Hey all,
In my free time I am working on a personal project called “Project Failure”
This is a research project of trying to find a different approach of making games. I will be researching how to better interact with the user, how to make the project more transparent, …
You can read more about it here : http://nysuatro.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/project-failure.html
My latest article was about my thirst thoughts of how to use failure to speed up the process, learn about things you did not thought about, challenging yourself to keep motivated, boost creativity, …
You can find the article here : Technical Art: Tool Development : How to create failure!
If there is enough interest here I will keep posting the process of the project and the related articles here.
One of the reasons why I wanted to post it here is to get some reactions. As I have no idea how this project is going to evolve or what it will become, I can use all kinds of feedback or reactions from you all. I am very interested to hear from you
Kind regards,
Robbert-Jan Brems