When writing technical documentation

… be very careful with the phrase ‘per vert baked’, as much merriment will ensue at your cost. :):

LOL! nice nice

Technical documentation. I doubt it’s something any of us would list as our favorite genre, either to write or to read. But it’s one of those necessities we often curse then begrudgingly accept when we have to wade our way through it in order to solve a problem or when we have to write it in order to explain a technical product.

Good documentation is hard to write. There are a number of forms in which technical documents can take: very general or high-level overviews, step-by-step walkthroughs, or auto-generated documents, for example. Add this to the variety of users who might need your documentation - their different needs, technical expertise, learning styles - and you’ll probably find there is really no one single format that will work for everyone.