Shot Breakdowns for Demo Reels

I tweeted about this early but figured I’d a thread here as well.

This is something not really explored in school but I noticed when applying to almost every company a shot by shot breakdown was required along with the reel. I guess it is pretty self explanatory but I noticed a lot of different takes on them after a google search.

What is everybody’s take on these? Is a simple word doc sufficient? I don’t think there is an industry standard but I was still curious as what was preferred.

Wouldnt it be best to include it in the demo reel? I have seen a lot of people do so at least. people are lazy and it would maximize the odds of them looking at it, if it was given on a plate of gold(demo reel) and the most comfortable.


Of course I suppose some explanations would be necessary too added through either audio or text.

I worked it out and featured a few demo reel frames combined with information I thought relevant.

If anybody is curious, you can check it out here.

I recently talked with friend who’s a tech artist on the Xbox team, and he was saying that with demo reels it’s good to attach an .rtf, .doc, or any other low file size text document along with your reel. It seems like a solid idea, and it’s easy to fit a lot more information in a text summary than it would be to fit on a video reel.

I’d like to hear other opinions on this, but it seems like the submission of demo reels varies a lot company to company, probably just because of how the HR or Recruitment process differs at each studio.