I feel a little embarrassed asking this as this is one of these things one should know how to do at the very beginning - but I can’t seem to figure out a reliable way to do this…!
Does anyone have a technique for easily mirroring control shapes across a rig? I have some unique shapes, which I’ve managed to mirror over before - but keep forgetting how I get there eventually. In an ideal situation, the whole thing would be scripted…
For the rig I’m working on in particular, I have the controls parent constrained in (it’s nesseccary for how I’m doing it) and the orient of the joints and transforms stored in a group node.
I’ve fiddled around with various methods, yet I still can’t seem to get this right!
Sorry for the beginner question.
Okay I feel like an idiot now. Is it really as simple as taking my control group and mirroring the the scale and rotations in the axis I’m flipping it in? It seems like something I’ve tried a million times before but never worked! Haha!
EDIT No 2:
Nope. Still not getting this. It is such a headache! So yup. A solid working solution still needed while I fiddle around with channels.
Also, maya is giving me lots of annoying micro values with my FK/IK joints due precision issues. Is there any easy fix to this - or is an 100% scripted rig the only way to avoid this?
Thanks again.