i have seen so many rigging demos in maya with real time spring behavior. my previous rigging experience with 3dsmax and its quite easy to setup with spring controllers.
in maya, i tried to find solutions which seems to work but not serving purpose quite well
[li]referring to art of rigging >> expression based. each child bone sees parent data on previous frame …not too good.
[/li][li]another approach in same book, >> hair curve. then i have to bake for keyframing tweaking and even lengthy and not too good for me
[/li][li] i have seen soft constraints videos from autodesk as well. sounds quite interesting but i don’t want to compile and was unable to find updated version.
Question is: when so many ppl are doing it, there must be a way. can someone point me in that direction. to be more precisely, i need to achieve look of “realtime spring” behavior from scriptspot website.
hope to hear soon and thanks in advance
Stumbled on this thread while searching the same.
I’m looking how I can achieve realtime spring behavior in maya.
Something like this (Realtime spring from scriptspot)
and this video on youtube Leaf Auto Lag Animation
Simply one locator that tries to follow another with lag…
Any help welcome!
The most common set up is just having the original curve of a dynamic curve beneath of your main controls, that way the dynamic curve attempts to match the original curve when moving it around.
You should also check this thread out for an alternative method using geometry constraints, it’s pretty cool.
Remember that all physics behaviour must logically be history dependent: unlike, say, a reactor or driven key you can’t derive the ‘right thing to do’ from a snapshop of the scene at a single moment : you need to know where things were.
In maya land that’s going to involve either an expression that looks backard in time or dynamics. The suggestion of the particle above is a nice one, you can use s spline curve with a soft-body on it to drive a spline IK for the something like the scriptspot example without going too deep into a ragdoll-like setup. However this is something where you have to trade quality for speed – if you want ‘real’ physics you’ll have to run the simulation; fake physics is more interactive, but only you can decide if it looks good enough.
[QUOTE=Theodox;18905]Remember that all physics behaviour must logically be history dependent[/QUOTE] realy true and a good base to start reflexion (my opinion)
[QUOTE=Theodox;18905]use spline curve with a soft-body on it to drive a spline IK[/QUOTE]
Dont get it , soft body can deform a curve’s cv’s , i thought it make dynamic effect on transform only, unlike deformers like jiggle that affect the shape, but i will read the doc on it.
nHair in maya 2013 are great , nucleus for collisions is better than before…
A dynamic curve with a nConstraint (transform) to drive it will work no? But you need to set the dyn.
For rigging , getting a curve that is the InitCurve of the dynamics (hair) mith a switch to activate or not the Dyn. But a good animator with FK has a better potential than a lot of other solutions (if you have 1500 tentacle it isn’t of course). But insert dynamics in a rig is always interesting … for rigger
I must leave now, but I can give you a technique which do quite the same of what you want with follicles and few nodes…
But im not the better guy to talk about it.
I’m interested in your technique with follicles and few nodes!
So ‘‘realtime’’ spring behaviour is best done with dynamics and realtime spring with expressions?
Thanks for the answers. Got the idea how to do it
I was curious about this too a while back and after some experimenting I came up with a system using Jiggle constraints, I wrote MEL to automate the setup process. What I like about this is that it’s very easy for the animator to cache and work with while animating.