Hey folks,
I finished an investigation that I was doing for rendering displacement maps to drive tessellation using DX11…
This was completely rendered in real time using the Unreal Engine
I hope you like it…
Hey folks,
I finished an investigation that I was doing for rendering displacement maps to drive tessellation using DX11…
This was completely rendered in real time using the Unreal Engine
I hope you like it…
Looks cool. Did you render the frames out of UDK, or did you screencapture?
I thought DX11 tesselation was a standard feature from the June UDK update though? Correct me if I’m wrong (haven’t used UDK in a while)
And, just on presentation value, may help to brighten it up and put a fill light. It’s pretty dark so a little hard to see what’s going on.
Yeah DX11 has been in the UDK from around March and it was full of bugs! There was a really bad issue where the UV seams wouldn’t weld causing holes in meshes. This has only been recently fixed.
Was pretty tricky to do as there is very little help or documentation out there as not many people online have done it.
Yer, I probably should have added an extra light for one of those dark camera angles.
As for rendering it out of UDK, they have recently added a feature to Matinee where you can record straight from it. You can render as an avi or else bmp images.
I choose to do images and then import into editing software as a video sequence. It’s pretty win as Fraps is quite bad for rendering UDK stuff.
ah fair enough. Last time I used UDK was before it was properly UDK with UT3.(good memories).
Glad to hear they’ve improved the output system. Wasn’t very fun earlier.
Thanks for the info darthwilson, I’m so glad they finally fixed the UV seam issue
Yeah, well it’s still not 100% as my mesh still has a few minor seam issues when tessellation is added.
I’ve redone the video
Like Dgovil said, it’s really dark… I’ve also made it slower and tweaked my specular map a tad.
Honestly, it’s a not good example. This takes resources, but it doesn’t show impressive result. You have to use magnify glass to see the different between 2 these meshes. I think it makes sense to use tessellation technology for more complex tasks, like for auto LOD system, cinematics and so on.