Python COM/OLE for Blender?

I have about 2000+ files to parse that are xml and look like OGRE files.
the MaxScript code that I wrote that processes max files is as follows

--Name: 'Psuedo OGRE'
--3DSMax: 9
--This script exports a skeleton and animation XML file in the same directory as the 3DSMax file.
--Exporting xML based on OGRE file fromat
--Still WIP

-- Script copyright (C) Bob Holcomb 
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-- ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

--# Set  working files

tmpDir= "C:\\maxtemp\\"
oAnimXML = tmpDir + "tempAnim.xml"

--# Create temp directory 
--# May need to move it to ~\Local Settings\Temp

try (makeDir tmpDir)

--# Spits out animation data to a temporary directory

fn createTemporaryAnims tmpDir =
	select(for o in helpers where classof o == bone collect o)
	oSelection  = selection as array

	for i = 1 to  oSelection.count do
		tmpfile= tmpDir + (oSelection[i].name) + ".tmp"
		createfile tmpfile
	for t = animationrange.start to animationrange.end do
		sliderTime = t
		for i = 1 to  oSelection.count do
			oTMP= tmpDir + (oSelection[i].name) + ".tmp"
			obj = oSelection[i]
			outputFile = openFile oTMP mode:"a"
			format "			<keyframe frame=\"%\">
" (t.frame as integer)  to:outputFile
			format "				<translate x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />
" obj.pos.x obj.pos.y obj.pos.z to:outputFile
			format "				<rotate w=\"%\" x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />
" obj.rotation.w obj.rotation.x obj.rotation.y obj.rotation.z to:outputFile
			format "			</keyframe>
" to:outputFile
			close outputFile

--# Merges the temp file animations together and names
--# the track bone based on tmpfile

fn mergeAnimTempFiles tmpDir = 
	oFiles = getFiles (tmpDir + "*")
	outputFile = createfile oAnimXML
	format	"	<animation name=\"%\" length=\"%\">
" (getFilenameFile maxFileName) (((animationrange.end as float)/TicksPerFrame)/30) to:outputFile

	for i in oFiles do 
		if i == oAnimXML then
				--print ("not proccessing " + oAnimXML)
				format "		<track bone=\"%\">
" (getFilenameFile i) to:outputFile
				oFile = openFile i mode:"r"
				while not eof oFile do
					oLine = readLine oFile
					line = oLine + "
					format line to:outputFile
				format "		</track>
" to:outputFile
	format	"	</animation>
" to:outputFile

--# Writes the final animation xml file

fn writeAnimations tmpDir outputFile =
	createTemporaryAnims tmpDir -- create temporay files of animations
	mergeAnimTempFiles tmpDir -- merge all the temporary files  ang create a temporary animation xml file
	oFile = openFile oAnimXML mode:"r" --- merge the temporary animation xml file to the final output
	while not eof oFile do
			oLine = readLine oFile
			line = oLine + "
			format line to:outputFile

--# Creates the skeleton file 

fn writeSkeleton  outputFile = 
			select(for o in helpers where classof o == bone collect o)
			oSelection  = selection as array
			sliderTime = 0
			format "	<skeleton>
" to:outputFile 
			for obj in oSelection do
			boneRot = obj.rotation as eulerAngles 
			format "		<bone name=\"%\">
" to:outputFile
			if obj.parent == undefined then
				format "			<headpos x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />
" .0 .0 .5 to:outputFile
				format "			<headpos x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />
" (obj.parent.pos).x (obj.parent.pos).y (obj.parent.pos).z to:outputFile
			format "			<tailpos x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />
" obj.pos.x obj.pos.y obj.pos.z to:outputFile
			format "			<rotation x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />
" boneRot.x boneRot.y boneRot.z to:outputFile
			if obj.parent == undfined then
				format "			<boneparent parent=\"%\" />
" "None" to:outputFile
				format "			<boneparent parent=\"%\" />
" to:outputFile
			format "		</bone>
" to:outputFile
			format "	</skeleton>
" to:outputFile


fn removeTempFiles tmpDir = 
	oFiles = getFiles (tmpDir + "*.*")
	for phile in oFiles do
			deleteFile phile -- Delet all files in the temp directory
--# Merges the Skeleton and the animation 
--# xml files together
fn createXMLanim phileName =
	if phileName != undefined then 
			xmlOutput = (maxFilePath + (getFilenameFile maxFileName) + ".xml")
			print xmlOutput
			outputFile = createfile xmlOutput
			format "<armature name=\"%\">
" (getFilenameFile maxFileName) to:outputFile
			writeSkeleton (outputFile)
			writeAnimations tmpDir outputFile
			format "</armature>
" to:outputFile
			close outputFile

--# Main function. 
--# Also spits OBJ files if there poly object(s)

fn main =
	files = getFiles "C:\	mp\\w3d\\archer\\*.max"
	for i in files do 
		sliderTime = 0
		loadMaxFile i quiet: True;
		oBoneArr  = (for o in helpers where classof o == bone collect o)
		oObjArr  = (for o in Geometry where (classof o == Editable_mesh or classof o == Editable_poly) collect o)
		if oBoneArr.count > 1 then
				print "Exporting XML FIle"
				createXMLanim i 
		if oObjArr.count > 0 then
				print "Exporint  OBJ file "
				select oObjArr
				outputFile = (getFilenamePath i) + (getFilenameFile maxFileName) + ".obj"
				exportFile outputFile #noPrompt
		resetMaxFile #noPrompt 
		removeTempFiles tmpDir


The blender code looks like this but it is still WIP:

#Name: 'Psuedo OGRE'
#Blender: 2.49
#This script imports a skeleton and animation XML file supplied by a string.
#Importing XML based on OGRE file fromat
#Still WIP

# Script copyright (C) Bob Holcomb
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# #####################################

# Importing modules

from Blender.Mathutils import *
from Blender import Armature
from Blender import *
import Blender, math
import xml.dom.minidom
from xml.dom.minidom import Node
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse('D:\	emp\\w3d_temp.xml')

# gets the bone Head postion from XML

def getHeadPos (documentStr):
    boneHeadPos = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'headpos':
                bonePosX = child.getAttribute("x")
                bonePosY = child.getAttribute("y")
                bonePosZ = child.getAttribute("z")
                boneVectorPos = float(bonePosX), float(bonePosY), float(bonePosZ)
                #print 'Head: Vector(%s, %s, %s)' % (bonePosX, bonePosY, bonePosZ)
    return boneHeadPos

# gets the bone Tail postion from XML
def getTailPos (documentStr):
    boneTailPos = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'tailpos':
                boneTailPosX = child.getAttribute("x")
                boneTailPosY = child.getAttribute("y")
                boneTailPosZ = child.getAttribute("z")
                boneVectorPos = float(boneTailPosX), float(boneTailPosY), float(boneTailPosZ)
                #print 'Rot: Vector(%s, %s, %s)' % (boneRotX, boneRotY, boneRotZ)
    return boneTailPos

#gets the bone rotation from XML
def getBoneRot (documentStr):
    boneRot = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'rotation':
                boneRotX = child.getAttribute("x")
                boneRotY = child.getAttribute("y")
                boneRotZ = child.getAttribute("z")
                boneVectorRot = float(boneRotX), float(boneRotY), float(boneRotZ)
                #print 'Rot: Vector(%s, %s, %s)' % (boneRotX, boneRotY, boneRotZ)
    return boneRot

#gets the bone name from XML
def getBoneName (documentStr):
    boneName = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
       boneNodeName = boneNode.getAttribute("name")
       #print boneNodeName
    return boneName

# gets bone parent
def getBoneParent (documentStr):
    boneParentName = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
       for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'boneparent':
                boneNodeParent= child.getAttribute("parent")
                #print boneNodeParent
    return boneParentName

# creates an empty armature
def createArmature (armName = None): #creates an empty armature
    arm = ''
    if armName == None:
        arm = 'Armature'
        arm = armName
    print 'creating armature by the name of %s' % arm
    armature = Blender.Object.New('Armature', arm)
    armatureName =
    scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
    return armatureName

# Adds bones to the selected Armature
def addBone (armObjStr, bHead, bTail, bName, bParent):
    armObj = Blender.Object.Get(armObjStr)
    armObjDataBlock = armObj.getData(name_only = 1)
    arm = Armature.Get(armObjDataBlock)
    eb = Armature.Editbone()
    eb.head = Vector(bHead)
    eb.tail = Vector(bTail)
    if bParent != 'None':
        eb.parent = arm.bones[bParent]
        eb.options = [Armature.HINGE, Armature.CONNECTED]
    arm.bones[bName] = eb

# creates empties for every Tail Postion
def addEmpty (emptyName,locVector ):
	nullObj = Blender.Object.New('Empty', emptyName)
	emptyName =
	scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
	oObj = Blender.Object.Get(emptyName)
	return emptyName

# Animates the empties
def animateEmpties (documentStr):
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for trackNode in getElements('track'):
        oObjName= trackNode.getAttribute('bone')
        #print oObjName
        oObj = Blender.Object.Get(oObjName) #Select the object that cooralates to bone/null name
        for keyframeNode in trackNode.childNodes:
            if keyframeNode.nodeName  == 'keyframe':
                oFrame = keyframeNode.getAttribute('frame')
                Blender.Set('curframe',int(oFrame))#move timer to the frame int(key)
                for keychildNode in keyframeNode.childNodes:
                    if keychildNode.nodeName == 'translate':
                        boneTransX = keychildNode.getAttribute("x")
                        boneTransY = keychildNode.getAttribute("y")
                        boneTransZ = keychildNode.getAttribute("z")
                        oVectorTrans = float(boneTransX), float(boneTransY), float(boneTransZ)
                        oObj.setLocation(Vector(oVectorTrans)) #Moves null to location
                        oObj.insertIpoKey(Blender.Object.LOC) #Sets a key for the location of the null
                    #if keychildNode.nodeName == 'rotate':
                        #boneRotW = keychildNode.getAttribute("w")
                        #boneRotX = keychildNode.getAttribute("x")
                        #boneRotY = keychildNode.getAttribute("y")
                        #boneRotZ = keychildNode.getAttribute("z")
                        #boneQuatRot = float(boneRotW), float(boneRotX), float(boneRotY), float(boneRotZ)
                        #TODO: rotate the null
                    #TODO: insert LOC ROT keys
	Blender.Set('curframe',0) #puts the scene frame back to zero

# adds constraints to the Empty objects
def addConstraints (armObjStr):
	ob = Blender.Object.Get(armObjStr)
	pose = ob.getPose()
	for bonename in pose.bones.keys():
		bone = pose.bones[bonename]
		constTarget =  oObj = Blender.Object.Get(
		if (bone.parent) != None:
			const = bone.constraints.append(2) #trackto constraint
			const[Constraint.Settings.TARGET] = constTarget
			#print 'None'
			const = bone.constraints.append(2) #trackto constraint
			const[Constraint.Settings.TARGET] = constTarget
			const = bone.constraints.append(9) #copylocation constriant
			const[Constraint.Settings.TARGET] = constTarget

# Generates the skeleton of of XML
def createSkeleton ():
    armObjStr = ''
    boneNames = getBoneName (doc)
    boneHead = getHeadPos (doc)
    boneTail = getTailPos (doc)
    boneParent = getBoneParent (doc)
    lenght = len(boneNames)
    count = 0
    arm_ob = 'TestRig'
    armObjStr = createArmature (arm_ob)
    for i in range(0,lenght):
        bName = boneNames[i]
        bHead = boneHead[i]
        bTail = boneTail[i]
        bParent = boneParent[i]
        addEmpty (bName,bTail )
        if bParent == 'None':
			bHead = Vector(bTail)*0.95
			#print bHead
        elif bTail == (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
			bTail = Vector(boneHead[i])*2
			#print bTail
			#print bName
        addBone (armObjStr, bHead, bTail, bName, bParent)
        #print armObjStr, '
', bHead, '
',  bTail, '
',  bName, '
',  bParent '
        #print '
', 'Head', bHead , '
Tail', bTail, '
        count +=1
    return armObjStr

# main function
def main ():
	oArm = createSkeleton()
	animateEmpties (doc)
	addConstraints (oArm)


WIP Help: My armature doesn’t follow the constraints unless I create a LOCROT key for a random bone. Or create a new scene and the open the original scene back. I would like to have that done via script. Like a Redraw or something
Also I want to set the scene end frame and grab the variable off the XML file.

Finally, the biggest problem I want solve is I want to batch the 2000 XML files. Preferably would like to do it via COM/OLE, so that I can use win32com.client and do everything from Pythong.

Any suggestions, comments, help is appreciated
Any maxscript suggestions, feedback are welcome too

A little premature

import xml.dom.minidom
from xml.dom.minidom import Node
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse('C:\	mp\\w3d\\archer\\guarcher_atkd.xml')
from Blender.Mathutils import *
from Blender import Armature
from Blender import *
import Blender, math

def getHeadPos (documentStr):
    boneHeadPos = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'headpos':
                bonePosX = child.getAttribute("x")
                bonePosY = child.getAttribute("y")
                bonePosZ = child.getAttribute("z")
                boneVectorPos = float(bonePosX), float(bonePosY), float(bonePosZ)
                #print 'Head: Vector(%s, %s, %s)' % (bonePosX, bonePosY, bonePosZ)
    return boneHeadPos

def getBoneRot (documentStr):
    boneRot = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'rotation':
                boneRotX = child.getAttribute("x")
                boneRotY = child.getAttribute("y")
                boneRotZ = child.getAttribute("z")
                boneVectorRot = float(boneRotX), float(boneRotY), float(boneRotZ)
                #print 'Rot: Vector(%s, %s, %s)' % (boneRotX, boneRotY, boneRotZ)
    return boneRot

def getTailPos (documentStr):
    boneTailPos = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'tailpos':
                boneTailPosX = child.getAttribute("x")
                boneTailPosY = child.getAttribute("y")
                boneTailPosZ = child.getAttribute("z")
                boneVectorPos = float(boneTailPosX), float(boneTailPosY), float(boneTailPosZ)
                #print 'Rot: Vector(%s, %s, %s)' % (boneRotX, boneRotY, boneRotZ)
    return boneTailPos

def getBoneName (documentStr):
    boneName = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
       boneNodeName = boneNode.getAttribute("name")
       #print boneNodeName
    return boneName

def getBoneParent (documentStr):
    boneParentName = []
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
       for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'boneparent':
                boneNodeParent= child.getAttribute("parent")
                #print boneNodeParent
    return boneParentName

def createArmature (armName = None): #creates an empty armature
    arm = ''
    if armName == None:
        arm = 'Armature'
        arm = armName
    print 'creating armature by the name of %s' % arm
    armature = Blender.Object.New('Armature', arm)
    armatureName =
    scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
    return armatureName

def addEmpty (emptyName,locVector ):
	nullObj = Blender.Object.New('Empty', emptyName)
	emptyName =
	scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
	oObj = Blender.Object.Get(emptyName)
	return emptyName
def addBone (armObjStr, bHead, bTail, bName, bParent):
    armObj = Blender.Object.Get(armObjStr)
    armObjDataBlock = armObj.getData(name_only = 1)
    arm = Armature.Get(armObjDataBlock)
    eb = Armature.Editbone()
    eb.head = Vector(bHead)
    eb.tail = Vector(bTail)
    if bParent != 'None':
        eb.parent = arm.bones[bParent]
        eb.options = [Armature.HINGE, Armature.CONNECTED]
    arm.bones[bName] = eb

def animateEmpties (documentStr):
    getElements = documentStr.getElementsByTagName
    for trackNode in getElements('track'):
        oObjName= trackNode.getAttribute('bone')
        #print oObjName
        oObj = Blender.Object.Get(oObjName) #Select the object that cooralates to bone/null name
        for keyframeNode in trackNode.childNodes:
            if keyframeNode.nodeName  == 'keyframe':
                oFrame = keyframeNode.getAttribute('frame')
                Blender.Set('curframe',int(oFrame))#move timer to the frame int(key)
                for keychildNode in keyframeNode.childNodes:
                    if keychildNode.nodeName == 'translate':
                        boneTransX = keychildNode.getAttribute("x")
                        boneTransY = keychildNode.getAttribute("y")
                        boneTransZ = keychildNode.getAttribute("z")
                        oVectorTrans = float(boneTransX), float(boneTransY), float(boneTransZ)
                        oObj.setLocation(Vector(oVectorTrans)) #Moves null to location
                        oObj.insertIpoKey(Blender.Object.LOC) #Sets a key for the location of the null
                    #if keychildNode.nodeName == 'rotate':
                        #boneRotW = keychildNode.getAttribute("w")
                        #boneRotX = keychildNode.getAttribute("x")
                        #boneRotY = keychildNode.getAttribute("y")
                        #boneRotZ = keychildNode.getAttribute("z")
                        #boneQuatRot = float(boneRotW), float(boneRotX), float(boneRotY), float(boneRotZ)
                        #TODO: rotate the null
                    #TODO: insert LOC ROT keys
def addConstraints (armObjStr):      
	ob = Blender.Object.Get(armObjStr)
	pose = ob.getPose()
	for bonename in pose.bones.keys():
		bone = pose.bones[bonename]
		constTarget =  oObj = Blender.Object.Get(
		if (bone.parent) != None:
			const = bone.constraints.append(2) #trackto constraint
			const[Constraint.Settings.TARGET] = constTarget
			#print 'None'
			const = bone.constraints.append(2) #trackto constraint
			const[Constraint.Settings.TARGET] = constTarget
			const = bone.constraints.append(9) #copylocation constriant
			const[Constraint.Settings.TARGET] = constTarget
def createSkeleton ():
    armObjStr = ''
    boneNames = getBoneName (doc)
    boneHead = getHeadPos (doc)
    boneTail = getTailPos (doc)
    boneParent = getBoneParent (doc)
    lenght = len(boneNames)
    count = 0
    arm_ob = 'TestRig'
    armObjStr = createArmature (arm_ob)
    for i in range(0,lenght):
        bName = boneNames[i]
        bHead = boneHead[i]
        bTail = boneTail[i]
        bParent = boneParent[i]
        addEmpty (bName,bTail )
        if bParent == 'None':
			bHead = Vector(bTail)*0.95
			#print bHead
        elif bTail == (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
			bTail = Vector(boneHead[i])*2
			#print bTail
			#print bName
        addBone (armObjStr, bHead, bTail, bName, bParent)
        #print armObjStr, '
', bHead, '
',  bTail, '
',  bName, '
',  bParent '
        #print '
', 'Head', bHead , '
Tail', bTail, '
        count +=1
    return armObjStr

def main ():
	oArm = createSkeleton()
	addConstraints (oArm)
	animateEmpties (doc)

Final Code for Blender 3D. Hopefully some one finds it useful

import xml.dom.minidom
from xml.dom.minidom import Node
from Blender.Mathutils import *
from Blender import Armature
from Blender import *
import Blender, math, os, bpy

def getHeadPos (oDoc):
    boneHeadPos = []
    getElements = oDoc.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'headpos':
                bonePosX = child.getAttribute("x")
                bonePosY = child.getAttribute("y")
                bonePosZ = child.getAttribute("z")
                boneVectorPos = float(bonePosX), float(bonePosY), float(bonePosZ)
                #print 'Head: Vector(%s, %s, %s)' % (bonePosX, bonePosY, bonePosZ)
    return boneHeadPos

def getAnimName (oDoc):
    oAnimName = ''
    getElements = oDoc.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('animation'):
        oAnimName = child.getAttribute("name")
    return oAnimName

def getAnimLength (oDoc):
    oAnimLength = ''
    getElements = oDoc.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('animation'):
        oAnimName = child.getAttribute("length")
    return oAnimLength

def getTailPos (oDoc):
    boneTailPos = []
    getElements = oDoc.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'tailpos':
                boneTailPosX = child.getAttribute("x")
                boneTailPosY = child.getAttribute("y")
                boneTailPosZ = child.getAttribute("z")
                boneVectorPos = float(boneTailPosX), float(boneTailPosY), float(boneTailPosZ)
                #print 'Rot: Vector(%s, %s, %s)' % (boneRotX, boneRotY, boneRotZ)
    return boneTailPos

def getBoneName (oDoc):
    boneName = []
    getElements = oDoc.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        boneNodeName = boneNode.getAttribute("name")
        #print boneNodeName
    return boneName

def getBoneParent (oDoc):
    boneParentName = []
    getElements = oDoc.getElementsByTagName
    for boneNode in getElements('bone'):
        for child in boneNode.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName  == 'boneparent':
                boneNodeParent= child.getAttribute("parent")
                #print boneNodeParent
    return boneParentName

def getAnimName (oDoc):
    oAnimName = ''
    getElements = oDoc.getElementsByTagName
    for animNode in getElements('animation'):
        oAnimName = animNode.getAttribute("name")
    return oAnimName

def getAnimLength (oDoc):
    oAnimLength = ''
    getElements = oDoc.getElementsByTagName
    for animNode in getElements('animation'):
        oAnimLength = animNode.getAttribute("length")
    return oAnimLength

def createArmature (armName = None): #creates an empty armature
    arm = ''
    if armName == None:
        arm = 'Armature'
        arm = armName
    print 'creating armature by the name of %s' % arm
    armature = Blender.Object.New('Armature', arm)
    armatureName =
    scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
    return armatureName

def addEmpty (emptyName): #locVector
    nullObj = Blender.Object.New('Empty', emptyName)
    emptyName =
    scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
    oObj = Blender.Object.Get(emptyName)
    oObj.setSize(Vector (0.001, 0.001, 0.001))
    return emptyName

def addCurves (oIpoName, oObjName):
    anIpo = Ipo.New('Object', oIpoName )
    LocXIpo = anIpo.addCurve( 'LocX' )
    LocXIpo = anIpo.addCurve( 'LocY' )
    LocXIpo = anIpo.addCurve( 'LocZ' )
    oObj = Blender.Object.Get(oObjName)
    oObj.setIpo( anIpo )

def animateEmpties (oDoc, oArmObj):
    getElements = oDoc.getElementsByTagName
    for trackNode in getElements('track'):
        oObjName = trackNode.getAttribute('bone')
        oIpoName =oObjName + 'Ipo'
        oEmpty = addEmpty (oObjName)
        print 'The name of the empty is ', oEmpty
        addConstraints (oArmObj, oEmpty)
        addCurves (oIpoName, oEmpty) # Adds curves to the object
        for keyframeNode in trackNode.childNodes:
            if keyframeNode.nodeName  == 'keyframe':
                oFrame = keyframeNode.getAttribute('frame')
                Blender.Set('curframe',int(oFrame))#move timer to the frame int(key)
                for keychildNode in keyframeNode.childNodes:
                    if keychildNode.nodeName == 'translate':
                        boneTransX = keychildNode.getAttribute("x")
                        boneTransY = keychildNode.getAttribute("y")
                        boneTransZ = keychildNode.getAttribute("z")
                        oVectorTrans = float(boneTransX), float(boneTransY), float(boneTransZ)
                        oObj = Blender.Object.Get(oEmpty) #Select the object that cooralates to bone/null name
                        oObj.setLocation(Vector(oVectorTrans)) #Moves null to location
                        oObj.insertIpoKey(Blender.Object.LOC) #Sets a key for the location of the null

def addBone (oArmObjStr, bHead, bTail, bName, bParent):
    oArmObj = Blender.Object.Get(oArmObjStr)
    oArmObjDB = oArmObj.getData(name_only = 1)
    oArm = Armature.Get(oArmObjDB)

    oEditBone = Armature.Editbone()
    oEditBone.head = Vector(bHead)
    oEditBone.tail = Vector(bTail)
    if bParent != 'None':
        oEditBone.parent = oArm.bones[bParent]
        oEditBone.options = [Armature.HINGE, Armature.CONNECTED]
    oArm.bones[bName] = oEditBone

def addConstraints (oArmObj, oEmpty):
    oBO = Blender.Object.Get(oArmObj)
    oPose = oBO.getPose()
    oEmSplit = oEmpty.split('.')
    oBone = oPose.bones[oEmSplit[0]] #gets the bonename of the empty split
    oConsTarget =  Blender.Object.Get(oEmpty) #New empty name passed from animateNulls function
    if (oBone.parent) != None:
		const = oBone.constraints.append(2) #trackto constraint
		const[Constraint.Settings.TARGET] = oConsTarget
  		#print 'None'
		const = oBone.constraints.append(2) #trackto constraint
  		const[Constraint.Settings.TARGET] = oConsTarget
		const = oBone.constraints.append(9) #copylocation constriant
		const[Constraint.Settings.TARGET] = oConsTarget
    print 'Armature: %s, oBone: %s, Target: %s' % (oBO, oBone, oConsTarget)
def createSkeleton (oDoc):
    oArmObj = None
    oBoneNames = getBoneName (oDoc)
    oBoneHead = getHeadPos (oDoc)
    oBoneTail = getTailPos (oDoc)
    oBoneParent = getBoneParent (oDoc)
    oActName = getAnimName (oDoc)
    lenght = len(oBoneNames)
    #count = 0
    oArmObj = createArmature (oActName)
    for i in range(0,lenght):
        bName = oBoneNames[i]
        bHead = oBoneHead[i]
        bTail = oBoneTail[i]
        bParent = oBoneParent[i]
        if bParent == 'None':
            bHead = Vector(bTail)*0.95
            #print bHead
        elif bTail == (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
            bTail = (Vector(oBoneHead[i])*2)
            #print bTail
            #print bName
        addBone (oArmObj, bHead, bTail, bName, bParent)
        #print oArmObjStr, '
', bHead, '
',  bTail, '
',  bName, '
',  bParent '
        #print '
', 'Head', bHead , '
Tail', bTail, '
        #count +=1
    return oArmObj

def setScene( oAnimLength ):
	oScn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
	oTimeLine = oScn.getTimeLine ()
	oContext = oScn.getRenderingContext()
	oContext.startFrame(2) #Frame 1 is skeleton T pose

def createNewScene (oNewSceneName):
    oOldScene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
    oNewScene = Blender.Scene.New(oNewSceneName)

def batchImportXML (oRoot):
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(oRoot):
        print 'root =', root, '
 dir = '
        for d in dirs:
            print d
        print '
 files ='
        for f in files:
            if f.endswith( '.xml' ):
                oFile =  root + '\\'+ f
                oDoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse( oFile )
                blendFile = (oFile.split('.')[0]) + ".blend"
                oAnimLength = (round(float(getAnimLength (oDoc))*30))
                oAnimName = getAnimName (oDoc)
                createNewScene ( oAnimName )
                setScene( oAnimLength )
                armObj = createSkeleton(oDoc)
                animateEmpties (oDoc, armObj) #gets the xml oDoc and armature to appy the constaints to
                Blender.Save(blendFile, 1)

        print '

def importSingleXML (oFile):
    oDoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse( oFile )
    oAnimLength = (round(float(getAnimLength (oDoc))*30))
    oAnimName = getAnimName (oDoc) #g
    createNewScene ( oAnimName )
    setScene( oAnimLength )
    oBlendFile = (oFile.split('.')[0]) + ".blend"
    oArmObj = createSkeleton(oDoc)
    animateEmpties (oDoc, oArmObj) #gets the xml oDoc and armature to appy the constaints to
    Blender.Save(oBlendFile, 1)

oRoot = 'C:\	mp\\w3d\\archer\\'
batchImportXML (oRoot)
#oFile = 'H:\\CustomXML_proj\\w3d\\archer\\guarcher_atkd.xml'
#importSingleXML (oFile)


Funny… Docs say unlink function doesn’t save the Unlinked data, for some odd reason my file sizes keep on adding data on to the original file.