Pretty pipeline diagrams : what do you use?

Being called upon again to diagram/flowechart an asset pipeline.
I’ts good for the bosses, but also good to help us think about the overall system.

I usually mock up such things using Flash for familiarity speed, but it’s not really a sexy dynamic flow charting app.

What do you use?

i like Visio, part of MS Office for creating flowmaps of the static variety.

We use Gliffy here.

Done some in all kinds of tools, from proper BPMN tools (like Yaoqiang), Pencil (, yEd (yEd - Graph Editor) and even Excel recently (here’s a nice tip’s and tricks…that works way better than i expected actually): How To Create a Flow Chart in Excel | BreezeTree

Except Excel these are all free. There’s also lots of payware like SmartDraw and the afformentioned Vision if you have any of the bigger Office Packages. You can also use the draw component of Open Office or even PowerPoint. In Word take a look at SmartShapes. Then there are online-tools like the mentioned Gliffy or Lucid Charts.

I’d prefer a true BPMN Tool if i would finally find a really good editor. For fancyness i am not sure yet.


We use yEd, works well enough for a free tool.

theres also google docs > drawing

+1 for Google Drawing.

It makes it really easy for simple stuff and it nicely integrates in your docs and presentations.

For procedural diagrams I’ve been using Graphviz.

I’ve also used yed, but recently tried Not bad at all. Never tried google draw, will have a look.

I use dia as well… it’s simple and free, though not overly pretty.