I’ve been using Pymel in several Maya versions and it’s always been fast to start up. But now in Maya 2018, it’s very slow (20 - 30 seconds)to import it the first time I use it during the session.
The script editor gives this readout when I import it the first time:
// pymel.core : Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: svgFileTranslator, invertShape, mayaHIK, GamePipeline, CloudImportExport, curveWarp, tiffFloatReader, MASH, poseInterpolator, ATFPlugin, hairPhysicalShader, CharcoalEditor, ikSpringSolver, ik2Bsolver, AbcExport, retargeterNodes, VectorRender, gameFbxExporter, OpenEXRLoader, lookdevKit, Unfold3D, mayaCharacterization, Type, mtoa, meshReorder, modelingToolkit, rotateHelper, matrixNodes, AbcImport, autoLoader, deformerEvaluator, sceneAssembly, gpuCache, Substance, OneClick, shaderFXPlugin, objExport, renderSetup, GPUBuiltInDeformer, ArubaTessellator, quatNodes, fbxmaya //
Seems like this “updading” procedure is what makes it slow now. Anyone know why this has been changed, or how I can change it back?
Other people are complaining about this same issue in this thread: