I was wondering how to get the area of an object. The obj.min obj.max will get us the bounding box size of the obj but not exact area. For eg:
if we have to get the actual volume of the sphere (diameter), how to go about it??
can i go about it like calculating the distance from the pivot to ( obj.max.x or .y or .z )^3pi(4/3) like in actual math or is there any inbuilt fn for it???
I have actually tried it before but it was not serving my purpose here. What I want to do is to fill up any selected objects with the number of cubes, the cubes not going out the the object.
Well, if you’re just trying to get that done instead of “how to do it” you have this: http://www.erensaritas.net/voxelator.html and you can probably do the same with pflow.
I started by posting a link to the marching cubes algorithm but then I re-read the OP and realized it was the inverse of what you really wanted (it’s for skinning a voxel cloud instead of turning a skinned mesh into voxels, which was basically what the original post was asking for).
When I realized the link was useless I went to delete it - but too late, vbulletin doesn’t believe in deleting (or at least I don’t know how)
WOW…thats exactly what I was describing it like… fantastic work Kameleon. I was held up with other stuff and got some time to work on this. Have done the basic stuff with vol.select. need to create it like a proper tool like u did.
You’re welcome! I’m sure I won’t get rich, but it’s good to get some money back from the time invested Anyway, I’ll be sure to send you over a copy of what I have as soon as it’s stable Good luck and keep posting if you have any doubts, I already learned a lot from your questions.