Mudbox Normal Mapping

Hi, new to Mudbox and forum.

My class has been given an assignment to create a high poly object in Max, import to mudbox, sculpt, then recreate a low poly version in max, import again and project the normal map of the high poly onto the separate low poly object.

The instructor has given almost no direction in how to do this the way he wants us to. Basically we have to search online for help and tutorials. However i am unable to find any tutorials on how to do what he wants us to do.

Like i said, i am relatively new to mudbox, so any help would be appreciated.

I’d suggest heading over to There are lots of tutorials for what you’re talking about, countless ones, my guess is your professor hasn’t even given you enough information for understanding what to search for.

seems like to me your professor wants you to figure it out for yourself…pretty common for this type of work. Level up your google skills, your gona need them.