolean value indicating if this node is checked out by the current user. 


class FBBoxPlaceHolder (FBBox):
    Wrapper around a specific instance of a FBBox object.     
    This class is mainly used with a constraint relation to have multiple boxes that are a representation of the same underlying box. The underlying box will usually be a device. Instantiation of FBBoxPlaceHolder should be left to the the system.     
    def FBBoxPlaceHolder(self):


    Box=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Underlying box object.         ")

class FBPropertyAnimatableColorAndAlpha (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBDeformerPointCache (FBDeformer):
    Base Model deformer class.     
    def FBDeformerPointCache(self,pName):

        pName : Name of deformer. 

    Active=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Active.         ")
    ChannelCount=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Channel Count.         ")
    ChannelEnd=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Channel End.         ")
    ChannelFrameRate=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Channel FrameRate.         ")
    ChannelIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Channel Index.         ")
    ChannelName=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Channel Name.         ")
    ChannelPointCount=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Channel Point Count.         ")
    ChannelSampleRegular=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Channel Sample Regular.         ")
    ChannelStart=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Channel Start.         ")
    PointCacheFile=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Point Cache File Object.         ")

class FBFileReference (FBNamespace):
    Objects Containing class.     
    This class is an interface to manipulate object's containing in the scene.See sample:     
    def FBFileReference(self,pSingleLevelNamespace,pParentNSObj):
        Create a new direct children FileReference object

        pSingleLevelNamespace : FileReference name. This name will be used as namespace itself. this name string shouldn't contain namespace string separator ":". 
        pParentNSObj : the parent namespace object. if NULl means to create top level namespace. 

    def ApplyRefEditPyScriptFromFile(self,pRefEditPyScriptFilePath):
        Apply specified reference edits from python script file.

        pRefEditPyScriptFilePath : Reference edits Python script file path. 

    def ApplyRefEditPyScriptFromString(self,pRefEditPyScript):
        Apply specified reference edits from Python script string.

        pRefEditPyScript : Reference edits Python script. 

    def BakeRefEditToFile(self,pFilePath):
        Save the current status of the referenced content back to disk.
        If pFilePath is ReferenceFilePath, we're saving all the modification back to the original referenced file. Otherwise, we will export the referenced file plus modification to another file.

        pFilePath : File path to export. 
        return : true if successful. 

    def ClearAllRefEdit(self):
        Clear all cached Ref edit.

        return : <b>True</b> if the RefEdits are cleared properly. 

    def ClearRefEdit(self,pFilePath):
        Clear the cached RefEdit for the given ref file path.

        pFilePath : The Ref File Path to query against, default to be current Ref File. 
        return : <b>True</b> if the RefEdit for the given Ref File Path is cached and cleared properly. 

    def DuplicateFileRef(self,pDstNameSpaceList,pWithRefEdit):
        Duplicate/Clone the FileRef object and its referenced content (with/without refEdit).

        pDstNameSpaceList : the list of target new namespace(s) for duplication. These new namespace(s) must be residing in editable scene segments. 
        pWithRefEdit : false by default, duplication won't include the existing ref edit. otherwise ref edit will be applied on the instantiated FileRef in someway. 
        return : true if successful, false is fail. 

    def GetRefEdit(self,pFilePath):
        Return the RefEdit for given RefFile Path.

        pFilePath : The Ref File Path to query against, default to be current Ref File. 
        return : RefEdit as string 

    def GetRefFileList(self,pRefFileList):
        Return a list of ref file path which has cached Ref Edit.

        pRefFileList : the output parameter to collect the Ref File Path. 

    def RevertRefEdit(self,pPlug,pModificationFlag):
        Revert the modification on the referenced object/property to original state.

        pPlug : the plug to revert, revert all if NULL. 
        pModificationFlag : the modification type to revert. 

    def SwapReferenceFilePath(self,pFilePath,pApplyAvailableRefEdit,pMergeCurrentRefEdit):
        Swap the Ref File Path and apply ref edit.

        pFilePath : The new Ref File path to be used 
        pApplyAvailableRefEdit : Apply the cached Ref Edit (if exist) for the Ref File to be used if <b>True</b>. 
        pMergeCurrentRefEdit : Merge the current RefEdit to if <b>True</b> if the reference items' name are matching. 
        return : <b>True</b> if swap successfully. 

    IsLoaded=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> File Reference Load/Unload.         ")
    ReferenceFilePath=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> File Reference file path.         ")

class FBPropertyAnimatableTime (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBTabPanel (FBVisualComponent):
    Tab panel.     
    See sample:     
    def FBTabPanel(self):


    ItemIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current tab panel.         ")
    Items=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Names for tab panels.         ")
    Layout=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Layout for current tab panel.         ")
    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Tab panel change.         ")
    TabStyle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Style of the tab panel, 0 creates normal tabs, 1 creates buttons to activate tabs.         ")

class FBLayoutRegion (FBVisualComponent):
    Layout region.     
    def FBLayoutRegion(self):



class FBFolderPopup (FBVisualComponent):
    Folder Popup (for selecting a directory).     
    See samples:,,,     
    def FBFolderPopup(self):


    def Execute(self):
        Execute folder popup.

        return : <b>true</b> if <b>OK</b> is clicked by user. 

    Caption=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Caption to put in popup window.         ")
    Path=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path of folder selected.         ")

class FBPropertyAnimatableInt (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyAnimatableVector3d (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBVisualContainer (FBVisualComponent):
    Used to create a container for a tool UI.     
    See samples:,,     
    def FBVisualContainer(self):


    def GetSelection(self):
        Get the selected item.

        return : Index of current selection. 

    def ItemIconSet(self,pRef,pImage,pUseACopyOfTheImage):
        Set an item's icon.

        pRef : Reference to item in container. 
        pImage : Handle to image to use. 
        pUseACopyOfTheImage : Create a copy of the image?(default=true) 
        return : Operation was successful (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>). 

    def ItemIconSet(self,pRef,pImage,pUseACopyOfTheImage):
        pRef : kReference
        pImage : Name of file where image is located. 
        pUseACopyOfTheImage : Create a copy of the image?(default=true) 
        return : Operation was successful (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>). 

    def ItemIconSet(self,pRef,pFilename):
        Set an item's icon.

        pRef : Reference to item in container. 
        pFilename : Name of file where image is located. 
        return : Operation was successful (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>). 

    def ItemNameEdit(self,pRef):
        Edit a container item.

        pRef : Reference of container to edit. 
        return : Operation was successful (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>). 

    IconPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Where the icon is positioned for the items.         ")
    ItemHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Item height.         ")
    ItemIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current item selected.         ")
    ItemWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Item width.         ")
    ItemWrap=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Are items wrapped when enough space is available?         ")
    Items=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Names of items in container.         ")
    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Container contents changed.         ")
    OnDblClick=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Double click.         ")
    OnDragAndDrop=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Drag and Drop event.         ")
    Orientation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Orientation of container.         ")

class FBCharacterExtension (FBKeyingGroup):
    Objects Grouping class.     
    This class is an interface to manipulate object's grouping in the scene.See sample:     
    def FBCharacterExtension(self,pName):

        pName : Group name. 

    def AddObjectProperties(self,pObj):
        Return the attached Character.

        pObj : FBComponent

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def GetCharacter(self):
        return the character extension determined by MirrorLabel


    def GetExtensionObjectWithLabelName(self,pLabelName):
        Find the label name that was used to store object pose.

        pLabelName : str

    def GetLabelNameWithExtensionObject(self,pLabelName,pObj,pReturnObjectNameIfNotFound):
        return true if the property is in character extension.

        pLabelName : str
        pObj : FBComponent
        pReturnObjectNameIfNotFound : bool

    def GetMirrorExtension(self):
        Reset object position to the stance.


    def GoToStancePose(self):
        Update the stance pose to the current position of the character extension element.


    def IsElementSelected(self):
        Remove TR Properties from Object.


    def IsPropertyIncluded(self,pProp):
        return true if one object in object dependency list is selected.

        pProp : FBProperty

    def RemoveObjectAndProperties(self,pObj):
        Add TR Properties from Object.

        pObj : FBComponent

    def UpdateStancePose(self):

    IncludePartInFullBody=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Include or not this extension when fullBody is active.         ")
    Label=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The logical name of the extension, use for mirroring.         ")
    MirrorLabel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enum that indicate which extension is used as mirror, 0 is none, 1 is self, 2-n represent the (ith - 2)character extension in the attached character excluding self.         ")
    PlotAllowed=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Controls if objects in the set are transformable.         ")
    ReferenceModel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Controls the referential of the extension.         ")

class FBView (FBVisualComponent):
    Generic view.     
    def FBView(self):


    def DrawString(self,pText,pX,pY,pEnable):
        Draw a string in the view.

        pText : Text to draw. 
        pX : X position of string. 
        pY : Y position of string. 
        pEnable : Is string enabled? (default =-1) 

    def IsView(self):
        Checks if object is a view.

        return : Is object a view? (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>) 

    def Refresh(self,pNow):
        Refresh view.

        pNow : If <b>true</b>, refresh immediately (default = <b>false</b>). 

    def SetViewport(self,pX,pY,pW,pH):
        Set view's viewport.

        pX : Viewport X value. 
        pY : Viewport Y value. 
        pW : Viewport W (width) value. 
        pH : Viewport H (height) value. 
        return : Operation was successful (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>). 

    DoubleBuffer=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Indicates if the view is double buffered.         ")
    GraphicOGL=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Indicates if the view is OpenGL.         ")

class FBPhysicalProperties (FBBox):
    Base class for physical properties attach to a model.     
    See sample:     
    def FBPhysicalProperties(self,pName):
        pName : str


class FBPropertyAnimatableVector4d (FBPropertyAnimatable):
    Data=property(doc="        ")

class FBPropertyConnectionEditor (FBVisualComponent):
    Property Connection Editor.     
    def FBPropertyConnectionEditor(self):


    def PopupList(self):
        Launch a list of connected objects.


    def PopupTree(self):
        Launch a tree of object connections.


    Property=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Property to edit connections. Set to NULL to disable.         ")

class FBTree (FBVisualComponent):
    Tree list view.     
    See sample:     
    def FBTree(self):


    def Clear(self):
        Clear the tree (remove all nodes).


    def GetRoot(self):
        Get the root node.

        return : the root node of the tree. 

    def InsertLast(self,pNode,pName):
        Insert node at the end.

        pNode : Node under which the new node will appear. 
        pName : Text to display for this node. 
        return : the newly created node. 

    AllowCollapse=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> When OnCollapsing occurs, set this to true to allow collapse.         ")
    AllowExpansion=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> When OnExpanding occurs, set this to true to allow expansion.         ")
    AutoExpandOnDblClick=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Allow automatic expand on double click, default is false.         ")
    AutoExpandOnDragOver=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Allow automatic expand on drag over, default is false.         ")
    AutoScroll=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If AutoScroll property is True then the tree window will be automatically scrolled when the user drags item(s) over the boundaries of the tree.         ")
    AutoScrollOnExpand=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Allow automatic scroll on expand, default is true.         ")
    CheckBoxes=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Draw check boxe for each node.         ")
    DeselectOnCollapse=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tells whether node are deselected if parent node is collapsed.         ")
    EditNodeOn2Select=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set to true, to allow automatic node editing on second select.         ")
    HighlightOnRightClick=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Hightlight node on right click.         ")
    Indent=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Use Indent to determine how far child nodes are indented from their parent nodes when the parent is expanded.         ")
    ItemHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Height of an item.         ")
    MultiDrag=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tells whether multiple drag/drop is allowed or not.         ")
    MultiSelect=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tells whether multiple selection is allowed or not.         ")
    NoSelectOnDrag=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tells whether node are selected if drag is start and node is not already selected.         ")
    NoSelectOnRightClick=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tells whether node are selected if right click on node.         ")
    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Change of the selection.         ")
    OnClick=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Click on a node of the tree. Use OnSelect.         ")
    OnClickCheck=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Click on a node checkbox of the tree.         ")
    OnCollapsed=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Click on the '-' sign before a non-leaf node.         ")
    OnCollapsing=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Fired before the node collapse. To refuse collapsing, set AllowCollapse to false.         ")
    OnDblClick=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Double-Click on a node of the tree. Use FBEventTreeSelect to cast event.         ")
    OnDragAndDrop=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Drag and drop of an element.         ")
    OnExpanded=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Click on the '+' sign before a non-leaf node         ")
    OnExpanding=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Is fired before the node expand. To refuse expanding set AllowExpansion to false.         ")
    OnSelect=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> A node was selected. Use FBEventTreeSelect to cast event.         ")
    SelectedCount=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Count of selected items.         ")
    SelectedNodes=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> List of selected nodes.         ")
    SelectionActive=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Tells whether selection is allowed or not.         ")
    ShowLines=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> On node selection, will draw entire line selected         ")
    TreeHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Height of the tree.         ")
    TreeWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Width of the tree.         ")
    VisibleItemCount=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Count of visible items.         ")

class FBArrowButton (FBVisualComponent):
    Creates a button which opens a layout to display content.     
    When pushed a layout to display content (another control or a layout) is opened. A small arrow to the left of the button title, shows whether the content is shown (points down) or not (points to the title).See samples:,     
    def FBArrowButton(self):


    def SetContent(self,pTitle,pContent,pContentWidth,pContentHeight):
        Sets the content to be hidden/shown by button.
        The FBArrowButton must already have been added to a layout before calling this method.

        pTitle : Title of the content managed by the FBArrowButton 
        pContent : Content that the FBArrowButton displays or hides 
        pContentWidth : Width of the content 
        pContentHeight : Height of the content 


class FBSpreadRow (FBSpreadPart):
    Spreadsheet row.     
    def FBSpreadRow(self,pParent,pRow):

        pParent : Parent spreadsheet. 
        pRow : User-defined reference to assign to row. 

    def EditCaption(self):
        Edit the row caption.
        This will initiate the UI edit of a row caption.

        return : Operation was successful (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>). 

    def Remove(self):
        Remove (destroy) row.


    Caption=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Caption to display with row.         ")
    Parent=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Parent of row (reference).         ")
    RowSelected=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is row selected?         ")

class FBScrollBox (FBVisualComponent):
    Scroll Box.     
    This class provides a layout that will be automatically managed with a scrollbar according to the specified width and height. This provides a way to add dynamic UI control.See sample:     
    def FBScrollBox(self):


    Content=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> an empty layout in which you can add scrollable content.         ")

class FBEditTimeCode (FBVisualComponent):
    def FBEditTimeCode(self):


    OnChange=property(doc="<b>Event:</b> Timecode changed.         ")
    Value=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current timecode value.         ")

class FBWebView (FBVisualComponent):
    Web viewer.     
    See sample:     
    def FBWebView(self):


    def Load(self,pURL):
        Load the specified Url.

        pURL : url to load in the WebView. 


class FBProgress (FBVisualComponent):
    Progress bar. b>Property: Base property class.     
    See samples:,, A property is a holder for function callbacks into the internalsof the application.You cannot instantiate FBProperty objects. To reference a property: Use an instance of an FBComponent object. The methods FBComponent::PropertyCreate and FBComponent::PropertyRemove can be used to modify an object's set of properties. When accessing a FBProperty object via its containing object, you can get or set (assuming it is not read-only) its value directly, for example in Python: myObject.Visibility = True. FBPropertyManager exists in all FBComponent objects, and contains an array of all the registered properties. Use FBProperty::Find to find a property by name. When accessing a property reference directly, its value is obtained via its 'Data' member. 
myProp = myObject.PropertyList.Find( 'Visibility' )
if myProp: myProp.Data = True

To see how to create a custom property in Python, see samples:,     
    def FBProgress(self):


    def ProgressBegin(self):
        Start progress, must be called before set Text & Percent property.


    def ProgressDone(self):
        End progress, must be called to reset progress bar UI to normal status after finishing the task.


    def UserRequestCancell(self):
        Return true if User is pressing and holding 'ESC' key to request the cancellation.
        Must be called in between ProgressBegin()/ProgressDone().


    Caption=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Caption to be displayed for progress bar.         ")
    Percent=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Percent completed for the operation. Must be used called in between ProgressBegin()/ProgressDone()         ")
    Text=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Text to display on progress bar. Must be used in between ProgressBegin()/ProgressDone()         ")

class FBCharacterSolver (FBConstraint):
    Constraint class.     
    def FBCharacterSolver(self,pName):

        pName : Name of constraint. 

    def GetParentRotationOffset(self,pR,pIndex):
        Get the Parent Rotation Offset of the Given Extra Bone Index.
        The rotation Offset if extracted at Characterisation (in Stance Pose). You don't need this value if the parent of the bone is characterized too.

        pR : Offset Rotation between the Bone and is parent at Stance Pose. 
        pIndex : Index of extra Bone to get. 

    def SetParentRotationOffset(self,pR,pIndex):
        Set the Parent Rotation Offset of the Given Extra Bone Index.
        The rotation Offset if extracted at Characterisation (in Stance Pose). You don't need this value if the parent of the bone is characterized too.

        pR : Offset Rotation between the Bone and is parent at Stance Pose. 
        pIndex : Index of extra Bone to get. 

    ExtraFK=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> List of Extra FK in character         ")
    ExtraBones=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> List of Extra Bones in character         ")
    Source=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Source character when doing a character retarget.         ")

class FBShaderShadowLive (FBShader):
    Shader Shadow Live class.     
    Use the Live Shadow shader to apply real-time shadows to models. You canspecify shadow intensity as well as the lights and objects that cast shadowsin a scene.There are two methods to create a FBShaderShadowLive object: using the FBShaderManager, or simply by instantiating a class object explicitely.Please consult the application documentation for more infos on shader properties and their effects.This class should not serve as a base class for another class. Sample C++ code: 
// Create a shadow shader.
FBShaderShadowLive* lShader = new FBShaderShadowLive( 'New Shader' );

// Add a cube in its list of affected objects.
FBModel* lModel = FBFindModelByLabelName( 'Cube' )
if( lModel )
lShaderShadowLive.Add( lCube );

Sample Python code: 
from pyfbsdk import *

# Create shader.
lShader = FBShaderShadowLive( 'New Python Shader' )

# Find a cube to put in our list of affected objects.
lModel = FBFindModelByLabelName( 'Cube' )
if lModel:
lShader.ShadowCasterProperty.append( lModel )

    def FBShaderShadowLive(self,pName):

        pName : Name of shader. 

    Lights=property(doc="<b>List:</b> List of light object which will produce shadows.         ")
    LocalShadow=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Creates an accurate projection of a shadow for each object.         ")
    Models=property(doc="<b>List:</b> List of object which when lighted will cast a shadow.         ")
    ShadowFrameType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to select the shadow calculation method.         ")
    ShadowIntensity=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Controls the darkness of shadows cast by a selected object.         ")
    ShadowType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate which shadow type is desired.         ")
    ShadowZOffset=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies the offset of the Live Shadow shader's plane from the original selected plane.         ")
    UseGobo=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Includes the gobo in the shadow map calculation.         ")

class FBActor (FBConstraint):
    FBActor is used to link motion data to a character.     
    In MotionBuilder, an actor is a model used to link captured motion data to a character. Use functions in FBActor to set the body color, skeleton color, pivot color, marker size, pivot size, pivot information, etc. on an actor.<b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>To obtain the list of actors present in a scene, you need to create an instance of class FBSystem, to obtain the current scene. The FBScene object holds the list of actors in the property Actors. 
FBSystem lSystem;
FBScene* lScene = lSystem.Scene;
for( int lIdx = 0; lIdx < lScene->Actors.GetCount(); ++lIdx )
    FBTrace( 'Actor[%d]: '%s'
', lIdx, (char*)lScene->Actors[lIdx] );

The current actor selected in the Character tool can be obtained via the FBApplication object. 
FBApplication lApplication;
FBActor* lActor = lApplication.CurrentActor;
if( lActor )
    FBTrace( 'Current actor is: '%s'
', (char*)lActor->Name );
    FBTrace( 'No actor currently selected
' );

    def FBActor(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new actor. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Actual Actor destructor.


    def GetCurrentSkeletonState(self,pResetOrientation):
        Return the Current Skeleton State.

        pResetOrientation : When set to true, all rotations in the state will be reset to characterization values. 
        return : Current Skeleton State 

    def GetDefaultSkeletonState(self):
        Return the Default Skeleton State.

        return : Default Skeleton State 

    def GetDefinitionScaleVector(self,pSkeletonId,pScaleVector):
        Get Actor Scaling Definition.

        pSkeletonId : Skeleton Node Id 
        pScaleVector : Actor Scaling Definition for the given ID 

    def SetActorTranslation(self,pTranslationVector):
        Translate Actor, similar to moving the hips of the Actor in the UI.

        pTranslationVector : Will move the entire Actor to pTranslationVector coordinate 

    def SetDefinitionRotationVector(self,pSkeletonId,pRotationVector,pSymmetricUpdate):
        Set Actor Rotation Definition.

        pSkeletonId : Skeleton Node Id 
        pRotationVector : Actor Rotation value for the given ID 
        pSymmetricUpdate : Update right and left part at the same time 

    def SetDefinitionScaleVector(self,pSkeletonId,pScaleVector,pSymmetricUpdate):
        Set Actor Scaling Definition.

        pSkeletonId : Skeleton Node Id 
        pScaleVector : Actor Scaling value for the given ID 
        pSymmetricUpdate : Update right and left part at the same time 

    def Snap(self,pRecalcOffset):
        Snap the marker set of the actor.

        pRecalcOffset : FBRecalcMarkerSetOffset
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def UpdateValues(self,pEvalInfo):
        Update Internal Values to be corresponding to the Given Evaluate Information.

        pEvalInfo : Evaluate Info of the Values 

    BodyColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The color of the body of the actor.         ")
    ChestPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    FKFingerMultiplier=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to augment the amount of FK propagation for unmarkered intermediate finger phalanges.         ")
    FKFingerTipMultiplier=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to augment the amount of FK propagation for unmarkered finger tip phalanges.         ")
    FKThumbTipMultiplier=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to augment the amount of FK propagation for unmarkered thumb tip phalanges.         ")
    HeadPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    HipsPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    HumanFingerLimits=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enables/Disables human finger limits during actor solve.         ")
    LeftAnklePosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    LeftCollarPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    LeftElbowPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    LeftFootPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    LeftHandIndexIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandIndexMiddle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandIndexPinky=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandIndexRing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandMiddleIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandMiddleMiddle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandMiddlePinky=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandMiddleRing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandPinkyIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandPinkyMiddle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandPinkyPinky=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandPinkyRing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandRingIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandRingMiddle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandRingPinky=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHandRingRing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    LeftHipPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    LeftKneePosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    LeftShoulderPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    LeftWristPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    MarkerSet=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Associated marker set.         ")
    MarkerSetSize=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The size of the markers of the actor.         ")
    NeckPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    OutputMarkerSet=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Associated output marker set.         ")
    PivotColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The color of the pivot points of the actor.         ")
    PivotSize=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The size of the pivot points of the actor.         ")
    RightAnklePosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    RightCollarPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    RightElbowPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    RightFootPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    RightHandIndexIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandIndexMiddle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandIndexPinky=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandIndexRing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandMiddleIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandMiddleMiddle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandMiddlePinky=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandMiddleRing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandPinkyIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandPinkyMiddle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandPinkyPinky=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandPinkyRing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandRingIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandRingMiddle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandRingPinky=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHandRingRing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Used to set blending coefficients. Each of the 4 fingers can be a blend of the 4 finger. This is not available for thumbs.         ")
    RightHipPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    RightKneePosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    RightShoulderPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    RightWristPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")
    SkeletonColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The color of the skeleton of the actor.         ")
    Visibility=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show or Hide the Actor Body.         ")
    WaistPosition=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Body part pivot of the actor.         ")

class FBVideoOut (FBVideo):
    Video media class.     
    See sample:     
    def FBVideoOut(self):


    Online=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the device is online and will output display.         ")

class FBModelCube (FBModel):
    Cube model class.     
    See samples:,     
    def FBModelCube(self,pName):

        pName : Name of cube. 


class FBVideoClip (FBVideo):
    See sample:     
    def FBVideoClip(self,pName):

        pName : Name of video media. 

    def DrawImage(self,pX,pY,pW,pH,pFrame):
        Draw a frame of the image to the current view.

        pX : X position of image (default=0). 
        pY : Y position of image (default=0). 
        pW : Width of image (default=-1). 
        pH : Height of image (default=-1). 
        pFrame : Frame to draw (default=-1). 

    def FBDelete(self):

    def GetTextureID(self):
        Get the texture ID.

        return : ID of the texture 

    def IsValid(self):
        Verifies the validity of the FBVideo object.

        return : <b>true</b> if data is valid. 

    CurrentFrame=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current frame.         ")
    CurrentFrameTime=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Current time in clip.         ")
    Filename=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Filename of media.         ")
    Format=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Video format.         ")
    FrameRate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Frame rate.         ")
    FrameTime=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Inverse of FPS, time per frame         ")
    FreeRunning=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is free Running on?         ")
    Height=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Height of image.         ")
    InterlaceMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Interlace mode.         ")
    LastFrame=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Last frame in clip.         ")
    LastFrameTime=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Time of last frame         ")
    Loop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Loop video clip?         ")
    PlaySpeed=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Playback speed.         ")
    PowerOfTwoHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Closest power of two value superior to height of image.         ")
    PowerOfTwoWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Closest power of two value superior to width of image.         ")
    ProxyMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Proxy mode.         ")
    RelativePath=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Relative path of media.         ")
    StartFrame=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Frame to begin video playback from.         ")
    StopFrame=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Frame to end video playback at.         ")
    StorageMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Storage mode.         ")
    TimeOffset=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Temporal offset for beginning of video.         ")
    Width=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Width of image.         ")

class FBModelSkeleton (FBModel):
    Root object class.     
    def FBModelSkeleton(self,pName):

        pName : Name of skeleton. 

    def GetSkinModelList(self,pSkinModelList):
        Return the list of skin model associated with this Skeleton(Bone), which could be the deformable skins connected via cluster, or non deformable skins which are parented directly under this bone.

        pSkinModelList : List to be appended with skin models (with no duplicated items). 

    Color=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Color of skeleton node.         ")
    Size=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Size (not related to scaling).         ")

class FBModelPlaceHolder (FBBoxPlaceHolder):
    Wrapper around a specific instance of a FBModel object.     
    This class is mainly used with a constraint relation to have multiple boxes that are a representation of the same underlying model. Instantiation of FBModelPlaceHolder should be left to the the system.     
    def FBModelPlaceHolder(self):


    Model=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Underlying model object.         ")
    UseGlobalTransforms=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicate if the translations are expressed in local or global mode.         ")

class FBModelPlane (FBModel):
    Plane model class.     
    def FBModelPlane(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Plane. 


class FBCameraSwitcher (FBModel):
    Camera switcher.     
    This class is a wrapper around the system's camera switcher object. There can only be one switcher in a given scene. Any attempts at creating a new instance will return the existing one.See sample:     
    def FBCameraSwitcher(self):


    CurrentCamera=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Camera currently being used by the switcher. Set to NULL to turn on evalute switch, otherwise manual switch.         ")
    CurrentCameraIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Camera index currently being used by the switcher. Set to -1 to turn on evaluate switch.         ")

class FBStoryTrack (FBConstraint):
    Story Track class.     
    Tracks are containers for clips (medias), have a specific type which offer different functions.See samples:,,,,,,,,     
    def FBStoryTrack(self,pTrackType,pFolder):

        pTrackType : Type of the track to be created. 
        pFolder : If NULL, parent will be the global root folder. 

    def FBStoryTrack(self,pSource,pFolder):

        pSource : Source of the track to be created based on media component type. 
        pFolder : If NULL, parent will be the global root folder. 

    def AddClip(self,pClip,pTime):
        AddClip Add the clip to the track.

        pClip : FBComponent
        pTime : FBTime

    def ChangeDetailsBegin(self):
        You must call this function before adding/removing any object to the Details list or it won't work.


    def ChangeDetailsEnd(self):
        You must call this function after adding/removing any object to the Details list or it won't work.


    def CopyTakeIntoTrack(self,pTimeSpan,pTake,pOutputOffset,pMakeUndoable):
        CopyTakeIntoTrack Copy animation from the specified take for affected objects of the track.

        pTimeSpan : Time span for the clip to create. 
        pTake : Take to get the animation from. 
        pOutputOffset : Time offset for the clip if necessary. 
        pMakeUndoable : If the operation should be undoable. 
        return : Created story clip if the operation succeeded otherwize NULL. 

    def EnableBodyPart(self,pPart,pEnable):

        pPart : Which part to enable/disable. 
        pEnable : If True, this will enable the body part solving while false will disable it. Enable a specific body part for character solving. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Virtual FBDelete function.


    def IsBodyPartEnabled(self,pPart):
        Is a specific body part is enabled.

        pPart : FBStoryTrackBodyPart

    def Load(self,pLoad):
        Allow to load/unload all story clips under this track.

        pLoad : bool

    AcceptKey=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Allow track to accept keys         ")
    AudioOutIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Audio Output's index to use.         ")
    Character=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Character to use.         ")
    CharacterIndex=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Character's index to use.         ")
    ClipNameConvention=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Naming convention for each new recording clip that is created. Can use special tags: <Name> <StartTCValue> <StartFrameValue> <StartDate> <StartTime> <TakeName>         ")
    Clips=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Clips contained in this track.         ")
    Details=property(doc="<b>List:</b> All objects associated to this track for processing.         ")
    Ghost=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show ghosts         ")
    GhostModel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show ghost of models         ")
    GhostPivot=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show ghost of match object         ")
    GhostTravelling=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show ghost of clip vector or traveling node         ")
    Label=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Label to display for this story track.         ")
    Mute=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, this track wont' play.         ")
    OffsetEnable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> When enabled, allow clip to be offset         ")
    ParentFolder=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Parent folder.         ")
    ParentTrack=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Parent track, if the track is of Character or Animation type.         ")
    PassThrough=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable passthrough of animation if there is no clip on track animation is taken from other tracks of take         ")
    RecordClipPath=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path for story recording. Can be relative or full path.         ")
    RecordTrack=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path for story recording. Can be relative or full path.         ")
    ReferenceMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Track composition mode, kFBStoryTrackOverride or kFBStoryTrackAdditive         ")
    ShowBackplate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the backplate will be shown.         ")
    ShowFrontplate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the frontplate will be shown.         ")
    Solo=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, this track will be the only one to play.         ")
    SubTracks=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Only Character and Animation tracks can have sub-tracks.         ")
    TrackVideo=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> This FBVideo can be used as a texture.         ")
    Type=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Type of the track         ")
    Weight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Control the blend amount.         ")

class FBPatch (FBSurface):
    Patch class.     
    def FBPatch(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Patch. 

    def ControlPointsBegin(self):
        Begin control points edition.


    def ControlPointsEnd(self):
        End control points edition.


    def SurfaceBegin(self):
        Begin Patch definition.


    def SurfaceEditBegin(self):
        Begin patch surface edit.


    def SurfaceEditEnd(self):
        End patch surface edit.


    def SurfaceEnd(self):
        End Patch definition.


    USurfaceType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Patch mode for U direction.         ")
    VSurfaceType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Patch mode for V direction.         ")

class FBLight (FBModel):
    Light class.     
    def FBLight(self,pName):

        pName : Name of light. 

    AreaLightShape=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Area light shape.         ")
    AttenuationType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Type of attenuation for the light.         ")
    BottomBarnDoor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Angle of bottom barn door.         ")
    CastLightOnObject=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Cast light on object?         ")
    CastShadows=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Cast shadows on object?         ")
    ConeAngle=property(doc="<b> DEPRECATED </b> Equivalent to OuterAngle.         ")
    DiffuseColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Color: Diffuse color.         ")
    DrawFrontFacingVolumetric=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Draw front facing volumetric light?         ")
    DrawGroundProjection=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Draw ground projection of gobo?         ")
    DrawVolumetricLight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Draw volumetric light with gobo?         ")
    EnableBarnDoor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Whether or not enable barn door.         ")
    FogIntensity=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Intensity of the fog (spot light).         ")
    GoboMedia=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Media to use as a Gobo with the light.         ")
    InnerAngle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Inner Cone angle for light.         ")
    Intensity=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Light intensity.         ")
    LeftBarnDoor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Angle of left barn door.         ")
    LightType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Type of light.         ")
    OuterAngle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Outer Cone angle for light.         ")
    RightBarnDoor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Angle of right barn door.         ")
    TopBarnDoor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Angle of top barn door.         ")

class FBDeviceOptical (FBDevice):
    Optical device class.     
    def FBDeviceOptical(self,pName):

        pName : Unique name of optical device. 

    def DeviceOperation(self,pOperation):
        Operate device.
        This is an operation such as Init, Start, Done, Reset, etc.

        pOperation : Operation to have device perform. 
        return : Current state : <b true if online. 

    def DeviceOpticalBeginSetup(self):
        Begin device setup.


    def DeviceOpticalEndSetup(self):
        End device setup.


    def DeviceOpticalRecordFrame(self,pTime,pDeviceNotifyInfo):
        Record a frame of information from device.
        Virtual function that derived class may overide

        pTime : Time of evaluation. 
        pDeviceNotifyInfo : Notification information when thread was called. 

    def FBCreate(self):
        Open Reality Creation function.

        return : Outcome of creation (true/false). 

    def FBDestroy(self):
        Open Reality destruction function.


    def RecordingDoneAnimation(self,pAnimationNode):
        When recording, finish animation.

        pAnimationNode : Animation node to write information to. 

    def RecordingInitAnimation(self,pAnimationNode):
        When recording, initialize animation.

        pAnimationNode : Animation node to read information from. 

    AutoAntialiasing=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Is it auto-antialiasing?         ")
    DampingTime=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Damping time for device.         ")
    ForceOpticalSamplingRate=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Force the use of the optical sampling rate?         ")
    MarkerTimeStamp=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> TimeStamp for marker.         ")
    Markers=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Markers.         ")
    ModelOptical=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Optical model for manipulation.         ")
    OpticalSamplingRate=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Resampling rate for optical device.         ")
    SkipFrame=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Skip Record Frame         ")
    SupportOcclusion=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Does the device support occulsion?         ")
    UseMarkerTimeStamp=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Use the individual marker timestamps?         ")

class FBVideoMemory (FBVideo):
    FBVideoMemory allow external media source (which can't be supported by MoBu natively) User could create / update OGL texture (GL_TEXTURE_2D type) externally, and pass in GL texture object id to TextureOGLId property.See 'Scripts/Samples/Video/' for usage example.     
    See sample:     
    def FBVideoMemory(self,pName):

        pName : Name of video media. 

    def SetObjectImageSize(self,pW,pH):
        Set image size to allow MoBu preview texture with proper dimension / aspect.

        pW : Width of image. 
        pH : Height of image. 

    TextureOGLId=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> OpenGL texture buffer object id (GL_TEXTURE_2D type).         ")

class FBModelNull (FBModel):
    Null object class.     
    def FBModelNull(self,pName):

        pName : Name of null. 

    Size=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Size (not related to scaling).         ")

class FBPopup (FBLayout):
    Popup window.     
    This class lets a window (inheriting from FBLayout) be created for another interface.See sample:     
    def FBPopup(self):


    def Close(self,pOk):
        Close popup.

        pOk : Equivalent of <b>OK</b> button clicked if <b>true</b> (default = <b>false</b>). 

    def Show(self,pParent):
        Show popup.

        pParent : Parent object for popup 
        return : Operation was successful (<b>true</b> or <b>false</b>). 

    Caption=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Caption to display in popup.         ")
    Modal=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Modal?         ")

class FBCharacterFace (FBConstraint):
    Animates a character face using an actor as input.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b>     
    def FBCharacterFace(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new character. 

    def ClusterGroupAdd(self,pList,pName):
        Add a cluster group to the character face.

        pList : List of clusters to add to this group. 
        pName : Optional name to assign to this cluster group. 
        return : <b>Index</b> of the new cluster group <b>-1</b> if the operation failed to complete. 

    def ClusterGroupFindByName(self,pName):
        Find a cluster group by name.

        pName : Name to search for on the face. 
        return : <b>Index</b> of the matching cluster group. <b>-1</b> if not found. 

    def ClusterGroupGetCount(self):
        Retrieve the total number of cluster groups.

        return : Number of cluster groups on the face. 

    def ClusterGroupGetName(self,pClusterGrpId):
        Retrieve the name of a cluster group.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to query. 
        return : Name of the specified cluster group. 

    def ClusterGroupRemove(self,pClusterGrpId):
        Remove a cluster group from the character face.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to remove. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ClusterGroupSetName(self,pClusterGrpId,pName):
        Set the name of a cluster group.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to modify. 
        pName : New name for the cluster group. 
        return : True of the operation completed successfully. 

    def ClusterGroupSnapRest(self,pClusterGrpId):
        Set a cluster group's rest pose to the current pose.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to modify. 
        return : True if the operation completed succesfully. 

    def ClusterShapeAdd(self,pClusterGrpId,pName):
        Add a cluster shape to a cluster group.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to modify. 
        pName : Optional name to assign to the shape. 
        return : <b>Index</b> of the new shape. <b>-1</b> if the operation failed to complete. 

    def ClusterShapeFindByName(self,pClusterGrpId,pName):
        Find a cluster shape in a cluster group by name.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to search. 
        pName : Name to search for in the cluster group. 
        return : <b>Index</b> of the matching shape. <b>-1</b> if not found. 

    def ClusterShapeGetCount(self,pClusterGrpId):
        Retrieve the total number of shapes in a cluster group.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to query. 
        return : Number of shapes in the specified cluster group. 

    def ClusterShapeGetName(self,pClusterGrpId,pClusterShapeId):
        Retrieve the name of a shape in a cluster group.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to query. 
        pClusterShapeId : Index of the cluster shape to query. 
        return : Name of the specified shape. 

    def ClusterShapeRemove(self,pClusterGrpId,pClusterShapeId):
        Remove a cluster shape from a cluster group.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to modify. 
        pClusterShapeId : Index of the shape in the cluster group to remove. 
        return : True of the operation completed succesfully. 

    def ClusterShapeSetName(self,pClusterGrpId,pClusterShapeId,pName):
        Set the name of a shape in a cluster group.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to modify. 
        pClusterShapeId : Index of the cluster shape to modify. 
        pName : Name to assign to the cluster shape. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ClusterShapeSnap(self,pClusterGrpId,pClusterShapeId):
        Record the current pose of the cluster group to a cluster shape.

        pClusterGrpId : Index of the cluster group to record. 
        pClusterShapeId : Index of the cluster shape to record the pose. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ExpressionAdd(self,pName):
        Add an expression to the face.

        pName : Optional name to assign to the new expression. 
        return : <b>Index</b> of the new expression. <b>-1</b> if the operation failed to complete. 

    def ExpressionFindByName(self,pName):
        Find an expression on the face by name.

        pName : Name of the expression to search for. 
        return : <b>Index</b> of the matching expression. <b>-1</b> if not found. 

    def ExpressionGetCount(self):
        Retrieve the total number of expressions on the face.

        return : Number of expressions on the face. 

    def ExpressionGetName(self,pExpressionId):
        Retrieve the name of an expression.

        pExpressionId : Index of the expression to query. 
        return : Name of the specified expression. 

    def ExpressionRemove(self,pExpressionId):
        Remove an expression from the face.

        pExpressionId : Index of the expression to remove. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ExpressionSetName(self,pExpressionId,pName):
        Set the name of an expression.

        pExpressionId : Index of the expression to modify. 
        pName : Name to assign to the expression. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ExpressionSetShapeWeight(self,pExpressionId,pGrpId,pShapeId,pValue):
        Assign the weight of a shape to an expression.

        pExpressionId : Index of the expression to modify. 
        pGrpId : Index of the blendshape or cluster group containing the shape of interest. 
        pShapeId : Index of the blendshape or cluster shape to weight. 
        pValue : Weight of the shape to assign to this expression. Valid range of [0.0, 1.0]. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Actual Character Face destructor.


    def GotoRest(self):
        Set the character face back to its rest shape.


    def PlotAnimation(self):
        Plot the animation of the character face.

        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ShapeFindByName(self,pShapeGrpId,pName):
        Find a shape in a blendshape group by name.

        pShapeGrpId : Index of the blendshape group to search. 
        pName : Name to search for. 
        return : <b>Index</b> of the shape, <b>-1</b> if not found. 

    def ShapeGetCount(self,pShapeGrpId):
        Retrieve the total number of shapes in a blendshape group.

        pShapeGrpId : Index of the blendshape group to query. 
        return : Number of shapes in the specified blendshape group. 

    def ShapeGetName(self,pShapeGrpId,pShapeId):
        Retrieve the name of the shape in a blendshape group.

        pShapeGrpId : Index of the blendshape group to query. 
        pShapeId : Index of the shape in the blendshape group to query. 
        return : Name of the specified shape. 

    def ShapeGroupAdd(self,pList,pName):
        Add a blendshape model group containing models.

        pList : List of models to be associated with this blendshape group. 
        pName : Optional name for this model group. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ShapeGroupFindByName(self,pName):
        Find a blendshape group by name.

        pName : Name to search for. 
        return : <b>Index</b> of the blendshape group, <b>-1</b> if not found. 

    def ShapeGroupGetCount(self):
        Retrieve the total number of blendshape groups on this character face.

        return : Number of blendshape groups on this character face. 

    def ShapeGroupGetName(self,pShapeGrpId):
        Retrieve the name of a blendshape group.

        pShapeGrpId : Index of the blendshape group to query. 
        return : Name of the blendshape group. 

    def ShapeGroupRemove(self,pShapeGrpId):
        Remove a blendshape model group.

        pShapeGrpId : Index of the blendshape group to remove. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ShapeGroupSetName(self,pShapeGrpId,pName):
        Set the name of a blendshape group.

        pShapeGrpId : Index of the blendshape group to modify. 
        pName : Name to set on the blendshape group. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ShapeSetName(self,pShapeGrpId,pShapeId,pName):
        Set the name of the shape in a blendshape group.

        pShapeGrpId : Index of the blendshape group to query. 
        pShapeId : Index of the shape in the blendshape group to set. 
        pName : Name to set on the shape. 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    ActiveInput=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is the character input active?         ")
    InputActorFace=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The index of the actor used for the input.         ")

class FBShaderLighted (FBShader):
    Lighted shader class.     
    This type of shader is the default type used by the application. It allowsusers to control luminosity, contrast and specularity as well as howthe transparency is computed, should it be used.There are two methods to create a FBShaderLighted object: using the FBShaderManager, or simply by instantiating a class object explicitely.Please consult the application documentation for more infos on shader properties and their effects.This class should not serve as a base class for another class. Sample C++ code: 
// Creation of a lighted shader, and setting it to use
// the constrast and specularity.
FBShaderLighted* lShader = new FBShaderLighted( 'New Shader' );

lShader->UseContrast  = true;
lShader->UseSpecular  = true;
lShader->Specular     = 35.0;
lShader->Transparency = kFBAlphaSourceTransluscentAlpha;

// Use the shader.
FBModel* lModel = FBFindModelByLabelName( 'Cube' );
if( lModel )
lShader->ReplaceAll( lModel );

// Do some more things...

// And then delete it when no longer necessary;

The following sample code does the same task, but in Python.Sample Python code: 
from pyfbsdk import *

# Creating the shader.
lShader = FBShaderLighted( 'New Python Shader' )
lShader.UseContrast  = True
lShader.UseSpecular  = True
lShader.Specular     = 35.0
lShader.Transparency = FBAlphaSource.kFBAlphaSourceTransluscentAlpha

# User the shader
lModel = FBFindModelByLabelName( 'Cube' )
if lModel <> None:
    lModel.Show = True
    lShader.ReplaceAll( lModel )

    def FBShaderLighted(self,pName):

        pName : Name of shader. 

    Alpha=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Controls the actual effect of the shader on the object. At 0.0 it does nothing, and at 1.0 it fully affects the object.         ")
    Contrast=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Changes the contrast of the object when it reflects light.         ")
    Luminosity=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Changes the brightness of the object when reflecting light.         ")
    Specular=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Changes an object's level of shininess when it reflects light by affecting the specular highlight.         ")
    Transparency=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Indicates the computation method of the transparency.         ")
    UseContrast=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Activate the Contrast option.         ")
    UseLuminosity=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Activate the Luminosity option.         ")
    UseSpecular=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Activate the Specularity option.         ")

class FBHUDTextElement (FBHUDElement):
    Heads Up display.     
    Text element. Render text with a background rectangle to the HUD.See samples:,,     
    def FBHUDTextElement(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new HUD text element. 

    def GetFontList(self):
        Returns a list of supported fonts.


    AdjustWidthToFitText=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If On it it will adjust the width of a text element so that a text character's aspect ratio does not change as the content grows or shrinks.         ")
    BackgroundColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Background text color.         ")
    Color=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Text color.         ")
    Content=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> C like format to display like in printf.         ")
    Font=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies the font.         ")
    ForceTimeCodeDisplay=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies if the display of time-related reference property will be in timecode format.         ")

class FBMemo (FBEdit):
    Multi-line text input.     
    See samples:,,     
    def FBMemo(self):


    def GetStrings(self,pLines):
        Get the content of the memo.

        pLines : Content of the memo will be copied to it. 

    def SetStrings(self,pLines):
        Set the content of the memo.

        pLines : Content of the memo from will be set to it. 


class FBHUDTextureElement (FBHUDElement):
    Heads Up display.     
    Texture HUD element. Display a texture on a rectangle on the HUD.See sample:     
    def FBHUDTextureElement(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new HUD texture element. 

    Texture=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Texture to display.         ")

class FBTool (FBLayout):
    Tool class.     
    See samples:,,,,     
    def FBTool(self,pName):

        pName : Name of tool. 

    def FBTool(self,pName,pRegisterTool):
        Constructor used when creating tools not in the Tools menu of Motion Builder.

        pName : Name of tool, must be an unique name. 
        pRegisterTool : Tells if we should register the tool on the toolmanager. You can later call Showtool to pop it. 

    def GetPossibleDockPosition(self):
        Get the possible docking position for the tool (concatenated).

        return : Get all the docking flags in one call. Flags can be concatenated. 

    def SetPossibleDockPosition(self,pFlags):
        Set the possible docking position for the tool.
        Be sure to call this function once the tool is visible, a good place to call it is when the OnShow event of the layout is called.

        pFlags : Set the docking position flag values. Note: this function overwrites all flags with those passed in parameter. 

    StartSizeX=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Starting Size. This is the initial size in X when the tool is opened. Default = 800         ")
    StartSizeY=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Starting Size. This is the initial size in Y when the tool is opened. Default = 400         ")
    MaxSizeX=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Maximum Size in X (Disabled in this version). A value of -1 means no maximum size.         ")
    MaxSizeY=property(doc="Maximum Size in Y (Disabled in this version). A value of -1 means no maximum size.         ")
    MinSizeX=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Minimum Size in X. A value of -1 means no minimum value.         ")
    MinSizeY=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Minimum Size in Y. A value of -1 means no minimum value.         ")
    StartPosX=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Starting Position in X. This is the initial position when the tool is opened. Default = 450         ")
    StartPosY=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Starting Position in Y. This is the initial position when the tool is opened. Default = 450         ")
    ToolName=property(doc="<b>Read Property:</b> Tool Name         ")

class FBModelPath3D (FBModel):
    Path 3D model class.     
    def FBModelPath3D(self,pName):
Script Sample.
from pyfbsdk import *

path = FBModelPath3D('Test')
path.Show = True
der = path.Total_LocalPathEvaluateDerivative(1)
## Add keys at start and end
## Add keys within the path

        pName : Name of Path 3D. 

    def ConvertSegmentPercentToTotalPercent(self,pPercent):
        Converting one key type Segment (time) to Total (percent).

        pPercent : Double value (as time) 
        return : Double value which represents the corresponding percentage 

    def ConvertToSegmentPercentFactor(self):
        Get factor for multiplying the derivative of a key for segment mode.

        return : Returns the derivative multiplication factor 

    def ConvertToTotalPercentFactor(self):
        Get factor for multiplying the derivative of a key for total mode.

        return : Returns the time factor 

    def ConvertTotalPercentToSegmentPercent(self,pPercent):
        Converting one key type Total (percent) to Segment (time).

        pPercent : Double value (as percentage) 
        return : Double value which represents the corresponding time. 

    def GetSelectedPathKeyCount(self):
        Query the number of keys present in the selected path.

        return : Returns the number of keys in the selected path 

    def InsertNewEndKey(self):
        Insert a new key at the end of the path.

        return : Returns (N) where (N+1) is the new total number of keys, and since the new key becomes the Nth key (index starts from 0). If path is invalid, returns 0. 

    def InsertNewStartKey(self):
        Insert a new key at the start of the path.

        return : Returns 0 since the new key becomes the first key. If path is invalid, returns 0. 

    def PathKeyClear(self):
        Clear the path keys.


    def PathKeyEndAdd(self,pTLocal):
        Adds a new key to the end of the path (with time gap of 1 sec).
        The derivative value for the new key is copied from the left tangent of the last key.

        pTLocal : Vector value for the new added Key 
        return : Returns (N) where (N+1) is the new total number of keys, and since the new key becomes the Nth key (index starts from 0). If path is invalid, returns 0. 

    def PathKeyGet(self,pKeyIndex):
        Get path's key vector for at a particular key index.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        return : Return the vector containing the value of the path key. 

    def PathKeyGetCount(self):
        Query the number of keys present in the path.

        return : Number of keys present in the path 

    def PathKeyGetLeftTangent(self,pKeyIndex):
        Get the path key left tangent's vector value for designated index.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID at which left tangent value is required 
        return : Vector containing value of left tangent 

    def PathKeyGetLeftTangentLength(self,pKeyIndex):
        Query the length of the left tangent.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        return : Double value of the length of left tangent 

    def PathKeyGetRightTangent(self,pKeyIndex):
        Get the path key right tangent's vector value for designated index.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        return : Vector containing value of left tangent 

    def PathKeyGetRightTangentLength(self,pKeyIndex):
        Query the value of the right tangent.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        return : Double value of the length of right tangent 

    def PathKeyGetXYZDerivative(self,pKeyIndex):
        Get vector in XYZ coordinates for a path tangent.
        This works only if key interpolation type is CUBIC and tangent mode is User, Break or Auto.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        return : Vector with value for path's tangent XYZ derivatives 

    def PathKeyRemove(self,pKeyIndex):
        Remove key at a particular index.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID at which key is to be removed. 

    def PathKeyRemoveSelected(self):
        Remove the selected keys from the path.


    def PathKeySet(self,pKeyIndex,pTLocal,pUpdate):
        Set the local coordinate vector values for path at a particular key index.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        pTLocal : Vector to use to set values to Key 
        pUpdate : <b>true</b> if geometry update is required, <b>false</b> if not required (default=true) 

    def PathKeySetLeftRightTangent(self,pKeyIndex,pKeyTLocal,pLeftTangentTLocal,pRightTangentTLocal,pUpdate):
        Set path's vectors for key, left tangent and right tangent at a particular key index.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set key for left and right tangents 
        pKeyTLocal : Vector to use to set values to Key 
        pLeftTangentTLocal : Vector to use to set values to Key Left Tangent 
        pRightTangentTLocal : Vector to use to set values to Key Right Tangent 
        pUpdate : <b>true</b> if geometry update is required, <b>false</b> if not required (default=true) 

    def PathKeySetLeftTangent(self,pKeyIndex,pTLocal,pUpdate):
        Set path's key left tangent vector for designated index.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID at which left tangent is to be set 
        pTLocal : Vector to use to set values to Key 
        pUpdate : <b>true</b> if geometry update is required, <b>false</b> if not required (default=true) 

    def PathKeySetRightTangent(self,pKeyIndex,pTLocal,pUpdate):
        Set 3D path's key right tangent vector for designated index.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID at which right tangent is to be set 
        pTLocal : Vector to use to set values to Key 
        pUpdate : <b>true</b> if geometry update is required, <b>false</b> if not required (default=true) 

    def PathKeySetXDerivative(self,pKeyIndex,pDerivative,pUpdate):
        Set derivative in X coordinate for a path tangent.
        This works only if key interpolation type is CUBIC and tangent mode is User, Break or Auto.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        pDerivative : Value of the derivative to apply to tangent 
        pUpdate : <b>true</b> if geometry update is required, <b>false</b> if not required (default=true) 

    def PathKeySetXYZDerivative(self,pKeyIndex,pDerivative,pUpdate):
        Set derivative in XYZ coordinates for a path tangent.
        This works only if key interpolation type is CUBIC and tangent mode is User, Break or Auto.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        pDerivative : Value of the derivative to apply to tangent 
        pUpdate : <b>true</b> if geometry update is required, <b>false</b> if not required (default=true) 

    def PathKeySetYDerivative(self,pKeyIndex,pDerivative,pUpdate):
        Set derivative in Y coordinate for a path tangent.
        This works only if key interpolation type is CUBIC and tangent mode is User, Break or Auto.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        pDerivative : Value of the derivative to apply to tangent 
        pUpdate : <b>true</b> if geometry update is required, <b>false</b> if not required (default=true) 

    def PathKeySetZDerivative(self,pKeyIndex,pDerivative,pUpdate):
        Set derivative in Z coordinate for a path tangent.
        This works only if key interpolation type is CUBIC and tangent mode is User, Break or Auto.

        pKeyIndex : Key ID to set with 
        pDerivative : Value of the derivative to apply to tangent 
        pUpdate : <b>true</b> if geometry update is required, <b>false</b> if not required (default=true) 

    def PathKeyStartAdd(self,pTLocal):
        Adds a new key to the start of the path (with time gap of 1 sec).
        The derivative value for the new key is copied from the right tangent of the first key.

        pTLocal : Vector value for the new added Key 
        return : Returns 0 since the new key becomes the first key. If path is invalid, returns 0. 

    def Segment_GlobalPathEvaluate(self,pSegmentPercent):
        Get the path's vector at a particular point within the curve, in global coordinates.

        pSegmentPercent : Double value (as time) at which the path vector would be computed 
        return : Vector value at the required point in the path 

    def Segment_GlobalPathEvaluateDerivative(self,pSegmentPercent):
        Get the path's derivative at a particular point within the curve, in global coordinates.

        pSegmentPercent : Double value (as time) at which the path derivative would be computed 
        return : Vector value at the required point in the path 

    def Segment_IsPathKey(self,pSegmentPercent):
        Query whether a percentage value has a key associated at that point in the path.

        pSegmentPercent : Double value (as time) at which the path would be queried for existence of key 
        return : A valid key index in integer if key is present, otherwise -1 

    def Segment_LocalPathEvaluate(self,pSegmentPercent):
        Get the path's vector at a particular point within the curve, in local coordinates.

        pSegmentPercent : Double value (as time) at which the path vector would be computed 
        return : Vector value at the required point in the path 

    def Segment_LocalPathEvaluateDerivative(self,pSegmentPercent):
        Get the path's derivative at a particular point within the curve, in local coordinates.

        pSegmentPercent : Double value (as time) at which the path derivative would be computed 
        return : Vector value at the required point in the path 

    def Segment_PathKeyAdd(self,pSegmentPercent,pTLocal):
        Adds a new key either at the start, end or along the path as per specified.

        pSegmentPercent : Double value indicating where the key is to be added. If < 0, key added before start of the path, if > 0, key added at end of path, otherwise it is added somewhere along the path depending on value specified 
        pTLocal : Vector to use to set values to Key 
        return : Vector value at the required point in the path 

    def ShowCurveControls(self,pShow):
        Enable or disable displaying Curve Controls for the 3D model path.

        pShow : <b>true</b> if curve controls are to be displayed <b>false</b> if not required 

    def ShowCurvePoints(self,pShow):
        Enable or disable displaying Curve Points for the 3D model path.

        pShow : <b>true</b> if curve points are to be displayed <b>false</b> if not required 

    def Total_GlobalPathEvaluate(self,pTotalPercent):
        Get the path's vector at a particular point within the curve, in global coordinates.

        pTotalPercent : Double value (as percentage) at which the path vector would be computed 
        return : Vector value at the required point in the path 

    def Total_GlobalPathEvaluateDerivative(self,pTotalPercent):
        Get the path's derivative at a particular point within the curve, in global coordinates.

        pTotalPercent : Double value (as percentage) at which the path derivative would be computed 
        return : Derivative value at the required point in the path 

    def Total_IsPathKey(self,pTotalPercent):
        Query whether a percentage value has a key associated at that point in the path.

        pTotalPercent : Double value (as percentage) at which the path would be queried for existence of key 
        return : A valid key index in integer if key is present, otherwise -1 

    def Total_LocalPathEvaluate(self,pTotalPercent):
        Get the path's vector at a particular point within the curve, in local coordinates.

        pTotalPercent : Double value (as percentage) at which the path vector would be computed 
        return : Vector value at the required point in the path 

    def Total_LocalPathEvaluateDerivative(self,pTotalPercent):
        Get the path's derivative at a particular point within the curve, in local coordinates.

        pTotalPercent : Double value (as percentage) at which the path derivative would be computed 
        return : Derivative value at the required point in the path 

    def Total_PathKeyAdd(self,pTotalPercent,pTLocal):
        Adds a new key either at the start, end or along the path as per specified.

        pTotalPercent : Double value indicating where the key is to be added. If < 0, key added before start of the path, if > 0, key added at end of path, otherwise it is added somewhere along the path depending on value specified 
        pTLocal : Vector to use to set values to Key 
        return : Index as integer for the path key added 

    Color=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path display color in viewport.         ")
    PathEndCapScale=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path end cap display scale.         ")
    PathEndCapStyle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path end cap display style.         ")
    PathLength=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Path Length In Centimeter.         ")
    PathLengthInString=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Path Length Display String According To The Current Unit.         ")
    PathLengthShow=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path length label display or not.         ")
    PathLengthUnit=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path Length Unit.         ")
    TextBackground=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path Length label display background color.         ")
    TextScale=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path Length label display scale.         ")

class FBHUDRectElement (FBHUDElement):
    Heads Up display.     
    Rectangle HUD element.See sample:     
    def FBHUDRectElement(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new HUD rectangle element. 

    Color=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Color of the rectangluar region.         ")

class FBVideoIn (FBVideo):
    Basic video input class, supporting webcam and DV device.     
    See sample:     
    def FBVideoIn(self):


    def LiveGetCompressor(self):
        Get the current compressor index.

        return : Index of the current compressor. 

    def LiveGetCompressorCount(self):
        Get the compressor count.

        return : Number of available compressor. 

    def LiveGetCompressorName(self,pCompressorIndex):
        Get the compressor name at a particular index.

        pCompressorIndex : int
        return : Name of the compressor. If the pCompressorIndex is higher than the number of compressor, the function will return NULL. 

    def LiveGetResolutionFR(self):
        Get the current resolution and frame rate index.

        return : Index of the current resolution and frame rate. 

    def LiveGetResolutionFRCount(self):
        Get the number of resolution and frame rate available for the device.

        return : Number of available resolution and frame rate. 

    def LiveGetResolutionFRName(self,pIndex):
        Get the resolution and frame rate string description at the specified index.

        pIndex : Index of the resolution and frame rate. 
        return : Name of the resolution and frame rate. 

    def LiveGetType(self):
        Get the type of the video input device.

        return : Type of the video input device. 

    def LiveSetCompressor(self,pCompressorIndex):
        Set the current compressor to be used when recording.

        pCompressorIndex : Index of the compressor. 
        return : True if successful. 

    def LiveSetResolutionFR(self,pIndex):
        Set the current resolution and frame rate for the device.

        pIndex : Index of the resolution and frame rate. 

    FilePath=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Location of the generated movie file after a recording session.         ")
    Online=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the device is online and will display the current video feed.         ")
    RecordAudio=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the device will also record audio during a recording session.         ")
    Recording=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> If true, the device will record during a recording session.         ")

class FBLayeredTexture (FBTexture):
    LayeredTexture class.     
    This class is used to encapsulate list of textures. User could subclass this class to support customized blending & compostion modes. See /OpenRealitySDK/Samples/miscellaneous/texture_template/ for example.See sample:     
    def FBLayeredTexture(self,pName):

        pName : Name of texture media. Can be a NULL pointer. If set, this will create a FBVideo object used as the Video property. 

    def Clone(self):
        Clone the current texture.
        Duplicates the current texture.

        return : Newly created texture. 

    def FBDelete(self):
        Open Reality deletion function.


    def SetLayerConfigDirty(self):
        Set layer config dirty to trigger new composition.


    BackgroundColor=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Animatable Background color which is used to clear color buffer before composition.         ")
    Layers=property(doc="<b>Read/Write Property:</b> Textures Layers.         ")

class FBCharacter (FBConstraint):
    A character is the link between a motion source and a character model.     
    <b>These classes are under development and may change dramatically between versions.</b> This class exposes part of the functionality associated with a Character. A character can possess a number of potential sources at the same time, such as an actor and another character, but with only one active at any given time. Before setting the InputType to the desired value, one must make sure to have previously set either the InputCharacter or the InputActor.To obtain the list of characters present in a scene, you need to create an instance of class FBSystem, to obtain the current scene. The FBScene object holds the list of characters in the property Characters. 
FBSystem lSystem;
FBScene* lScene = lSystem.Scene;
for( int lIdx = 0; lIdx < lScene->Characters.GetCount(); ++lIdx )
    FBTrace( 'Character[%d]: '%s'
', lIdx, (char*)lScene->Characters[lIdx] );

The current character selected in the Character tool can be obtained via the FBApplication object. 
FBApplication lApplication;
FBCharacter* lCharacter = lApplication.CurrentCharacter;
if( lCharacter )
    FBTrace( 'Current character is: '%s'
', (char*)lCharacter->Name );
    FBTrace( 'No character currently selected
' );

See samples:,,,,     
    def FBCharacter(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new character. 

    def AddCharacterExtension(self,pExt):

        pExt : extension to be added to the character. 

    def Clone(self):
        Clone the character.


    def ConnectControlRig(self,pControlSet,pUpdateLimit,pResetHierarchy):
        Connect a Control-Rig to the character.

        pControlSet : The control set to connect. NULL will disconnect the Control-Rig from the character. 
        pUpdateLimit : Whether to update the models' limit for a character. E.g. the Pre rotation and post rotation. 
        pResetHierarchy : Whether to reset hierarchy for a character. 

    def CopyAnimation(self):
        Copy the animation from the input character to us.


    def CreateAuxiliary(self,pEffectorId,pPivot,pAuxReachT,pAuxReachR):
        Create auxiliary on effector.

        pEffectorId : The effector ID. 
        pPivot : Create effector or pivot (pivot offset should be set on IKPivot property, at creation default values are set). 
        pAuxReachT : Default auxiliary effector reach for translation (IK Blend T since MotionBuilder 2013). 
        pAuxReachR : Default auxiliary effector reach for rotation (IK Blend R since MotionBuilder 2013). 
        return : True if auxiliary was created (can fail if FBLastEffectorSetIndex limit reached). 

    def CreateCharacterMarkerSet(self,pSetActive):
        Create the Character Marker Set.

        pSetActive : True when new input should be set and active. 
        return : True when marker got created and connected to character. 

    def CreateControlRig(self,pSetFKIK):
        Create the Control-Rig.

        pSetFKIK : true to use FK/IK or false to use IK only. 
        return : current state of the flag after the operation (true if it did succeed). 

    def DisconnectControlRig(self):
        Disconnect the Control-Rig from the character.


    def FBDelete(self):
        Actual Character destructor.


    def GetActiveBodyPart(self,pActivePart):
        Get the active body part array.

        pActivePart : A pointer to an array of bool. On return, the index with a "true" value are active part. 

    def GetCharacterMarkerSet(self,pForce):
        Obtain Input CharacterMarkerSet.

        pForce : If True, will return the current CharacterMarkerSet even if the character is not in CharacterMarkerSet Input. 
        return : Return current Active CharacterMarkerSet, NULL if none. 

    def GetCharacterize(self):
        Get Characterize flag.

        return : Current state of the Characterize flag. 

    def GetCharacterizeError(self):
        Get error message for the previous SetCharacterizeOn operation.

        return : The string containing all errors and warnings. 

    def GetCtrlRigModel(self,pBodyNodeId):
        Get the model associated with each body part in the Control Rig of the character.

        pBodyNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        return : The model in the Control Rig corresponding to the specified body part. 

    def GetCurrentControlSet(self,pForce):
        Obtain Input ControlSet.

        pForce : If True, will return the current ControlSet even if the character is not in ControlSet Input. 
        return : Return current Active ControlSet, NULL if none. 

    def GetEffectorModel(self,pEffectorId,pEffectorSetID):
        Get the model associated with each effector in the Control Rig of the character.

        pEffectorId : The effector ID. 
        pEffectorSetID : Id of the ControlSet to obtain, if not specified the current one is taken. 
        return : The model in the Control Rig corresponding to the specified Effector. 

    def GetExternalSolver(self):
        Get a pointer to the external solver of a character, or NULL is no external solver is used on the character.

        return : The pointer of the current External Solver, NULL if it's the internal solver. 

    def GetFloorContactModel(self,pMemberIndex):
        Get the model associated with the floor contact ID.

        pMemberIndex : Id of the floor contact 
        return : The model associated with the floor contact ID 

    def GetGoalModel(self,pBodyNodeId):
        Get the goal model associated with each body part in the Character Marker Set of the character.

        pBodyNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        return : The model in the Character Marker Set corresponding to the specified body part. 

    def GetIndexByModel(self,pModel):
        Get the index associated with Given Model.

        pModel : FBModel
        return : The model linked to the specified body part. 

    def GetModel(self,pBodyNodeId):
        Get the model associated with each body part of the character.

        pBodyNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        return : The model linked to the specified body part. 

    def GetParentROffset(self,pBodyNodeId,pRVector):
        pBodyNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        pRVector : FBRVector

    def GetROffset(self,pBodyNodeId,pRVector):
        pBodyNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        pRVector : FBRVector

    def GetSOffset(self,pBodyNodeId,pSVector):
        pBodyNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        pSVector : FBSVector

    def GetSkinModelList(self,pSkinModelList):
        Get the skin model associated with character bones.
        Could be deformable model connected to bone via cluster, or non deformable model parented directly under the bones.

        pSkinModelList : List to be filled up. (will not be cleared) 

    def GetTOffset(self,pBodyNodeId,pTVector):
        pBodyNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        pTVector : FBTVector

    def GetTransformOffset(self,pBodyNodeId,pOffsetMatrix):
        pBodyNodeId : FBBodyNodeId
        pOffsetMatrix : FBMatrix

    def GoToStancePose(self,pPushUndo,pIncludeCharacterExtensions):
        Set the character in stance pose.

        pPushUndo : Should we push an undo transaction on the undo stack? Don't push undo in non UI thread. 
        pIncludeCharacterExtensions : Should the character extensions go to stance pose too? 

    def IsParentNodeOffset(self,pNodeId):
        Check if there is an offset on Parent.

        pNodeId : Node Id to Check. 
        return : True if there is an offset on Parent. 

    def IsRotationPin(self,pEffectorIndex):
        Return true if the object is Pinned in Rotation (Manipulation).

        pEffectorIndex : Given Index to obtain Model 
        return : True if the effector is pinned in Rotation 

    def IsTranslationPin(self,pEffectorIndex):
        Return true if the object is Pinned in Translation (Manipulation).

        pEffectorIndex : Given Index to obtain Model 
        return : True if the effector is pinned in Translation 

    def PlotAnimation(self,pPlotWhere,pPlotOptions):
        Plot the animation of the character.

        pPlotWhere : Where to plot a character, control rig or Skeleton 
        pPlotOptions : Option parameters for plotting 
        return : True if the operation completed successfully. 

    def ReadyForRetarget(self):
        Test if character is ready for the Retarget operation (basically, is it in character input ?).

        return : True if the character is ready. 

    def RemoveCharacterExtension(self,pExt):
        Get the model associated with each body part of the character.

        pExt : extension to be removed to the character. 

    def ResetProperties(self,pType):
        Reset the properties of the character.

        pType : Speficy which properties will be reset. 

    def Retarget(self,pOnBaseLayer):
        Retarget the animation from the input character to us.

        pOnBaseLayer : if true, keys corrections will be made on base layer; else they will be made on another layer. 

    def SelectModels(self,pSelect,pApplyToCharacter,pApplyToRig,pApplyToExtensions):
        Select the objects that make a character.

        pSelect : True to select, false to deselect. 
        pApplyToCharacter : TSould the character contraint be selected ? 
        pApplyToRig : should The rig (and its children) be selected ? 
        pApplyToExtensions : Should the character extensions (and their children) be selected ? 

    def SetCharacterizeOff(self):
        Set Characterize flag off.


    def SetCharacterizeOn(self,pSetAsBiped):
        Set the Characterize flag on.

        pSetAsBiped : true to use biped characterization or false to use quadruped. 
        return : current state of the flag after the operation (true if it did succeed).

    def SetExternalSolver(self,pIndex):
        Set character external solver.

        pIndex : Index of external solver. 

    def SetExternalSolver(self,pSolver):
        Set character solver.

        pSolver : Character solver that will be used by the character. 

    ActiveInput=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is the character input active?         ")
    CharacterExtensions=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Character Extensions in the character.         ")
    ContactBehaviour=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Contact Behavior selection.         ")
    HipsTranslationMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Hips Translation Mode.         ")
    InputActor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The index of the actor used for the input.         ")
    InputCharacter=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The index of the character used for the input.         ")
    InputType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The input type for the character (ex: Actor).         ")
    InverseLeftElbow=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is left elbow inverted.         ")
    InverseLeftKnee=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is left knee inverted.         ")
    InverseRightElbow=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is right elbow inverted.         ")
    InverseRightKnee=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is right knee inverted.         ")
    KeyingMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> The current keying mode.         ")
    LeftElbowKillPitch=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> is Pitch used for Left elbow.         ")
    LeftKneeKillPitch=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> is Pitch used for Left knee.         ")
    LockX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Lock character skeleton in place on X axis.         ")
    LockY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Lock character skeleton in place on Y axis.         ")
    LockZ=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Lock character skeleton in place on Z axis.         ")
    MirrorMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> is in mirror mode.         ")
    RightElbowKillPitch=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> is Pitch used for Right elbow.         ")
    RightKneeKillPitch=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> is Pitch used for Right knee.         ")
    RollSolver=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Roll Solver selection.         ")
    ShoulderCorrection=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> shoulder correction values.         ")
    SyncMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> is character in sync mode.         ")
    WriteReference=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> are we writing back on reference.         ")

class FBHUDFlashElement (FBHUDElement):
    Heads Up display.     
    Flash HUD element. Display a flash (swf) file rendered on the HUD.See sample:     
    def FBHUDFlashElement(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new HUD flash element. 

    FilePath=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Path to load the swf file from         ")

class FBModelRoot (FBModel):
    Root object class.     
    See sample:     
    def FBModelRoot(self,pName):

        pName : Name of root. 

    Size=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Size (not related to scaling).         ")

class FBConstraintRelation (FBConstraint):
    ConstraintRelation class.     
    This class exposes the relation constraint and allows addition of new boxes and removal of existing ones.See sample:     
    def FBConstraintRelation(self,pName):

        pName : Name of constraint. 

    def GetBoxPosition(self):
        Get a box position in the GUI.
        Get the position of a box within the constraint layout view.

        return : A tuple containing: the result of operation (bool), X value (int), and Y value(int) 

    def ConstrainObject(self,pConstrainedObject):
        Create a receiver box.
        Use an existing FBBox object to create a receiver in the relation.

        pConstrainedObject : Destination box to insert in the constraint. 
        return : A place holder box for the object. 

    def CreateFunctionBox(self,pGroup,pName):
        Create a function box.
        Ask the constraint to create new function box.

        pGroup : Name of the group under which the function is located in the Constraint Relation GUI (case-sensitive!). 
        pName : Name of the function, as seen in the GUI (case-sensitive!). 
        return : The newly created function box, or NULL if the name/group combination was invalid. 

    def SetAsSource(self,pSource):
        Create a sender box.
        Use an existing FBBox object to create a sender in the relation.

        pSource : Source box to insert in the constraint. 
        return : A place holder box for the object. 

    def SetBoxPosition(self,pBox,pX,pY):
        Set a box position in the GUI.
        Set the position of a box within the constraint layout view.

        pBox : Box which needs to be moved. 
        pX : New X position. 
        pY : New Y position. 
        return : A boolean value indicating success (True) or failure (False). 

    Boxes=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Boxes used in this constraint.         ")

class FBConstraintSolver (FBConstraint):
    Base class for constraint solver.     
    def FBConstraintSolver(self,pName):
        pName : str


class FBModelMarker (FBModel):
    Model marker class.     
    See sample:     
    def FBModelMarker(self,pName):

        pName : Name of model marker. If pObject is not NULL, pName will be ignored. 

    Color=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Color of model marker.         ")
    IKPivot=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> marker Pivot Offset.         ")
    Length=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Length for capsule (not related to scaling).         ")
    Look=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Look of model marker.         ")
    ResLevel=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Resolution level of model marker.         ")
    Size=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Size (not related to scaling).         ")
    Type=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Type of model marker.         ")

class FBNurbs (FBSurface):
    Nurbs class.     
    def FBNurbs(self,pName):

        pName : Name of Nurbs. 

    def ControlPointsBegin(self):
        Begin NURBS control points edition.


    def ControlPointsEnd(self):
        End NURBS control points edition.


    def GetControlKnotValue(self,pUorV,pIndex):
        Get knot vector value of control point.

        pUorV : <b>1</b> if V knot vector, <b>0</b> if U knot vector. 
        pIndex : Index of control point to set knot value for. 

    def GetControlMultiplicity(self,pUorV,pIndex):
        Get multiplicity (number of 'instances') of control point.

        pUorV : <b>1</b> if V multiplicity, <b>0</b> if U multlipicity. 
        pIndex : Index of control point to get multiplicity for. 

    def GetControlWeight(self,pIndex):
        Get weight of control point.

        pIndex : Index of control point to get weight from. 
        return : Weight of control point at index pIndex. 

    def GetKnotCount(self,pUorV):
        Number of knot vectors.

        pUorV : <b>1</b> if V knot vector, <b>0</b> if U knot vector. 
        return : Number of knot vectors on NURBS surface 

    def SetControlKnotValue(self,pUorV,pIndex,pKnotValue):
        Set knot vector value of control point.

        pUorV : <b>1</b> if V knot vector, <b>0</b> if U knot vector. 
        pIndex : Index of control point to set knot value for. 
        pKnotValue : Knot value for control point at pIndex. 

    def SetControlMultiplicity(self,pUorV,pIndex,pMultiplicity):
        Set multiplicity (number of 'instances') of control point.

        pUorV : <b>1</b> if V multiplicity, <b>0</b> if U multlipicity. 
        pIndex : Index of control point to set multiplicity for. 
        pMultiplicity : Multiplicity value for control point at pIndex. 

    def SetControlWeight(self,pIndex,pWeight):
        Set weight of control point.

        pIndex : Index of control point to set weight at. 
        pWeight : Weight of control point. 

    def SurfaceBegin(self):
        Begin NURBS definition.


    def SurfaceEditBegin(self):
        Begin NURBS surface edition.


    def SurfaceEditEnd(self):
        End NURBS surface edition.


    def SurfaceEnd(self):
        End NURBS definition.


    UNurbType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Nurbs Type for U direction.         ")
    UOrder=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Nurbs U order.         ")
    VNurbType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Nurbs Type for V direction.         ")
    VOrder=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Nurbs V order.         ")

class FBModelOptical (FBModel):
    Optical model class.     
    def FBModelOptical(self,pName):

        pName : Name of optical model. 

    def ClearSegments(self,pUnUsedOnly):
        Clear the segments (by default only the unused).

        pUnUsedOnly : Clear only the unused segments if <b>true</b>(default=true). 

    def ExportSetup(self):
        Setup exportation from optical model.

        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def ImportSetup(self):
        Setup importation for optical model.

        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    MarkerSize=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Size of markers.         ")
    Markers=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Markers.         ")
    RigidBodies=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Rigid bodies.         ")
    SamplingPeriod=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b>Sampling period.         ")
    SamplingStart=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Sampling start time.         ")
    SamplingStop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b>Sampling stop time.         ")
    Segments=property(doc="<b>List:</b> Segments.         ")

class FBCamera (FBModel):
    Creates custom cameras and manages system cameras.     
    When you look at a scene in the MotionBuilder Viewer, you are using a camera view.There are two types of cameras: Producer cameras. By default one of the producer cameras is used. These are always present. They can be configured but not destroyed. Custom cameras, created by the user.The SystemCamera property indicates whether a given camera is a producer or a custom camera.When you create a camera you should make it visible with the show property (inherited from FBModel).Use FBCameraSwitcher to get and set the current camera. For usage, see the Python sample see how to create a camera with a marker as an interest, see the Python sample code in For usage in C++, see the manipcamera sample.See samples:,,,,,,     
    def FBCamera(self,pName):

        pName : Name of camera. 

    def GetCameraMatrix(self,pMatrix,pType,pEvalInfo):
        Obtains the camera's matrix.

        pMatrix : Matrix to fill with requested information. 
        pType : Camera Matrix type to obtain. 
        pEvalInfo : Take Display if none specified. 

    def InverseProjection(self,pX,pY,pDistanceFromCamera,pRelativeToViewport):
        Returns the world coordinates based on screen coordinates and input distance from the camera.

        pX : Screen horizontal coordinate in pixel. When pRelativeToViewport is false, the range is between 0 and (WindowWidth - 1). When pRelativeToViewport is true, the range is between 0 to (CameraViewportWidth - 1). The coordinate starts at left of the region. 
        pY : Screen vertical coordinate in pixel. When pRelativeToViewport is false, the range is between 0 and (WindowHeight - 1). When pRelativeToViewport is true, the range is between 0 to (CameraViewportHeight - 1). The coordinate starts at top of the region. 
        pDistanceFromCamera : Distance from the camera to the resulting world coordinate position 
        pRelativeToViewport : true indicates (pX,pY) is relative to the window; false indicates (pX,pY) is relative to the viewport of the camera. 
        return : The world coordinates in 3D space 

    AntiAliasingIntensity=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Anti-aliasing intensity.         ")
    AntiAliasingMethod=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Anti-aliasing method.         ")
    ApertureMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Aperture mode.         ")
    BackGroundColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Background color for camera.         ")
    BackGroundImageCenter=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Center the background image         ")
    BackGroundImageCrop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Crop the background image         ")
    BackGroundImageFit=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Fit the background image         ")
    BackGroundImageKeepRatio=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Keep the background image's ratio         ")
    BackGroundMedia=property(doc="        ")
    BackGroundPlaneDistance=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set the distance for the background plane.         ")
    BackGroundPlaneDistanceMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Select mode for the background plane's distance.         ")
    BackGroundTexture=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Background Texture         ")
    CameraViewportHeight=property(doc="<b> Read Only Property:</b> Camera Viewport height         ")
    CameraViewportWidth=property(doc="<b> Read Only Property:</b> Camera Viewport width         ")
    CameraViewportX=property(doc="<b> Read Only Property:</b> Camera Viewport start position's X value         ")
    CameraViewportY=property(doc="<b> Read Only Property:</b> Camera Viewport start position's Y value         ")
    Display2DMagnifierFrame=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable/Disable the drawing of the 2D Magnifier frame box.         ")
    DisplayTurnTableIcon=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable/Disable the drawing of the Turn Table icon.         ")
    FarPlaneDistance=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Far plane distance.         ")
    FieldOfView=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Field of View (used when in horizontal or vertical aperture modes).         ")
    FieldOfViewX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Field of View X angle (used in horizontal and vertical aperture mode).         ")
    FieldOfViewY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Field of View Y angle (used in horizontal and vertical aperture mode).         ")
    FilmAspectRatio=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Film aspect ratio.         ")
    FilmBackType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Film back standard type.         ")
    FilmSizeHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Height of the film.         ")
    FilmSizeWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Width of the film.         ")
    FocalLength=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Focal Length.         ")
    FocusAngle=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Focus Angle (rendering dof).         ")
    FocusDistanceSource=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Select source for focusing.         ")
    FocusSpecificDistance=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specfic distance for focusing.         ")
    ForeGroundAlpha=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Opacity of foreground.         ")
    ForeGroundImageCenter=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Center the foreground image         ")
    ForeGroundImageCrop=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Crop the foreground image         ")
    ForeGroundImageFit=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Fit the foreground image         ")
    ForeGroundImageKeepRatio=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Keep the foreground image's ratio?         ")
    ForeGroundMaterialThreshold=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Material threshold for a transparent foreground.         ")
    ForeGroundMedia=property(doc="        ")
    ForeGroundPlaneDistance=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Set the distance for the foreground plane.         ")
    ForeGroundPlaneDistanceMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Select mode for the foreground plane's distance.         ")
    ForeGroundTexture=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> ForeGround Texture         ")
    ForeGroundTransparent=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Is the foreground transparent?         ")
    FrameColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Frame color for camera.         ")
    FrameSizeMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Frame size standard mode.         ")
    HUDs=property(doc="<b> List :</b> HUDs present in this camera         ")
    InteractiveMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Interactive mode?         ")
    Interest=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Direct camera's interest.         ")
    MagnifierPosX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> 2D Magnifier X Position.         ")
    MagnifierPosY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> 2D Magnifier Y Position.         ")
    MagnifierZoom=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> 2D Magnifier Zoom value.         ")
    MotionBlurIntensity=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Motion Blur Intensity.         ")
    MouseLockCamera=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Mouse lock for camera?         ")
    NearPlaneDistance=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Near plane distance.         ")
    NumberOfSamples=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Number of samples to oversample with.         ")
    OpticalCenterX=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Optical Center X (mm).         ")
    OpticalCenterY=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Optical Center Y (mm).         ")
    OrthoFactor=property(doc="Constant scale factor to be used with OrthoZoom for orthographic cameras.         ")
    OrthoZoom=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Zoom factor of an orthographic camera.         ")
    PixelAspectRatio=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Pixel aspect ratio.         ")
    ResolutionHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Resolution height.         ")
    ResolutionMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Resolution standard mode.         ")
    ResolutionWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Resolution width.         ")
    Roll=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Camera's roll on it's Z axis.         ")
    SafeAreaMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Select mode for safe area.         ")
    SamplingType=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Type of over sampling.         ")
    SqueezeRatio=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Squeeze ratio.         ")
    SystemCamera=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Indicate if this a producer (default or system) camera or a custom (user-created) camera.         ")
    TurnTable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Camera's rotation around its interest.         ")
    Type=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Type of camera         ")
    Use2DMagnifier=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable/Disable the 2D Magnifier.         ")
    UseAccumulationBuffer=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Use accumulation buffer?         ")
    UseAntiAliasing=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Use anti-aliasing?         ")
    UseDepthOfField=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Use depth of field calculations?         ")
    UseFrameColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Use frame color?         ")
    UseMotionBlur=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable Motion Blur.         ")
    UseRealTimeMotionBlur=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Enable Real-time Motion Blur.         ")
    ViewBackGroundPlaneMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Background plane view mode         ")
    ViewCameraInterest=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show the camera interest?         ")
    ViewDisplaySafeArea=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Display safe area?         ")
    ViewForeGroundPlaneMode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Foreground plane view mode         ")
    ViewNearFarPlane=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show near/far planes?         ")
    ViewOpticalCenter=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> View optical center?         ")
    ViewShowAxis=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show axis?         ")
    ViewShowGrid=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show grid?         ")
    ViewShowName=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show name?         ")
    ViewShowTimeCode=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Show time code?         ")
    WindowHeight=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Window height.         ")
    WindowWidth=property(doc="<b>Read Only Property:</b> Window width.         ")

class FBVideoClipImage (FBVideoClip):
    def FBVideoClipImage(self,pName):

        pName : Name of image file. 

    ImageSequence=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Clip is an image sequence?         ")
    MaxMipMapResolution=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Maximum MipMap resolution will be loaded into GPU.         ")
    UseSystemFrameRate=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Clip is using system frame rate?         ")

class FBModelMarkerOptical (FBModelMarker):
    Optical model marker class.     
    def FBModelMarkerOptical(self,pName,pOptical):
        If no optical model is given, be sure to add one before accessing the Segments and Gaps properties.

        pName : Name of optical marker(default=NULL). 
        pOptical : Optical model(default=NULL). 

    def ExportBegin(self):
        Begin export of optical data.
        Sample communication with optical device and return the number of samples that were taken during the sampling period for statistical purposes.

        return : Number of frames to export. 

    def ExportEnd(self):
        End exportation from optical model.

        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def ExportKey(self,pX,pY,pZ,pOcclusion):
        Export a key of optical data.

        pX : X position. 
        pY : Y position. 
        pZ : Z position(default=NULL). 
        pOcclusion : Occlusion value(default=NULL). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def GetRigidBody(self):
        Get the rigid body for the marker.

        return : Rigid body for marker (check IsValid()) 

    def ImportBegin(self):
        Begin import of optical data.
        Sample communication with optical device and return the number of samples that were taken during the sampling period for statistical purposes.

        return : The number of samples taken. 

    def ImportEnd(self):
        End importation and clean up data.
        Interpolates optical data to create a curve from the input key frams.

        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def ImportKey(self,pX,pY,pZ,pOcclusion):
        Import a key of optical data.

        pX : X position. 
        pY : Y position. 
        pZ : Z position(default=0.0). 
        pOcclusion : Occlusion value(default=0.0). 
        return : <b>true</b> if successful. 

    def InsertSegmentedData(self,pTData,pOData):
        Insert segmented data.

        pTData : Translation data. 
        pOData : Occlusion data. 

    def SetModelOptical(self,pOptical):
        Set the current optical model.

        pOptical : New optical model. 

    Color=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Marker color.         ")
    Data=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Data.         ")
    Done=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Done?         ")
    Gaps=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Gaps.         ")
    Optical=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Optical model.         ")
    Segments=property(doc="<b>Property:</b> Marker segments.         ")

class FBHUDBloopSlateElement (FBHUDFlashElement):
    Heads Up display.     
    Bloop Slate HUD element. Display a bloop slate (swf) file rendered on the HUD.     
    def FBHUDBloopSlateElement(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new HUD flash element. 

    BackgroundColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Bloop slate background color, by default it is 100% transparent.         ")
    Enable=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Bloop slate will appear if set to true.         ")
    ForegroundColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Bloop slate foreground color.         ")
    ShowAfterDelayOnRecordPlay=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Delay before the bloop slate is displayed after recording has started.         ")
    ShowDuration=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Time that the bloop slate will be displayed.         ")

class FBHUDTimelineElement (FBHUDFlashElement):
    Heads Up display.     
    HUD Timeline element. Displays a timeline that shows Head, Cut, Tail regions, and current time cursor. The drawing is defined in the flash file(timeline.swf).See sample:     
    def FBHUDTimelineElement(self,pName):

        pName : Name of new HUD flash element. 

    CutActiveColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies color of the Cut region when it is active.         ")
    CutIdleColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies color of the Cut region when it is idle.         ")
    HeadActiveColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies color of the Head region when it is active.         ")
    HeadDuration=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies duration of the Head region.         ")
    HeadIdleColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies color of the Head region when it is idle.         ")
    TailActiveColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies color of the Tail region when it is active.         ")
    TailDuration=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies duration of the Tail region.         ")
    TailIdleColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property:</b> Specifies color of the Tail region when it is idle.         ")

class FBCameraStereo (FBCamera):
    def FBCameraStereo(self,pName):

        pName : Name of stereo camera. 

    CenterCamera=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property hold the center camera connected to it. Must be either the master, left or right camera.         ")
    DisplayZeroParallaxPlane=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> Display the zero parallax plane.         ")
    FilmOffsetLeftCam=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property handles the film offset for the left camera. (inch)         ")
    FilmOffsetRightCam=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property handles the film offset for the right camera. (inch)         ")
    InteraxialSeparation=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property handles the distance between left and right cameras.         ")
    LeftCamera=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property hold the left camera connected to it.         ")
    PrecompFileName=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property handles the precomp file name.         ")
    RelativePrecompFileName=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property handles the relative precomp file name.         ")
    RightCamera=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property hold the right camera connected to it.         ")
    Stereo=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> //!< This property handles the types of Stereo camera.         ")
    ToeInAdjust=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property is to offset the computed toe-in effect when it's in Converged mode.         ")
    ZeroParallax=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> This property handles the distance on the camera view axis where the zero parallax plane occurs.         ")
    ZeroParallaxPlaneColor=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> Zero parallax plane color.         ")
    ZeroParallaxPlaneTransparency=property(doc="<b>Read Write Property: </b> Zero parallax plane transparency.         ")
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