Python resources for learning I/O between Maya and Photoshop

So I finally picked up “Maya Python for Games and Film” and started reading it, and the more I learn about Python the more I realize just how powerful it is.
Anyway, I feel that while this book is great I would need some complimentary excercises to go along with it. What I’m most interested in is exercises/tutorials that cover the subject of data and command management between Maya and Photoshop (I’ve read a lot of good stuff about the com-module but haven’t found any tutorials “for dummies”). I’m also interested in hearing about what kind of UI’s I can build in Photoshop with just Python.

Example of something along these lines that I’ve seen on a portfolio of a technical artist (forgot which one):
Transfering a selection (say, faces) from Maya and saving it as a selection in Photoshop.

…Lots of interesting tools can be made out of just that: like, I dunno? A tool for creating selection maps without having to do a render in Maya… Something which I’ve always wanted to do.

what kind of UI’s I can build in Photoshop with just Python

With python, you can build a Qt gui (or wx i believe too) and loop through the windows handles and look for PS, then parent the window there. If i remember is very hacky as you have to handle the PS window state and make your window follow it.

You can also do javascript UI within PS, but they are pretty limited. Finally there’s flash.

All of these options have their benefits, but its not very flexible. Not like maya anyways.

[QUOTE=TheMaxx;23089]With python, you can build a Qt gui (or wx i believe too) and loop through the windows handles and look for PS, then parent the window there. If i remember is very hacky as you have to handle the PS window state and make your window follow it.

You can also do javascript UI within PS, but they are pretty limited. Finally there’s flash.

All of these options have their benefits, but its not very flexible. Not like maya anyways.[/QUOTE]

I’m aware of the options (with the exception of Qt - didn’t know you could build a GUI with that for Photoshop. That’s rather sweet!)
But I need resources. I don’t know where to start and the stuff I find myself - or has been recommended so far by others - is way above my skill level. I need “beginner shit” if you know what I mean? Step-by-step tutorials and guides on say for instance, how to use the com module for I/O management in Python.

This is probably one of the best resources for PS scripting out there. Anything they mention in javascript can be accomplished in python via COM. For API reference, read the VBScript pdf that ships with PS. VBScript uses COM too so its the same stuff.

Honestly though I dont remember coming across any tutorials in my learning. It was mostly trial and error and banging my head against a wall until it fell. I should probably write some beginner shit :slight_smile:

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