I’m testing out 2015 before we upgrade and everything was going pretty smoothly until I started one of my tools and discovered it crashes Maya to desktop.
The Tool is written with PySide and works fine in 2014, but doesn’t work in 2015. I’ve tried with SP1 and SP2, same result, but I haven’t tried it with the original release of 2015.
For my UI I have sub-classed QAbstractItemModel, QTableView, QTreeView, QSortFilterProxyModel, made my own TreeItem, etc., etc.
Anyone aware of any changes in 2015 to be mindful of?
it seems the problem was caused by this signal connection:
changing it to this made the crash go away:
self.treeSelectionModel = self.jointTree.selectionModel()
This seems to be a problem with PySide 1.2. Below are some links about the problem. The workaround you suggest seems to be what everyone else is doing, too:
So, you need to persist a selectionModel object. That actually seems pretty reasonable, but the fact that it used to work the other way is a pain.