As I suspect many of you 206/425ers know, Ross just had his first kid last week, so I’ve taken this opportunity to stage a coup and he’s asked me to take over throwing out invites for our family get-togethers. Our last meet-up was before GDC, [B]so let’s get back on the wagon[/B]! Since Socializr shut down, we don’t have all the email addresses from previous invites anymore, so please forward this on or invite any other King County TAs you know! There’s a [B]great Italian place in Redmond[/B] I’ve been to before, and since most people here live/work on the Eastside, I hope this will be convenient for everyone. Save the date - June 13 at 7PM!
Oh, and if you could [B]fill out this quick survey[/B], it would help me plan the next meetup better. I know some folks have families or other commitments, so I’d like to time these meetups so we can get everyone able to attend. Hope to see you guys there!
Hey folks, I think I already caught everyone via email, but in case you didn’t see it - [b]next week at Stone Korean in Redmond[/b], featuring special guests Seth and Annie!