Rigging Armor in Maya2011

Hey everyone, it’s my first post so I’d like to say hello to you all out there. :slight_smile:

Bit of info.; I’m quite a novice TD, in my final year of studying CG animation so this last few months I’ve focused all my work into character rigging. I haven’t done any scripting before so if this answer is regarding scripting please excuse my n00bi-ness and explain it to me? haha, thank you!

Anyway… onto the assistance!

I’m rigging an alien for a VFX film my fellow peirs are working on. The alien has huge armor shoulder pads (like a knights) and I was wondering how I’d skin it? I want to show the illusion of, almost like a secondary motion witht he armor, so as you move the arm up (in fk or ik) the armor will eventually follow the movement.

How would I go about doing this? If you require any jpegs I can provide them.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Take a look at using dynamics such as springs to give the characters “shoulderpad bones” secondary motion. Playing with dynamics requires a lot of tweaking, especially to prevent interpenetration. Be ready to noodle.

Here’s a video of spring dynamics. Google will reveal a bunch of other stuff.

Thanks for the reply!

The link was very useful, although I’m struggling to incorporate the concept in my rig. I began using a Hinge Constraint which seems to be doing the right job although it only works through playing through the timeline. Also, the shoulderpad seems to collide with the main mesh’s bones and not the mesh itself.

Any thoughts? Also, how can I get it similar to this?

(It’s about 45 seconds in).

Thanks again!

Look at the muscle spline rig node… used it on some shoulder pads and worked great as a way to auto keep them out of the way and add shake… one end child of shoulder other child of clav. Adjust and skin shoulder pad to joint rig.

Ah, never thought of using muscle splines! Great idea, I’ll have a mess around with it today and see how the results work.

Thanks for the advice, bclark and btribble. :slight_smile: