PyMEL 1.3.0, 1.3.1 and 1.4.0b1, 1.4.0 with support Maya 2024

PyMEL 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.4.0b1 with support Maya 2024

What’s New:

pymel 1.3.0
Version 1.3.0
3 april 2023
Maya: 2019-2023

  • all: Add maya-2023 and python 3.9 support

  • all: Major update to pyi type stubs.
    Most auto-generated functions & methods now include type info for all arguments,
    including both short and long variants for functions generated from MEL/maya.cmds.
    The stubs are distributed as part of the pymel package in a PEP 561-compatible way,
    so that they will be automatically discovered by IDEs and static type analyzers like mypy.

  • dropped support for maya-2018

  • Fix (issue #460)

  • Do not use ‘is’ when comparing to string literals (issue #449)

  • Fix bug where maybeConvert returned None for 0 (issue #448)

  • Fix incompatible use of import on python3 (issues #447 and #445)

pymel 1.3.1
Version 1.3.1
12 april 2023
Maya: 2019-2023

  • Fix issue with mel2py in python3 (issue #465)

pymel 1.4.0b1 prerelease
Version 1.4.0b1
12 april 2023
Maya: 2020-2024

  • Added maya-2024 and python 3.10 support
  • Dropped support for maya-2019

Maya 2024 pyMel ;(
12 april 2023
Chad Dombrova:

Hi all,
PyMEL 1.3.0 has been released with support for 2023, and 1.4.0b1 has been released with support for 2024. To install the beta for 2024 pip install with --pre flag.

PyMEL is definitely still actively developed, as you can see from the features discussed in this blog post: PyMEL's new type stubs - DEV Community

As for why PyMEL is no longer bundled with Maya, I’ll do my best to summarize the discussions with Autodesk on this topic. Firstly, there seemed to be the impression that the new python API 2.0 solved the problems with python scripting in Maya, which is an assessment that I don’t agree with. Nothing has appreciably changed with the ability to use maya.cmds with the C++ API wrapper(s) in the 15 years since python was first added to Maya. One pain point from Autodesk’s perspective was that releasing Maya required a certain amount of cooperation between Autodesk and the PyMEL developers, which added extra steps for them and slowed them down, which is a point I totally understand. Their assessment was that the pros of installing via PyPI – decoupled release schedules, esp the ability to release patch fixes to PyMEL – outweighed the cons – extra steps for users and headaches with installing behind a firewall. And lastly, I think there was the feeling that there’s a world of open source projects out there for Maya, so “why should PyMEL get special status?”

What we’re seeing with the delayed release of pymel for 2023 is one of the downsides of the new arrangement: the lack of a hard deadline to get PyMEL released in time to be bundled with Maya means it doesn’t always make it to the top of the issue stack at Luma (I managed to get all of the release work done for 2023 and 2024 on my vacation and while sick).

If there are others out there who would like to cooperate on PyMEL, we’re happy to do so. The release process is very well documented, and I make an effort to improve it every time I do the process.

I hope that clears things up. Let me know if you folks have any questions and I’ll do my best to answer them.


Chad Dombrova
Posted on 6 april • Updated on 12/15 april
PyMEL’s new type stubs

Type stubs for PySide2 (and soon PySide6)


hah - classic AD.

Thanks very much for this and all your efforts - I was despairing at the prospect of PyMel disappearing from the Maya ecosystem and having to revert back to cmds…

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oh Autodesk…

Big thanks for pushing this out! But take care of your health too!

A little dramatic discussion…

Google Groups: “Python_inside_maya”
Chad Dombrova:
PyMEL 1.3.0 Released

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Sorry guys, can you please explain what’s happening?

We don’t have PyMel in Maya anymore starting from 2024?

PyMEL 1.4 Production Released

pymel 1.4.0 (
Version 1.4.0
28 april 2023
Maya: 2020-2024

  • Added maya-2024 and python 3.10 support
  • Dropped support for maya-2019
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AutoDesk has stopped shipping PyMel with Maya, but the original developer of PyMel ( Luma Pictures ) continue to update and support it. AutoDesk’s reasoning for this is detailed in the first post.

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Unfortunate for people, but this was long overdue.

I agree with the assessment that Api 2.0 is incomplete and cmds has not evolved much, but PyMel has not exactly been the perfect remedy. Between the performance costs, long initialization times (grows with plug-ins), and sometimes obtuse error reporting and documentation, there are valid reasons some developers choose to avoid it and for Autodesk to keep their focus elsewhere.

The PyMEL developers do deserve a lot of credit for bridging the gap between OpenMaya and cmds, as well as wrapping it in an object oriented package. Even though OOP can have its shortcomings too, there’s no denying lots of people gravitate to and rely on it. Feel for those who may have to transition away from PyMEL as a result of this. Wish the PyMEL devs luck moving forward.

PyMEL with support Maya 2025

“I’ve created a fork and generated 2025 docs for it. It seems working fine on my Windows machine.”
“I have provided a wheel in the release page:”

and it could be installed with pip like below:
mayapy -m install pymel-1.4.1b1-py2.py3-none-any.whl --user

Release 1.4.1b1:
Adding 2025 support
Generated maya2025 docs.
Add a workaround for having .weight attr in blendShape when using listAttr command.
Only ran tests on windows without GUI. GUI mode somehow stuck. When testing non-gui mode, the result is similar to PyMel 1.4.0

For me, PyMEL has always been a third-party tool and module, and I’ve never used it in projects. I was always surprised to see it included in the Maya built-in. So I agree that it should have been excluded.

By the way… There was a similar situation in 3DS MAX with the MaxPlus, and I’m happy that the MaxPlus is gone.

PyMEL ver. 1.5 ( with support Maya 2025) - coming soon!

Chad Dombrova aka @Chadrik commented Jun 2, 2024:

Hi all, sorry for the silence here. Everyone who maintained this project at Luma has moved on to other companies, including me. I have been super busy lately with my new job, so it’s been hard to find the time for this, I apologize. That said, I’d really like to see this project and its community survive and thrive.

The problem as it stands is that I don’t have the ability to merge anything in this project (or any projects owned by the LumaPictures org). I’ve emailed several times over the past few months. I just emailed everyone again.
I do still have the keys to PyPI, so I can help get an official release out to PyPI.

Adding Qt6 Support and Bump version to 1.5.0

  • Adding PySide6 support, change PyQt4 code to PyQt5/PyQt6
  • Dropping PySide/PyQt4/Maya2020 support
  • Setting PySide as default QtWrapper .
  • Fix Issue LumaPictures#477 setMin / setMax no longer working in 1.4.0



Just wanted to let you know that I’m working towards getting iamsleepy’s PR released. I’m picking this up having not been involved in it’s prior development so bare with me while we get this across the line. Once I’ve got access to pypi and Chad has confirmed that the PR is g2g then I’ll work through the release process.

Apologies for all the inconvenience - it’s been a pretty wild 6-12 months in this industry that’s for sure! Hope you’re all well.


LumaPictures released PyMEL version 1.5.0

What’s New

Version 1.5.0


  • Fix version constants


  • Added maya-2025 support
  • Added a workaround for additional . in the result of using listAttr with blendshape in Maya 2025.
  • Added support for PySide6 and shiboken6
  • Bumped PyQt from PyQt4 to PyQt6 and PyQt5

Non-Backward Compatible Changes

  • Dropped support for maya-2020
  • Dropped support for PySide and shiboken
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