Hi the community,
I would like to use the same animation ( sitting and applause ) with 2 different characters
I think UE5 new features can solve this problem
You can see the issue here : https://youtu.be/ymZuA9tR_MI
In this video I’m trying to use IKRig retargeting ( 5.3 )
But the animation fit well with the base skeleton but with the large guy : hands are too far.
My next investiagations :
- https://youtu.be/Zwc9uuOYfFg?si=2_ZS71-arn5kWOrv&t=731
- https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.3/en-US/animating-ik-retarget-settings-in-unreal-engine/
Any helps will be really apreciate