Hi Guys,
I have a character ehich is one piece but has 26 textures applied to it and uv is only from 0 to 1.
so what i wanna do is to scale all the textures down and at the same time resize the textures the same way.
any idea on how i can do this? i mean fast!!
Which app?
If you’re using Max it’s pretty simple. Add a second UV channel, pack the UVs. Render to texture. Set it to render a diffuse map (and any other channels you need). Set it to use this new UV channel. That will bake the source textures to the new UV channel. You can then copy and paste or transfer the Uvs with the channel info utility to UV channel 1. Then make a new material and add the new textures to it.
For other apps, I guess the process will be the same, just with different names for things. Make a second UV channel, pack the UVs, transfer the original textures to the new UV space, copy and paste the UVs to the original channel. Add new textures to material.
If you have to do a lot of them, I’m sure it can be scripted.
Thanks, got it
here is how you do it in maya.
under rendering/texture, make a new texture refrence object and use transfer map to transfer your maps from one uv to another. so fast!!