I am looking for a way to have an object:
[li] Be unselectable in the viewport
[/li][li] Have only it’s wireframe displayed
[/li][li] Be able to change the color of it’s wireframe
The first two I can do by templating, but then the color is forced to a default grey. I don’t want to change the default color of a templated object because I’d liked this to be per-object. I can make an object display as wireframe and change the color of it’s wireframe using display overrides, but then it’s still selectable.
A display override reference forces the mesh into shaded mode. I want wireframe + unselectable + colored wireframe (or in other words the override set to template + change the wireframe color per-object).
It may just not be possible, my hope is running out :(.
You could turn on drawing overrides and uncheck shading. That way you will always have only the wireframe and you can set a custom color. Then you create a scriptjob that can remove those objects from the selection. A bit complicated but it would do the job. You can tag those objects with a custom attribute and use that as a condition in your scriptjob.
isn’t there a trick where you can set the overrides on the Shape Node instead of the Transform Node?
I know you can get your Display Layers in a weird state if the transform belongs to one layer, but the shape belongs to another…
Doesn’t work, rgkovach :/. Drawing overrides on the shape node take complete precedence over any that are set on the transform node, so you can’t mix and match them.
That’s the only way I can think of doing it, raziel, though I’d really like to avoid scriptJobs, especially selection ones–they just feel so clunky.
I played with shaders, but in the end I just implemented the scriptjob method as it produces exactly what was requested.
Then someone requested to have the wireframe be “xray-able” like joints are in the viewport, so that it draws on top of everything. I think it’s kind of a cool request, but certainly impossible given built-in methods. I may try to use this as an opportunity to learn how to write a custom shape node though.