Does anyone know the skinCluster flag to turn off multiple bind poses. They did have ignoreBindPose, which is now redundant
Does anyone know the skinCluster flag to turn off multiple bind poses. They did have ignoreBindPose, which is now redundant
I looked into you question and, assuming that you are creating your skin clusters yourself, you have a few options.
Firstly, you can use the skinCluster
command and manage the bindMethod
by giving it an int value of: “0 - Closest distance between a joint and a point of the geometry. 1 - Closest distance between a joint, considering the skeleton hierarchy, and a point of the geometry. 2 - Surface heat map diffusion. 3 - Geodesic voxel binding” (Maya Documentation).
For example:
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.skinCluster(bindMethod=1, toSelectedBones=True)
But if you want to manage existing bind poses, you can make a simple script that removes them.
import maya.cmds as cmds
joints = cmds.ls(sl = True)
for i in joints:
cmds.select(i, r = True)
bind_pose = cmds.dagPose( q=True, bindPose=True )
if bind_pose:
You can of course make it more specific and target only specific bind poses or only the children of certain nodes.
Hi EmilVoychev,
I do create my skin cluster. My code was loading saved weights back on the rig with new skin cluster. Regarding bind poses, I did the same approach you suggested and deleted the bind pose and created a new one. That solved my problem.
Thanks for your update.