Animation bake in MEL to a specific animation layer

I’m trying to bake an animation to a specific animation layer but I’m running into issues. If I specify a target I get a different result than if I don’t specify a target layer to bake to. Like this:

float $minTime = `playbackOptions -q -minTime` ;
if ( `animLayer -q -exists OverlapAnimation` == 0 )
        animLayer OverlapAnimation ;
$selected = `ls -selection` ;
currentTime $minTime ;
float $worldPos[] = `xform -q -ws -t $selected[0]` ;
bakeResults -simulation true -at "tx" -at "ty" -at "tz" -time ($minTime + ":" + $maxTime) -sampleBy 1 -oversamplingRate 1 -dic true -pok true -sac true -rba false -ral false -bol true -destinationLayer OverlapAnimation {( $selected[0])} ;

Try that bit of code on a clean scene with a single object selected, the object needs to be moved a bit so you can see the effect. When I run that code my object is moved twice the distance it had originally.

If that code is run without the -destinationLayer OverlapAnimation you will get a different result.

I was wondering if anyone of you had run into this and how you solved it.

Thanks for the help!

Apparently there were some things that stuck in the background yesterday. The code should look like this:

float $minTime = `playbackOptions -q -minTime` ;
float $maxTime = `playbackOptions -q -maxTime` ;
if ( `animLayer -q -exists OverlapAnimation` == 0 )
        animLayer OverlapAnimation ;
$selected = `ls -selection` ;
currentTime $minTime ;
float $worldPos[] = `xform -q -ws -t $selected[0]` ;
bakeResults -simulation true -at "tx" -at "ty" -at "tz" -time ($minTime + ":" + $maxTime) -sampleBy 1 -oversamplingRate 1 -dic true -pok true -sac true -rba false -ral false -bol true -destinationLayer OverlapAnimation ($selected[0]) ;