I’m just learning MotionBuilder 2011 and Maya 2011 and have never animated a character by hand, but have worked with Mocap. Hope to have 2012 within a month (the student version).
I’ll have a lot of motion captured animation that I’ll need to combine with hand animation, so I’m trying to figure out a good Maya/MotionBuilder workflow.
I’m trying to make sense of the choice of a rig, that will hopefully allow movement between MotionBuilder and Maya.
With the changes to Maya 2012, is this even a concern? Has Maya absorbed all of MotionBuilder’s features?
I’d anticipated using a 3rd party rig for more power, but with the HumanIK rig in Maya/MotionBuilder, is this even a concern? Hard for me to judge, having never animated before.
I’ve looked at AdvancedSkeleton, The Setup Machine and RapidRid - and am watching a number of Digital Tutor’s rigging videos - but … maybe I’m not thinking about this correctly and should just use HumanIk? Especially as the developer’s of those products don’t seem to use mocap and have any knowledge of moving back and forth between Maya and MotionBuilder.
- Rigs controls for things like the eyes, jaw, complex motions do seem useful. Is there a way to implement these so that they will work in both Maya and MotionBuilder.
I’d appreciate any comments, as I’m a bit clueless at the moment.
My first real project will be animating this character to sing and move in a set with a live character. I’d anticipated creating his facial morphs in Mudbox and maybe rigging the eyes and tongue, but … I’m still working out the details - and am a bit clueless in that area also.
So - any comments at all about the best way to go about this would be appreciated.