April is here - as we prepare to release a new set of courses, we’d like to let you know of new developments at our school. As you might have noticed, we’re increasing the TDC presence on CG related websites, spreading news about our school to the community. More and more people are signing up for our newsletter, and our free online Maya videos and TechBytes are receiving a lot of visitors. We have also recruited a number of new mentors, who will be introduced later on in this letter.
We have also being doing a lot of new software development for our online learning system and are very excited to announce that these features make their debut with the courses starting April 19th.
It seems that our idea of providing the best TD training available is beginning to catch on, and our students agree. Here are some quotes from some of our recent students:
“The whole TD-Collegeexperience has been absolutely amazing for me so far, even more than I imagined! I’ve learned a lot, done a lot and having a blast the whole time and I can’t wait to take on more courses. Even if my company wasn’t ready to pay for TDC, I would get a loan this instant and mortgage my right kidney if need be.
Congratulations on the amazingly done job to you and all your colleagues at TDC and I wish you all the best in the future. You are destined for success with this kind of selfless sharing of invaluable information and an inspiration for all those who seek knowledge.” - Tarik Sabanovic.
“My TD collegeexperience has been phenomenal. From the very first week I was learning to make scripts that were useful at my job. I am blown away by how much I was able to achieve in just six weeks. I feel that I have the tools now to make any MEL script I could possibly need. The level of instruction was fantastic. Kevin went above and beyond in answering my questions and making sure that I was grasping the concepts needed. He also provided a lot of insight into the production process that was invaluable.” - Travis Barber.
“I had already read some books on python but TD-College’s python class really got me up and going. In the middle of the class I already began to use python at work for tools and inside Maya. Also having a look at how python is used Houdini was great as I would had never discovered it that fast on my own. Very motivating lectures straight from production. Can’t wait for more classes on new topics.” - Katrin Schmid.
We’re always scouting for talented professionals working for the top studios throughout the world. Over recent months, we’ve been able to welcome to our team a vast number of mentors who offer an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience. TD-College collects all of that experience and places it at your fingertips. Here is a list of the latest additions to our team of professional mentors:
Mark Story
Educator/Engineer/Artist - Digital Cinema Arts
General and Effects Mentor
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Tropic Thunder, Beowulf, Surf’s Up, Spiderman 3, The Ant Bully.
Kevin MacPhail
Pipeline Technical Director - Reel FX
General Mentor
The Wild, Everyone’s Hero, Open Season 2.
Pablo Gimenez
FX Technical Director - Double Negative
FX Mentor
GI JOSE: Rise of the Cobra
Rob O’Neill
Founder, Animation, Research & Development - Kickstand
Character Mentor
Madagascar, Shrek 2, One Rat Short.
Stewart Jones
Character Technical Director - Animal Logic
Character Mentor
Knowing, The Roboteers.
Tom Kluyskens
FX Lead - Imageworks
Effects Mentor
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Ice Age Columbus: Who Were the First Americans, Valiant, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Surf’s Up, Beowulf, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
In these tough economic times, it’s more important than ever to invest in a new beginning - an education that will provide you with the newest, long-term and advanced technical skills sought after by employers today in the CG, games and visual effects industries. TD-Collegeprovides you with those skills by offering the most advanced courses available today and by pairing you up with VFX veterans. Our production oriented courses, developed by active professionals with at least 5 years of feature film experience, will definitely allow you to gain that added edge that employers drool over. Slotted to start April 19th, these are the newest releases in a growing library of interactive courses:
Python Programming
Mentor: Matt Schnittker
Start Date: April 19th 2009
Cost: US $1200
Spots Open: 4
Procedural Effects with Houdini
Mentor: Mark Story
Start Date: April 19th 2009
Cost: US $1200
Spots Open: 6
MEL Programming
Mentor: Kevin Mannens
Start Date: April 19th 2009
Cost: US $1200
Spots Open: 6
To enroll in any of the courses mentioned above, students must first be admitted into the school by filling out the registration form at www.td-college.com/enroll
We have several other courses in production, such as “Math For Technical Directors”, “C++ Programming”, “Introduction to RenderMan”, “Introduction To RenderMan Shader Programming” and “Writing Character Deformer Plugins in Maya”. We’ll let you know more about these courses as we get closer to their release dates.
The TDC Team