Hello! I want to create a script (MEL or Python doesn’t matter) only to execute the export after setting the animation lenghts and names and export directory by myself. I cant seem to find how and I could use some help. Thank you!
Hope this helps:
import maya.cmds as cmds
def export_animation(start_frame, end_frame, export_dir, file_name):
# Set the start and end frames
cmds.playbackOptions(min=start_frame, max=end_frame)
# Create the full file path. change the format here too
file_path = os.path.join(export_dir, file_name + ".ma")
# list obj selected in viewport
selected_obj = cmds.ls(sl=True)
# Select all objects for export
# Export selected objects to the file path. you can change the format here
cmds.file(file_path, force=True, options="v=0;", type="mayaAscii", exportSelected=True)
start_frame = 1
end_frame = 120
export_dir = #"C:/path/to/export/directory"
file_name = "enter_animation_name"
export_animation(start_frame, end_frame, export_dir, file_name)