Hey everyone,
I’ve been coding pretty heavily the past 10 months ( MEL to Python ), so I think I’m about ready to take the plunge into Qt. It turns out that I’m not that ready because I’m about 3 days into PySide and I’m stuck. I’m trying to make a script that works exactly like the node editor tab creation tool, but instead of only working in the node editor, this script will work anywhere in Maya. Seeing as this is my first PySide script, pretty much all of it so far comes from tutorials and tidbits I’ve found around the internet, so please let me know if I’m doing something wrong or could do something a better way.
Description of what I’d like to accomplish:
- I’d basically like to create a script that functions like the node editor tab creation mechanism… but it creates objects anywhere in maya
- Kind of like tab node creation in houdini/nuke
- The end of this script has some basic working examples of what I want to accomplish and commands that might help me along the way
Issues so far:
- I can’t get focus of the QlineEdit window. When the script is run, the cursor shows focus inside the box, but the keyboard focus isn’t there
- I’d like to know how to manipulate the thickness of the rectangle box around the QlineEdit window (and/or how to make it so just the QlineEdit field displays without window ornaments)
- How can I access the node editor tab creation script so I can see how it works? Like how does it have a list of commands that pop up and how does it match what you’re typing?
from PySide import QtCore
from PySide import QtGui
from shiboken import wrapInstance
from difflib import SequenceMatcher as SM
import traceback
import maya.cmds as mc
import maya.mel as mel
import maya.OpenMayaUI as mui
def maya_main_window():
ptr = mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
return wrapInstance( long( ptr ), QtGui.QWidget )
# UI class
class mb_PandoraUI( QtGui.QDialog):
def __init__( self, parent=maya_main_window() ):
super( mb_PandoraUI, self ).__init__( parent )
def create( self ):
Create the UI
self.setWindowTitle( "mb_Pandora" )
self.setWindowFlags( QtCore.Qt.Tool )
self.setAttribute( QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose )
def resizeEvent(self, event):
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.size())
painter = QtGui.QPainter(pixmap)
painter.drawRoundedRect(pixmap.rect(), 8, 8)
self.setAttribute( QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose )
def create_controls( self ):
self.line_edit = QtGui.QLineEdit( parent=self )
self.line_edit.setObjectName( "pyLineEdit" )
def create_layout( self ):
main_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
main_layout.addWidget( self.line_edit )
self.setLayout( main_layout )
def create_connections( self ):
self.line_edit.textChanged.connect( self.on_text_changed )
def on_text_changed(self):
print("Text changed")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Development workaround for PySide error (Maya 2014)
# Make sure the UI is deleted before recreating
# Create minimal UI object
mb_pandora_ui = mb_PandoraUI()
# Delete the UI if errors occur to avoid causing
# and event errors (in Maya 2014)
-This code does a very basic version of what I want in the end
def mb_runCommand( thing ):
thing = mel.eval( "{0}".format( command ) )
result = mc.promptDialog( title="Create", button=["Create", "Cancel"], cancelButton="Cancel", dismissString="Cancel", m="Watchu wanna dew?" )
if result == "Create":
# Vars
createName = mc.promptDialog( q=1 )
mb_runCommand( createName )
- autodesk example for the cmdScrollFieldExectuer, which functions similar to how I want the script to work
import maya.cmds as mc
# this will create a tiny window with a Mel command executer.
mc.cmdScrollFieldExecuter(width=200, height=100, npm=0)
-autodesk stuff that I’m using to test out fuzzy string comparison
s1 = ' It was a dark and stormy night. I was all alone sitting on a red chair. I was not completely alone as I had three cats.'
s2 = ' It was a murky and stormy night. I was all alone sitting on a crimson chair. I was not completely alone as I had three felines.'
match = SM(None, s1, s2).ratio()
print match
-possible was to list commands to fuzzy string compare against
allPossibleNodes = mc.allNodeTypes()
for item in allPossibleNodes:
print (item)
import maya.cmds as cmds
def printNewMenuItem( item ):
print item
window = cmds.window()
cmds.optionMenu( label='Colors', changeCommand=printNewMenuItem )
cmds.menuItem( label='Yellow' )
cmds.menuItem( label='Purple' )
cmds.menuItem( label='Orange' )
cmds.showWindow( window )
Thank in advance for any and all help!