Compiling Qt and PyQt

I wanted to take a stab at compiling Qt and PyQt for Winx64. There are a few blogs around containing instructions but I’m encountering just enough issues that I’m still confused.

As of this writing the latest:
Qt libraries is 4.7.4
PyQt 4.8.5

I know that:
Maya2011 was built with Qt 4.5.3
Maya2012 was built with Qt 4.7.1

So first questions:

  1. If I wanted the latest PyQt4.8.5 for Maya2011, will compiling the latest PyQt against Qt4.5.3 be valid?
  2. Would the newer Qt4.7.4 be still compatible with Maya2012?
  3. If so, it seems that the Qt4.7.4 libraries for Windows available on Nokia’s site are compiled for x86. They don’t mention this and there doesn’t seem to be libraries available for x64. Is this accurate?

The answer to your first question would be:
yes, it is still valid and you can go ahead and use 4.8.5 for building PyQt for Maya 2011.

The second one:
I doubt so. As far as I know you cant use the newer versions to build PyQt for Maya. But don’t quote me on that.

The third one:
Yes, the libraries available are indeed compiled for x86. But you can get the appropriate version for your build from Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

You may also check out the following link to get hold of all the open-source components that Maya makes use of

I have PyQt build for windows x64 and Linux shared on my blog too. You may take a look in case you are interested

Yes, you can build newer versions of PyQt against an older version of Qt in most cases.

PySide only goes against newer versions, although I’ve seen a efw notes on how to get it working on the python inside maya google group.

Great, thanks for the info.

So that Autodesk link is interesting because of the versions of Qt that they make available. If Maya2012 uses Qt4.7.1, they have 4.7.2 as a link - but without the “modified for maya”. Also, they have the Qt4.6.x versions there too - when both Maya2011 and Maya2012 didn’t use those releases.

Does that imply that Maya2011 is not that tightly tied to 4.5.3 and Maya2012 not tied to 4.7.1?