My company is looking into digital asset management (DAM) solutions for archiving, textures, 3d models, 2d animations, etc into a repository the artists can reference. I was curious if any of you are using something similar at your companies for sharing assets. Realistically, since my company has many offices world wide, it is going to have to be a web based solution. So, if any of you have any experience with any of these services I would love to hear your feedback either positive or negative.
The short answer is it depends on your budget and your needs. I have like a google doc with like over 50+ of these DAM solutions with pros and cons of each, I’ll ask if I can make it public one of these days. Here I’m in the process of writing integration for ftrack (which is what we ultimately chose to go with) with various DCCs. If you’re talking about cloning your assets worldwide across several locations then I’d suggest you take a look at it as well due to its concept of Locations, which is something that none of the other solutions have, including Shotgun. (That was a primary concern given to me as well when choosing between shotgun/ftrack as we have a sister studio that also deals with art assets)
But if you want an OOTB solution for a single location that you can then replicate across locations then I’d stick with P4 or Shotgun or even git/SVN.
Thanks for the responses guys I really do appreciate it. Unfortunately ftrack wont work for us as we don’t need to track any production tasks (i.e. like shotgun). I am not sure about Tactic as from what I could see from their website, it looks like a progress tracking software too. We only need a way of storing our assets on a single server that we can search. Think something like Turbosquid that has a thumbnail and keywords for each asset so that we can sift through a lot of content easily when we need to re-purpose some 3d/2d content. An example of something that could potentially suit our needs is Asset Bank (video explaining what it is but if anyone out there is currently using a similar service, or has some information to thin the herd of DAMs I would love to hear it.