IDE with Maya Autocomplete

I was just wondering if anyone knows of any IDE’s that can autocomplete maya commands.

I am using eclipse and I tried following the tutorial here:

And it worked great I could type, “import maya.cmds as cmds” then type “cmds.” and hit autocomplete and I’d be presented with a nice list of functions to autocomplete to.

However it stopped working after I restarted eclipse.

Its nothing major, just makes life easier.


you could try Maxya, although it has its problems, and theres no pymel support.
For Default Maya python though it probably has what your looking for.

I would definitely stick with Eclipse. I put up a pretty detailed description on how to get a sweet set up in Eclipse in this tread:

I have run into one time where Eclipse auto complete stopped working (but it’s been months now). Right click on your pyDev project in the package explorer and go to properties->PyDev-PYTHONPATH->Source Folders tab. Click the Force Restore Internal Info button on the lower left.

Another way that also seems to work is to go to Window->Preferences->Interpreter-Python->Libraries tab. Select the python interpreter that you want to fix in the list of Python interpreters. Click Apply on the lower right.

Hope that helps.

PS. I will update my write up with a trouble shooting section when I get the time. When you do have this set up it actually is fairly major. When setting up Python super classes and classes that extend’s it’s methods you just have to mouse over references to any methods and a window will pop up to the doc tag of that method and which class it is within. There are so many advantages to this set up. It points out unused variables, imports, selecting a variable, method, class highlights it everywhere in your script, pressing F3 with any method selected, finds the module from where it is called and opens it up and goes to the method. Auto complete of Python, Pymel, PyQt with mouse hover pop ups to the doc tags of all those etc, etc, etc


This is the official pymel page for setting up in eclipse too:

Christian’s post/thread/site are much more thorough and has instructions on all sorts of awesome additions to your Eclipse Dev environment.

[QUOTE=supertom44;6677]I was just wondering if anyone knows of any IDE’s that can autocomplete maya commands.

I am using eclipse and I tried following the tutorial here:

And it worked great I could type, “import maya.cmds as cmds” then type “cmds.” and hit autocomplete and I’d be presented with a nice list of functions to autocomplete to.

However it stopped working after I restarted eclipse.

Its nothing major, just makes life easier.


Eclipse IDE Set Up with trouble shooting when autocomplete stops working, as well as getting real time debugging going…

Sorry it took so long…


Hi there

Thanks for the detailed instructions.


After opening a command port in maya, when I run settrace the first time I get an error…

Could not connect to 5678

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_1.6.5.2011020317\pysrc\”, line 341, in StartClient

s.connect((host, port))

File “<string>”, line 1, in connect

error: (10061, ‘Connection refused’)

Error: line 0: 1

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “<maya console>”, line 1, in <module>

File “C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_1.6.5.2011020317\pysrc\”, line 990, in settrace

_locked_settrace(host, stdoutToServer, stderrToServer, port, suspend, trace_only_current_thread)

File “C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_1.6.5.2011020317\pysrc\”, line 1015, in _locked_settrace

debugger.connect(host, port)

File “C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_1.6.5.2011020317\pysrc\”, line 286, in connect

s = StartClient(host, port)

File “C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_1.6.5.2011020317\pysrc\”, line 347, in StartClient


SystemExit: 1

It seems it was trying to connect through a different port? Eh???

But the second time I run it there’s no error. Even though I had started the debugger in Eclipse, I don’t see any breakpoints being hit, or any evidence at all that there’s a connection between maya and Eclipse.

Am I missing something?



mmm even when setting the port flag like this:

pydevd.settrace( stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=False, port=7720, suspend=False)

There seems to be no debugging action.

There’s an updated tutorial on setting up autocompletion with Eclipse. There’s also new files for Maya2012 python API.

I’ve been revisiting my Eclipse Maya Editor plugin. As has been commented in the past, the way I found to implement the connection to/from Maya leads to higher machine resources. I was using Eclipse’s internal Job API which I thought was the preferred method. I just switched over to using a normal Java thread and I now have almost no machine resources being used. Yay!

Most other IDE’s that allow communication with Maya only deal with sending commands TO Maya. They don’t allow capturing Maya’s return statements back FROM Maya. My plugin does and puts it in a console view. No syntax highlighting in consoles, though. It needs to be put in an editor view instead for highlighting. But when I tried this, I always got an annoying pop up window asking to accept file changes. I couldn’t find a way to turn this off - until now. The editor has to be part of an existing project in order to turn it off. So I’ll be modifying the plugin to take advantage of this. Soon.

I just updated the Eclipse Maya Editor plugin on Creative Crash.

  • dealt with the high machine resources
  • added sending mel code
  • revamped the documentation preferences and added user defined options
  • AND now you can install it from within Eclipse and not have to manually fiddle around with the plugins/ directory

Sounds good, I’ll check it out soon, cheers for letting us know.

[QUOTE=cgjedi;13573]I just updated the Eclipse Maya Editor plugin on Creative Crash.

  • dealt with the high machine resources
  • added sending mel code
  • revamped the documentation preferences and added user defined options
  • AND now you can install it from within Eclipse and not have to manually fiddle around with the plugins/ directory[/QUOTE]

Great, thanks, I hope to try this out at home as soon as I have the time. Happy Holidays!

Hey cgjedi, just wanted to say thanks for the updated Eclipse>Maya bridge. Fixed a few minor bugsI was having, and I get the correct line numbers with errors.

You’re welcome.