I’m trying to create a simple command plugin with python, but i get this strange error when i try to run it.
Warning: Calling syntax creator function failed
Error: RuntimeError: file <string> line 2: You are not licensed to use the “myCmd” command.
A search of the internet turns up some really old threads and some cryptic hints about choosing flag names that don’t conflict with other commands, but that doesn’t help me since i’ve already given the flags some heavily customized names.
I’m building off the sample code in the devit folder, so i’m not sure where i went off the rails…
Here are some relevant threads I found online:
class MyCommand(mpx.MPxCommand):
CMD_NAME = 'myCmd'
ARG_TYPE = '-r_et'
ARG_TYPE_LONG = '-r_type'
ARG_ALL = '-r_a'
ARG_ALL_LONG = '-r_all'
ARG_SEL = '-r_s'
ARG_SEL_LONG = '-r_selected'
def __init__(self):
self.__type = ''
self.__all = False
self.__sel = False
def syntaxCreator():
syntax = om.MSyntax()
syntax.addFlag(MyCommand.ARG_TYPE, MyCommand.ARG_TYPE_LONG, om.MSyntax.kString)
syntax.addFlag(MyCommand.ARG_ALL, MyCommand.ARG_ALL_LONG, om.MSyntax.kBoolean)
syntax.addFlag(MyCommand.ARG_SEL, MyCommand.ARG_SEL_LONG, om.MSyntax.kBoolean)
return syntax
def cmdCreator():
return mpx.asMPxPtr(MyCommand())
def doIt(self, argList):
def parseArgs(self, argList):
argData = om.MArgDatabase(self.syntax(), argList)
if argData.isFlagSet(MyCommand.ARG_TYPE):
self.__type = argData.flagArgumentString(MyCommand.ARG_TYPE, 0)
if argData.isFlagSet(MyCommand.ARG_ALL):
self.__all = argData.flagArgumentBool(MyCommand.ARG_ALL, 0)
if argData.isFlagSet(MyCommand.ARG_SEL):
self.__sel = argData.flagArgumentBool(MyCommand.ARG_SEL, 0)