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@Martin_Baadsgaard: I wanna see what is the average seniority compared to age now…
I’m senior and 33
I feel like I’m on the old side compared to seniority, but I also spent a bit long in school
@Jeff_Hanna: Principal, been there for 5-ish years. 51 years old
I hit senior level when I was at Mythic, so 2005-2006ish.
@kashaar: Senior since age 35 here, but what even are titles
I was made a Lead 2 years into my first studio job
@douglascomet: Mid, for about 2 years, tentatively assuming lead role because mine took on another gig, 31 years old and I also feel like I was in school bit too long but still so much to learn
@kashaar: didn’t start gamedev for money until age 32
@TooL: Just TA, 2.5 years here (and first fulltime job in games) , 31
@volantk: TA with lead programmer hat (pretty self driven team) after 6-7 years, 31
@instinct-vfx: Don’t remember really. I think i became Head of 3D in 2006, that was around 2 years in. But that was due to switching within sister companies, and became head there was no 3d and i built it there.
Still here and in year 15 now heh
i was 27/28 at that time
@Viki: I’m in my second role as a programmer, I’m mid-level and I’ve been in industry for 2 and a half years. I also feel a bit old because I’m 29 and learnt to program after finishing uni
But in my last job we were in very small teams, so I was both junior and lead? Who knows!
@marydenman: I was a lead ages before I was ever a senior lol
leading at 29 with ~4 years, got senior this year at 33
@ldunham1: Similar to Mary - was never “officially” a senior.
33, been a lead for 5+ years (I think).
Wait, I’m 33?
(Checks calendar) - Well yup.
That’s gone quick 
@Florian: We don’t have any title here. So I don’t really now what the heck I am doing for almost 10 years now.
@benjia: Mid for about 3 years (2nd job as mid), 28
@bob.w: I’ve been varying levels of senior for most of my TA career, as I moved from an already senior level design role. Mostly my seniority was institutional more so than time served
@teessider: Hello everyone 
junior TA for around 2 years, regular TA for around 2 years now (hopefully senior within the next 12 months or so
) and im 29 in a week 
All at the same company ha
@instinct-vfx: (Quick disclaimer: Not in games, never was, and now am a Production Pipeline Architect and that is wrong since 3 years)
@Martin_Baadsgaard: I’ll add history too, as I think this info could be useful for people (And thanks!)
Gamedev apprenticeship from 2008-2010, animation for a year, school for 3.5 years, worked for about 4 years. This is my second year as “senior”
And this stuff is mostly relevant for people who need to negotiate a salary based on seniority…
Never “lead” (hopefully never will! Thank god for dual career paths!)
@TooL: I always equate lead to the person in all the meetings
(which is why I don’t think I’d manage to be a lead for long…at least not anytime soon)
@marydenman: Yah, I was in a crap ton of meetings all the time every day
Now that I am just a regular ol’ senior things are pretty chill by comparison lol
I get to do work work 
@kashaar: it’s true
I spend most of my time in meetings and calls
@bob.w: Even without lead there have been times where it felt like I was doing as much meetings as working
@kashaar: I try to make sure my team has the breathing room to work that I wish I had lol
@bob.w: Mostly because the time gap between meetings was just enough to almost get back to what I was doing before the next one
But that was a bit of an anomaly where I was the primary TA for a crap ton of small projects and needed to be at the various daily standups.
@kashaar: I’m starting a push to convince our leadership to end all meetings 5mins early
so that we at least have 5mins between meetings for, you know, airing our brains
@bob.w: So much that.
Brain needs time to absorb, plus get any “note to self” shit written so you aren’t distracted for the first half of the next one
Which is actually my biggest problem with back to back meetings
I’m still thinking about problems/solutions from the previous meeting while the next one is rolling
@kashaar: I don’t have a problem focusing on the new one, but I do have a problem remembering what I didn’t write down from the previous one
@bob.w: Yeah, for me its probably case of ADHD and meetings don’t exactly cooperate with each other
@Martin_Baadsgaard: I have a hard time remember the last thing I did on my current task 
@Mattias_Van_Camp: 3D artist for a year, Env Artist for another year, then 3 years as a TA, 1 as a senior and now coming up on a year as Lead TA
just turned 29 in April
@Frieder_Erdmann: i did a detour through cinematics (but always in a tech role) and then ran Product Management for a virtual production focused version of our engine at the time for 2 years, where i was technically a lead (i guess age 25-27)? then went back to TA full time, senior by age 28 (?), ta lead by age 30. Now 31, feeling old, but super happy with the team here. I love all kinds of TA work (and still get to do a lot of different things), but have the chance right now with our team to be completely focused on writing a great DCC Tool framework. Also team size of 5-6 people is awesome, as it leaves me with capacity to actually write code and test workflows myself.
@instinct-vfx: don’t feel old. We have :jeff: for that
@bob.w: I know I’m not old, but I certainly feel it.
Granted using a cane for over a third of your life will do that to you
@Martin_Baadsgaard: You age is actually direct proportional to the curvature of your spine averaged over time
Don’t believe me? Try hunching for a few weeks 
@morrisolmsted: I started in 1999 at age 28 as an environment artist, about 2 years in, I started creating tools and by 2 more years knew I was a TA. Been doing that for 21 year now and at 49, I am old and STAY OFF MY LAWN! but if you need help, hit me up
@instinct-vfx: I am not as old as Jeff (sorry :D) but still…getting up hurts…my mother in law says, welcome to aging 
@dhruv: I started in 2012 at 21 at Rhythm and Hues, At Sony I started as a junior in 2013, lead by 25, supervisor by 26.
Started at Apple as a senior tech artist at 28. Became Lead six months later, and pipeline architect by 29. I’m 30 now and my body feels 60 :-/