TheMattePoser - A Motionbuilder:ish pose tool for Maya

TheMattePoser is a pose save/load tool for Autodesk Maya. Its been implemented as an effort to create a similar pose management system to what motionbuilder has with its built-in poser tool. Combined with Mayas more customizable rigging possibilities it offers its user a similar poser experience, with some added tricks even.

Long story short; I plan on doing some complementary full time studies for a while and I figured I might use some of my knowledge to offer the community a serious Maya standalone somewhat different poser tool.

More details can be found at the TheMattePoser site. Where a series of videos act as a tutorial how to use the tool as well as demo of what can be done with the poser (videos 4 and video 6 are the most descriptive for tool features).

If you feel curious about trying a solid and serious effort of a poser tool for Maya, the trial is free for everyone. And after that, if you like the tool, a small sum is required for extended use.

TheMattePoser Site
