The amazing Magnus wootton presents the stuff ive been working on the last 6 months, which has been the most gruelling 6 months yet! Im getting desperate to get this robot security dream happening, and ive got all these toys along the way!
This first one, I didnt leave in failure, I just got the urge to get into the electronics finally! Because I want the robots brain to be my own hardware, not software, but I had a webcam based 3d kinect type thing on the way, it interestingly triangulates the video and turns you into a triangle model, but its not quite 3d yet, the other cool thing is it has a key memory, and it improves its tracking ability immensly, but at the same time slowing it down.
This is a cpu mary tree implementation with 32 gigabytes of ram devoted, a pure 4 gig gpu version would kick this ones butt, although its storage ability is limited.
Now this one is excellent!
I can actually take an ordinary video. (would be better if it were cube video) And I can actually through a clever billboard process let you walk around in it! Imagine using this for cheap virtual sets that actually look good for some budget movie making. (would kill hollywood finally nails in the coffin.) Makes your keyshot raytracing alot cooler too, being able to place your model in the set, and the preview process is alot more fun.
In the video, there is actually edits taken place, I can mirror the video around (in 3d!!) just like a 3d model, and its just a crummy video! this one amazed the hell out of me.
heres a failed attempt at bring back street fighter 2 in a markov chain, this failed, but i know how to do it now! i dont think the attention span is good enough to get out of the character select screen to the game, so it would need rejogging to get here and there.
The robot im planning to make does reconstitute its sensor in this way, but I havent gotten around to finishing this one off!!! Soon! I must finish it!!!
The red numbers on the left are patterns entering the system, you have to wait a bit before I go into simulation mode, and it fails miserably. I have a better video, but the framerate was so poor im just putting this here to mark a spot.
And after that ground box program, little fun music video i made from the left overs of the code. (watch out its nasty dnb :))
last but not least, some realtime(ish) environmental lighting, off simple homogeonous procedural generated skymap. (blue sky gold sun.)