Hey everyone,
So I’m researching the best way to rig a vehicle with a dynamic suspension kind of like this one…
I did one using particle goal, like in this video…
but i don’t like it very much, does anyone know a better method? I’m looking for something that could go into a game engine, but if it only works in Maya, that’s okay for now.
i used a wrapdeformer in maya to get the wheels locked on the ground
so what i did is create a plane which will be the driver of the wheels,
create follicles that stick to the plane on the position of the wheel base
then i used some simple dotproduct nodes to get the wheels to move up when the groundplane pushes up
and fixes itself when the ground next to the follicle would penetrate the radius of the wheel
the rest of the suspension was simple ikscSolvers and springs
then the only thing that is still necessary is to wrap the groundplane to the surface the car needs to move over