Motion Builder 2016 Ascii Format Issue


I’m trying to write an ascii file out of MotionBuilder 2016 without any luck. The below code works just fine in MotionBuilder 2014. But when I execute it in MoBu 2016, It gives me binary. Anyone know any tricks to get MoBu 2016 to write ascii?

Much Thanks!

from pyfbsdk import *
import os
import tempfile

# Create a cube
lCube = FBModelCube( 'MyCubeWillNotBeSaved' )
lCube.Show = True

# Create and select a plane
lPlane = FBModelPlane( 'MyPlaneWillBeSaved' )
lPlane.Show = True
lPlane.Selected = True
lOptions = FBFbxOptions(False)
# Save only the selected models, in ASCII format so we can have a look at the file.
lOptions.SaveSelectedModelsOnly = True
lOptions.UseASCIIFormat = True
# Not saving system information; only focus on the selected models.
lOptions.BaseCameras = False
lOptions.CameraSwitcherSettings = False
lOptions.CurrentCameraSettings = False
lOptions.GlobalLightingSettings = False
lOptions.TransportSettings = False

# Save the selected models to file.
lFilePath = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), "SaveSelected.fbx" )
if FBApplication().FileSave(lFilePath, lOptions):
    print "File successfully saved to %s" % lFilePath
    print "Failed to save file: %s" % lFilePath


I’m trying to write an ascii file out of MotionBuilder 2016 without any luck. The below code works just fine in MotionBuilder 2014. But when I execute it in MoBu 2016, It gives me binary. Anyone know any tricks to get MoBu 2016 to write ascii?

Much Thanks!

from pyfbsdk import *
import os
import tempfile

# Create a cube
lCube = FBModelCube( 'MyCubeWillNotBeSaved' )
lCube.Show = True

# Create and select a plane
lPlane = FBModelPlane( 'MyPlaneWillBeSaved' )
lPlane.Show = True
lPlane.Selected = True
lOptions = FBFbxOptions(False)
# Save only the selected models, in ASCII format so we can have a look at the file.
lOptions.SaveSelectedModelsOnly = True
lOptions.UseASCIIFormat = True
# Not saving system information; only focus on the selected models.
lOptions.BaseCameras = False
lOptions.CameraSwitcherSettings = False
lOptions.CurrentCameraSettings = False
lOptions.GlobalLightingSettings = False
lOptions.TransportSettings = False

# Save the selected models to file.
lFilePath = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), "SaveSelected.fbx" )
if FBApplication().FileSave(lFilePath, lOptions):
    print "File successfully saved to %s" % lFilePath
    print "Failed to save file: %s" % lFilePath


*** Replying to my own post.

I heard back from Autodesk and this is a known issue. They are sending me a patch but I assume that fix will show up in a subsequent service pack.