This is my first post here. I created a simple tool in motion builder and hooked up a file event when the tool open up. That way if the user merge stuff or create a new scene the tool gets refreshed.
However I’d like to remove that file event upon closing the tool but I couldn’t find any infos regarding this matter.
Anyone got a clue? I’m sure someone already stumbled onto this. In max it’s fairly simple but I’ve got no clue on how to do this in MB
I tried using the OnUnbind event but closing the tool with the X doesn’t raise that event, it will only get raised when the tool gets destroyed ( FBDestroyToolByName )
Other solutions (work-around / hack )I thought was to remove the X from the window but didn’t find how to
Have the event registred once and check if the tool is open in the event and then do whatever is needed if the tool is open.
but… When I access the tool from the FBToolList and check if it’s visible I always get False even if it’s clearly visible
So I tried to always add the callback when the tool open up and remove them before recreating them so I dont have any duplicate
but even the code from the documentaion generate duplicate
from pyfbsdk import *
def MyCallback(pCaller, pEvent):
pCaller: In this example, it will be the FBApplication object.
pEvent: An instance of the FBEvent triggered.
print "MyCallback Triggered."
app = FBApplication()
It seems like the RemoveAll() or Remove() arent working correctly