Is there an easy way of getting all the geometry in the scene? When I say geometry I mean NOT the “Shape” or “ShapeOrig” nodes, only the geometry itself. I know the geometry can be referred to as a “mesh” or a “transform” and I dont think I want either. I want the pieces of geometry that I see in the viewport, that has vertices, edges, faces and probably a skinCluster, and I can apply a texture to, NOT the stupid “shape” or “shapeOrig” nodes.
I always get the shape and shapeOrig nodes.
I dont want to dirty up the script with: if ‘shapeOrig’ in str(Piece_of_geo):
Is there an easy way of gathering all geometry (meshes) in the scene? I even have a group node with all the geometry in it.
All i want to do is loop through them and makes sure they have materials and textures assigned to them, and bail out if they dont.
This gives you all the transforms of all the things in the scene. However, this will also give you the cameras, any groups (empty or not), transforms of curves, etc…
If you’re looking for the type that links to all the data you are talking about, that is indeed a “mesh” type.
Just to add to what Sophie posted, you can just pass the shape list to the listRelatives command and it’ll return a list. Also geometry can spawn stuff like locators etc. :
“When I say geometry I mean NOT the “Shape” or “ShapeOrig” nodes, only the geometry itself”
is a contradictory statement.
Those shape nodes ARE the geometry/meshes. They are the maya nodes that contain the component (vert/face/edge) data, and are the nodes that are connected to shadingGroups and used for shading. It can be a little confusing when you use those terms but say you don’t want what those terms represent. The ShapeOrig nodes are intermediate nodes used in deformation chains and many functions have arguments that ignore those nodes (cmds.ls(noIntermediate=True), for example).