I have successfully got PyCharm up and running with Maya2013. I’m pretty convinced I like it more than Wing (though that’s another thread). PyCharm is auto-completing fine and is tripping breakpoints while remote debugging, yay! What I can’t figure out, is whenever an error is raised within source code, or if you attempt to step into the last line of the file (which should return you to back maya), you are instead greeted with popup tab entitled, “<maya console>” containing the following text:
c:/program files/autodesk/maya2013/bin/ can’t be found in project
You can continue degging, but withtout the source.
To filx this you can do one of the following:
Edit settings of path mapping in remote debug configuration
Auto-detect path mapping settings
Download source from remote host
Of these three options, the only viable possibility is editing the remote config manually. I’ve attempted to map c:/program files/autodesk/maya2013/bin/ to itself, but obviously this is wrong because that doesn’t work. Does anyone know how to circumvent this console warning tab, or what I’m not understanding mapping wise? Switching from this warning tab, back into the source code tab and continuing to step through the code continues to work as you’d expect… I just would like this console warning tab to quit showing up.