R6025 pure virtual function call error (maya 64 & mel)

Hi everyone,

I am playing around with some MEL script and the dragger context, but I can consistently crash maya within seconds while running the script.

I tried to check my script back to its basics and I can reproduce the problem with the default dragger Context stock example if I specify the draggerContext with the -space “world” attribute.

Also, I changed the example so it actually creates a locator at the world coordinates returned with the context.
It seems that it’s actually the line that breaks maya, but I have no clue why.

here is the script (default mel example with the 2 changes I mentionned above)

// Procedure called on press
global proc sampleContextPress()
float $pressPosition = draggerContext -query -anchorPoint sampleContext;
print ("Press: " + $pressPosition[0] + " " + $pressPosition[1] + " "
+ $pressPosition[2] + "

// Procedure called on drag
global proc sampleContextDrag()
float $dragPosition = draggerContext -query -dragPoint sampleContext;
int $button = draggerContext -query -button sampleContext;
string $modifier = draggerContext -query -modifier sampleContext;

print ("Drag: " + $dragPosition[0] + " " + $dragPosition[1] + " "
    + $dragPosition[2]
    + "  Button is " + $button + "  Modifier is " + $modifier + "


spaceLocator -p $dragPosition[0] $dragPosition[1] $dragPosition[2];

// string $message = ($dragPosition[0] + ", " + $dragPosition[1]);
// draggerContext -edit -drawString $message sampleContext;

// Create the dragger context
-pressCommand “sampleContextPress”
-dragCommand “sampleContextDrag”
-cursor “hand”
-space “world”

// Set current tool to use the sample context created.
// Results can be seen by dragging mouse in main window
setToolTo sampleContext;

if I run this in the script editor and scrub a viewport some, it will crash maya within moment.

if I comment out -space “world” it will work fine. if I leave it be but comment the spaceLocator line instead it will work fine also.

(note: also, I am working with a windows 7 setup, could this have any effect?)
I would appreciate any help on this matter :slight_smile:

That script is running fine for me on Maya Linux 64. I’ll get one of the guys here to give it a run on a windows XP 64 mahcine.

Have you contacted Autodesk about it? it might be as you say a Windows 7 issue.


Thanks for trying it DrBob.

the error is actually a popup window titled Microsoft Visual C++ something, so that could be why you don’t have the issue with linux :p:

I was working home this week, I’ll have to try it on various setup next week when I get back, and eventually log a bug with AD.
In the meantime, I posted here hoping I was just doing something clearly wrong that could explain this error.

edit: attached a screenshot of the crash

also, more often than not, it’s the very error window, however occasionally it’s the standard maya crash window with the temp timestamp file backup.