Motion Path in maya

Hey friends, i have attached an object to a curve by motion path command in maya . And when i toggle the uValue of the object from 0 then it ends at 0.99 and then stops , and i want to loop it continously i means the object will move along the curve repeatidly, is here any way to do this?
if anyone knows then pls tell me.

you could cycle with infinity on the animation curve

You mean “cycle with offset” option in graph editor?

not with offset, just cycle.
cycle with offset will increase the value with every cycle, you just want a continuous loop.

But i want to rig not animate. I want to rig a tankWheel in maya by motion path.
Do you have any idea? here is an example of tank tracks i did 2 years ago, its a very basic idea + some scripts to ease the workflow

Thanks Peerke, but I want the MEL scripted file. can you make this through mel script because i don’t understand python. I’ll be thankfull to you.

Hi Peerke, i create a curve and a polyCube and attach them by motion path and then i have cycled the uValue of motion path by preInfinity and postInfinity and then breaked the connection of the uValue, after that i have created an object and add an attribute to it named “track” now i want the polyCube to move along the path when i toggle the track atrribute value of the object. Do you have any idea, plz guide me.


you just have to connect the attribute named “track” to the input of your animationcurves (overriding the conenction of the time line “time” node)

I have connected and it works, but now i have 5 polyCube that are attached to the curve by motion path and i breakdown their uValue connection and i want to mantain offset between them like tank treads. what should i do now?

you need to offset the animation to make sure the threads are positioned differently around the curve

:):How can i offset the animation?

select an animation curve and move it a couple of frames to the left or right in the graph editor

I did so , i offset all the polyCube as you said. Now i have connected the outTime attribute of the time node to the object having attribute “track”. It works good but it gives a problem when i animate it. Is here any solution of that?

i dont know what you are talking about, but the documentation is pretty solid, just stating that there is a problem does not give me any clue on what is exactly going on XD
and even if you dont know python but you do know Mel the script should be fairly easy to puzzle your way through as it is almost the same in this case

also i think that you might be better of gaining some primary knowledge of maya first before trying this stuff out,
you can learn all the tricks of the trade by asking other people about it but if you do not know how to work with animation curves or other simple features you will never figure anything out, create complex rigs, by yourself

not to hurt your feelings or anything but i have noticed that most of your questions lead up to missing the very basic knowledge of some parts in Maya

Ok fine…Thanx Peerke Once again!: Would you help me in future again? Because i am new to maya.

of course :slight_smile: no problem