Hey all,
I have a question regarding mirroring skin weights in Maya. I just painted weights on the left half of a model, which is symmetrical except for an extra appendage on the right side. I tried to mirror the weights but it won’t allow it. The extra appendage has some joints in it. I can’t seem to find appropriate settings to allow me to mirror the weights and allow me to paint weights on the right appendage separately. Any help?
just select all the vertices you want to mirror and use the maya mirror function, if you did not select the vertices of the appendage it should skip them
I’m not sure I understand, I’m mirroring skin weights, not geometry. Is it possible to mirror skin weights on a mesh that’s asymmetrical? Most of the geometry is symmetrical, with the exception of the appendage.
yes the vertex selection tells maya which influences vertices need to be mirrored, its treated as a mask
I’m still confused, I select the vertices then do I mirror skin weights? Mirror geometry? I can’t find the Maya Mirror Function.
select vertices that you want the weights to be mirrored from
then use the mirror skin weights in de skin menu from maya