Hey hey tech-artists.org,
This is my first post so please be gentle! I know my title is a little ambiguous, but I’m hoping to pick up a little interest! I’m a 4th year student at Abertay University in Scotland, studying my last year in BA(Hons) Computer Arts (degrees are 4 years here!).
As it is my honours year, and I am completing a university degree and not an appreticeship (which is both awesome and a bit annoying at times), I’ve been asked to take on a project, set by myself, to earn my degree and beef up my portfolio. This project is half dissertation and half portfolio - so it’s a struggle to keep my artistic skills and academic skills going equally. Personally, I’m more inclined to learn and DO, rather than study and write - but if I want my degree I will have to comply! Haha!
Right, let’s get to the point. I only discovered that I really enjoyed rigging when I was introduced to it last year, around this time and since then I’ve made it my goal to break into the the creative industries (preferably games but I’ll get to that later) and become a TA. So, to help me get there I decided integrate learning about the wonderful, confusing and often vague world of what it is like to be a Tech Artist through my honours project.
Since then, I’ve been on a rollercoaster of a ride, trying to defend to my uni that tech art IS an artist’s job and therefore my project is justified and able to earn me my degree. I’m actually looking into many things, but it is only recently that I focused my around the question:
“In regards to the field of technical art: what skills can affect the creation of their work and how might these skills be applied to further the development of the discipline?”
Now, it’s a lot more than that and even now I don’t think this matches what I truly want my project to encompass.
However, imagine my surprise when I discovered very little academic papers published on tech art. I listened to the tech-art bootcamp, and have read bit and bobs of books like Beyond Productivity: Information, Technology, Innovation and Creation - but I’ve had a lot of trouble trying to put my finger down on what make a tech artist a good one.
Eventually, I broke it down into three skills. Since you guys out there are the interdisciplinary skill between programming/engineering and art (which is something I’ve straddled myself through my university career), I wanted to judge the art a tech artist creates by judging their artististic creativity (not JUST creativity cause that opens a whole can of worms!), their problem-solving and logic/analytical skills (the programming side) and their comminication and integrative skills (how they comminicate across the disciplines and cater their work to their “users”).
I’ve been working on building my hard skills too, by reading lots of books like Art of Rigging and Body Language: Advanced Character Rigging and by starting to learn Python, but found MELScript to be a lot more accessable and directly applicable to the work for someone who’s never programmed or scripted!
I’ve done some research into all these areas, as it’s only in the last few weeks that I’ve came to these conclusions. However I want to turn to you people out there, the experts - on your opinions!
First of all, do you think this is a valid and worthwhile research project? I know TA is hard to define a lot of the time, but do you think it’s fair to judge it under these criteria? Is there more to the art? Am I missing the mark?
I’ve noticed that even though the terms (technical director, rigging artist, technical animator, etc…) are varied in job adverts and such, they almost always want someone with an art’s background. Most of the talks I’ve heard about tech art is building code, and even a lot of it is scripting! Why do you think this is? A few of the books and sources I’ve read suggest it’s because the arts are more open by their very nature to new ideas and methods of creating their work! What do you think? How many of you out there are artist’s turned TA, and how many are from a programming background?
Do you think that TA should be considered it’s own discipline, away from being defined as “that place between programming and art”? Do you think that TAs need programmer and art to create/solve/aid by the very nature of the role and that opinion while always remain (for a reason)?
What is the divide in tech between games and production (film/tv/advertising)? Is there a divide? I seem to have come to the conclusion that games is a lot more pipeline and tools orientated, while film seems to have a lot more room for character TDS and such. What’s your opinion? Is this wrong?
What do you think the future of tech art is? Will games and production come together? Will it become its own distinct discipline? Will university embrace the role? (I know some unis already do, like Northwestern University). My uni often finds it difficult to justify my project as an art’s project, so I’ve been asked to make it seem like the TA is mainly an artist’s role. Do you think this is wrong?
It’s a little bit difficult to get opinions on tech art out there - or perhaps I’m looking at it in the wrong way and been looking for it in the wrong places. Is there any really obvious things about tech art I might have missed? I’m so worried I’m going about it all wrong as I’ve just started!
As part of my research, I am going to conduct an interview on a technical art and their work, but I’m really unsure what kind of questions I might ask. Is anything I’ve said ringing true or making sense?
It’s taken me quite a while to build up the courage and talk about my ideas here, as I wanted to get it as right as I could before I really asked you guys some questions. Wouldn’t want to be seen as ignorant! If anyone would like to see my draft proposal I’d be happy to oblige! I’m really just coming out here for a little bit of direction and help as I’ve feel I’ve looked into it a lot - but haven’t had the chance to ask someone who really knows their job about whether I’m going about this in the right way!
Thanks all who have read this far! I hope my project interests you enough to write me a response! I’ll of course be visiting this site frequently anyway (it’s in my toolbar- hard to avoid, haha!), but if anyone DOES want to contact me privately about anything I’ve said here they can do so at my email address: contactATsophiebrennan.com
Any help you guys contribute will be greatly appreciated! I really respect what TAs do and I hope that once I finish my degree, I’ll be able to get a job out there doing what you guys do, as I feel like I’ve finally found a niche I can really relate to and love.
Thanks again,