Tech-Artists.Org is now on Slack! We’ve decided to notch it up one from IRC and step into the future. Slack will allow us to have better integration, communication across the community and will work well in combination with the forums. Come check it out.
In the interest of privacy I have deleted the previous posts and I have added a signup form for everyone - TAO Slack Signup
The link does not work at work. Sadness
Thanks for the invite I will be ready for mayhem
Once we fill out the signup form, how long does it take for the account to be created?
It should take a couple of minutes to a couple of hours. You should have received a message in the mail, let me resent the request for you.
I got it, thanks!
Thread bump! If you didn’t sign up for the slack after GDC, this is a good time to do so now!
I signed up. Curious to see how active this channel is.
Just posted a request.
Just sent a request ^^
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