Video #1 : finalRender Drop3 - BATTLE of the AI
BATTLE OF THE AI HEATS UP ! Is Cyberdene already here?
I dare to compare: NVIDIA vs Intel AI denoiser.
Video #2: finalRender Drop 3 AI-Denoising - Dare to Compare
Bet on trueHybrid™ to give you this level of flexibility! Other render solutions force you to switch between GPU or CPU, finalRender lets you use all the power you paid for!
Announcing finalRender DROP 3 released today
See news Welcome to cebas VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Inc.
See the main Drop 3 video @ cebas finalRender
CGChannel has given a Review, see cebas ships finalRender Drop 3 | CG Channel
Btw, Maya 2018 we have a free open beta production-ready download for you for this first time after many busy years - cebas finalRender for Maya OBP
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