I am struggling to render HDR data to my HDR images in max. I am rendering a cube map by playing a small cube in the scene and using the reflect/refract map to render my cubic map files to 6 HDR image files. Max is rendering the files correctly but the files are not containing any HDR data - i would expect highlights to stay when i reduce exposure in Photoshop extended.
Main question is how do I set up to render to HDR and do I have to set up the lights in any way to see the highlights preserved at low exposure?
This is a bit of a shot in the dark as I haven’t really messed with HDR in 3DS Max, but… Certain HDR techniques require high precision textures, more than 8-bits per channel. As such, depending upon your implementation, you might need to render your light intensity to a floating point texture in order to get the effect you’re after.
I have been testing using Frame Buffer type: Floating Point (32 bits per channel) and saving to a .HDR file but no luck, I think I am still missing something.
Out of the box the only thing I can think of is that the reflect/refract map is clipping hdr values… dunno, why are you using that map in the first place?
Also, have you tried exporting to EXR and see if you have the same clamped results?
I ended up writing a script to do this but I can’t remember if I had similar issues with the reflect/refract map.
See how you go with the script below. I wrote it to automate cube cross rendering and processing with ATI’s CubeMapGen but you may find it usefull.
To get started just modify (outputFolder=@“C: emp”) to the location you want to save to (don’t forget the final backslash!). It’s currently configured to output an HDR cube cross image from the location of the currently selected object but this can easily be changed.
Also, I’ve disabled the CubeMapGen stuff but to enable it just modify the “cubeMapGenPath” variable if needed and set (processWithCubeMapGen=false) to true.
Hope it helps, post if it gives you any grief
-- Script to generate cube cross images from within max.
-- by Stefan Kamoda 2011
-- This script is freeware.
-- Tested using mental ray but may require the "force 2 sided" option in order to work with the default scanline renderer
Global RUST_CubeMapTools
struct RUST_CubeMapTools_Struct
--Location of Cube Map Gen exe.
cubeMapGenPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ATI Research Inc\\CubeMapGen v1.1\\CubeMapGen.exe",
fn fnPasteBitmap src dest destPos =
srcWidth = src.width
srcHeight = src.height
pastePos = destPos
for y = 0 to (srcHeight-1) do
pixelRow = getPixels src [0,y] srcWidth
setPixels dest [pastePos.x,pastePos.y] pixelRow
pastePos += [0,1]
fn fnCreateCubeMap setBasePath setBaseName setFormat setPos setGamma setCubeSize setCubeBlurFactor saveCubeCross processWithCubeMapGen=
--Cube map renderer
basePath = setBasePath
baseName = setBaseName
imageFormat = setFormat
tempCubeCrossPath = setBasePath + setBaseName + "_cubecross" + imageFormat
cubeCamera = freeCamera()
cubeCamera.scale.controller = scale_script()
cubeCamera.scale.controller.script = "[-1,1,1]"
cubeCamera.fov = 90
cubeSize = setCubeSize
renderFaces = true
cameraPos = setPos-- altering the rotation changes the position! So fix it manually.
cubeFaces = #(
#((quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107),"forward"),
#((quat 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.5),"right"),
#((quat -0.707107 0 0 0.707107),"back"),
#((quat -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5),"left"),
#((quat -1 0 0 0),"top"),
#((quat 0 0 0 1),"bottom")
bitmaps = #()
if renderFaces then
index = 1
for face in cubeFaces do
cubeCamera.pos = cameraPos
cubeCamera.rotation = face[1]
cubeCamera.pos = cameraPos
bitmaps[index] = bitmap cubeSize cubeSize HDR:true
render \
camera:cubeCamera \
gamma:setGamma \
vfb:true \
outputHDRbitmap:true \
undisplay bitmaps[index]
index += 1
--sliderTime += 1
deleteFile tempCubeCrossPath
cubeCross = undefined
cubeCross = bitmap (cubeSize * 3) (cubeSize * 4) \
filename:tempCubeCrossPath \
gamma:setGamma \ -- 2.2 = 0.454545
HDR:true \
Color:(color 245 0 0 0) \
PixelAspect:1 --\
--'Paste' source images into cube cross format
fnPasteBitmap bitmaps[5] cubeCross [cubeSize,0]
fnPasteBitmap bitmaps[2] cubeCross [0,cubeSize]
fnPasteBitmap bitmaps[1] cubeCross [cubeSize,cubeSize]
fnPasteBitmap bitmaps[4] cubeCross [cubeSize*2,cubeSize]
fnPasteBitmap bitmaps[6] cubeCross [cubeSize,cubeSize*2]
fnPasteBitmap bitmaps[3] cubeCross [cubeSize,cubeSize*3]
display cubeCross
--Targa.setColorDepth 32
--portable_network_graphics.setType #true48
if (saveCubeCross) then
save cubeCross
if (processWithCubeMapGen) then
--cube map gen options, see cube map gen documentation for more information.
cmdString = cubeCross.filename
cmdString += " -filterTech:AngularGaussian"
cmdString += " -numFilterThreads:2"
cmdString += " -baseFilterAngle:" + (setCubeBlurFactor as string)
cmdString += " -exportFilename:" + (setBasePath + setBaseName + ".DDS")
cmdString += " -exportPixelFormat:A16B16G16R16"
cmdString += " -exportCubeDDS"
cmdString += " -exit"
shellLaunch cubeMapGenPath cmdString
--Remove the cube map camera
delete cubeCamera
RUST_CubeMapTools = RUST_CubeMapTools_Struct()
--Notes on calling the function:
--Don't forget trailing backslash when setting outputFolder!
--Don't forget to include the '.' when setting cubeMapFormat!
RUST_CubeMapTools.fnCreateCubeMap (outputFolder=@"C: emp\") (cubeMapName="cubemap") (cubeMapFormat=".HDR") (cubeMapPosition=$.pos) (cubeMapGamma=1) (cubeMapFaceSize=128) (cubeBlurFactor=90) (saveResult=true) (processWithCubeMapGen=false)
Thanks for the script. The script works well for creating the Cube maps, but the refract/reflect does this well already.
Both methods (the script and refract/reflect) seem to not be exporting a HDR data. The file format is HDR but when I alter the exposure there is no HDR data.
If anyone has created a HDR image from a max scene could you possibly send me the HDR image to see that HDR data is possible from Max?
Since I’m not into the gaming stuff, I ask again, why are you using reflect/refract? Like I’ve said before, those kind of maps, clamp HDR values, just like having an hdr with a composite or color correct, it immediatly looses it’s HDR information.
Thanks Kameleon! It is the reflect/refract map. I was using it to create my cube map but as you pointed out it is clamping the image.
I have done some test renders using the 6 camera and the images are now containing HDR data. I am using Photometric lights and it is worth noting the intensity needs to be increased until the real-pixel values are above 1.