Maya: Annoying Graph Editor bug (corrupted preferences?)

Hey everyone,

I need a bit of help figuring this one out. Either I’ve got a Maya preferences bug, or I accidentally triggered a terrible feature.

In the graph editor, after loading some objects and selecting some channels, almost any key I hit automatically clears the graph editor view. (The objects remain loaded in the sidebar of the graph editor, but the curves clear out of the main view.)

Specifically, “syncChannelBoxFcurveEd” and “selectKey -clear” are being called somehow. (see code below)

If I hit any of the transformation or editing keys (q w, e, r, t, y, i) then the graph editor just goes blank. Of course this makes the graph editor completely unusable. If I want to move a key, I have to activate the move tool and then select my channels. I can’t use “insert key” because the curve disappears.
“frame all” and “frame selected” work as usual.
If I use the graph editor menu to Edit -> Transformation Tools -> Move Keys Tool, the same problem occurs!!!

Using ECHO ALL to see what is happening under the hood:

Here is what happens when hitting ‘w’ while in the graph editor with default preferences:

destroySTRSMarkingMenu MoveTool;
setToolTo $gMove;
if (`popupMenu -exists tempMM`) { deleteUI tempMM; }if (`popupMenu -exists tempMM2`) { deleteUI tempMM2; };

Now here is what is happening in my corrupted preferences when hitting ‘w’ while in the graph editor:

destroySTRSMarkingMenu MoveTool;
setToolTo $gMove;
if (`popupMenu -exists tempMM`) { deleteUI tempMM; }if (`popupMenu -exists tempMM2`) { deleteUI tempMM2; };
selectKey -clear ;
// Result: 10 // 
// Result: On // 
// Result: Custom // 
// Result: No // 
// Result: default // 
// Result: 1 // 
if( `currentCtx` == "artAttrSkinContext" ){ artSkinInflSceneSelectionChanged ; artSkinUpdateWeightFieldFromSelection artAttrSkinPaintCtx;};

(I wasn’t editing any of my .mel preferences, so I don’t know how this happened.)

Anyone know how this got set, or how I can fix it? Flushing userPrefs.mel fixes the problem, but I can’t find any of the above code in that file. So is it being triggered from somewhere else? I’m hoping to see if I can avoid flushing my preferences, so any guidance is appreciated.


Oh, I bet it is a plugin interfering. I recently installed dpAutoRig. Though I think the problem started a week or so after that, and it is not currently loaded.

I’m investigating plugins and scriptJobs that might be running.

EDIT: Sure enough, I have a scriptJob running:

-event" "ToolChanged" "syncChannelBoxFcurveEd

No idea where that came from, but problem solved.