Working with references in Maya. (very long loading time)


Is it normal that Maya needs a lot of time to replace reference?
(more than 15 minutes with 80mb file?)
I am using Maya 2014 sp4.

I had a few errors when working with my rig.
First when when I updated file by adding few new blendshapes and wrap deformer Maya couldn;t use it as reference without checking ‘group’ in reference settings.
I had to bring back default Maya global settings (pref catalog) and turn off few plugins.
And now that file works fine in new scene. Loading reference time under 10sec. Import / export - no errors. But when I want to update reference in existing file it takes ages to read. Even if I delete that extra nodes and meshes.

I noticed strange thing when I walk through algorithm:


  • Open Maya
  • Create New Scene
  • Create reference
    >> Normal loading time.
  • Replace that reference
    >> Normal loading time.


  • Open Maya
  • Open file with previous references.
  • Close that file and Create new file
  • Create reference
    >> more than 15min loading time. But after saving that file it opens in normal times (less than 15sec)

project location is the same for both methods.
Is there a config file that is updating after open new file which override my current settings? I run out of ideas.

thx for any advices.

If this is the same problem we were having, I posted a workaround that works for us here

this is probably related to the HyperGraph View Nodes problem that has been fixed in one of the Maya 2015 service packs.

we encountered this issue as well and wrote a script that will remove all hypergraph view nodes. we found that they exponentially accumulated over time, bloating the size of the file and impacting load times.

the nodes types are hyperGraphLayout and hyperGraphInfo

Thank you for answers.

“We experience this too! 10 minutes to reference into an empty scene, but when opening the same file takes 20 seconds. In preferences/UI Elements turning off “Save panel layouts with file” and “restore saved layouts” and “keep current layout” works around this bug for us”

I got nice result using that trick. Reference is readed in acceptable time. (less than 30 sec)
I don’t have licence for Maya 2015 so i can’t check if it is still an issue in actual version.
