Ok nobody has to download it to give feedback - look at the code and tell me if it needs improvement anywhere or if I should be implementing something differently. Or if you have suggestions for how to improve the functionality. Ignore anything mentioning XML, I was using it as my data transfer language but switched to json.
import json
import maya.cmds as cmds #import maya commands
#opens window that prompts user to select a file
def selectFilePath(*args):
#pops up dialog that allows user to select a place to load documents
filePath = cmds.fileDialog2(fm=0, dir="C:\\Users\\Eric\\Desktop\ est.txt", cap="Select File To Load:", ff="*.txt")
cmds.textField("dataTF", edit=True, text=filePath[0]);
#apply data
def Apply(*args):
#take in filePath selected from textField
filePath = cmds.textField("dataTF", q=True, tx=True)
rootNode = cmds.textField("rootTF", q=True, tx=True)
#need both filePath and rootNode for it to work
if filePath == "-":
print "No filePath Specified"
elif rootNode == "-":
print "No root node selected"
f=open(filePath, 'r')
j_data= json.loads(f.readline())
#list of keys(objects)
objectList = j_data.keys()
for object in objectList:
print object
keyframes = j_data[str(object)]
keyframesList = j_data[str(object)].keys()
for key in keyframesList:
attributes = keyframes[str(key)] #attributes of specific key
attributesList = keyframes[str(key)].keys()
for attr in attributesList:
#skip if locked
if cmds.getAttr(object+'.'+attr,lock=True) == True:
print attributes[attr]
cmds.setAttr(object+'.'+attr, float(attributes[attr]), clamp=True)
cmds.setKeyframe(v=float(attributes[attr]), at=attr)
#PURPOSE: To transfer animation data from one rigged mesh to
#another mesh of the same rig. Specifically to speed up iteration
#of animations on different characters using the same rig by creating
#seperate .mb files within Unity so that each animation can be edited
#independently using the @ naming convention method of animating.
#Scenes must have same naming convention - it looks for names between rigs.
#Scenes must have same standard unit (grid size) otherwise units won't convert
import json
import maya.cmds as cmds #import maya commands
#opens window that prompts user to select a xml file
def selectFilePath(*args):
#pops up dialog that allows user to select a place to load documents
filePath = cmds.fileDialog2(fm=0, dir="C:\\Users\\Eric\\Desktop\ est.txt", cap="Select File To Load:", ff="*.txt")
cmds.textField("dataTF", edit=True, text=filePath[0]);
#apply data
def Apply(*args):
#take in filePath selected from textField
filePath = cmds.textField("dataTF", q=True, tx=True)
rootNode = cmds.textField("rootTF", q=True, tx=True)
#need both filePath and rootNode for it to work
if filePath == "-":
print "No filePath Specified"
elif rootNode == "-":
print "No root node selected"
f=open(filePath, 'r')
j_data= json.loads(f.readline())
#list of keys(objects)
objectList = j_data.keys()
for object in objectList:
print object
keyframes = j_data[str(object)]
keyframesList = j_data[str(object)].keys()
for key in keyframesList:
attributes = keyframes[str(key)] #attributes of specific key
attributesList = keyframes[str(key)].keys()
for attr in attributesList:
#skip if locked
if cmds.getAttr(object+'.'+attr,lock=True) == True:
print attributes[attr]
cmds.setAttr(object+'.'+attr, float(attributes[attr]), clamp=True)
cmds.setKeyframe(v=float(attributes[attr]), at=attr)
def setRoot(*args):
#select heirarchy of root
selection = cmds.ls(sl= True)
if selection == []:
print "Nothing Selected"
#change textField text to root name
cmds.textField("rootTF", edit=True, text=selection[0]);
def exportData(*args):
#takes value from text field to use in creating xml file
root = cmds.textField("rootTF", q=True, tx=True)
#make root readable and check for no selection
if root == '-':
print "Nothing selected for root node."
#select hiearchy of root, then add those selections to a variable
cmds.select(root, hi=True)
selection = cmds.ls(sl=True);
#empty dictionary for storing objects
objectDict = {}
#go through each object in selected heirarchy
for object in selection:
#get first and last frame of current object in heirarchy
firstKey = cmds.findKeyframe(time=(0, 1000), which='first')
lastKey = cmds.findKeyframe(time=(0, 1000), which='last')
#to deal with objects that aren't keyed
if int(firstKey) == int(lastKey):
#create empty dict for storing keyframes
keyframeDict = {}
#go through each frame of animation
for frame in range(int(firstKey),int(lastKey)):
#make sure on the right frame
#create empty dict for storing attributes
attributeDict = {}
#get the translation
object_translation = cmds.getAttr(object + ".translate")
attributeDict["translateX"] = str(object_translation[0][0])
attributeDict["translateY"] = str(object_translation[0][1])
attributeDict["translateZ"] = str(object_translation[0][2])
#get the rotation
object_rotation = cmds.getAttr(object + ".rotate")
attributeDict["rotateX"] = str(object_rotation[0][0])
attributeDict["rotateY"] = str(object_rotation[0][1])
attributeDict["rotateZ"] = str(object_rotation[0][2])
#add attribute data to keyframeDict
keyframeDict[str(frame)] = attributeDict
#add keyframe data to object
objectDict[str(object)] = keyframeDict
#prompt user for a location to save their file
filePath = cmds.fileDialog2(fm=0, dir="C:\\Users\\Eric\\Desktop\ est.txt", cap="Select Location To Save File:", ff="*.txt")
f=open(filePath[0], 'w')
f.write(json.dumps(objectDict,skipkeys = True))
print "Sent to " + filePath[0]
#delete window if it exists
if cmds.window("passData", q=True, exists=True):
cmds.deleteUI("passData", wnd=True);
#create user interface
cmds.window("passData", t="Pass Animation Data", rtf=True, s=False);
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns=3, columnWidth=[(1, 100), (2, 200), (3, 100)]);
#first row
cmds.textField("rootTF", text="-", ed=False);
cmds.button("Set Root", c=setRoot);
#second row
cmds.textField("dataTF", text="-", ed=False);
cmds.button("Select File Path", c=selectFilePath);
#third row
cmds.button("Export Current Data...", c=exportData);
cmds.button("Apply Data", c=Apply);