Orpyfbsdk with return value


I have built a custom python command with boost using the sample “orpyfbsdk_template”. Based on the sample I am able to make a python command return a Motionbuilder object like this:

FBModel* ORCreateModel()
	return new FBModelNull("Python Null");

object ORCreateModel_Wrapper()
	return FBWrapperFactory::TheOne().WrapFBObject( ORCreateModel() );

//--- Define non-member function used in Python
void ORFunctionInit()
	def("ORCreateModel", ORCreateModel_Wrapper);

but when I make a function return an integer, I get “None”:

int customPythonCommand(unsigned int pIndex)
	return 1;

int customPythonCommand_Wrapper(unsigned int pIndex)
	return customPythonCommand(pIndex);

//--- Define non-member function used in Python
void ORFunctionInit()
	def("customPythonCommand", customPythonCommand_Wrapper);

Anyone have experience with this?
